HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-05-30, Page 3SAVE $20.00 ON ALL OUR NEW
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Every new spring suit in the store comes under this big discount - We
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All Skirts reduced to. : • . ... . .$20.00 to $25.00
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Blouses reduced tc; . . , $22.00 to 25.00
A Sincere
Thank You
to the
electors of
for your
thanks to
all those
who worked
so hard
on my behalf.
Behind the scenes
BEFORE THE DOWNPOUR Before the downpour of rain the audience
was entertained by this Bluegrass band at the. Brussels fairgrounds as
part of Carnival Days on Sunday.
(Photo by Langlois)
A FACEFUL OF FLOSS — Candy floss that is. Twila Thorpe and Dawn
Vandenbdrg of Brussels had to find•shelter from the wind this truck' so
that their candy floss wouldn't blow away when they attended Carnival
Days,,on Thursday.
gHE BRUSSELS POST MAY 30, 1979 — 3
(Brussels Post Photo)
by Keith Roulston
(Continued from Page 2.)
some of his statements during the camp-
aign such as those about taking French off
the corn flakes boxes. (How did Trudeau
ever get blamed for French on packages
anyway. When I was a lad they had French
on packages and not because of any
government decree but because it made
.economic sense.) But Mr. Clark generally
has his' heart in the right place over the
unity issue, something that will no doubt
disappoint some of his more bigotted
supporters who see in him a chance to
reverse all efforts made in the last half
century to improve French-English rela-
Canada looks forward to a new era and
backward on an old one. Pierre Trudeau is
still one of the most mysteriouS men ever to
hold the topoffice in the land steps down
after 11 years. Many are deliriously happy
to see him go, but I for one agree with
Peter Debarets of Global television who
said a year or so ago that he had the feeling
that .years from now his grandchildren
would be asking him what this man
Trudeau was. like. When the feelings cool,
when the irritations that seem so major
now are put in proper perspective by time,
I have the feeling that Pierre Trudeau will
go .down.in history as one of the greatest
Prime Ministers we have had, right along
side. Sir John A. MacDonald and Sir
Wilfred Laurier. Both of those men had
rocky reigns too and only. in later years
were recognized for their greatness.
Just how well history receives Pierre
Trticleau may be proven as much by his
actions in the next year or so as in his
actions in the past 11. As the champion of
Quebecois who believe in a federal system
he now holds a very delicate position. He
must do his duty as leader of the opposition
and yet not play into the hands of Mr.
Levesque. In the upcoming Quebec refer-
endum he may still have a more important
role to play as leader of the opposition than
the Prime Minister will have.
Despite what many cynics believe, Mr.
Trudeau is a very honourable man,
especially in his' interest in building
understanding between Canadians. He
. proved it by continuing to fight to have
national unity as an issue in the campaign
even when all experts said is wasn't a
popular issue with the people. His job isn't
over. He still has much to contribute to
national unity in his. new role. We all must
make our contribution.
Plan ice
Hot sweaty summer days
often have people wishing for
cooler weather or if not, at
least for something to soo-
the their parched throats.
Getting something to cool
' you off on those hot summer
days will soon be possible for
the people of . Brussels, as
Bill Protapapas and his brot-
her-in-law John Paraschus of
Kitchener are going to open
an ice cream parlour. This
takeout service will have
approximately 12 flavours of
ice cream and cones, shakes,
sundaes, floats and banana
splits will be offered.
They alsb plan to make
submarine sandwhiches. The
pair haven't picked out a
name for the ice cream
parlour -yet but are hoping to
open soon,
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty
job are accomplished by low
cost Post Want Ads, Dial
Brussels 88/.6641,