HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-10-12, Page 2Page 2 Times-Advocate, October 12, 1978 Over 100 attend event Family services head speaks to Wl rally — Inhln and ton nt 14ti Over 100 ladies attended the 27th County Rally of the Women’s Institutes of the three districts of Huron- West, Huron South and Huron East. Mrs. Graham McNee President of Huron- West was chairman for the day long session. The registration was in charge of Londesboro W.I. and members were welcomed by their president Mrs. Tom Duizer, Greetings were brought from Huron Huron-East by their president Mrs. John Freeman and Huron-South by Mrs. Grace Drummond, the president. Huron-East Mrs. Elva Jacques reported II bran­ ches, membership 265 and I Junior Branch; Huron- South, Mrs. Michael Con- nelley, 9 Branches mem­ bership 303 and Huron-West Mrs. Richard Buchanan, 12 branches, membership 403. Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton .secretary of the Huron County Historical Society brought greetings and thanked the branches for making members. Branches operation sponsoring meetings during the year. She stated that their are 179 members in the County and that young folk are becoming interested in researching history and use the Archives room at the Museum in the making of family trees. Greetings were brought from the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario by the two board members, Mrs. William Porter, Goderich and Mrs. Stewart Anderson Stratford. Richard Boonstra of Huron County Family Children’s services gave a detailed reported on how the bursary money has been spent helping children over the age of 16 years who are crown wards of the Services. One girl is attending Christian college, one hairdressing school and another man is completing his education. He stated that there are ADVERTISING The shortest route to business profits their curators She thanked for their and also the co- for VISIT ANGLICAN CHURCH — Grade eight students of Exeter Public School were at Trivitt Anglican Church Thursday study­ ing the history of the church. From the left are Debbie Jarvis, Rev. George Anderson, Jo-Ann Sellers, Carmelle Doiron, Kim Livingstone, Dianne Zachar, Matt Tuckey, Jeff Robbins, Mike Tiedeman and Geoff Rether. T-A photo HEAR ABOUT SAFETY — Corporal David Woodward of the Exeter OPP Detachment visited Exeter Public School Friday to talk to primary students about safety. In the background is teacher Suane Linden. T-A photo 43 child abuse problems in the County and spoke of the need for a preventative program for physical and mental abuse of children. The members voted to again support the Bursary and this year it is 75 cents per member. The Huron County Home Economists Miss Bea McClenghan and Miss Grace Bird reported on the work done with senior courses and the 4-H Homemaking clubs. They reported that 175 had completed the course - Personalize your pattern and that the 4-H clubs had 1948 members complete their projects. They stressed the Home Decorating course in colour, design, wall coverings and window treatment and these are being held at Clinton, October 25, Wingham October 26, Exeter on October 31 and in the evening at the office at Clinton 7-10 p.m. on October 26. The guest speaker of the day was Mrs. Fred Howe of Embro, the F.W.I.O, curator of Tweedsmuir History Books. She spoke on house logs and had two to illustrate her talk. She urged all to start their house logs which is a history of the house and the story of the property, when built and bought by whom. Much information is already lost. This book is left with the house when it is sold. Some people now are writing the history of the barn buildings. In the new business it was decided to who has projects. Wightman ploughing match thanking everyone for their excellent co-operation throughout the County. It was decided that proceeds be kept after ex­ penses paid. Mrs. Evalina Webster of the profit from the banquet Bly th spoke on the Huron- be divided among the three and ,nv,ted districts view Auxiliary and invited all to attent the bazaar, bake table and tea at Huronview on October 11. She stated that the birthday parties put on by the Branches are appreciated by the residents of Huronview. of the and award any girl completed 24 Mrs. Ivan spoke on the Obituaries and the other TAKE OUT Why Dixie Lee Of Course UELHO GARTH Where can I find taste that'sout of this world? $2 1 FRIED CHICKEN EXETER 235-2665 OPEN HOUSE at the Commerce, Ailsa Craig on Monday, October 16 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. We've been a part of Ailsa Craig since 1892 and wfe've made a lot of friends in this community. To these and to everyone in the area we extend a cordial invitation to call and see our brand new premises. On Monday October 16 we are celebrating with an Open House. Please plan to join us. There'll be a warm welcome waiting for you. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE REVEREND ROBINSON At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, October 4, 1978, Rev. William O. Robinson in his 92nd year. Beloved Catherine Several nieces and nephews also survive. Predeceased by three sisters and three brothers. The funeral was held Friday from the McCallum Funeral Home, Goderich. Interment at Bayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers were BillTaylor, Elmore Stephenson, Doug Robinson, Elmer Hayter, Bill Robinson and Don McClinchey. GERTRUDEGITTUS husband of A. Caskey. In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday, October 6, 1978, Gertrude Maria (Weseloh) Gittus, beloved wife of the late Thomas J. Gittus (August 1975) in her 81st year. Dear mother of Arthur J. Gittus of Rochester, Minnesota. Dear sister of Frederick Weseloh of Tecumseh, Michigan,Mrs.' Lillian Meinginger of Nor­ thville, Michigan. Seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, also survive. Predeceased by one son Richard, three sisters; Mrs. Olivia Thiel, Mrs. Veda Howard and Mrs. Selma Schroeder. The funeral was held Monday from the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich. Burial was made at St. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich. BEATRICE SCAFE Suddenly at home on October 5, 1978, .Beatrice Ann Scafe (Garrett) in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late Martin Scafe; dear mother of Agnes (Mrs. Gordon Hotson) of Lucan and Donald of East Williams township. Dear grandmother of seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Dear sister of Kenneth of St. Marys and William Kilty of Windsor. The funeral was held Saturday at the T. Stephenson and Son Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig with Mr. Peter Snell officiating. WILLIAM ELROY (ROY) PARSONS At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, October 8,1978, William Elroy (Roy) Parsons of Exeter, in his 91st year. Dear father of Olive Parsons of Exeter, Frayne Parsons of Usborne Twp., Bill Parsons of Exeter and Robert Parsons of Montreal. Dear brother of Mrs. Edith Richards of Exeter, Mrs. Cnrisina Gardiner of Meaford, Frank Parsons of Exeter, Reg Parsons of Janesville, Wisconsin. The funeral service will be held on Thursday, October 12, at 2 p.m. from the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home with Rev. James Forsythe Of­ ficiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery. NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND * for approval of a by-law imposing special rates for parking lot purposes TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of Purchase of Parking Lot and Parkette Lot 1,2, 3, Plan 9 at an estimated cost of $45,000.00, and intends to charge the whole (or part) of the cost of the work as special rates for a period of 8 years upon the owners of assessed real property who will derive a benefit therefrom. 2. It is proposed to raise the whole (or part) of the annual payments by special rates on the owners and in the manner prescribed by Proposed By-law No. il/7Q at­ tached hereto as Schedule "A". 3. Any owner concerned may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, serve personally or by Registered mail on the clerk of the Village of Grand Bend, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rates, and that if a public nearing is held, he or his agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. 4. The Ontario Municipal Board may approved the said special rates pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said undertaking, but before doing so it mav od- point a time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided tor above. DATED at the Village of Grand Bend, this 12th day of October, 1978. Louise Clipperton Village of Grana Bend Box 340, Grand Bend, Ont. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND BY-LAW NUMBER 27/78 Being a by-law to establish a parking committee/authority and the method of fun­ ding the acquisition of parking facilities. WHEREAS: The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 251, gives Municipalities authority to acquire parking facilities and; WHEREAS: The Municipal Council of the Village of Grand Bend deem it desirous to acquire and operate parking facilities. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: 1. That a parking committee/authority be established for the purpose of acquiring and operating parking facilities. _ 2.,That _the said , committee/authority submit to Council by January 31st of each year a budget for the current year. 3. That any operating surplus be placed in a reserve fund toward the purchase of additional parking facilities. 4. That any of the facilities aquired may have a portion set aside for parkette or rest areas. 5. That the committee/authority shall consist of one Councillor, one Businessman, ap­ pointed by Council and the Reeve ex officio. 6. That rates to be charged will be established by Council resolution or by-law from time to time as may be deemed necessary. 7. That the committee/authority reports to Council and is not autonomous. Read a first and second time this 18th day of September, 1978, Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of September, 1978. R.M. Sharen, Reeve Louise.Clipperton Clerk Being a I ($45,000, 2, 3, Plan THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND BY-LAW NUMBER 26/78 ’H0* 11° emP°««r *he and Clerk to borrow Forty Five Thousand ^vSagTo^rand'Vend7 ' ' PUrp°Se °' pUrchasi"s Lo,s 1 ■ WHEREAS: The Council of the Village of Grand Bend deems it desirous that the purchase of Lots 1, 2, 3, Plan 9 be financed over an extended period of time. r THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED that the Reeve and Clerk be and hereby are empowered t1°oferrx0Wxihe reclu,red forty. Five Thousand ($45,000.00) Dollars as of February 14, 1979, for the purpose of closing the above described transaction. X Read a first and second time this 18th day of September, 1978. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of September, 1978. R.M. Sharen Reeve Louise Cliperton Clerk