HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1979-01-31, Page 44 — THE BRUSSELS POST, JANUARY 31, 1979 ACTION IN THE INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE — The Brussels Industrial Hockey team played a fast moving game of hockey at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre last Sunday night. The Crushers and the Gangbusters were battling it out for first place. The Gangbusters won 5-3. (Photo by Langlois) County not worried by possible bed cuts Morris hears about agriculture's code of practice Sam Bradshaw of the Department of that the 1979 subsidy allocation for roads Agriculture and Food talked to Morris council was $60,000 for construction and $95,000 for Monday to discuss the Agricultural Code of maintenance for a total of $155,000. MTC Practice and the certificate of compliance. sent a letter regarding the proposed He said that the code tried to site any replacement of Martin's bridge saying that source of pollution such as a liquid manure their consultant should now proceed with the tank so far from a neighbour's house. design of this bridge. Council gave a He said that quite a few townships had donation of $10 to the Huron County adopted code compliance into their building Historial Society. permits issuing. A proper distance between Council also discussed having a meeting a barn and a house depends on what kind of where the general public would be invited to animals are going to be in the barn, how big come and listen to council business. Council the operation is, how much it's going to member Ross Procter said he would like it to expand and what kind of manure be common knowledge that the public can system--liquid, solid, or semi-solid was used come to any meeting they feel like but that he said. on March 30, the council's April meeting, In other business Morris council heard the public was especially invited to attend. Wood burners can't connect to furnace duct work Mr. Jones says consumers have been hooking up a wide variety of wood-burning devices to their furnaces and the connecting ductwork. "Some people have been attaching their Franklin wood stoves. Although they are great for saving energy if properly installed, they're dangerous when used in this manner." The heat from the add-on may also damage mechanical or electrical parts in your furnace. "And it's unlikely that an insurance policy would cover any damages resulting from the use of add-ons," said Mr. Jones. However, add-ons aren't the only hazards. "Individual wood-burning units and certified combination wood- oil units require careful installation and mainten- ance." Open Friday Nights Until 9 Brussels Agents for Harriston Dry Cleaners Member B.B.A. Phone 887-9497 MACHINE SHOP 107 Main St + S. :514-527-1080 519-482-3322 Ret,, BUY OR RENT WOOD SPLITTER Fir the Day, Week , or Month J & K SHOES' N JEANS Everything Reduced 10% to 401°/0 p„,EET-cEmE wo cou hes ma Bat he ma pro fro' sen thr deN • Frid agre at a God crea of tl Harl In agre to at tee dowi and need the t the t Pali tow' thre the cons rune be year addi aske prep cove incu Pa the cons God( Sky 1 entir the the dust Hun the has r any I the with coup assis Sky I if the its pc ((I( ( WE CATER TO sal""•• small gatherings "a°4\„,,, . hockey banquets •14-•\ . curling . weddings . anniversaries FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Bill or Dee OLYMPIA Restaurant 887-6914 ) Brussels penfrom 6 a.m. N."'" days a week' H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD' Sales, Service & Installation of pipelines & milking parlours R.R.4 WALTON 887-6063 possible," he stressed. The regional director pointed out that Ontario re- gional office has mailed some 350,000 re-applications to existing recipients. "Those who fail to re-apply by March 31 deadline may find pay- ments have been dis- continued," he said. Pensioners requiring assistance with filling out the re-application should contact the nearest Canada Pension Plan Office, or the Regional office in Toronto. Re-applications should be completed as soon as re- ceived and returned to Income Security, Health and Welfare Canada, P.O. Box 6000, Station Q, Toronto, Ontario. Warnings that bed cuts in Huron County's five hospitals will cost county ratepayers more money in the next few years did not seem to bother Huron county council Friday. Dr. Brian Lynch, the county medical officer of health, told council on several occasions that dollars saved by the province through proposed b.d cuts will not necessarily be dollars saved by taxpayers. Dr. Lynch said the bed cuts will mean extra work for the county health unit adding that the extra work will require more money...money provided by Huron County ratepayers. The MOH told council that proposed bed cuts may mean that many services now provided for patients in hospital beds will have to be provided for them in their.homes . He said the home care services for those people will be provided throigh the county health unit and that the extra work will be at the expense of the county. COPE? Dr. Lynch said he had attended several hospital board meetings in the county to try to learn how hospitals planned to cope with provincial cutbacks pointing out that he felt he could probably answer a few questions council members may have. He said the hospitals appeared to be trying to make the best of a bad thing and were in the process of budgeting within ministry of health guidelines. He said the future of some hospitals was cloudy because of the cutbacks adding that some may even end up closed in the next few years. He said there was no way of telling now what the next two or three years had in store for the hospitals but said there was concern amongst some hospital board members that the smaller facilites in the county could end up closed. "If they each (the five county hospitals) make straight bed cuts they can keeptheir budgets down but some hospitals will end up with less than 50 active beds," said Dr. Lynch. "Those smaller hospitals may be Receipients of Guaranteed Income Supplement in Ontario are being advised to re-apply for the supplement immediately in order to continue receiving payments for another year, Health and Welfare officials in Toronto say. Guaranteed Income Supplement is an income tested assistance program for old age pensioners who have little or no inconie outside of Old Age Security. W.A. Wright, Regional Director, Income Security, says that annual re- application for the GELS. is essential as the income levels of many pensioners change fairly regularly. "Since in=7 come dictates the amount of supplertient, it is essential that we have up-to-date figures as quickly as deemed financially inefficient in a few years and be closed." Dr. Lynch said many of the hospitals had no choice but to cut beds. He said there was very little room to cut labratory or maintenance staff from the hospitals which left them no alternative but bed cuts.. The MOH told council that a co-operative effort amongst all health care delivery services in the county may get the hospitals through the bed cuts. He said the bed cuts were going to make demands on all other health services in the county but with planning the added demands may be handled efficiently. "We can help the hospitals get through the bed cuts," he told council. The concerns of Dr. Lynch appeared to all on deaf ears. His comments that hospitals could become inefficient and end up closed, that patients may not be able to get proper care from county hospitals and that the provincial savings will end up costing the county more money did not even stir council No one asked any questions or appeared upset at the prospect of losing half of the hospital beds in the county. Dr. Lynch said later he could not understand the apathy over the hospital bed cuts. He said he hoped the public as well as the politicians had simply not had time to have the impact of the bed cuts sink in. He said one the surface the bed cuts appeared sensible and would save money but said there was more to be considered than just dollars saved. He said he felt there was not enough information or time allowed for the issue of "sink in". IMPACT "I don't think the general public knows the impact of the decision by the province," he said. He added that if no public reaction creates a stir politically and the bed cuts come about all that the hositals, health unit and medical professionals will be left to do is "give the services we can with the resources we have". Seniors must re-apply for income