HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-09-14, Page 20Times-Advocate, September 14. 1978 OPEN LUCAN ARENA — It took seven pairs of scissors to officially open the Lucan Community Centre Saturday night. At each end holding the ribbon are arena manager Jim Burt and his assistant Rick Gwalchmai. The dignitaries from the left are Huron-Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell, Jack Dorman of McGillivray township, Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn, former Argiculture minister W.A Stewart, Biddulph reeve Fred Dobbs, London township reeve Garnet Bloomfield and Bob Collins of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. T-A photo St. Patrick's school with a difference Install new seniors officers, report $800 from crafts, quilt The opening fall meeting of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups of the Lucan senior citizens club was held Thursday afternoon in^Jhe Club rooms, with a good attendance in both groups. President of 1977-78 Gordon Hotson opened the meeting welcoming everyone back, thanking all who had supported him during his term of office and asked for the same support for the new Executive. Cards of thanks were read from Kindergarten class is large The Biddulph-Lucan public school has an enrollment of 475 pupils. There is a very large kin­ dergarten class of 58 meeting alternate half days. October 12 the Home and School Association will sponsor a meeting entitled “Meet the Teacher Night”, All parents are welcome. This year the school says Good-bye to Fred Berdon who goes to the Centennial Central school in Arva. The new principal . is Wallace McLay formally a principal of Westminster Central school and Prince Andrew Public School. The Student council had their first meeting this year. These students are elected by the student body and are in charge of School Spirit and School programs eg. the Bunny Bundle drive and a once a month film being held at the school. Any proceeds will be used to refurbish class rooms and arrange bus trips. ^JhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL I CHICKEN IBARBEQUE Lexie and Earl Atkinson and from Murray Shoebottom. The new president and secretary, Mrs. Tom Kooy and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins took office and Mrs. Joe O’Neil was welcomed as the Sep­ tember Social Convener. Mrs. Kooy thanked the lunch committee, Mrs. Donald Allen, Mrs. E. Allison and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson. The lunch convener, Mrs. D. Thompson asked that any person who is unable to take his or her allotted time, to please trade with some one the following week, without getting in touch with her to have her do it. Mrs. Gordon Hotson, treasurer for the Busy Buddies reported over $800 raised from the Craft Booth and the draw on the quilt at the Lions Club Fair. Mrs. Rupert Williams expressed thanks for her lovely pot of mums while a patient at University Hospital which she is still enjoying! The secretary invited all the members to the United Church annual Chicken Barbecue on September 20, tickets available from several members who were present, advance sale only to September 18. Delivery will be made to shut-ins. ZlllllllllllllllllHHIIIIIIIItltllllllllllllU Church at the LUCAN UNITED CHURCH Wed., Sept. 20 5-7 P.M. Adults s3.75 Children 5-12 yrs. $2.00 Pre-Schoolers Free = ADVANCE i TICKETS | ONLY i By Sept. 17 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' Nursery school numbers 45 The Lucan nursery school have started their fall classes with three programs and 45 preschoolers right now the children are working on nursery rhymes and a trip to the apple orchards is planned. If you are interested in enrolling your child in nursery school there are still some openings in the two- day afternoon program. Janis Latta at 227-4059 will be glad to give you any ad­ ditional information. 1 news “Salt and Light” was sermon topic chosen by Rev. Keith Brown Sunday mor­ ning at Lucan United Church. Speaking from Matthew 5: Rev. Brown told his congregation that Christians were paid a very high compliment but that they must live up to the meaning of the compliment by being the salt of the earth and light of the world. He said that we must be like salt, lending a unique “taste” to Christianity, pure as salt which comes from the sun and the sea, although the sea is not as pure as it was in the time of Christ, preser­ vative and antiseptic, so we may having a healing affect on those around us and flavourful giving a radiance and flavour to our belief. But if we do not witness, and have let our lives lose His influence then we are like salt which has lost its flavour. Jesus commanded us to follow His lead in being a “Light to the World” and if we do this the world will see the light of His goodness in our daily lives and He will give us grace to carry out His will. The choir the Euchre winners were Lady’s High, Rose Atkinson; lady’s lone, Olive Atkinson; lady’s low, Ann Kish; man’s high, Alex Young; lone, Percy Williams; low, Muriel Cobleigh, playing a man’s card. The high bridge prize was won by Ivan Stanley. The Busy Buddies com­ menced their fall classes in ceramics, under the direction of Rose Baaker. There will be 4 or perhaps 5 sessions on figurines following which two classes will be given in “Papier Tole” and the 3rd or 4th week in October the second group will take the figurine ceramics. At present we have a full class in Papier Tole, but if you are interested, please ’phone 227-4714 or 227-4916 and a second class will be arranged. St. Patrick’s Separate School near Lucan is the school with the difference for the 1978-79 school year. The main aim this year as revised by the Board is “to provide children with an educational atmosphere which fosters and directs the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, physical and social growth of all our students to enable them to live and contribute as responsible Catholics in any Society”. Times are changing across the Province re declining enrolment but the number of students who reigstered on the first day of September exceeds past years — the enrolment for* the 1978-79 school year is 288. One change this Sep­ tember too ironically is the fact that last year’s remains the same, Regan, Junior dergarten; Mrs. Kindergarten; Mrs. Hishon, Grade 1; Grade 2; 3; Mrs. Kelly, Grade Mrs. Forrest, Grade 5; Maxwell, Grade 6; Redmond, Grade 7 and Mr. Ziler, Grade 8. Mrs. Rooney is the Music and Reipedial Specialist, Mrs. Robinson is the French teacher. Mrs. Manders will be the school’s secretary, Messrs. Van- derLoo and VanGaal will comprise the custodial staff and Mr. de Salaiz is the Principal. The librarian and teacher aide have yet to be assigned. Close co-operation is planned between the school, the parish priest Father McGraw and the very active P.T.A. and the executive comprised of Mrs. Lansink, Mrs. VanBussel, Mrs. Reymer, Mrs. VanBoxmeer, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. O’Shea. Mrs. Mr. Most of district accidents took place on Friday staff Mrs. Kin- Hern, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Isard, Grade BROWNIES MEET Brownie meetings start again September 21. Girls already enrolled will be contacted personally by their leaders. Three of the six accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detach­ ment of Provincial Friday. At 2750 driven by David John Carson, London left County road 41, near Concession 6 in London township and struck a pole. Constable W.T. Hodgins investigated. At 6’.30 p.m. the same day vehicles driven by Ross Wilson London and Margaret the Ontario Police occurred p.m., a vehicle Prepare ice some time left The arena will start to put the ice in this week. A few hours of ice time are still available, if anyone is in­ terested please contact the arena at 227-4221. The Lucan-Ilderton Jets will play an exhibition game at the Arena, September 27. Badminton and volleyball will soon be underway. If you are interested and have not yet signed up please call 227- 4221. Community Centre was officially openedSECOND GENERATIONS , - , ____ Saturday night two of the board members were second generation family representatives. Above, the guest speaker W.A. Stewart, left, and Bob Collins of the Ministry of Recreation and Culture, right, chat with Fred Dobbs of Biddulph and Garnet Bloomfield of London township. Their fathers were on the board when the original arena was built in 1950. Forrest, R.R. 2, Lucan were in collision on Highway 4, one kilometre north of the Lucan northerly limits. Constable D.R. Vance listed damages at $425. The third Friday accident took place at ir.50 p.m. on the main street of Lucan. Vehicles involved were driven by Scott McNair, Lucan and John Malone, R.R. 1 Centralia. Wednesday at 11’.25 p.m. Constable C.S. Fleming set damages at $3,0,00 when vehicles driven by Cecil Spencer, Hensail and Tracey ‘ Seymour, R.R. 2 London collided on Highway 4, south of Concession 8-9 in London township. Vehicles driven by Gary Ar rand, Hyde Park and John Foskett, R.R. 5, London were involved in an accident Sunday at r.28 p.m. on Concession 6 of London township, west of County road 23. Constable Fleming estimated damages at $1,800. Tuesday morning at 1 atm. a vehicle driven by Alexander Forbes R.R. 2, Arva struck a tree in Welcon Park in Arva. Constable G.J. Barker is investigating. Sun., Sept. 17, 1978 at SEELSTER FARMS LUCAN ONT. Yearling Show Day of our consignment of standard bred colts and fillies for Toronto sale, Oct. 14, 15/78 APPLES Harvest & early varieties picked fresh daily CRUNICAN BROS 1 V2 miles south of Elginfield anthem “Lead Me Lord”, under the direction of the organist and choir leader, . Helen Brown. More voices are needed, particularly altos and both tenors and basses. The once-a-year event you have been waiting tor! From September 6th until September 30th! — f^MNSHM/E COILEGE COMMUNITY LIAISON SERVICES And THE LUCAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO FANSHAWE COLLEGE Present FALL TERM 1978 REGISTRATION: 1978 09 26 (Tuesday. Sept. 26) from 19:30 to 21:00 at Biddulph Public School in Lucan. For information on any of the courses call 452-4441 during of­ fice hours. FIRST CLASS: 1978 10 03 (Tues. Oct. 3) at Biddulph Public School FEES: Fees will be collected the first night in the form of cash, cheque or money order payable to Fanshawe College. CROCHETING: 10 sessions FARM BOOKKEEPING: 10 sessions HORSE CARE: 6 sessions OFF-LOOM WEAVING: 10 sessions OIL PAINTING: 10 sessions SELF-DEFENSE FOR WOMEN: 10 sessions on ROYAL DOULTON Lambethwane PREPARE CHURCH SERVICE — An ecumenical church service Sunday afternoon was part of the weekend's official opening of the Lucan Community Centre. Shown prior to the service are Father Joe McGraw of St. Patrick's; Rev. John Hofland, Lucan Anglican; Rev. Keith Brown, Lucan United and Rev. Ray Brewster, Lucan Revival Centre. T-A photo sang a lovely CHECKING FIGURES — During Saturday evening's festivities at the official opening of the Lucan arena, board treasurer Murray Hodgins, left, checks grant figures with Bob Collins of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. T-A photo 19:30 to21:30 19:30 to21:30 19:30 to21:30 19:30 to21;30 19:30 to21:30 19:30 to 21:30 $24 + Materials $24 $20 $24 $24 $24 Choir practice tonight Choose from 20 and 45 piece sets in 20 beautiful patterns. Lambethware. Oven, dishwasher, freezer, detergent and microwave oven proof with a two year guarantee. And best of all, made by Royal Doulton. Don’t miss this great event at... This evening, Thursday, is choir practise. If you like to sing come out and join those already in the choir. Have you some “valuable junk” you would like to clear out of your garage, or attic? If so, take it to the Couples’ Club “garage sale” at Bob Pat­ terson’s Saturday morning or ’phone 227-4879. The sale will alsp include home baking, if you would like to assist in this way. Get your ticket, or order it, at once for the chicken barbecue September 20. The cut-off date is Monday the 18th, Many members of the congregation have tickets, just ’phone one of them. Have you always wanted to take a trip to Hawaii? You may on Thursday, October 5 at 8 p.m. in Lucan United Church, in word and picture when Mrs. M. H. Hodgins will tell of her trip last April to that State. This is spon­ sored by the Evening Unit and everyone is welcome.Main St. Matnn JEWELLER A The Store Where Gift Shopping Is Easy Exeter