HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 22Times-Advpcate, November 2, 1978Page 22 The Lucan Nifty Needleworkers held their fourth meeting in the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Len Maslen and Mrs. M.H. Hodgins, assisting the leaders. Mrs. Fred Cowdrey and Miss Beverley Huffman. The Lucan Yarnelles also held their fourth meeting Wednesday at the home of the assistant leaders. Mrs. John Vander Loo. Both groups were taught the Cashmere and the Scotch Stitches and members completed two rows of each stitch on their samplers. The girls in each group discussed with their leaders, how to demonstrate the art of blocking their needlepoint, this to be done at Achievement Day in December. The Nifty Needleworkers will hold their next meeting Tuesday. November 7 at the home of Debbie Manders, and the Lucan Yarnelles will meet at the home of their leader. Mrs. Adrian deBrouwer, Sunday after­ noon. November 5. when they are to have their samplers completed. ST. PAT'S STUDENT COUNCIL — The student council at St. Patrick's Separate School near Lucan was elected recently. From the left are Paul Van Geel, Jeff Lemmon, TomVandenberg and Terry Maslen. * T-A photo DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Need advice? --------------------------------- Re-Elect PAT CRUNICAN as Trustee on the London and Middlesex Roman Catholic Separate School Board. x____________________________J McGillivray township Re-elect Ellison Whiting for Councillor NOTICE Taxpayers are reminded that the 4th and final instalment for the 1978 tax levy is due Novem­ ber 15th, 1978 and payable at the Municipal Office. E. J. Melanson, Clerk-Treasurer V ,................. .. -..... Township of McGillivray NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Elec­ tors of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex that whereas more can­ didates have been nominated in each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at the time and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such of­ fices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD Councillor (Three to be elected) Trustee - Area No 2 London and Middlesex County. Roman Catholic Separate School Board. (One to be elected.) ADVANCE POLL: DATE: November 4, 1978 LOCATION: Township Hall, West McGillivray POLLING HOURS: 9 o'clock a.m. untill 8 o'clock p.m. (for advance poll only) REGULAR POLLS: DATE:November 13, 1978 LOCATION : Poll No. 1 Neal's Recreation Centre Lot 6, Concession 2 Poll No. 2 James Cunningham's Residence ' Lot 24, Concession 2 Poll No. 3 Brinsley Community Hall Lot 15, Concession 10 Poll No. 4 Bob Doerr's Residence Lot 17, Concession 7ECR Poll No. 5 Township Hall Lot 16, Concession 14 Poll No. 6 Clifford Ritchie's Residence Lot 10, Concession 7WCR Poll No. 7 Corbett Community Hall Lot 35, Concession N.B. All polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. un­ til 8 o'clock p.m. PROXY APPLICATIONS: A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day, November 13, 1978, to receive a certificate to vote by proxly for the polling sub-division in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. Given under my hand this 24th day of October, 1978. W. J. Amos, Returning Officer Many activities planned by school student council The students’ council of Biddulph-Lucan has had several meetings to plan ac­ tivities for the year. The following students are on this year’s council: Presidents: Karen Radcliffe and Dannie Feke; Secretary: Cathy Riddell; Treasurer: Susan Noon; Classroom representatives 1 to 11 in Biddulph: Art Pritchard and Kevin Hutchinson; Brent Banner- man and Jeff McFalls; Ian Craig and Amy Pollard; Erin McComb and Tim Bates; Leanne Sovereign and Jeff Turnbull; Julie Mugford and David Radcliffe; Jeff Nevin and Brian Dykeman; Julie McRobert and Linda Patter­ son; John Cook and Lori Shipley; Eddie Hayter and Danny Brintnell. The November Home, School and Community Association meeting will be held Thursday, November 9, at 8 p.m. in the Lucan School. The topic will be Family Living and Sex Education in the School. This meeting will be of in­ terest to all parents, es­ pecially those with children in Grades 4-8. Two soccer teams coach­ ed by Messrs. Eaton and McLean, participated in a recent tournament at Centennial School, Mr. McLean reports it was a pleasure to take both the girls and boys teams to this competition. Students from the Bid­ dulph School are recording the distances they run in cross country, hoping that their combined efforts will total the distance across Canada this year. In addi­ tion to the school program, twelve boys took part in a cross country meet at Parkhill on October 10th. Constable Taylor of the O.P.P. will be in the schools November 20 through 23 and will deal with the topic of bus safety. A Remembrance Day Ser­ vice in the schools will be held Friday, November 10. Six babies baptized at United Church Six infants were baptized in Lucan United Church Sun­ day, by the Rev. Keith Brown, as follows: Katherine Christine, daughter of Douglas and Marilyn Thompson, Wendy Elizabeth, daughter of Terrance and Jean Hickson, Tammy Marie, daughter of John and Pat Ward. Kelly Marie, daughter of Bruce and Donna Parnall, Aaron Ian, son of Ian and Barbara Wallace and Jill Lindsay, daughter of William and Sharon Carnochan. In his sermon, Mr. Brown used the parable of the rich fool, to point out our ac­ countability to God, saying that we are accountable for life’s priorities, and must choose with care that to which we give our primary allegiance. We are also accountable for life’s blessings and for our life’s decisions and one day we too. like the rich fool, will have to give an ac­ count to God for the life we have lived on earth and of the faith we have placed, or refused to place, in Jesus Christ. Jane Forster sang the solo part in the anthem “My Tribute’’ by Crouch. Next Sunday, November 6, members of the Session, the Stewards and U.C.W. members who will assist with annual Visitation will meet in the C.E. Wing for lunch and instructions following the morning ser­ vice. At 7:30 p.m. a “Fellowship Hour’’ will be held in the C.E. Wing, to which everyone is invited. Gifts for the “Mitten Tree” are coming in slowly. Are yours ready? Please leave them in the kitchen, labelled. The bazaar date is also coming up fast, November J8, and I know most of the members and friends of U.C.W. are working “like mad” on their articles for the various booths. Many students are now working on composition ex­ ercises related to Remem­ brance Day, for the Legion Essay Competition. Dwayne Lyons won a prize in a safety slogan competi­ tion for Middlesex County during October. Various field trips have been enjoyed this fall, Mrs. McRoberts’ and Mrs. Walker’s grade one classes visited Crunican’s apple orchard as part of their Fall Social Studies and Science program. Mrs. Nott’s and Miss MacMillan’s grade three classes are studying plants and visited the Nicholson’s gardens. Mrs. Nicholson visited their classes, as well. Mrs. Hearn, Miss Plummer, Mrs. Ingleby and Mrs. Rock have each taken their classes to the Parkhill Conservation Area. “The Woodland Community” is a major topic for the Fall term. , Mrs. Barnes’ Kinder­ garten classes visited several places in the village on October 23 and 24 on walking trips from the Lucan School. Couples plan pot luck party The November meeting of the Lucan United Church couples’ club was held on Thursday evening with the Melanson’s, the Lockyer’s and the Gordon Froats’ in charge of the program. A social evening of cro- ■ kinole and euchre was en­ joyed, as well as a singsong led by Ed. Melanson on the guitar. Donations were voted to the Mission and Ser­ vice Fund of the Church and to the general fund. The Christmas pot luck party will be held on Thurs­ day, December 1st to which . all couples of the Church are invited. The Thanksgiving Worship Service was taken by the couples in charge, with Ed. giving a reading entitled “Count Them One by One” and Bernice Lockyer another “My Autumn”. By SID DALEY Our good friend Comrade Harvey Percy, Provincial Command Service Bureau Officer will be at Branch 540 Lucan at 12.00 noon, Thur­ sday, November 9. Anyone wishing in­ formation, advise or assistance regarding War Disability pensions, Treatment for entitled Veterans, Application for Benevolent FXinds, Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance should attend. Please contact Sid Daley at 227-4216 or a Duty Steward at 227-4751. This is a free Legion service and available to all ex-service men or women be they members of the Legion or not. A slight change in our Remembrance announce­ ment of last week. The wreath laying ceremony at Branch 540 on Sunday November 12 will be held following the morning church service (around 12.30 p.m.). This will give all congregations ample time to reach the Legion Hall. Let’s have a good turn out and show that we do indeed “Remember Them.” Don’t forget the Ladies Auxiliary meeting Tuesday, November 7 at 8.30 sharp. The men’s general meeting is Wednesday, November 8 at 8.30 sharp. Branch 540, will host the Zone A-5 meeting at 8 p.m., Thursday, November 16. Let us have a good turn out and welcome our fellow Comrades from through-out the Zone. Poppy chairman Comrade Art Bell is looking for volunteers to assist with the door to door Poppy Blitz - 7.00 p.m. Three mishaps for OPP force Only three accidents were investigated this week by officers of the Ontario Provincial Police detach­ ment at Lucan with damages totalling $4,100.-o Tuesday at 11.45 p.m. a vehicle driven by Leroy Siddall, R.R. 3 Denfield, left County road 13, west of concession 2 in Biddulph township and struck a fence and hydro pole. Constable B.D. Munro set damages at $2,500. Vehicles driven by Gail Little, Lucan and W. Emmerson Stanley, R.R. 2, Denfield were in collision at 11.10 a.m. Saturday on High­ way 4 north of Concession 15 in London township. Damages were listed at $600 by Constable N.A. Campbell. Constable J.A. Wilson listed damages at $1,000 when vehicles driven by William Purdy, Ilderton and Deborah Price, London collided on the Denfield sideroad at Concession 7 in London township. The mishap occurred Sunday at 5.15 p.m. Constable Wilson is in­ vestigating a break and enter occurrence Friday at the Concession 8, London township residence of Mike Balazs. Household articles valued at $1,200 were taken. Annual Church Parade, this year to the Anglican Church, Lucan. All par­ ticipants on parade are requested to meet at the Legion Hall by 10.30 a.m. And that’s 30 for this week - remember - Appreciation is a memory of the heart. Questions on child abuse Members of the Evening Unit of the Lucan United Church Women held their November meeting Tuesday evening, with Mrs. James Lockyer presiding for the business meeting. A questionnaire, regar­ ding Child Abuse, sent out by Middlesex Presbyterial, was discussed and answered. The members agreed to be responsible for the sale of • the United Church calendars this year, and friends are ad­ vised to order their copy early as only a limited supp­ ly is being ordered. The Evening Unit will be in charge of the program for the Christmas meeting Tuesday, December 12. 'The annual “Snowflake” bazaar, to be held on Satur­ day afternoon, November 18 from 2 to 4 was discussed and members asked to sup­ port all the booths. Gifts for the children’s mystery table, to be sold for .50', wrapped, labelled girl or boy and the age, are par­ ticularly needed. The November meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 28th at 8 p.m. when Mrs. Dale Froats and Mrs. John Forster will give their “Alma College” story. A worship service on a Thanksgiving theme was taken by Mrs. Lockyer assisted by Mrs. Bert Thompson. An interesting in-depth study of Matthew 5:17-20, Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Matthew 7:28-29 was led by Mrs. Melanson under the topic “New Dimension for the Old Law”. Set for sale of rummage All friends of the Lucan Women’s Institute are reminded of the rummage sale and sale of home bak­ ing, Saturday, November 4th from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. If you have contributions for the rummage sale, please drop them into the Masonic Hall Friday even­ ing between 7 & 9 p.m. All baking should be in between 9 and 9:45 Saturday mor­ ning, for pricing before 10 a.m, IN HOSPITAL Steven Hooper, one of the passengers in a truck driven by Edward Verhey, RR 1, Ails a Craig, involved in the fatal crash which took the life of 22 year-old Bruce Gaynor of Centralia remains in hospital. Hooper suffering from a broken back and broken jaw is expected to be in hospital for a couple of months. Biddulph Voters I would appreciate your support to be re-elected as Reeve. Fred O. Dobbs. ELECT WILSON HODGINS as REEVE of BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 13 years previous experience as reeve. Wilson Hodgins can effectively repre­ sent you at the county level. TOWNSHIP OF McGillivray • The Township of McGillivray has funds available under the On­ tario Home Renewal Program to assist owner occupants to repair their homes to standards developed locally, and accep­ table to the Ministry of Housing. Anyone wishing further infor­ mation, contact the Township Office, Telephone 294-6871. W. J. Amos, Clerk |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii (iiin^ Royal Canadian j Legion | Branch 540 Wear a poppy for Remembrance VOTE DIANNE MOLLARD For Councillor Township of McGillivray HORSES trained for all events Excellent Facilities Western Riding Lessons Private & Group Call 294-0269 TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH Take notice that the Council of the Township of Biddulph has passed By­ law no. 21.1978 for the submission to a vote of a question under the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act 1977 to the qualified electors in the municipality. The following question in ballot form will be available for a "yes" or "no" answer. "Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available." The vote shall be taken on the same day, in the same manner and at the same polling places as the Municipal Election 1978. An advance poll will be held on Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling day will be Monday, November 13 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Austin Hodgins Clerk Twp. of Biddulph Remembrance Ceremonies SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Attention All Ex-service Men and Women 10:30 a.m. sharp - Muster at Lucan Legion 11:00 a.m. - Act of Remembrance at the Granton Cenotaph. 5:30 p.m. - Ex-service men and women banquet hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary (it is not necessary you be a member of the Legion to attend the banquet) Following the banquet entertainment will be provided for the enjoyment of pur ladies and guests. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Attention all ex-service men and women, cadets, cubs, scouts, guides, brownies, etc. 10:30 a.m. - muster at Legion Hall Lucan. 11:00 a.m. - to attend Anglican Church Lucan - Remembrance service. 12:00 noon - Return to Lucan Legion for wreath laying ceremony. Following this ceremony refreshments will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary. We trust members of the community and area will make a special effort to attend these services. 'AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.'