HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-08-15, Page 18
Auction Sale
of household effects, tools, garden tools, and ferm
items for
In the village of Trowbridge, 11/4 miles south and
21/2 miles west of Listowel
at 9:30 A.M. (Note Time of Sale)
Household effects: wooden table; flower pots;
sealers; wooden kitchen table; book case; playpen;
chesterfield; chair; coffee table; 2 large fern plants;
4 slice electric toaster; several dishes and ornaments
pictures; old records and books; 2 swivel rocking
chairs; hall tree bench; 1 pair brown drapes; 2 foot
stools; flower stand; lamps; 2 carpets; radio; folding
cot; old wooden dresser; steel bed; crib; wash stand;
mirrors; picnic cooler; and several other items; 2
electric heaters; benches.
Tools: forks and shovels; wheel barrow; jack all jack;
electric sander and skilsaw; electric sodering iron;
several wrenches and hand tools; 28 ft. aluminum
extension ladder; extension- cords; electric grinder
and electric drill; steeple gun; aluminum step
ladder; conductane tube and' transistor tester;
quantity of new 2 X 4's plywood and inch lumber;
some used lumber; 16 qts. of white paint (new.)
Farm items, garden tools, trailer: new Canadian
Tire care trailer; rubber tires and lights) 4 X 6 steel
box; new 5 inch 25 ft. Allied grain auger with motor
new; 4 inch grain auger and motor; solo grass cutter
with 3 foot knife; 3% HP Viking roto tiller; sump
pump; rotary pig feeder; 2 rolls inch square mesh for
mink cages; steel fence posts; 19 cement blocks;
plywood truck racks with top; scrap iron; roof top
carrier for car; garden hose and garden tools; heat
bulbs; battery fencer; quantity of loose hay.
Cash Day of Sale
7 per cent sales tax in effect
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for
accidents day of sale
Any announcements or corrections given day of sale
David Carson
Casey De Haan
24 Cards of Thanks 24 Cards of Thanks
Paul Brothers comedy act kept , people enter-
tained at the Lions Club elimination draw
Saturday night.
(Photo by Langlois)
Woods and Wildlife
Tender Reference
B05 PT 79-135
for the removal of exist-
ing concrete porches &
steps and the installa-
ion of new pre-cast por-
ches, steps, railings,
and brick work at Goder-
ich, Ontario (FP 4/58)
Tenders will be received
for the above until
11:00 a.m. local time
August, 29-1979
by the Ontario Housing
Corporation, c/o Court
House and Registry Of-
fice, 80 Dundas Street,
P.O. Box 5600, Terminal
"A", London Ontario
N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110)
from whom details and
specifications may be
obtained. Details and
specifications may also
be obtained from the
Huron County Housing
Authority, 53 Stanley
Street, Goderich, Ontar-
io. N7A 3K6 (519/524-
).631), quoting reference
number as above. The
lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
SS 00
S'f FARMERSsis .00
We are now paying $5.00 = $15.00 for fresh
dead or disabled cows & horses over 500 lbs.
All calves & pigs picked up free of charge.
Fast Efficient Service = 24 hrs. a day 7 days a
Call. Collect 482-9811
Call us first you won't have to
call anyone else
20 Auction Sales 19 Notices.
CUSTOM swathing and com-
bining with new 12 ft. swat-
her and large combine. Wa-
gons supplied. 523-4260,
Blyth. 19-96-3
• •
• •
• •
• •
•• • •
• • R. G. Gethke'•
many years of ex-
Perth counties with
Serving Huron and
• • •
• • •
• perience. For reliable
• service at reasonable • rates. • • CALL 347-2464
• COLLECT • 19-96-ff
and Appliance Service, 24
hour emergency service.
Used appliance sales. Phone
887-9062. 19-96-tf
Modern, equipment used,
we pump septic tanks, cess-
pools, etc. Phone 887-6700,
Brussels. , 19-96-ff
Dead or Disabled
Cows & Horses
Stocker cattle, calves
and swine
Top Prices Paid
For fresh animals over 500
lb.-$1.00 a hundred weight.
Cows and horses over 1200
4 wheel drive radio
dispatched trucks.
24 hr. "service — 7 days
a week.
Calves and swine pickup free
Of charge
Brussels Pet Food
Call Collect 887-9334
DRIVEWAY, basement and
roof sealing. Tennis court
and centre line stripping.
James Symes. 528-3233.
Tuning, repairs & rebuilding.
Melba Bingeinan, 27370536
By appointment only.
19-364 !„
21 Tenders Wanted
will be received until
to install washrooms in
Brussels Library, lowest or
any tender not necessarily
- Contact
R.R.3, Brussels, Ontario
We would like to thank all of
our friends, neighbours, and
relatives for helping to make
our wedding day so special.
We would also like to thank
everyone for all of the lovely
gifts we received. It was all
very much appreciated:
—Thank you, Lynda (Mayer)
and Ken Smith.
To all friends and neighbours
of the Late John Evans of
Brussels. We would like to
express our heartfelt thanks
for your beautiful basket of,
flowers, and the lovely bas-
ket from Western Star, IOOF
149. Also the kindness and
thoughtfulness of Callander
Home, throughout his time
in the home. —From Nep-
hew and Niece.
We wish to express sincere
thanks to all those who sent
cards, letters, and flowers at
the time of our dear father an(
husbands death. Also thanks
to Dr. Ping and-the nurses at
Wingham and District hospi-
tal during the time of his
illness and to the Currie
Walker funeral home. We
will alvyays be grateful—Sad-
ie, Jack and Jane Hall. and
family. 24-98-1
26 Personal
Miss Darlene Snyder,
daughter of Mrs. Wilson
Snyder, Ethel, Ontario and
the late Mr. Snyder and Mr.
Jim Oldfield, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Oldfield, Brussels
will be united in marriage on'
September 1, 1979 at
Brussels United Church at
3:00 P.m. 26-98x1
The hayday of the loggers
in Ontario in the 1800's must
have been an awesome sight.
In a great sweep across
southern and central Ontario
the timber barons stripped
the virgin forest of its
towering giants, and sent the
massive trunks spinning
down the spring freshets of
many a river to the sawmills
waiting below.
Squared pine trunks sup-
plied masts for the fleet of
the King's navy; oak, pine,
and maple provided material
for the handsome furniture
now fetching such high
prices as antiques. -
To these early loggers, the
forest must have seemed
endless. But it was not.
When the plunder was over,
hardly an area remained
untouched. The occurance of
a virgin stand of timber in
southern Ontario, showing
the kind of forest conditions
prevalent before the work of
the loggers, is now a rarity.
One of the few remaining
deciduous stands has now
been preserved in perpetuity
- thanks in part to a forest
products company. Shaw
Woods, a 120 acre forest
near Pembroke, was recently
dedicated as a nature pre-
serve at a ceremony co-
sponsored by the Shaw fam-
ily, the Nature Conservancy
of Canada, and the National
Museum of Natural Sciences.
The woods had been in the
Shaw family for 132 years,
and contains one of the finest
virgin deciduous stands in
Canada. This tract of white "
pine, hemlock, cedar, yellow
birch, sugar maple, white
ash, and numerous other
species includes some of the
largest trees east of the
Rockies. It is being set aside
as a living museum, to be
preserved in its natural state
for study by biologists and
Areas such as this provide
benchmarks for scientific re-
search, by providing natural
ecological conditions that can
be used to compare with
various kinds of disturb-
ances. The Federation of
Ontario Naturalists argues
that they serve a more
fundamental purpose as
well. In a world where almost
everything has been mod-
ified by man, we have an
obligation to set aside some
representative areas where
our natural heritage can be
protected unaltered. We
share this province with
thousands of other species -
it is only fitting that areas
such as Shaw Woods be
preserved for the benefit of
our co-inhabitants.
• • • •
19 Notices 20 Auction Sales
Haven for homeless refugees a. tradition among Canadian people
The current situation in firms Canada's,obligations to who while they might not fit their numbers have only
Indochina is the latest in a protect refugees under the the refugee definition, are . been exceeded by the 37,189
number of refugee move- United Nations Convention, members of a humanitarian Hungarians admitted after
meets that stretch back to establishes a refugee class class specially designated by the revolution in 1956.
the end of the Second World and introduces a sponsorship the Governor-in-Council. At the end of November
War. Since 1945, Canada has system so that groups and They may be people who last year, a group of 604
welcomed more than 350,000 organizations can make it have been displaced by emer- Vietnamese boat people from
of the world's refugees— easier for refugees and other gency situations such as war, the Hai Hong were admitted
from WW2 displaced per- displaced and persecuted social upheaval or national to Canada, after having en-
sons, Hungarians and Czech, people to come to Canada disaster, or people for whom dared a 43-day ordeal aboard
osiovakians to Ugandans, and rebuild their lives. the Canada public feels a the ship,
Chileans, Lebanese and Tib- The UN Convention de- special humanitarian con- If present plans for private
etans. fines refugees as people who cern. sponsorship of families,
This traditional concern for have a well-founded fear of The Indochinese refugee matched by government
the displaced and persecuted persecution on the grounds rdovement, with 14,360 ar- sponsorShip, continue, Can=
was reflected for the first pf race, religion, nationality rivals since 1975, has now ad a will adinit an additional
time in Canadian law—in the pr membership in a part- become the second largest, 3000 refugees per month
1976 Immigratien Act and ictilar Waal or political group, concentrated Movement of between now and the end of
Regulations: The Act con, Canada ,also admits, people, refugees since 1945. To date, 1980,