HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-05-09, Page 19CLASSIFIED THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY 9, 1979 19 . Respect for life week declared in Wingham 20 Auction. Sales 20 Auction Sales Stocker Sale 1200 Hea d at 1:00 p.m. Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Sat. May 12 Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves [519] 482-7511 Clinton or Barry Miller 15191 235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 Kirkton or Doug Carruthers 289-5480 or Greg Hargreaves 262-2831 AUCTIONEERS Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Jean Isabel Little, late of Brussels, Ontario, widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of May, 1979, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-82-3 24 Cards of Thanks We would like to thank all our friends, neighbours and relatives for the cards, flow- ers, gift boxes, phone calls and the many offers for transportation to the hospital while Floyd was vacationing there. —Many thanks, Lloyd & Audrey Mayer 24-84-1 26 Personal I Mr. and Mrs. Don McDonald (wish to announce the engage Iment of their daughter 1 Heather Lee to Ronald Henry Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clarke, R.R. 3, Zurich. 'Wedding to take place May 26, 1979 at 7 p.m. in Duff's United Church, Walton. 26-84-1 27 Births SMITH: Brad and Janet proudly announce the newest addition to their family, a daughter, Janine Beverly, born at Wingham Hospital on Ap ril 23. A little sister for Jill. A new granddaughter for Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson. 27-84-1 On May 2, the. Wingham Pro-Life group met at the Wingham Bible Chapel The Wingham Town Council has declared May 6 13 be "Respect for Life Week" in conjunction with the United Nation declaration an 1979 as the International Year of the Chld. Many town councils along with the United Nations and all member countries realize that children are especially vulnerable to abuse. Children have rights: A right to be born, a right to food, health care, nutrition, emotional security. • All countries have pledged to provide these rights to children, to further their well being both physically and mentally before and after Feb. 2-1-0-9 Mar. 2-1-0-9 Apr. 2-1-0-9 ;birth. ' Dr, Elizabeth Khibier-Ross world renowned expert on 'death and dying will speak 'on May 16 at the Holiday Inn City Centre in .London.' Her address will be "Hopeful Encounters with Death and Dying in the Life of Children." A new board was elected. President - Sally.. Campeau; 1st Vice President Betty , O'Donnell; Secretary Joan Van Den Assem; Treasurer - Richard Campeau; Edtication Chairman - Sally Campeau; Co-Education Chairman - Colleen Schenk; Membership Chairman - Janet Sterenberg; Publicity Flora Nabrotsky & Monica Jolie; Phone - Susan Wright. The next meeting is June 6th. If the addresi label on the front of your paper says Auction Sale OF PROPERTY 200 acre dairy farm will be sold by public auction at South half of lOt 8° and 9, Con. 7 Morris township, 2 corners north and 3 miles east of Blyth for ANTHONY AND MARIA LOURENCO Friday, May 18 at 10:30 a.m. SHARP! Property consists of 200 acres with 190 tile drained workable acres, balance in bush - some fall plowedi bank barn with milk house for dairy. Remodelled modern home. Brian Rintoul has been instructed to offer for sale this top productive farm, subject to a reserve bid. Terms 10% down balance in 30 days or approved credit For information phone ANTHONY LOURENCO 523-9553 ALAN MILL [solicitor] 357-3630 Auctioneer BRIAN RINTOUL 357.2349 20-71-2 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of SARA FANNIE RILEY All persons having claims against the Estate of Sara Fannie Riley, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 8th day of April, 1979, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 24th day of May 1979, after Which date the assets will be distri- buted having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 24th day of April, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Banisters, & c., Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the estate: 22-83-3 20-83-2 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Richard. Joseph Jacklin, Jr., late of Brussels, Ontario, retired farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of May, 1979, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix 22-82-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Jessie Margaret Little, late of Brussels, Ontario, retired school teacher, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of May, 1979, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Solicitors for the Executors 22-82-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Isabel Maude McDonald, late of Brussels, Ontario, widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the aboye estate are required to send full partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of May, 1979, after Which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors fer the Executrix 22-82-3 We wish to express a warm thank-you to everyone for their cards, gifts and visits during our stay in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Thank you to Dr. Hanlon and O.B. nursing staff. Special thanks to both our families for their help. It was all very much appreci- 'ated.—Janet and Janine Smith 24-84-1 25 In Memoriam' PRIOR: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Burton Prior, who passed away May 9th, 1976. We had a husband, father and grandfather , That we were proud to own, How much we miss him will never be known. We loved him for his thought fulness, His kind and gentle ways, We loved him for the things he did 'Without a word of praise. Isn't it strange that those we need And those we love the best, Are just the ones that God needs too And takes them home to rest. —Always loved and remem- bered by Edna and family. 25-84x1 JOHNSTON: In loving mem- ory of our dear son, Walter, who passed away April 15, 1962; also, our dear daughter Joyce Colyer, who passed away June 22, 1978, and little grandson David John- ston who passed away May 10, 1978. We miss you from our home; dears, We miss you from your place A shadow over our lives is cast We miss the sunshine of your face We miss your. kind and willing hands Your fond and earnest care Our home is dark without you We miss yoti everywhere. u—Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa 25-84x1 Your subscription is DUE NOW 'Why have so many ministers left the cabinet? This has to tell us something! An effective voice for Ontario no longer holds • its proper place in federal government decisions under the present administration On May 22 RE-ELECT McKINLEY, Robert E. p - A Progressive Conservative team would restore Ontario's proper influence in decisions that affect all of us. - A Progressive Conservative government would also ensure Parliamentary control over government spending which has not been the case since the present Prime Minister changed the rules in the House of Commons in 1969 by the closure method. VOTE Progressive Conservative Progressive Conservative Caipiiign noilisieartert, Iurlci = 236.,W1 Committee home = &kit:46 , 524,1149, Clinton • 452-9494, Soeforth • 527-0979, Exeter - 23541131, - 357.2305 Ottiashool by PC Atecicisti-oii 111111111,