The Brussels Post, 1979-02-28, Page 20If you're thrifty, you'll subscribe now and beat price hike Brussels Post subscription prices will soon be going up. But not before our readers have a chance to sign up for up to 3 years at our old price. You can send in theicoupon below for either a new or renewal subscription. The increase will be from $9 to $10. Out of Canada subscriptions will be $20 a year. Subscriptions to the Post at the old prices will be accepted until FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1 979 I MAIL rOR BRING] THIS COUPON TO THE BRUSSELS POST I Yes! Put me down for the savings checked below. I enclose $ 1 Cl THE 3 YEAR DEAL FOR $27 (111 save $3) I 0 The 2 year deal for $18 n The 1 year deal fOr $9 0 This iS a renewal subscription I Cl This iS a new subscription Name .. ; Rd. or St..:..„ , , — . .. City THIS 'OPOER EXPIRES PRWAY, .MARCH 2, 1919 . „ I I 1 I 1 .1 ,, r rr Postal Code.. any post office or district taxation office. Child Tax Credit Applic- ation Form, "Schedule 10 - Copies of this special schedule were enclosed with the January family allowance cheques, They are also available al District. Taxation OfficeE and regional family allow• ance offices. Social insurance number. Where Health and Welfare have no record of a social insurance number for family allowance recipi- ents, they are tnailing out a reminder explaining how to obtain the number. Application forms are available in some post of- fices and at all Canada Employment Centres (Unemployment insurance and manpower services). You will get your number faster if you go in person to the nearest Canada Employment Centre, equipped with the required documents: a birth or bap- tismal certificate, as well as secondary identification such as a copy of your driver's licence. TFAI, Statement of family allowance paid - You received this infor- three mation January slip. with your cheque. It comes in family allowance copies: THE BIG ONE gives you the power you need -- when you need it. Con- structed to prevent acid leakage and corrosion build-up. IT and WE are always at your service. PRESTOLITE DEPENDABILITY IS A MATTER OF RECORD See us first. SEAFORTH - CAMBRIDGE - AYR -WOODSTOCK III• .2tIaLITV &773 EQ0E@-.BUILT e FOR HEAVY-DUTY USE.. FARM EQUIPMENT A dead battery puts you out of action. Don't take chances, get a reliable Prestolite. TODAY! TRUCK/TRACTOR For truck, tractor or farm equipment, Prestolite means dependability. We have them for every vehicle. SEAFORTH 527-0120 Brussils• 887-9226 Free Delivery '79, 3.49 Welcome to the Brussels Atom Tournament! SCHNEIDER'S FREEZER FEST Steak, Chicken or Turkey PIES with vegetables 8.8 oz. Breaded Fried CHICKEN 1.79 Legs or Whole Cut up 2 lb. box 4 Quarter Pound 1 lb. box BEEF BURGERS all varieties Alymer CATSUP York PEAS or CORN Kleenex F ACIAL TISSUES 3/.89 32 oz 1.09 14 oz 3/1.00 200's .69 .55 2 litre 1.09 MARGENE 1 lb. Print Chapman I CREAM Vall ey FlENCH FRIES - 2 lb. Plus Lots of in The-Store-Specials GROCERY BAKERY STEPHENSON'S SWISS ROLLS .69 Bordens' HOT CHOCOLATE 2.19 20.5 oz. Freak Product of MekitO TOMATOES McCUTCHEON-GROCERY BRUSSELS We Deliver Phone 887-9445 Westons' Chocolate GREY CENTRAL'S SPEAKERS — These students won the speaking competition that was held in Grey Central School in .Ethel. From left are Rodger Lichti, Diane Cox, Annette Blok, Julie McDpnald and school principal Jim Axtmann. (Photo by Langlois) 20 — THE. BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 Less is more under new child tax credit plan How can less money moan more money? For many Canadian families in the low and middle in- come ranges, the reduction in family allowance pay- ments that began in January will result in not less, but more money in 1979. By following three basic steps, mothers whose net family income falls within a certain range, will be able to collect a child tax credit of up to $200 for each elig- ible child, as a supplement to their family allowance payments. The three steps include filing an income tax return, completing the application form, Schedule 10, that was included with the January family allowance cheque, and enclosing a copy of the information slip (TFA1) that was also included with the January cheque. The required information should then be mailed in the self-addressed returr envelope included with the income tax return. Revenue Canada, Tax- ation estimates that at least 2.8 million Canadians, mainly women, will be eligible to apply for at least some or all of the $200 credit for their eligible children. Families whose net family income is $18,000 or less will receive the full $200 credit for each eligible child. Families whose • net income is above $18,000 may also be eligible although the bene- fits will be reduced as family income rises. Generally, eligible children include all those born in 1961 or later for whom a family allowance payment was received last December. Because the credit is in- tended for the parent who normally receives the family allowance cheque, in most cases the mother will apply for it. In a single- parent home where the father has custody of the children and receives the family allowance payments, he would then be eligible to apply for the credit. Many women not employed outside the home who have no taxable in- come tax return, Child Tax Credit Application Form (Schedule 10) and the information slip TFA1 that you will need if you are applying for the credit. Other forms that you may need are also explained. 1978 Income Tax Return - If you filed a tax return in 1977, you have already re, ceived your personalized 1978 tax return in the mail. For those who did not file in 1977, Revenue Canada, Taxation mailed a special Child Tax Credit package to family allowance recipients identified as new income tax filers. The package contains an income tax return (in both languages), a self-addressed return envelope, a copy of the special schedule, and com- plete instructions on how to claim your child tax credit. If you haven't received this package by the end of February, you should pick up an income tax booklet at