HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 20Page 20 WASTE CONTAINER Times-Advocate, November 2, 1978 Phone It's been a r SERVICE FOR Exeter, Hensail Grand Bend, Parkhill and all areas within C.H.Lewis (Lucan)Ltd pleasure & challenge to serve on Tuckersmith Council for the past 2 years I solicit your support on Nov. 13th Robert Fotheringham Voters of Hay Township ELECT CLAIRE DEICHERT for REEVE $5.00 OFF UNTIL NOV. 11 This Coupon Worth $5.00 Toward the purchase of one pair of JEANS OR CORDS One Coupon Per Pair COUPON GOOD UNTIL NOV. 11 ONLY We Are Also Pleased To Introduce Senior Citizens' Day All Senior Citizens will Receive 10% DISCOUNT On Any Purchase Made At Our Store On Tuesdays Take Advantage of Our Christmas Layaway A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE MADE FOR CHRISTMAS Shop Now While Selecton Is At Its Best I Thanks for Shopping at McKnights Len McKnight & Sons Exeter MEN'S WEAR 235-2320 AT THE OLD BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Riverview Institute F t i 5 s J. - ; i. -J It ft GHOST MAKERS — Making ghosts out of tissue was a fun thing for the pre-schoolers who attended a special hallowe'en party at the Ailsa Craig Library Monday afternoon. Mrs. Adele McCallum gives assistance to the tiny tots. Photo by Scheifele Bill Brady speaks Cancer worker honored By JOY SCHEIFELE recognition of her long Mrs. Charlie Garrod of service ' ”at the annual Ailsa Craig was presented meeting of the South in District and Londonwith a certificate west Mid­ Host school wins area track event East Williams Public School hosted the Middlesex County cross county championship meet Monday and became the cham­ pionship winners. Sixteen schools in all competed in the event from across the county. East Lad catches 41-incher What every boy dreams of came true for Robbie Whitmore and Dennis Mitchell last weekend. The two Ailsa Craig boys were fishing together in the Ausable River at the edge of town when 14 year old Robbie found a giant sized Chinook salmon had taken his bait and was hooked on his 30 lb. test line. In the battle that followed Robbie found himself in the shallow water up over his boots, but he was determined this was not one that was going to get away! Mrs. Whitmore found room in her freezer for Robbie to store the prize catch. But it is not the in­ tention to cook the 41 inch fish for supperRatherRobbie hopes to be able to have it mounted as absolute proof of the event. MARK ANNIVERSARY Sunday October 29, the Ailsa Craig Presbyterian congregation celebrated their 108th anniversary with special services in the morning and afternoon. The Rev. James D. Smart Ph. D., of Toronto was guest speaker on both occasion. A gift of a new sound system was presented to the church by members Floyd and Agnes Davies which was then dedicated. “In the World”, subject of Dr. message in the Peter Snell of Ailsa Craig United Church took part in conducting the evening worship on behalf of the local ministerial association. The North Caradoc Presbyterian Choir sang special music. Following the evening service refreshments and fellowship was enjoyed in the hall downstairs when Dr Smart recounted some of his experiences on a trip to Europe this past summer. was the Smart’s evening. placeWilliams took first with the low of 239 points followed by Eckoe with 326. Adelaide took third place with 376, Colbourne with 441 placed fourth and Leesboro fifth with 477. Five hundred and three runners in all took part. Each ran a course of approximately 2500 metres except for the boys 12 years and over whose course in­ cluded 3,000 metres. Elizabeth Ingham and Bonnie McFee of East Williams placed first and second in the girls 12 and over division with Diana Dixon placing fourth. Mike Hutchison of East Willliams took first place in the boys 12 and over. East Williams took first in the girls 12 and over race, with Adelaide winning the girls 11 and under. Adelaide also took the boys 12 and over and Eckoe won the boys 11 and under. Three records were broken in the meet. Instructor G. Welshman and organizer of the meet, presented the school with the championship trophy. In addition each member of the winning team was presented with a certificate. Tiny tots stage costume party Sixteen pre-schoolers crowded in the Ailsa Craig library Monday afternoon along with their mothers in response to the library’s invitation to come to a Hallowe’en party. The children, all clad in costumes, eagerly took part in the activities. Librarian Mrs. Greg MacDonald was assisted by parent, Mrs. Pat Smith. After the little ones were given opportunity to show off their costumes they broke up into groups of four. _ made little ghosts of and popsicle sticks adult supervision. Each in turn was folded andgivena pumpkin’s nose to place on a paper pumpkin in the right spot. Smiles of delight usually followed the removal of the blindfold as the children saw the results of their efforts. Mrs. MacDonald read the children a couple of exciting Hallowe’en stories which was followed by one on record. B'S; Each tissue under blind diesex Unit of the Cancer Society. For the past 17 years Ruth Garrod has served as Canvass Chairman in her area. “I remember Dr. Gordon Bowman coming to me in 1961,” she recalls “and handing me a box of items. He simply said thatherewas a job he thought I could do”. It turned out to be finding canvassers for the cancer campaign which she has faithfully committed herself to do since that time. The award came as a surprise to\lrs. Garrod. On accepting it she spoke warmly of the local can­ vassers and mentioned “without them I would not have been able to serve.” The annual meeting was held in the Canada Trust Tower in London, October 27. About 166 persons were present representing various branches throughout the district. Bill Brady of CFPL radio was guest speaker. He challenged his listeners to encourage people to support the cancer society in : anniversary By JOY SCHEIFELE October 17 marked a special day for members of the Riverview Women’s Institute as they celebrated the branch’s 40th an­ niversary. Members gathered at the Legion Hall in Ailsa Craig to mark the occasion with a turkey dinner served by the Lion Auxiliary. The first meeting was held April 27,1938 at the home of Mrs. Andrew Dorman. It had been organized by Mrs. George Young, then District President and a member of the Lucan’s W.I. The branch comprised 44 charter members and five of the members were in attendance at the 40th anniversary celebration. An anniversary cake highlighted the evening and charter members Mrs. Roy Morton, Mrs, Clarence Rees, Mrs. Alden Craven, Mrs. Grant Hughes, and Mrs. Harmon Morton were each invited to light a candle on the cake. President, Mrs. Ivey Adams read a list of the past presidents. Eight of these presidents were in attendance and lit a candle for the term she had serviced. These included Mrs. Grant Hughes, Mrs. Harmon Morton, Mrs. Ethel Crouch, Mrs. Jack Priestly, Mrs. Roland Neil, Mrs. Irwin McAlpine, Mrs. Alden Craven and Mrs. Ivey Adams. The cake was cut by Mrs. Grant Hughes, who had been president in 1946, and served with ice cream for dessert. Mrs. Ivey Adams, President, presided over a short programme. Mrs. Stuart McCallum, secretary, read the minutes from the first official meeting and the list of officers. A moment of silence was observed memory of deceased members. A history of the past 40 years including a poem composed by herself for the branch’s 20th anniversary was read by Mrs. Harmon Morton. She touched on many highlights which brought back many memories to the members. Mrs. Roland Neil read the list of charter members who joined at the first meeting or subsequent meetings held within the first year. Entertainment for the balance of the evening in­ cluded court whist which was arranged by Mrs. C. Garrod and Mrs. I. McAlpine. Mrs. Craven thanked those responsible for making the 40th an­ niversary an evening long to be remembered, and Mrs. Irwin McAlpine thanked the caterers for the bountiful dinner. the Job We'll Po Right.. We've Moved Our Office we are now located at our Exeter shop Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELl LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235-1969 RE-ELECT HERB TURKHEIM TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REPRESENTING Hay Township, Hensail, Zurich and the North Half of Dashwood • 6 Years experience on the present board • Served 2 years as Chairman - 5 Years on Executive Committee • Served 2 years as a Director on the Ontario Public School Trustees’ Association • 6 Years perfect attendance at regular board meetings LET EXPERIENCE KEEP WORKING FOR YOU! whatever ways they can. “It is not what we do here on earth, but the legacy we leave behind”, he stressed. “When you see a need, care enough to serve.” An open business meeting of the Ailsa Craig - Parkhill unit is scheduled for 8 p.m,, Thursday November 9th at Chateau Gardens in Parkhill. Anyone interested is free to attend. FAIR ARTICLES — A number of special displays featured Wednesday's annual meeting of the district agricultural societies of the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. Above Delores Shapton and Agnes Aunger of the Exeter fair board look over some tablecloths. T-A photo On November 13, Re-elect Herb Turkheim If you will be away on November 13, you may vole at AN ADVANCE POLL at your local municipal office, on Saturday, November 4 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. FOR INFORMATION OR TRANSPORTATION, CALL 236-4075 •« ■ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii^ TOWNSHIP OF HAY Municipal Election Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, Chapter 62, and amendments, a Ballot will be held for the office of: REEVE One (1) to be elected COUNCILLORS Three (3)’to be elected HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION One (1) -(Public) - to be elected Polls will be open as designated below on Monday, November 13, 1978 from 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock inclusive in the after­ noon at the following places with the undermention officers in charge: Poll No. Polling Booths * COMPLETE COVERAGE FOR * Home . * Farm * Life * Commercial * Automobile Registered Retirement CONTACT i 2 3 Plans 4 Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. xz' 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Across from Saveway Lumber Exeter ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE PLEASE HELP THE RED SHIELD APPEAL Support your local campaign by sending your donation to: 330 Queen's Avenue, London N6B 1X4 or To Reg MacDonald Exeter, Ontario (Exeter Chairman) 0 5 6 < Donald Beil Res. Cone. 2, Lot 5&6 Harold elder Res. Cone. 3, Lot 17 Hay Township Hail Surich, Ont. Glen Thiel Res. Cone. 14, Lot 20 Earl Guenther Block Dashwood, Ont. St. Joseph Service Station St. Joseph, Ont. Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerks Jim Dougall Murray Keys Glen Weido Keith Love Ursula Regier Louis Farwell Cliff Pepper Harold Horner George Grenier Howard Datars Elgin Hendrick Arnold Gaiser ADVANCE POLL on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1978 from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. POLLING BOOTH Hay Township Office Cor. Mill & Victoria St. Zurich, Ontario DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER J.M. Ducharme CLERK Betty O'Brien (Mrs.) Joan M. Ducharme Clerk'-Treasurer =5 Ira