HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-04-25, Page 4- THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 25, 1979 TI WNSHIP Auditor's OF GREY Report To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers. We have examined the 1978 Financial Statements of the Corporation of the Township of Grey including the consolidated local boards. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Township of Grey as at December 31st, 1,978 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceeding year. 89,158. 93,434. Revenue to pay the region or county requisition School board requisition Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Other 230,908. 214,536. 151. Revenue to pay the school board requisition 231,059. 214,536. Total revenue Accumulated net revenue [deficit] at the end of the year 103,884. 46,199. 706,081. 660,777. Respectfully submitted, Monteith, Monteith & Co. Chartered Accountants. License No. 871 Date of Filing: March 30th, 1979 ACCOUNTING POLICI S: (a) Statement of Revenue and Expen This statement reflects the revenues the following local boards: Grey Township Recreation Committee Ethel Community Centre Cranbrook Community Centre Monrcrieff Community Centre Township of Grey Firemen's Fund. There are no municipal enterprises consolidated in these results. (b) Statement of Capital Operations:. This statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality to be recovered from the general municipal revenue of the municipality and its local boards as described in note 1 (a). (c) Balance Sheet This statement reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and local boards as described in note 1 (a) (d) Fixed Assets: The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets is not reported for municipal purposes. Instead,the'Capital outlay to be recovered in' future years" which is the aggregate of the principal portion of unmatured long term liabilities, capital funds transferred to other organizations, and the cost of capital projects not yet permanently financed is reported on the Balance Sheet. (e) Municipal Enterprises: Municipal enterprises recovered from service whose revenues and e statements is: Monet Pleasant Cemetery Cranbrook Cemetery (f) Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities: Debt retirement costs including principal and interest are charged against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. Interest charges are not accrued for the periods from the date(s) of the lates interest payment(s) to the end of the financial year. (g) Trust Funds: Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to S6,669. are only reflected in the Trust Funds, Statement of Continuity and Balance Sheet. 7,288. 28,172. 1,996. 4,190. ( 611.) 5,164. 70,188. 23,275. 1,172. 3,292. ( 954.) 6,911. Analysed as follows: General revenue Region or county School bciards Special charges Special areas Local boards Municipal enterprises diture: and expenditures of the revenue fund and 103,884. 46,199. STATMENT OF CAPITAL OF OPERATIONS TOWNSHIP OF GREY for the year ended December 31, 1978 1978 1977 Acutal Actual Unfinanced capital outlay [Unexpended capital financing] at the beginning of the year 288,569. 174,659. 4,951. 9,895. 840. 108,440. 83,943. are those activities whose costs are substantially harges on the users. The enterprise of this municipality penditures has not been consolidated in these financial 283,109. 180,917. Capital expenditure General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other Total expenditure 397,340. 274,755. Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund Contributions from reserve funds and reserves Long term liabilities incurred Ontario grants Other 49,176. 63,105. 1,500. 123,820. 41,972. 201,281. 55,768. S 375,777. 160,845. TATMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Township of Grey for the year ended December 31,1978 310,132. 288,569. 1978 1978 Budget Actual $ 1977 Actual $ .Ao...-unsalarsed net, revenue tclefieltj at the beginning of the year 46,199. 57,706. Expendi=es and n-,ansfers Municipal expenditures 69,794. 49,888. Rrotezdon to persons andpropel' 25,955. 11,424. Tr; r,spor- -6.on services 167,465 239,098. Environmental services 14,642. 6,496. Health services 462. 301. Sc and family services 1,514. 1,368. Recreation and cuirzzsl services 3,075. 3,201. Kanning and deveiopmett 39.551. 51,934. Other Total -expendittret 322,458. 363,710. Transfers Transfers to region or counts:,- Transfers ro ,sch.oeiT boards 94,055. 23(883. 94,019. 214,555. Total Transfers 325 S. 308.5'4. Total expenditures and 'transfers 648,396. 672,284. ReYeane by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation 150.380. 123,110. Paymen - in lieu of rates 308. Ontario grants 131.572 172,928. Other grants Fees and service charges 40,366.. 46,272. Chher 63.449. 10,189. Revenue to pay for municipal purpoSes 3:85464. 352807. Total capital financing Unfinanced capital outlay [Unexpended capital financing] at the end of the year BALANCE SHEET TOWNSHIP OF GREY as at December 31, 1978 1978 1977 S $ ASSETS Current assets Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets 10,928. 5,164. 39,867. 31,319. 550,865. 571,803. Capital outlay to be recovered In future years Other long term assets 116,258. 128,926. 434,607. 442,877. 450,865. 571,803. LIABILITIES Current liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities 239,414. 275,914. 33,092. 45,382. Region or 00133try tecidetion Taxation patents in lieu of'taxes Oin.rio grants Other get long term liabitities Reserve& and reserve funds Acturnulated net revenue [deficit] and anapplied Capital receipts. 66,169 14721. 45. 224944, 20,713. 272,506, 321,296. 124,475, 154,308. 50,000, 50,000. 103,884. 46,100 . 550,868. 571,803.