HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-14, Page 27••W-w John Consitt Box 125, Hensail TURKEY DELIVERY ON APPLIANCES EXTRA Each advertiser will have one area resident's name in id. If you spot your name, phone the Exete.Times-Advocate at 235-1331 and we will sejd your Wintario ticket to you. If after yournqme the word "Turkey" appears we will coitact Al's Super Save in Hensall where you nay pick up your turkey. Total of Pries, 2-10 lb. Turkeys and 9 Win­ tario Ticketseach week. Appointments made Times-Adyocate, December 14, 1978 Reeve calls for restraint With the village of Hensall in the midst of several ex­ pensive undertakings the word “restraint” might have to be worked into next year's budget, according to Reeve Harold Knight. Knight told' the inaugural session of Hensall council Monday “I hope we can be reasonable as possible in our budget.” He said two of the bigger projects for the new council will be planning and the annexation of surrounding lands. While Knight said “we’ve been fairly well on budget for the year” Hensall ratepayers can expect a big jump in their taxes to pay for the storm sewers which are presently being installed. Also expected to go up, are the levies from the county and the school boards, two areas which the village had little control over, he said. Participating in the inaugural ceremonies which saw Richard Packham and Klaas Van Wieren take their places on council, was Reverend Garnet Husser of Hensall United Church. Reverend Husser who has been in Hensall for two months, congratulated the village and council on their “fine attitude” which they have towards newcomers. He said the storm sewer work and the new com­ munity centre “speaks of a progressive community”. At the meeting, several council appointments were made. Reappointed as the village’s representative to the Ausable-Bayfield Con­ servation Authority was Harry Klungel. Looking after the village’s interests on the Hensall Parks Board will be coun­ cillors Paul Neilands and Packham. -Ratepayers appointed are Bevan Bon- thron, Melvin Wurm, William Soldan, Wayne Reid and Leonard Hoffman. Serving on the village’s dump and fire committee will be Nielands and Packham while Klungel and Van Wieren were appointed to the drains, streets and property committee. ^'Fun? You bet it is! Yamata’s Enticer 250 is a quick, agile machine that goes wherethe snow is, from hills to trails to powder. But expensive' Not at all. It’s the little Yamaha fe? that’s a lotta fun. See it tcday! i Shop These Fine Russell Snider RR 2, Zurich 1 Mile West and 1 Mite&uth of Hensall RR 2 Hensel Phone 262-6142 Hensail S tores FREE XMAS DRAW Your Choice Men's or Ladies' Watch Value $50.00 Coupon Each Purchase SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY ALL LADIES WALLETS 40% OFF OPEN LONGER HOURS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ALL DAY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHTS ALL YEAR KROEHLER RECLINERS ROCKERS COMBINATION VINYL AND CLOTH 2 POSITIONS 109“ BE KIND TO YOUR CARPET CHARGEX in MAPLE and PINE From f |49oo STILL A GOOD STOCK Exchange gifts at Chiselhurst The Christmas meeting of Unit Four of Hensall United Church was held Thursday in the Fellowship Hall with 19 members and two visitors present. Mrs. James McAllister opened the meeting with a short story based on Psalm 16 verse 11. She said, “that all of life is fitting pieces together, but if we follow the path where God leads us, our life -.experiences will blend into a meaningful whole. Many Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. Eric Luther told a beautiful story on the birth of Christ taken from the book, “Out of the Ivory Palaces.” Mrs. Albert Alexander had the devotion and based her talk on the Christmas story. A total of 67 visits were made to sick and shut-ins by the members. All members are asked to bring used stamps and old eye-glasses to the January meeting. The 1979 executive is to remain the same as 1978 with two changes. Mrs. Nan Britton first vice-president instead of Mrs. Pearl Erratt and Mrs. Rogerson as secretary assisted by Mrs. Earle Rowe. The meeting closed with a hymn followed by the benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Robert McAllister and her com­ mittee. Juveniles win and tie ... the magic tool that beautifies all smooth carpets, especially plushes. Easy, long , pull strokes over the rug removes vacuum cleaner roller marks, foot prints and lint. Floor coverings are valuable. They need and deserve PLUSH-BRUSH and Shag-Witch care. OF CEDAR CHESTS IN STOCK HOOVER CLEANERS From *84* FERN STANDS, STUDENT DESKS, TIFFANY SWAC LAMPS 262-2023 HENSALL zn/ Wednesday night the Hensall Juveniles travelled to Listowel and came up with a tie. The Listowel team went ahead in the first period with two goals. In the second period Hensall came back with a strong offensive effort and scored three goals to put Hensall ahead 3-2. The first Hensall goal was scored by Ron May assisted by Rob Pry de. The second and third Hensall goals both came from Dave Cann, the second on an assist by Daniel Preszcator and the third was unassisted. With only 1.38 left in the third period the Listowel team tied the score at 3-3. On Friday night the 'Hensall Juveniles came up with a big win against the strong Milverton Juveniles. The first period ended scoreless. In the second period there were three goals scored, the first two by Milverton and Hensail’s first goal coming at the 1.49 mark, scored by Grant Love and assisted by Steve Grainger. Hensall went ahead in the third period with two goals, the first scored by Steve Grainger from Grant Love and the winning goal came from Rob Willert assisted by Pat Cyr. Kevin Geoffrey played a strong game in goal to allow the hard shooting of Milverton team only two goals. Hensall plays against Listowel on Friday in Hensall at 8 p.m. Support your home town team on Friday. OPEN MONDAY TILL CHRISTMAS SALES ACTIVE Hensall Sales Barn was active again last Thursday with higher prices and demand being mostly in heifers and steers. Heifers; $61.50 *$67.50, sales to $69.25; steers, $64.00-$67.50, sales to $68.40. Pigs; feeders, $60.75- $72.00; weaners $50.25-$58.50. OPEN HOUSE AT FIRE HALL — The Hay-Hensall-Tuckersmith area fire department held an open house at their fire hall Saturday. Showing the pumper's controls to Lisa Hyde and Jim Coughlin is fire chief Jim Hyde. Staff photo nensaii and district new’s ■ ■ ■ . ’ ■ ■ ■■ '' ■ ■ CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Hilda Payne, Phone 2&2-5O18 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Welcome new neighbors Many The C.P.T. committee of the I O O F and Rebekah Lodges held a euchre party on Friday evening with seven tables playing. The winners were as follows: lone ands, Mrs. Schwartz, Exeter; ladies’ high, Mrs. Freida Boa; gent’s high, Garnet Hicks, Exeter; ladies consolation, Mrs. McBeath; Gent’s solation, Cecil Pepper. Lucky ticket winners on a draw were Mrs. Mary Broadfoot and Perc Camp­ bell. Mr. Eric Mansfield directed the events and announced the next euchre will be held in January. Alex con- Carmel service Rev. A. Young of Goderich conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. His message was “God’s Gift”. Mrs. Robert Taylor presided at the organ. Miss Beatrice'Thompson and Mr. Ron Fleming ac­ companying on their guitars sang “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” The Induction service for the Rev. Kenneth Gordon Knight who has been called to the charges of Carmel, Cromarty, and Caven churches will be in Caven Church, Exeter on Thur­ sday, December 14 at 8 p.m. The service next Sunday, December 17, Rev. Knight will be in charge of the service at the usual time 10:15 a.m. Kinettes entertain The Hensail Kinettes entertained the children of the district at the public school on Saturday afternoon when members from South Huron High School, Exeter presented two plays which were much enjoyed. Santa Claus also arrived passed out treats. and Presentation A number of friends and relative^ enjoyed an evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sangster in honour of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett who mjved from their farm in Hay township and have taken up residence in Hensall. They were win at euchre presented with a gift by Ed Corbett. Bertha MacGregor read the accompanying address. Jack and Hazel made a fitting reply thanking all. A social hour was enjoyed and refresh­ ments served. Doug Shirray was master of ceremonies assisted by the executive. Following the presentation of prizes a “pot­ luck” supper was enjoyed by all. Open House at Fire Hall A large number attended the “Open House” at the new fire hall on Saturday af­ ternoon. The Hay-Hensall- Tuckersmith firemen were in attendance. The building is a very fine structure and is one of the most up to date halls in the district. Coffee and doughnuts were served. Successful jitney The Hensall Curling Club held a most successful jitney with both the 1 p.m. and 3 o’clock draw being filled. Personals Mrs. Jack Consitt who recently underwent surgery in University Hospital, London returned to her home last week. Mr. & Mrs. Austin Wheeler of Detroit visited this week with the latter’s aunt Mrs. Edgar Munn. The Hensall Boys Club wishes to thank the U.C.W. of Hensall for their donation. Also a special thanks to the Mann's family of Hensall for all tneir generous help. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Ladies meet for Christmas The Chiselhurst U.C.W. met Tuesday afternoon with the president Mrs. Jack Brintnell in charge. She opened the meeting with Christmas poems. The roll call was answered by your favourite hymn. Mrs. Brintnell gave a report of the Presbyterial in Winghamwhichwas attended by Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Brintnell. Rev. T.G. Husser was the guest speaker and the theme of his message was “Give of ourselves rather than money gifts”. Mrs. Brintnell thank­ ed Rev. Husser and all who helped her in any way during the past year. The members invited a guest to the meeting. Following the Benediction all sang “Sing of the Joy of Christmas Time”. Members exchanged gifts with their1 secret pals. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. Earla Cole­ man and Mrs. Jack Brintnell. Please forward to Frank Bailey President ’ 66Queen St., Hensall The winner of our ceramic Christmas tree draw was tickey No. 126, Julie Mock, 172 Queen St., Hensall £1 mini millIlli limmimi immillilllU I The | Light 1Touch By JACK lavender More Hensail news on page 34 R. K. PECK APPLIANCES u/n the heart of downtown Varna'' Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & S? rvice of most makes CB Radios & Accessories Speed Queen Appliances Moffat Appliances Smoke Sensors Insect Lights & Fly KiP Handcrafted Gifts Jnits Phone 4F This is going to be a rough = Christmas. Don't let it get E around, but Santa just laid j off 2,000 elves. E * * * : The reason crime doesn't pay : is that when it does, they call : it something else. : .* * * = Heard about the manicurist : who married a dentist? They : fight tooth and nail. : * * ♦ : Bald men are lucky. When : company comes, all they : have to do is straighten their E ties. : * ★ * : Not only has football E become impossibly com- ; plicated, but we now have E trouble understanding the E band's formations at half- : time. : w w # • Why not make an end run to ; Jack's Small Engine Repair : Service E 107 Queen St., Hensall : 262-2103 E for the best : in small engine service. : iiiiitnniMiitininituttinitiHniiuiiii