HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-04-25, Page 6in hearsesr relyery service tothe Institute .
she thanked
everyone for their co-
operation and asked for the
same co-operation to the new
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Church community is Walton topic
The April meeting of the
.17th and Boundary unit was
held at the home of Mrs.
Helen Williamson, on
Wednesday with 13 ladies
Devotions were led by
Mrs. Bruce Clark opening
with a poem, "The Year of
the Child," Hymn, "All
things bright and beautiful"
was sung followed by.
Mrs. Eric Williamson
reading the scritpure from
Mark 9: 35-37 and Mark 10:
Mrs. Bruce Clark gave the
Topic on, "People in the
church community", by
George Tubbe, giving us
thoughts on what the church
are offering our children and
that our children are real
people and ready to be loved
Mrs. Eric Williamson read a
poem, "Kids grow up too
soon" followed by prayer by
Mrs. B. Clark closing this
part of the meeting.
Mrs. Graeme Craig pre-
sided for the business.
Minutes were approved as
read by Mrs. Helen William-
looks for
A proposal to construct a
plant to convert wood waste
to electricity and steam.
Shell Canada Ltd. has indi-
cated interest in an alter-
native scheme based on the
same energy source whereby
the waste would be used to
produce fuel for use by
Preliminary discussions
with municipalities and the
private sector are underway
for projects in four other
locations in the province.
Mr. Auld said an objective
of his Ministry is to provide
support for research,
development and demon-
stration work to bring new
energy-from-waste processes
to a commercially viable
One demonstration project
Watts from Waste - a plan to
convert garbage in Metro to
refuse derived fuel for burn-
ing on a 2-year experimental
basis in Ontario Hydro's
Lakeview Generating Station
- will be re-examined due to
cost escalation and techno-
logical problems in plants in
the U.S. using similar
processes. An engineering
review of options will be.
Research and development
projects currently underway
also include:
*Research into the gasific-
ation of wood and municipal
waste with ECO Research
Ltd. of Kingston, a subsid-
iary of Canadian Industries
*Research at the Univer-
sity of Toronto into the
production of liquid fuel ftom
*Development of a full-
scale biogaS digester unit at
the University of Guelph to
convert agricultural waste.
son. Treasurer's report was
given by Mrs, Harold
McCallum followed by Mrs.
Hugh Johnston giving the
report of the miscellaneous
fund. Mrs. G. Craig read a
poem, "Instal ments of
Peace". Collection was re-
ceived and dedicated. A
special offering for World
Relief was taken. There was
a discussion on the new
menu prices announced by
the supper committee and a
reminder of good articles to
be -left at the church for the
bale by May 27th, The
U.C,W. May general
meeting to be held at the
The next meeting is to be
held at Mrs, Barry Hoegy's.
Mrs. Roy Williamson and
Mrs. Helen Williamson in
charge of devotions.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Clark and Mrs. E. William-
son and the hostess.
WI elects
new officers
Approximately 24
members of the Walton
Women's Institute were
welcomed by the President,
Mrs. Bill Humphries. The
Institute Grace preceded a
smorgasborg supper at seven
o'clock, Thursday, April 19,
at the community hall.
The meeting followed with
Mrs. Humphries reading a
poem, "The Child's Face."
Roll call was payment of fees
and your sunshine sister was
revealed with a gift, a new
sunshine sister was picked
for another year. With per-
fect attendance were Mrs.
Ron Bennett, Mrs. Harold
Hudie; Mrs. Ken McDonald;
Mrs. Bill Humphries and
Mrs. Allan McCall.
A committee was chosen
for the euchre this week. It
was decided the Dessert
Euchre would be held
Tuesday evening May 15.
The Institute will cater to
an Anniversary and a
wedding in June, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bolger are the
new caretakers for the hall,
they are to be contacted if
anyone wants the hall in the
future. The Needlepoint
summary is scheduled to be
held at Wingham High
School in May. The 4-H
Achievement is on May 1 at
7:30 at Grey Central. School.
Mrs. Humphries had a
break prior to the annual
meeting when she led in a
sing-song on "If ever you
wish to join the Institute to
the tune of the Little Brown
Jug," accompanied at the
piano by Mrs. Ray Huether,
Mrs. Axtmann read the
mintues of last annual
followed with the financial
Membership fee is to go to
the Historical Society. Mrs.
Harvey Craig gave the
auditors report and Mrs. Don
McDonald reported for the
Standing convener com-
mittee reports were given by
Mrs. Allan McCall for Agri-
culture and Canadian
Industries; Mrs. Keith Rock
for Citizenship and World
Affairs; Mrs, Ron Bennett
for Family and Consumer
Affairs; Mrs. Ray Huether
for Education and Cultural
Activities; Resolutions by
Mrs. Lavern Godkin. Mrs.
Nelson. Reid gave her report
as curator, stressing to get
the farm history into her for
her tweedsmuir book. All
reports were seconded by
Mrs. Nelson Marks.
The officers for the coming
year were installed by Mrs.
Allan McCall as follows. Past
President - Mrs. Bill
Humphries; President -
Mrs. Harold Hudie; 1st Vice
President - Mrs. Keith Rock;
2nd Vice - President - Mrs.
Ken McDonald; Secretary-
Treasurer - Mrs. Jim
Axtmann; District Director -
Mrs. Ken McDonald;
Alternate - Mrs. Alvin
McDonald; Public Relations-
Mrs. Don McDonald; Branch
Directors - Mrs. Graeme
Craig; Mrs. Dorothy
Sholdice; Mrs. Neil
McGavin and Mrs. Nelson
Marks; Curator - Mrs.
Nelson Reid; Auditors - Mrs.
Harvey Craig and Mrs. Keith
Rock; Resolutions - Mrs.
Dave Watson and Mrs. Allan
Standing Committee
Convenors - Mrs. Gerald
Watson and Mrs. George
Standing Committee
Conveners - Mrs. Gerald
Watson and Mrs. George
McCall; Citizenship and
World Affairs - Mrs, Keith
Rock and Mrs. Lavern
Godkin; Family and
Consumer Affairs - Mrs.
Frank Kirkby and Mrs. Ray
Huether; Education and
Cultural Activities - Mrs.
Harold Bolger and Mrs, Ron
Bennett; Sunshine and 4-H
co-ordinator - Mrs. Stewart
It was voted to give a
donation to the Brussels Fair
Board Committee on the
Walton Hall board are Mrs.
Harold Hudie; Mrs. Jim
Axtmann; Mrs. Lavern
Godkin and Mrs. Allan
The program planning
meeting will be held on
Monday, April 30 at the hall,
when Menus will be updated
in price and format for
another year.
The District Annual will be
held in Fordwich Hall on
Tuesday, May 8, registration
at 9:30 a.m. Delegates are
Mrs. Harold Hudie; Mrs.
Ken McDonald, Mrs. Jim
Axtmann and Mrs. Ernie
It was decided to run the
meetings through the
summer months and omit
January and February. Mrs.
Harold Hudie presented the
retiring President Mrs. Bill
Humphries with a gift in
appreciation of her past two