HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-11-02, Page 13Exchange student tells Lioness about year's visit in Australia The Grand Bend Lioness Club held their October meeting Thursday evening at the Green Forest with 40 in attendance.President,Pat Kading, presided. A ceramic Christmas tree donated to the club will be displayed at various business places. Tickets will be sold on it and proceeds to go to community bet­ terment. They will be having a table at the Christmas craft and bake sale, November 4, at Grand Bend public school, Proceeds from this will go to the nursery school. Guest speaker was Tracey Meecham showir^g slides and commentary on Australia where she has been an ex­ change student for year. A raffle gift was won by Sally Jphnson. The Meals on Wheels program which the Lioness club sponsor is now un­ derway. Any senior citizen wishing this service should phone Evelyn Johnson at 238- 8102. Among the goodies the girls served were cake velvet, fruit cocktail loaf, maple treasure, healthy peanut loaf, peachy lemon whip and yogurt loaf. In the social time they did four quizzes on their prepent project, the garden club, things on a penny and a general. Home assignment is to find a party food and make and describe a tea biscuit. 4-H meets The “Nutritious Nuts” Grand Bend 4-H club No. I met Thursday evening at the home of Ellie Smeekens for meeting 6. This was in the form of a Hallowe’en party theme and the girls invited their mothers. There were 16 in attendance and time was 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. These girls served a fondue to their guests. At the social time they played two games, a form of bingo with playing cards and passing the package game. of Nineteen Church of God young people attended a Hallowe’en party at Jim Snyder’s home, Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed and most original costume. Games and lunch were enjoyed. Rev. J. Campbell and several from tug congregation provided a church service at the Blue WaterRest home Sunday at 5:45 p.m. with a devotional period and special songs. 4-H meeting The Grand Bend No. 2 club, the “Munchy Bunch”, held meeting six in the form of a “Harvest tea”, Tuesday evening at the home of assistant leader Marlene Britnell in Cove with around tending. The girls their mothers and two Women’s Institute members. Mrs. Grand 28 at- invited Church of God news The annual Thanksgiving supper was held at Church of God Friday evening with around 100 attending. Following the meal Rev. J. Campbell led all in singing the “Family of God”. Janet Desjardine gave a short devotional missionary talk. During clean up time, the young people and children played games in the school gym. United church news Guest minister at Grand Bend United Church mor­ ning service was Mr. Paul Schot from Centralia who is a student at Uniersity of Western Ontario. Lovely choir anthem was “Immortal Invisible’’. Sermon topic was “More than conquerors”. Grand Bend United Church will be observing the 51st anniversary Sunday, November 5. The annual hot turkey supper will be held Noyember 8 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Take outs for shut ins will be available by phoning 238-2749 or 237-3304 ' November 6. by Orpha club A special meeting Orpha club was Tuesday, October 24, at Vai Burke’s opening home in with a of the held Oakwood dessert CLUB GUAVA CHATHAM BEACH HOTEL MONTEGO BAY JAMAICA Two Special Departures January 15 1979 One Week *469.00* February 19 1979 One Week >519.00* INCLUDED IN PRICE *RETURN AIR FARE FROM TORONTO TRANSFERS AT MONTEGO BAY *SEVEN NIGHTS ACCOMMODATION *SEVEN BUFFET *SEVEN DINNERS WITH WINE PLUS MANY EXTRAS BONUS ACCOM- NEAR AIRPORT NIGHT *HOTEL MODATION TORONTO FOR THE BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR JAMAICA ONLY *15.00 PER COUPLE Space is Limited, Book Early At - EXETER TRAVEL CENTRE 235-0571 Box 580 451 Main St. EXETER, ONT. N0M1S0 RESORT SPOOKS — Leanne and Billy Jennison were two Grand Bend youngsters attending Tuesday's Lions club spon­ sored Hallowe'en party. T-A pnoto Wear a poppy for Remembrance INVENTORY CLEAR-OUT LEATHER COATS ^lllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||l><<IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII| 0 ALL SALES FINAL ALTERATIONS EXTRA OPEN MON.-SAT. 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. SUNDAYS 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. OFF MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED LIST PRICES OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF OVER 200 COATS HAS BEEN REDUCED FOR THIS END OF SEASON CLEAR- OUT. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FULL LENGTH COATS AND JACKETS - SOME FUR TRIMMED- SOME ZIP-OUT LINERS - ALL AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST. YOU WON'T FIND BETTER VALUE ANYWHERE w CHARGEX the sun shop 83 MAIN ST. GRAND BEND 238-2511 luncheon. Thirty-two were in attendance. After the social time, president Irene Kennedy opened and introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Marian Cowan of Sarnia Children’s Aid Society. In her talk she outlined the work and procedure of how and why children were taken from their homes and placed in foster care and how long children can be legally kept and the societies care of them while they were responsible, Mrs. W. F. B, MacLaren was asked to order flan­ nelette to make nighties and diapers. Next meeting will be at Gert Flear’s, November 14, at 1:30 p.m. Village Inn bowling scores Monday afternoon — Cove ' town & country gals — high single, Gladys Crown, 194; high triplq, Norma Desjardine, 511. Tuesday afternoon — The Benders (ladies) — high single, a tie of 138, for Erma Webb and Edith Coyle. Wednesday night — Charlies Angels — Hopefuls • high single, Velma Labelle, 252; high triple, Louise Vandenberk, 627; The Good Ones — high single and high triple won by Marg Roberts, 223 and 549; Our Gang — high single and high triple won by Betty Datars, 217 and 600; Hi Hopes — high single and high triple won by Fran Relouw 271 and 664. Thursday evening mixed, Blue Water league ladies high single and high triple won by Elva Walper, 175 and 391; men’s high single and triple won by Joe Grigg, 203 and 556. Saturday morning — Little league (mixed) — 5 and 6 year old — boys, Todd Hayter, 80; girls, Leila Harris, 73. 7 and 8 year old, boys, Justin Peckitt, 101; girls, Shelly Finch, 100; 9 to 12 year old, boys, Richard Brown, 155; girls, Carrie Tiedeman, 128; over 12, boys, Ivan Chapdelaine, 134, girls, Lisa Jeffrey, 104. Personals Mrs. Gerry Love and Mrs. Glen Miller, attended the “Harvest tea”, which one group of 4-H girls held Tuesday evening at Mrs. Marlene Britnell’s home. Mr. & Mrs. William Blewett recently returned from a three week trip to the Maritimes. Mrs. Blewett’s sister from Vancouver ac­ companied them. Church of God ministers of Ontario held a business meeting Monday at Church of God, Grand Bend. Minister’s wives attending met at the manse with Mrs. Campbell. The local ladies served a noon lunch to all attending in the S.S. rooms of the church. Mr. Bill Baker of Toronto spent the weekend at his daughter’s home Mrs. Greta Luther. Friday, Mr. Baker visited at his brother’s home Arthur Baker in Green Acres on the occasion of Art’s 94th bir­ thday and with Mrs. Lillian Brown and Alice. Among other relatives and friends who dropped in were Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fahner, grand and great grand­ children, Mrs. Barb Keyes, Trenton, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Becker and family, Dash­ wood. EXETER TRAVEL * WARDAIR AT GB PARTY — A large number of Grand Bend and area youngsters attended Tuesday's Hallowe'en party sponsored oy the Lions club. Shown above are Matthew and Jeremy Timei-Advocat*, November 2, 1978 Woman fills vacancy The vacant position on Grand Bend council was fill­ ed Wednesday afternoon when Judy Uniak was acclaimed as deputy-reeve. Mrs. Uniak replaces the current deputy-reeve Bob Simpson who decided to retire after four ye^rs on council. The other members of council were returned earlier, also by acclama­ tion. They are reeve Bob Bill and Sharen and councillors Baird, Keith Crawford Harold Green. Keith Crawford was #.........•_ ap- pointed to council near the beginning of the 1977-78 term to replace Bill Uniak, hus­ band of the new deputy­ reeve. He resigned because of his work forcing him to be out of town. Mrs. Uniack said she had considered council work before. She added, “I have always been interested. I will have more time now that my children have started to school.” The new deputy-reeve said she is in favour of annexa­ tion and would like to see more recreation facilities in the village.Judy Uniak AND DISTRICT NEWS T-A photo Assorted Dried Flowers Save 50' *1.99 Fall Clean-up Glad Orange Anderson. 4 Necafe Decaffinated Kleenex Not inciuJnd in 6% refunds. Sugar Plum Boneless Store SlicedTend-R-Spot Pure Pork 8 oz. *4.89 Not included in 6% refunds. I Valley Farm Frozen French Fries 2 lbs. Not included in 6% refunds. Instant Coffee 3 to 4 lb. avg., lb. At Save 40c lb. Rindless Lazy Maple BACON *1.68 Save 30e lb. Heinz KEG '0' KETCHUP Monarch PASTRY FLOUR 509 ml 2.5 kg *SUNFLIGHT *SKYLARK Liptons Dry ONION SOUP MIX I *TREASURE TOURS *UNITOURS *STRAND HOLIDAYS *CAROUSEL *SUNQUEST *HOLIDAY HOUSE *CLUBMED *ELAN HOLIDAYS HANOVER HOLIDAYS *CLUB GUAVA When You Think Travel Think EXETER TRAVEL CENTRE < TRAVEL E.T.C. 235-0571 Don't Miss Our Winter Special Club Guava Jamaica All Inclusive McCains INSTANT MASHED POTATOES Betty Crocker Chocolate, Lemon, Spice, Yellow STIR 'N FROST Puss 'n' Boots All Varieties CAT FOOD M A 2 lbs. BUTT CHOPS 98*lb. Save 60c lb. ♦♦**♦♦♦»***♦♦** Tend-K-Spot Extra Lean Sweet Pickled 51.05 Not included in 6% COTTAGE ROLL 98* Save 70c lb. COUNTRY SAUSAGE *1.28 Save 30c lb. Tend-R-Spot Pure Pork BREAKFAST SAUSAGE *1.38 Save 40* lb. s1.18 *1.08 2's 58* *1.28 13.4 Sr 95‘ 2/59‘ I I I I I I I I I R I I I fl fl I I I Potatoes Can. No. 1 Table 10 lb. bag Produce of U.S.A. Grapefruit 13<Florida White 48's each Just Arrived Florida Tangelos VALUABLE COUPON WHITE SLICED BREAD Xr Paper Towels 2 Roll 2 Ply 88< COOKED HAM *1.98 Save 90e lb. Tend-R-Spot Sweet Pickled BACK BACON $1 Oftby the piece, end cut, lb. g fl Baden XXX Brick, Colby, Farmer J CHEESE $1.48 ■ l l l l l l I I I I I 1 ROLLS Quaker BRAN MUFFIN MIX 9oo9*1.08 Tenderflake PURE LARD 1 lb.68‘ Delsey Boutique BATHROOM TISSUE Weston's Peerless Salted or Non Salted SODA CRACKERS Westons Brown 'n' Serve 100's, doz. Only with Coupon — Freezer Special ■ rUWlFKKflU 10 for >riRCiMT p M M M M ma M Ml M HMM ■■ Ml BM « ; WESTONS 24 oz. I I I I I I I I I I I Limit 10 loaves per customer with coupon and j $12.00 order excluding cigarettes, tobacco and J coupon item. ■ MlMllMBRIMMBNWMl'MIMIIMmMMMIMMIM'MIMI STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs, 8-6 Fri. 8-9 Sat. 8-7 4 rolls 454 gr. 98* 78* » 2/98‘ 2 ib. *2.99 6’'Ires $2,68 Call us for your freezer requirements. Closed Sundays Prices Effective Nov. 1 to Nov. 7 SENIOR CITIZENS OWIR OOOO ON tuFSOAYt TO AN* •'IRSON AS Y|A»t O» AOI OR OlOIR VPO* PRESENTATION 07 TMltR GOVfRNMfMT HtAlTM A WI17AM fWNYIfY CARO SAVE 6% CA1H DISCOUNT ON YOUR HttCMAW ON ANY fUKOAY us TENDER SPOT 238-2512 GRAND BEND BABY BONUS CA$H YOUO FAMIlV MtfwaWf YMOO'N • 1 IMF rVMMKftOT AND SAVE 6%