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Times-Advocate, 1978-12-21, Page 8
S Poge 8 Times-Advocate, December 2L 1978 v \ /i & ; rp 55’ V/4 \ *1.0912 oz. *3.791 ’/2 lb. tin *1.7928 oz. tin 59’ per lb. 59* 2ib. 89* CATALOGUE Oedlb SHOPPING *369”I W.T. Prices in Effect December 21 through 30th General Electric Ian Davis Box 852 Grand Bend Model 926 Hotpoint Microwave Merry Christmas From Management and Staff of Drysdale Home Hardware oven Two power levels high and low/defrost automatic oven shut off and more. Was $895.00 *699” *1.29 48 fl. oz. tins 59’ 19 fl. oz. tin 69’ $5.29 10 fl. oz. tin 69’ pkg. of9 2/89’ PRODUCE-—----- Produce of U.S.A. Red Emperor ___ Grapes Florida Tangerines sizeizs.doz. 89* —-----FROZEN FOOD------ - McCain s Fancy PeaS 21b. 89* McCain's Fancy Mixed Vegetables °'£R2,^ THE DUTTMAN FAMILY HENSALL Speed Queen SPIN WASHERS 2 year guarantee ’289” W.T. General Electric WASHERS With Service Maple Leaf Football Hams 14, whole or 14, Ib. *1.89 Maple Leaf or Sugar Plum Boneless Quarter Dinner Hams?2«49 Swifts Eversweet Packaged Bacon Sausage Meat H .291 Homemade MM aa bv the ninro 59* s This is one time of the year extra money can help solve all those commitments. Have a happier Christmas by letting the Bank of Montreal help — five area branches to serve you. AR ATTflSO Uf^llDC Be®t Slaughter — Monday, Pork Slaughter —- Tuesday.Hours for Picking Up Freeier * * "IK rlwUKSl of £gj|orn Orders. Tues, to Fri. — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 8 a m. to 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS CAN BE EXPENSIVE Save up TO 20" General Electric OUR T VI @ w® NO TRADE PICKED UP 3 YR. GUARANTEE Fasmts Thinking of you g and hoping g tlw frfittiwmsim apprnarhni, nntfr its spirit nf giving and sharing nf family traditions, thr (£($-©$ staff and thrir families wish> > mrgmw^ A fHrrry (Christinas anil a Nfiu $i'ar fillrii mith ^appiitrss. \T! Zurich Hensall Brucefieid 236-4393 262-3002 482-9823 I 1 1 DAY ONLY SALE STARTS WED., DEC. 27 CLOSED BOXING DAY EVERY ITEM IN STORE ON SALE DRYERS With Service *249” W.T. Tom Hern RR1, Woodham your holidays g will be filled to g the brim with g bright Christmas g treasures! f & "S' >■ « jt-w Thanks. a Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Libby's Canada Fancy Tomato Juice Maxwell House Instant Coffee Dole Canada Fancy Fruit Cocktail Leaver Pieces & Stems Mushroom McLaren's Fancy Kent Pack Cherries, Olives, Gherkins Maple Leaf Cooked Ham Maple Leaf Mincemeat Saico Mandarin Oranges 10 fl °z■,in Wittich Luncheon Rolls 0 See our macrame supplies and basketware for a fine selection of Christmas Gifts Grade A TURKEYS OO< over 20 lb. frozen lb. 4F Jr Grade A HEN TURKEYS under 20 lb. frozen lb. 1 & 18 Fresh TURKEYS Toms av. weight $ 1 Mt 22-23 lb. lb. I • I Hens av. weight $ 1 1 14-15 lb. lb. I • ■ JT Model 944 Hotpoint MICROWAVE OVEN Three cook functions at your fingertips - Time cook, temp cook, and automatic simmer, etc. Was $595.00 *469” 8T. . J * 3 3 | 4 3 A I ? 810 S •♦.’0. 3- f raw-:.-'Y SJi OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 TO 5:30 P.M. ■y -M g BynA &n£\ MUI) /(.I Lr\ Sears catalogues ■ ■a a marketplace for home fashion finds. s ? i s V-*g 'O Si Choice local Beotf & Pork v Abattoir Phono: 262-2CM1 h?’ Come in and look through our fastest catalogue- PHONE 262-3316 Mrs. Wesley Jacques Box 962, Exeter s ||_MJ| Cl«-w^—-ty,hepie<e'■fend wli@6sc ib. Sliced Mac & Cheese Loaf >*1.29 PLEASE MOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items. Because of increased costs we find it necessary tc maxe a 50c charge for grocery delivery “jcn I*’ fe"' ' ""W. SB y*' 4