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Turf Builder Plus 2
weed control plus lawn fertilizer
Turf Builder Plus Halts
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Feed your Flowers With
Scott's Grow Flower
Also good Supply of peat moss, cow
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For your Complete Scott's Fertilizing
Products, Home is where Its at.
has fought for you
Here are some of the issues raised by
your M.P. in the past 18 months,
as taken directly from the official
index of the House of Commoms reports.
Atomic energy, heavy water production, 6400
Beef, M. under S.O. 43,5531
Cheese, 3568-9
Form improvement loans, 60,3366
Feed grain, corn, railway cars, 4058
Gasoline, sales to farmers, bulk purchase price, 1355
Income Tax Bill (C-23), 2282
International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery
Show, 6/16
Manpower industrial training program, atomic energy
staff, M. under S.O. 43, 1530
Metric conversion program, 5226
Milk, 6826
National capital region, buildings, leased and Crown
owned, qus., 2785
Ottawa, government office space, rental agreements,
etc., qus., 5/7344
Penitentiaries, London, new institution, 1590
Postal service, 320, 3831
Public buildings, tenders, minimum wage policy, cer-
tain areas, etc., 3343
Regional development Incentives, 5192 M. under S.O.
43, 3002
Small businesses loans, 60,3366
Sugar beet Industry, 1201-2
White bear*, 4281
Agriculture, expenditures, restraint program, 144$
Budget, Nov. 10/78, 1447-51
Canadian Forces, 16-7
Farm machinery and equipment, 2833
Federal-provincial relations, 2904
GATT, 574
Gun control, 2083
Health Resources Fund Bill (C-2), 2903.5
Income tax, 2904
Light bulbs, '8,000 destruction by Public Works Depar-
tment, 1699
Medical research, 2905
Medicare, 20034
Ottawa, government office space, unoccupied, rental
and leasing arrangements, 639
Penitentiaries, London, building plans cancelled, land
use, 3308
Postage stamps, commemorative, Lions Club inter-
national congress, 2172-3
Public Work Department
Expenditures, Higgins report recommendation, 2314
Expenditures, "user pay" principle, M.r trader S.O. • 43,3300
Re-organization, 1561
Role, terms of reference, amending Public Works Act.
etc., 1229
For continued effective representation in the
House of Commons and dedicated service to constituency problems
Keep a good man representing you in Huron-Bruce
For information Phone!
Rooms 3
McKINLEY. Robert E.
MOW Clinton - 482-9494, Seaforlit • 21-0979,
Eteter -'235.0133; Wingined- a57.230S Pubttshed by the kitition•drtiki PC Asiothition
. „
Record number to
show needlepoint
What's exciting enough to
make 1,100 people stop their
normal day-to-date routines?
The answer is a new-found
leisure time activity
A record-breaking number
of Huron County people took
the "Needlepoint for
Beginners" course this
spring. Sponsored by the
Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, this
course was open to all
community groups. And
now, you can see their
needlepoint work for
Needlepointed pillows,
pictures and many other
articles will be displayed for
public viewing at Summary
Days in May. You are wet,
come to attend the two-hour
program in your area. Along
The Seaforth Arena was
the setting for the Knights of
Columbus Major Degrees
which enveloped another 42
area Catholic Men into
Knighthood in the Knights of
Columbus. Both the Form-
ation and Knighthood
Degree teams came from
Tillsonburg and did an
exemplory job of portraying
the lessons which signify
advancement in the Knights
of Columbus Organization.
Among those present in the
picture surrounded by candi-
dates is State Secretary John
Rodina guest speaker at the
dinner which followed the
Major Degree ceremonies.
He reminded Knights of
their responsibilities to
themselves, Brother Knights
society and country, and
stressed the importance of
Unity among the Knights.
Other dignitaries
are Reverand Father Lobach,
Pastor of St. Peters Catholic
Church in Goderich, also a
candidate; Grand Knight of
Stratford Council Andy Kelly
with the display of Huron-,
created crafts, a special
guest speaker will provide
additional information and
inspiration for all visitors.,
Remember, everyone is
welcome. That, means, you.
Come, bring a friend. There
is no admission charge.
Summary Day dates are;
GORRIE - Howick
Commujity Centre -
Tuesday, May 22 at 8:00
EXETER - South Huron
Recreation Centre -
Wednesday, May 23 at 7;15
CLINTON - Central Huron
Secondary School - Thursday
May 24, at 8:00 p.m..
WINGHAM - F.E. Madill
Scondary School - Thursday,
May 24 at 7:30p.m.
Grand. Knight of Seaforth
Council Seamus Doherty,
District Deputy of District 31
Pat Osborn, District Warden
and Grand Knight of Goder-
ich Council Jaeton Jacques.
Another candidate for the
Major Degrees was Brother
Paul, a retired servant of God
now residing in Kingsbridge.
Other guests includes
Grand Knight. Jim Brown of
Burlington Council, Grand
Knight Andrew Zie of Till-
sonburg Council.
Of the 42 candidates, 22
are now members of the
Seaforth Council. Much
credit for this success rests
with Membership Chairman
Denis Rau.
Stratford Council had
eleven candidates and
Goderich had eight candi-
dates. Grand Knight Claude
Paguin of the newly formed
Kincardine Council brought
one candidate with him to be
initiated. The CWL of St.
James Parish in Seaforth
served a smorgesborg din
Jeff Cardiff of Ethel, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cardiff
has graduated from the
Ridgetown College of Agri-
cultural Technology.
Mr. Cardiff will receive his.
Diploma in Agricultural Pro-
duction and Management at
the Ceremonies at Ridge-
town College on May 18,
Dr. W.A. Stewart, former
Minister of Agriculture and
Food for Ontario will deliver
the graduation address.
A total of 111 graduates
will be awarded Diplomas in
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty
jobs are accomplished by low
cost Post Want Ads. Dial
Brussels 887-6641.
Children 15 years of age
and under will be admitted
free, to all of Ontario's 128
provincial parks on Civic
Holiday, August 6.
Natural Resources Mini-
ster James A.C. Auld said
today that the special holiday
for children is further indi-
cation of the strong support
being provided by the Ont
ario Government to Inter-
national Year of the Child
programs during 1979.
"While my Ministry is
already involved in several
other youth-oriented pro-
grams supporting 'Year of
the Child', we are partic-
ularly pleased to provide free
entry for day use to any
vehicle having a child 1$
years or younger as a pass-
enger," Mr. Auld said.
Parks officials also plan to
distribute a colorful button
with the caption "I'm For
Parks" to all children enter-
ing provincial parks on Aug-
ust 6. The buttons were
popular at the Ministry's
parks exhibit during the
recent Canadian National
Sportsmen's Show in Toron-
"Some parks will be offer-
ing special children's day
activities through our park
visitor services program,"
Mr. Auld said.
Area K of C instal
42 new members
Free day for kids
Golf &Curling
$26,000 prizes
MAY 13, 1979