HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-12-14, Page 12Times-Advocate, December 14, 1978 SADDLE CLUB WINNERS —• A large crowd attended the annual banquet Saturday of the Ex­ eter saddle club. The junior champions shown above are Robert Vanneste, Don Thomson, Joanne Malone and Martha Wells. T-A photo By MRS. HAMILTON HODGINS Brinsley ladies donate By GORDON MORLEY The December meeting of the U.C.W. was held Wed­ nesday night at the home of Mrs. Fred Lewis with group 4 in charge of the devotional period. The meeting opened with a brief, Christmas message followed by a prayer by Nola Lewis. Clara Lewis read a Christmas poem. The scripture, was read by Betty Prest. Viola Lewis recounted a story stressing the real meaning of giving at Christmas. This part of the meeting closed with hymn “The* First Noel”. Business followed. The minutes of the November meeting were read and the roll call answered by nine members. Several thank-you cards were received and read including the Bible Society and the John Milton Society. Forty dollars was donated to Mission and Service and $25 to the Bible Society. It was decided to send gifts to the shut-ins. A pot-luck dinner was held in the church basement, Sunday after the service with a good attendance and were entertained afterwards by Mr. Snell and Douglas Lewis. St. Mary’s Guild was held Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Gerald Wright. Mrs. Jack Morgan and Mrs. Gerald Wright were hostesses for the Christmas meeting. Brinsley United Church concert will be held Thur­ sday evening December 21 in the church. A special young people’s service was held at St. Mary’s Church, Brinsley for White Gift, Sunday. Choir practice will be held Thursday night to prepare for the Christmas service in the United Church. A very successful pot-luck supper and euchre was held Friday evening at the Com­ munity Centre. Winners for the euchre were — men’s high. Michael Scott; ladies high, Audrey Hodgins: lone hands, Percy JHodgins; low score, Paul Taziar. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hard, Strathroy visited Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ferguson. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod Mills were Mrs. Lillian Davies, Spalding Sask, who will be spending some time with the Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Davies, Windsor, Mary Ann Byers, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerpan, Wat­ son Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and boys. Centralia, Mr. and Mrs* Bruce Mills and Barry Mills, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Betty Woodham. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern held the Nixon Christmas at their home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon and fami­ ly, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nix­ on and family, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Nixon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Burnett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Heigh way and family, Mrs. Rhoda Knight and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ker­ pan, Watson, Sask., as well as the Hem family. Earl French and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins attended the banquet and an­ nual meeting of the Federa­ tion of Agriculture for the townships of Biddulph, Lon­ don, and Missouri, Wednes­ day night at the United church, Bryanston. Roy Jewell was the speaker. West ladies mark festive event By MRS. THOMAS HERN Zion West United Church Women held their Christmas meeting Wednesday evening in the church. The president Mrs. Earl Miller opened the meeting with a Books of Bible contest. Roll call was answered with a reading or thought on Christmas. A gift of a cup and saucer was presented to Mrs. Gordon Johnson who has moved to Woodham . A large number of articles for Family and children’s services for Huron County were brought in. The In Church Services committee were in charge of the Program and lunch, opened with a reading “O Come let Us adore Him.” The committee consisting of Mrs. Edgar Baker Mrs. Harry Jaques, Mrs. Earl French, Mrs, Thomas Hern and Mrs, Harold Hern as pianist for the singing of the carols and Mrs. Wayne Hern also assisting, presented a short play “The Birth of a King.” Mrs. Thomas Hern closed the meeting with a prayer written by Helen Steiner Rice. On the Wings of Prayer. Zion West United Church held their White Gift service Sunday morning with the S.S. Superintendents Ivan Hern and Dalton Jaques in charge. A short skit was presented by class mem­ bers. An anthem was sung by the choir. Miss Yvonne Jaques Hern music piano. and Miss Sandra accompanied the on the organ and :W: $ z THESE SAVIN PURCHASE LIMITED saving GS ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY AN UNUSUAL BY OUR BUYERS OR A MANUFACTURER’S TEMPORARY REDUCTION. 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Al! ■.<”! nerd is a selection slip, a pencil, a bik k, and a little luck. 1Y >i < < ar. get sele. ticm slips fn nn am. LOTT \RK 1 agent. I )n cadi slip •.< ’i .‘11 sw seven *b< birds’ with numbers I through 3Q. ’ 'sing'»nv ’!•<urd’ at a time, select any six <>t div 3u numbers. With a black penal, make a certi. al mad: in the box whk 1; uir.taiL' rhe number selec ted. 2 Take v< sur sv!ectl< >11 slip to a I.1 VH Xi h ' agent or retailer wlv • .oil' r.ter \< selec ted numbers in rhe L( YTTARK J con tpntt rai .d v-Mu-viii a receipt with vour numbers printed <>n it.That :s courli HTARIOTK KET. (. '.heck it to ensure that for numbers on it arc file ones you have chosen. 31 id: ‘1 a ».ird' i osn$1 to play. You may play as many r < >arjs' as v< >u wish. In < >ther words, if you played 2 ‘boards’, it w< mid cost >2. 4 Then wan h the draw on TV every week or check your newspaper n > see if the numbers you’ve chosen match the numbers that are drawn. feZ It you’ve won, simply present your winning ticket to —yourbt VITARK) agent for validation. If you’ve won $10l’ or less, rhe agent will pav you tight there on the spot. Ifyon’re a big winner, vourl.L TTTAIUC) agent will tell you how and where t< > claim your prize. Nil $1.00 II H S1.00 HI! I >.<U \ u watt ..A • N . .V . -.vy-X > . ;*.■ .*• •*••..*•*•. HOW MUCH YOU WIN. The major prizes are divided into four separate prize pools - the JACKPOT Pool, the Second Prize Pool, the Third Prize Pool and the Fourth Prize Pool. The Fifth Prize is worth $5. Those holding winning rickets in any of the four pool categories will share that pool equally. For example, if the JACKPOT pool is $300,000 and 2 players have correctly chosen the six regular numbers, each player would win $150,000. The weekly JACKPOT could be $100,000, $300,000, $500,000, or more depending upon the number of people playing LOTTARIO. In the event that there is no JACKPOT winner, the JAC IK POT Pool builds each week until someone wins it. In Quebec, the JACKPOT in a similar lottery was over $1 million before being won. * A ONTARIO LOTTLRYCORFORATION HOW YOU WIN. Every week six regular numbers and a bonus number will be drawn on TV. Match those six regular numbers, in any order, and you’re die JACKPOT winner, or, if someone else has also chosen the same numbers, then you’ll share rhe prize. But it you don’t have all six numbers, there are still thousands of other chances to win. If you get five of the regular numbers right and your sixth number matches the bonus number, you share in the big Second Pnze Pool. Or, if you match five of the regular numbers, your bundle of cash comes from the Third Prize Pool. Match four regular numbers and you share in the Fourth Prize Pool. And, if you match three of the regular numbers, you win $5. Not bad fun for a buck! And there are bound to be thousands of winners every week, because the numbers you choose don’t have to be in die same order as those drawn. YOU DON’T JUST BUY ATICKET YOU PLAY IT YOU'LL FIND MANY MANY MORE “LIMITED TIME SAVINGS" IN EVERY ZEHRS STORE ATzehrs WE PAM WEWWHWe* TO,< YOU ( • ••••••••••