HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-21, Page 29r "NOTICE" VILIAM OF GRAND BENO GARBAGE COLLECTION WILL BE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23,1978 INSTEAD OF MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1978 AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1978 INSTEAD OF MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1979 LOUISE CLIPPERTON CLERK Dashwood, resort choirs combine for carol singing A special carol service was held Sunday night at Grand Bend United Church with the combined choirs of Dash­ wood and Grand Bend. Special numbers were “An Ephiphany Carol” with flute by Lynn Tremain, “Duet for two flutes” by Dawn Crabe and Lynn Tremain, solo “Some Children see him” by Sharon Johnson, “Sonata No I” played by Dawn Crabe on Vivaldi flute and piano by Lynn Tremain. Choir numbers were “Come 0 Come”, “Sleep, 0 Babe of Heavenly Fame”, Jesus came the Heavens adoring”, “Come Oh Shepherds”, “Masters in this hall”, Carol of Angels”, “Hasten to stable”. Twenty one ladies Thursday afternoon for United church women’s meeting in the S.S. rooms, opening with a pot luck luncheon. A delicious table full of food was December 21, Page 29 the the met the served smorgasbord style. Velma Huff was in charge of the worship service which opened by singing Christmas carols, “Away in a Manger” and “Gentle Mary”. Velma read a Christmas poem and scripture from Matthew was read by Elizabeth Norris. A story “Christmas ac­ cording to the mother of Mary” was read by Hazel Broad. President, Eleanor Durie, chaired the business part of the meeting. Roll call was answered by a line from your favorite carol, betters were read from Alma College, John Milton Society for the blind and Alcohol and drug con­ cerns. Annual reports given were Church in Society by Irene Kennedy, World Outreach by Hazel Blewett, Corresponding secretary, Eva Bariteau, Recording secretary, Annie Morenz. A total of 62 get well and sympathy cards were mailed from the Village of I GRAND BEND s DEPUTY REEVE Judy Uniac COUNCILLORS Bill Baird Harold Green Keith Crawford REEVE Robert Sharen Greetings 1 Season s I CLERK Louise Clipperton VILLAGE FOREMAN Garry Desjardine GET CANDYSTRIPER AWARDS — At the annual Christmas party sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, a number of Candystriper volunteers were honoured. Above, Candystriper committee member Ruth Skinner presents 200 hour awards to Kelly Kernick and Cathy Keller and 100 hour mementos to Rasma Zemitis, Angela Liehmann and Teresa Morrison. SECRETARY Brenda Jennison ROADMAN Paul Bossenberry GRAND BEND RECREATION COMMITTEE in cooperation with fa tn bion > l^XeoUeye ANNOUNCES FUNDAMENTALS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, PART I — CE 683 An introduction to the camera, accessories, composi­ tion, processing and printing. Starts Thurs., Jan. 18; 7:00-10:00 p.m.; $35 — 6 three hour lectures at the Town Hall. —2 six hour dark room sessions at Lambton College on Saturdays. For information call the College Information Centre in Sarnia at 542-7751 or Brenda Jennison, Secretary, Grand Bend Recreation Committee. TO REGISTER VISIT THE CLERK'S OFFICE, GRAND BEND. HOLIDAY Shipka residents attend wedding By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Mr. & Mrs. . Fermon Snyder, James Snyder and friend, Edwin Snyder and friend, Esther Snyder and friend, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Snyder of Greenway and Mr. & Mrs. Otto Plein of Elmira attended the wedding, Saturday, of their nephew and cousin, Robert Musselman to Gail Schimt at the Missionary Chapel at Dundee, with dinner following at Blenheim Retreat Centre. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wright and Lenny of Belmont, Mrs. Don Lane and Willard of London were Sunday guests with Mrs. Mabel Guenther Little league feted Cove town & country ladies —Blue Jays, Fern Love, 166, 425, vs Robins, Milly Prince, 206, 476; Sparrows, Jean Pollock, 172, 420, vs Orioles, Norma Desjardine, 196, 476. Fisheries league — Cisco, Ted Ravelle, 225, 580; Walleyes, Ray Ashe, 191, 550. Grand Cove men — Sid Thomas, 266, 688. Charlies Angels — The Good Ones, Marg Roberts, 248, 616; Hopefuls, Louise Vandenberk, 312, 870; Hi- hopes, Phyllis Jeffrey, 287, 626; Our Gang, Betty Datars, 245, 597. Blue water League (mixed) — Joe Grigg, 193, Mona Gaiser, 185. The Grand Bend Bowling Centre held its little league party Saturday at the Village Inn town lanes. Mums and dads joined in the fun. After bowling the kids had an informal party highlighted by a visit from Santa Claus, who gave trophies to the winners, Gord Brown and daughter Julie and runners up Ed Jeffrey and son Jim. Little league bowling starts again January 6, 1979. Many thanks to Mrs. P. Jeffrey and Mrs. S. Tiedeman for their help. Also the Chamber of Com­ merce for the pop provided. Bowling alley hostess wishes all a “Merry Christmas” and hopes to see everyone back to bowl in 1979. and Karen. Mrs. Henry Becker ac­ companied by her daughter Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff visited Tuesday at the K-W hospital with the former’s sister Mrs. Clara Petznick who is hospitalized there. Mrs. Trellis Little is at present a patient at St. Joseph’s hospital, London, where she has been in in­ tensive care. We wish her a speedy recovery. Pre-Christmas supper guests, Sunday, with Hugh and Annie Morenz were Bill and Norma Coleman, Les and Jane Coleman, John Coleman, all of Kippen, and Bill and Michelle Morenz, Goderich. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Beierling and Kevin visited Sunday with Gloria’s parents Mr. & Mrs. Howard Adkins and Jamie and her grand­ parents Mr, & Mrs. Henry Adkins. Mr. & Mrs. Don Keller, Goderich visited Sunday with his parents Mr. & Mrs, Arnold Keller. Mrs. Robert (Marian) Feltz, Brinsley, visited recently with her parents. Saturday evening visitors with Tom and Rosanne Russell, Jacquie and Jennie were Michelle and Bill Morenz, Goderich. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Becker were pre-Christmas dinner guests, Sunday, at their daughter, Shirley, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Glanville,i Donna, Susan and Sandra at Huron Park. out during the year. At the close of business the ladies decorated boxes for shut ins and friends which will be packed and delivered, Friday, December 22. More than 60 attended the Sunday school concert held Friday evening at United church. Opening with all singing carols and Christ­ mas songs with Irene Kennedy at the piano. Dancing and singing to “We wish you as Merry Christmas” was done by the nursery class. “What do we have at Christmas time?” acted by the kindergarten class and sung by entire Sunday school. A series of Christmas snapshots were shown and acted by the intermediate class. “My impressions of Christmas” included ad lib speeches and perfect paintings by the Primary classes. A Christmas play “Dear Santa” was performed by the Junior class. A group of youngsters with a little practice played and sang “The little drummer boy”, “Joy to the world” and “Jingle Bells”. Taking part were Nola Love on the piano, Ross Love on the violin, Morley Desjardine on the guitar, Millie Desjardine and Jerry Love singing Heather Love on the drum. Next, Santa arrived with treats for the children. Refreshments of cookies, milk and coffee were served to all at the close of the concert. White gift Sunday was observed at the United church Sunday morning in a special way. The Sunday school children attended in a body and decorated a “Chrismon” tree with Christian symbols they had made in Sunday school which included the Chismon sign, an ancient Christian monogram. All designs were in white and gold and included the symbols of Orpha and Omega, butterfly, cross, crown, fish, shepherd’s staff, circle, white rose, candle and star. The choir anthem was ‘.‘Come 0 Come” and a lovely solo by Millie Desjardine entitled “There was room in a manger”. The adult congregation all presented their white gifts, personally, in a gift box at front of the church. Church of God news The annual Sunday school Christmas program was held Sunday night at Church of God. Recitations, skits and singing were enjoyed from kindergarten children to the youths. A film strip and record was shown on “Christmas in the family”. A gift exchange and treats for the children concluded this happy time. Youth I group distributed gifts and youth 2 group served lunch. Thirteen youth fellowship members from Church of God met Friday night and their discussion time was spent on Christmas, followed by volley ball game in the school gym. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were guests Saturday night for a pre­ Christmas dinner for Fettes tour drivers at Forest. Mr. & Mrs. Widrick, Zurich, Sunday with Mr. Lome Devine. Glenn Desjardine has returned home from Strathroy hospital where he has been hospitalized this past two weeks. Mount Harold visited & Mrs. Gifts for Christmas Giving Hand embroidered items by Irene Gill Stoneware Pottery by Helen West I | 74 Lake Road S $ Grand Bend I I 1 Open Daily 1-5 p.m. | •g or by appointment | | Phone 238-2102 | Sign suggestion Seasons Greetings ADVERTISING DEADLINE Members of Grand Bend council made a suggestion Monday night which could solve the problem arising over a sign or billboard located on Southcott Pines property. The suggestion that the billboard in question be moved back to the required 45 feet from the road was made to Southcott’s recrea­ tion director Mary Ann Luckett. The billboard which advertises coming events in the subdivision is located on the edge of the old river bed opposite the first entrance on Lake Road to Southcott Pines and under an existing sign. At an earlier meeting council had decided it did not comply with the village sign bylaw and was in fact a billboard. Councillor Keith Crawford told Miss Luckett, “I think the sign would look much better back along the river bed bank. I think your pur­ pose could be served there.” Councillor Bill Baird add­ ed, “There will be no obstruction there and it should stand out well against the trees.” Reeve Bob Sharen said other people have been charged for the same type of offence and suggested the billboard be moved to a better position as quickly as possible. A bargain is a transaction where two persons are sure they got the better of each other. To each and everyone of our patrons, with sincere we extend, appreciation | good wishes for the holiday, j | DALE'S ESSO SERVICE I | Hwy. 21, Grand Bend — Phone 238-2880 I HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE TERRIFIC GlFflDE A The Times-Advocate will be publishing next week at the regular time ... but because of the holiday closing advertisers are asked to have their copy ready by Friday, Dec. 23 if possible. BUSINESS OFFICE OPEN THE JOYS CHRISTMAS FRANK AND KAREN HUMER AND FAMILY I we extend sincere thanks. 1979 Subscription Tickets Subscription Tickets cost S25.00 each and consist of 5 vouchers good for 5 admissions during the '79 Summer Season Terrific Stocking Stuff er Idea! For all your friends Also Try The New Youth Tickets at $3.00 each! Single admission tickets at $1.00 savings for young theatre goers 8 years & under. A Gin THAT LASTS ALL SUMMER BETTY & ARTS FOODLINER AND ANNEX . Grand Bend EXTRA SPECIALS Store Sliced COOKED HAM .’1.95 ★ ★ ★ Fancy JUMBO WALNUTS .’1.79 ★ * ★ ★ 4 rol| ■ 200 tn CHRISTMAS WRAP Pkg $1.99 > * * ■ Car Trunk Size SNOW SHOVEL ea. ’1.89 < ¥ ¥ 24“ Steel Blade SNOW PUSHERS ea $7.99 ■1* ¥ * 24“ Wide SNOW SCOOPS all aluminum ’15.95 imes Serving South Huron, North Middlesex h : I i Bfc IBa vocate I & North Lambton Since 1873 Please Send ORDER FORM ——1979 Subscription Ticket © $25.00 (with bonus ticket & free gift card) - —__ Youth Gift Tickets © $3.00 each --------— Additional Gift Cards © 20c each $ $- $-. fl GRAND BEND DECORATING €© and FLOORING CENTRE 15 Main St. 238-8603 Total Enclosed Make cheque payable and send to: HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada N0M1TO Signature. ............................. Name .. . -_ _____ ___ _________ Address „ City $— or use your Chargex/Mastercharge No._________________ _______ expires (Ploote Print) Provlhce Code Phone ' ¥ ¥ ¥ Available Only At Betty & Art* I.G.A. Grand Bend ¥ ¥ ¥ Prices Effective Dec. 20-26 ★ ★ ★ Special Holiday Store Hours Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 21 & 22 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Sat., Dec. 23 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sunday - And Monday ’ Open Tues., Dec. 26 8 to 6