HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-07-18, Page 2WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1979 Serving Brussels and the surrounding community. Published each Wediesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario By McLean Bros. Publishers Limited Evelyn Kennedy - Editor Pat Langlois - Advertising Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Msociation Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $10.00 a Year. Others $20.00 a Year. Single Copies 25 cents each. el A em 4Brussels Post Good work Bluevale The Bluevale Community Hall could be staying open thanks to the efforts'of community people who care about what could happen to it. Not every community rallies around to show its interest in a building that could possibly be destroyed. Often people do protest such things but are not given enough support by their fellow community members. That doesn't look like it will be the case in Bluevale where people were eager to offer their suggestions for uses for the hall and came up with many ideas. One of the main uses identified for the building was that of an activity area for senior citizens, and teenagers who are not old enough to drkie. Although somebody suggested that even if there were activities•for teenagers they would still go out of town for their fun, another man suggested that with the energy crisis, people will be -sticking closer to horn'e and need such an activity area. Another thing the people of Bluevale should be congratulated on is *their attitude toward the public meeting on Monday night. They were quite willing to voice their opinions, worked co-operati vely in groups to come up with some ideas for the hall and showed that they cared about what was happening in their village. And during the meeting they even came up with a plan of action to have a committee look at the various things it will take to get the hall in shape again, and come back in six weeks time with what they've found out. Hopefully at that meeting, even more of the Bluevale community will come•out and show their support. But the people who were out on Monday night did just fine in their actions to save the hall. Every community needs just such an active, willing to get involved, population. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. While every effort will be made to insure they are handled with care, the publishers cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited 'manustripts or photos. Behind the scenes' by Keith Roulston Unity and diversity Two opposing principals have been propounded widely in Canada in the last decade or so, both with their advantages but both with their dangers as well. Canadians have been simultaneously advocating unity and diversity at the same time. We've been promoting national unity and regionalism. On a more personal level we've been trying to get people to think more of their neighbour and at the same time pushing for more and more individual rights. Ideally, maybe we can have the best of both. Unfortunately, we may instead have the worst of each. For the last dozen or so year the push of the federal government in Canada has been to build a unity between Canadians. It often seemed like a hopeless task. There were, however, just enough successes to make people hope it could indeed be done; that Canadians could develop a sense of togetherness. Perhaps the most successfuly of these government promoted unity promotions came in 1967, Canada's centennial year. When Prime Minister Lester Pearson set out that year to get Canadians involved in a celebration of our 100th anniversary, many felt it couldn't be done, that such a thing couldn't be promoted by the government. Mr. Pearson's government put several years of planning into the event which many said would be a flop, but the idea seemed to catch Canadians at just the right time and people took part in the Centennial celebrations in far greater numbers than anyone predicted. Those celebrations and the feeling of patriotism they promoted have done a great deal to change the entire direction of the country. It's hard for us now to remember accurately just what the country was like before 1967. It was however considerably different. The spirit of '67, the spirt of caring about one's country and promoting being a Canadian has led to an outburst in such areas as the arts. The idea of having our own local theatres producing plays by Canadians and for Canadians would have been impossible to comprehend before 1967. The idea of Canadian books outsel- ling imports was ridiculous in the pre-67 days. Yet at the same time we were promoting unity we were also promoting diversity in Canada. We were praising the fact that Canada was not the "melting pot" concept of the United States but was a place where the various races and nationalities from around the world could co-operate together while still retaining some of their old cultures. In recent years this has developed• into a concept of regionalism in Canada, where the differences between the Mar- itimes and Ontario, between the West and central Canada would be understood and even fostered. • The new government under Joe Clark won election promising to promote regional interests even more than they have been. Mr. Clark particularly attacked the former Prime Minister, Mr. Trudeau, for his habit of fighting against provincial premiers who argued that more power should go to the provinces. Mr. Clark apparently agrees, feeling that the provincial governments can more easily meet specific regional needs better than the federal government. Celebrating our diversity must certainly make Canada different than any other country on earth. It's a daring concept in a world where people are apt to distrust anything strange or different. If we can pull it off, it's a marvellous victory, a victory for understanding over distrust of love over hate. Yet in Canada, a country already burdened with handicaps such as different languages, different cultural , backgrounds and long differences that keep people from meeting and getting to know each other, it seems something like a death wish to promote the very things that separate us. Unity through diversity, an amazing concept. Yet it is a concept that is so important that it makes it even more important that Canadians keep their coun- try together. If we can make it work, if we can find the delicate balance between our feelings of unity and our feelings of regionalism or cultural' differences, we have an important lesson of understanding to show the rest of the world. It's a challenge for us all: a chance to put into action the teachings of our own religion that we must love our neighbour and tolerate the differences of others. We often downgrade the role of our political leaders in Canada but in giving us this challenge of building unity through diversity they have given us a chance to be really a great nation not just in the sense that we have power, wealth and influence but in the sense of really contributing something to the world: the example of a place where different people from dif- ferent backgrounds, even different lan- guages can still work together to make a united nation. In doing so each of us carries the burden of promoting our own cultural background, language or region but in a way that is positive, not negative. While we promote our own 'uniqueness we must remember our, resporisibility to be part of a larger whrile and must fit ourselves in to that whole like a piece of jigsaw. It's quite a challenge. Can you do your part? Sugar and spice By Bill Smiley A couple of big anniversaries are coming up for weekly newspapers, or community newspapers, as they re called these days. In July, the Canadian Community News- papers Association is celebrating its diamond jubilee at a convention in Toronto. In Wiarton, Ontario, the Echo is celebrat- ing its 100th birthday this July. I'd like to take in both, as a member of the former for eleven years and editor of the latter for the same period. Some of the happiest years of my life, as far as work goes, were spent in the week .ly newspaper business. And as work goes, it went a long way about sixty hours a week. It requires a certain type of personality and outlook to be a happy weekly editor. Or it did when I was one. It's a lot different now, with young, hard-nosed editors, fresh out of journalism school, imitating tech- niques of the dailies. First of all, you had to have a complete lack of material desires. 'rod could make a living, but you never gof rich, or even well to do. Next, you had to keep your back shop happy, the printing staff. And anyone who has ever tried to keep a printing staff happy knows that it's about as easy as attending a picnic of rattlesnakes without being bitten. Then, of course, you had to tread the thin line between being fearless, inde- pendent and mitspoken, arid selling enough advertising to keep body and" soul together. The • guy who attacked town council for sortie nefarious bylaw, and the guy who went out and tried to sell ads to the six merchants on the town council were the same guy, very often. There were the inevitable typographical errors to harry the obfuscated editor. In a wedding write-up, the bride often came out as the "bridge." In funeral accounts, the pallbearers were apt to be described as "six old fiends" who carried the coffin to its final rest. In a small town, there are currents of jealousy and antagonism and family feuds that run deep and strong. Praise a local politician for making a good move, and his third cousin from the other side of the family would call you up and tell you, with vivid detail, what a snake-in-the-grass your first man was. Venture to criticize, however gently, an athlete or public figure, and you'd have your ears scorched by eighty-four close relatives who normally despised the guy, but rallied to their roots when an aspersion was cast on the clan. Hell hath no fury like a Women's Institute whose boring account of its meeting, including everything from who said Grace to what they ate, was cut by the blue pencil. And then, of course, there were the drunks who would call you up at 3 a.m. to ask you to settle an argument about who scored the final goal in the 1934 Stanley Cup playoff. And the kooks who would call ,you up and try to plant a libellous rumour, or demand that you come out to the farm and take a picture of their home-made threshing machine. There was always some country corre- spondent furious because her "news", consisting of who visited whom on Sunday afternoon, was crowded out by a rush of late advertising. "Why don't you leave out some ads?" There was no lack of variety in the weekly business, when you were reporter, editor, advertising manager, proof reader, and general bumboy for the tyrants in the back shop. I distinctly remember a St. Patrick's Day night, when there was an unexpected heavy fall of snow. An elderly gentleman of Irish descent had been celebrating the day in the pub. When he hadn't arrive home by ten o'cloel his housekeeper called for help. The local pubs were alerted, and the hockey rink,, where there was a game in progress. Most of the male population, at least half of them half-lit, stormed off to search for the missing man. We found him, covered in snow, abut a quarter-mile from his house. Back to the rink and the pubs, I remember shouting at deaf old ladies who Were celebrating their ninetieth birthdays,and getting some of the most surprising answers. "How long has your husband been dead?" "Nah, he never was much good in bed." "To what do you attribute your long life?" "Yas, I was always a goodr wife!! And so on. To be a successful editor, though not necessarily a good one, you had to continually straddle fences. This becomes a bit of a chafe after a while . You had to be able to write on demand. I remember one week when there was absolutely nothing to fill a two column, four inch' space on the front page. In about twenty minutes, -I knocked out eight column inches of sparkling prose in which the reader had to read to the end to discover that nothing worth reporting had happened that week. It sounds as though I'm knocking the game. No so. These are fond memories. And there were rewards, most of them intangible. It was kind of nice to be introduced to strangers as "our" editor. It gave satisfaction when a subscriber from away dovvri in the States dropped in on his way to the summer cottage and said, "Sure liked that piece about the deer hunt." And there was a certain quiet pride in one's status. My daughter, aged eight, produced the fitting requiem when I left newspaper work and went into teaching. "But Daddy," she observed, nraecialynsagyroode'dre. not the Editor any more. I