HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1875-10-20, Page 3r"' W' Manchester House. • 012 ,42.1r..2 4121 2 Ont fa stook of Dry Goode Is °polled, We are r• lowing the ebi)ie e Et goods to be found. Our stock of Dress Goode, Jackets and Millinercannot he equaled in town. We Ie) nobhing hut first elass goods and sell cheap for cash. Our stock of Tweeds and Coatings are the very best goodsitt the market, and our .tailoring department is ma.raged by M1'401138 wor .incn. tt:t ROTS * JOHN ST 1114 2 IIIIINCHESTER HOUSE. 7 JOHN' lticINTOSH. Jr. & Co. • Dry Goods & Groceries, - s s 5 NEW & 1:111..;S11 - - ' Kiss J. Stewart, Agent fPatterns or Cornwall's £W5 Chart and . The superioritay of our patterns is manifested iu all parts. Now t,o satisfy yourself that this claim is well founded, examine them carefully, and corpttte thew sit wide others, sad yaw el sotto* whoa( Weer noels that ours have different sktoultier turesaveaseet, by witch aoy ehoped ehroakkr -AO, low riser oe elapses -erne he thee aorstielell foot AN" Tau 14114 °61.1" "1r sis • Yuma wawa, the wars of the der te are determined by • eitulsernatioal rule, ides peraluease tredve it. rue• awn* U a gime boa aitatos 38 twit*. ellM 1,11144 Sd MARIN 04,1 Illernwee-l• teehee--wel be Om mast eaweet teiets4 III Ow Marla name two me ww-la 'hag inadtutie an timbranod OW ?ss'.old • 4o b• laws* by no •111•01 •117,111b1SAIMMILL Tile se the tartly system le the wrld othat writ peedue• a perfect-Mu/4 dross ur patters. Vertherstrue, wash SC SUst watt WWI *tarlatan. Oat ints we broajta together, its pegged,: 1•4•1rot. 14 *tick*" and Snorts, Wools sad tiessery. Nudes, Camila s.4 Dom Cepa A eall eelettated. Market Ilguers, *oil dual la WM CasOndrsIIPOMISS. alto/ Mae Iwhen the /I *gehapt ' the Kiley wow adalieel Wales Onjh Ow Jeer el Na Stiltob tettenly Wowed an eabiattita the Kann wow • Inoue pewee wee *wheys& bet IN • hr• stintos Seeltsb Anew WA We ees We poem 46441 kat. ANS tommidsusly vt Aso eattaloi Site IMAM .04 • asp prootosal tow nue is pest the pesaC tt•antihil• •• boom nolliand mem abort am& tram ol coo* draws trims Plitlagel- pltdi t. 'Nee Totti rah • ttiettlefut04 •t•lor , vge, 1.-liks1ritustr1r. &c; tre-'S-1 AM illAALS-11212 *55u..1111,06 1933 644 1.114. 6•13, pre 1011 01 tu.1.00 roma; witiiimabs 704 TU. Mr& (04.4416roborm) • .6 • magedgrne) • 3*8 . • I. • •• ri... 4ps• bra ..4 ••• • 1 3' 11•0 • mak . . . • av• • aS Ara • Uri._ 0 • 111••••,,, g•aelt. ..... .. • sr • ta raisinta • ••••••••• • • Ilt • " 41.4 ter err-. *0 441119 01•••••• • M // • II% •••••••110 .313 • • 01 &an WAIF 37//01.0•St . • • • 0 Itt • •-••- . to* • r 1164o a.. • • • 10 Maw . • -GO NI Noe. • 44 • • •• JOHN BOND, 1311111ST a in W t u•••• .• 40 • • 40 1.32.1•• . • SO 0 a SI O ra 1••• 6•• • 13 0 045 • ammo p_ 4.3153.013 . • SO • OS at 51bila4e• 11100,3 *Atmore. Ora. •111. Mesa Iffartleor arta. • IS • I Vara prow pee are al 0 833 mmiv. trev •• • • •• Oille.3•3 MM. *A Tam. pm •••• ... 44 • • .313.1. boa Mt' •••• • Ts . Poem.. pro barb .• . • St Ta 5.01141 . 0 It . • NI Ikota• ••• 4e4. t•••••••••.. • M .30 ir . .... 00 •••• • 41* 00 ;some Ouse 41? ° 414.4 4 - • IN Itaamions Oat. It. 104 V as •-111.•.1mynsgymmlonolm-tn---01.-- 01.4 (m bon S• ••• • S. p•• 1•164 . • 10 - • St ••••, per ••••• •40. •0 *rt.. ,••• ••••• • 13 •• • a• ••• m h . 11111" • • • 1•••• ma. nt left p.. 6•-• • 011** $ tie• . 3P' • • . • . .... a la • / ittato.. •• II • • • •• "Itter .3 /•-•-•"-4•••••• To -Nervous Sufferers! ! Ilmon• ro•••••••••. =....•••••4*,...0•• r••• te• on= DTII 300 MELD 11 3 MOJTUt Ohm may 63.o ••••••••• •••••• Tm • .••• Ms mks. m. • roes el VW =•••••••••• 8. 1.55. raw an Wm..* • ••••••••••• • ••• et a,. • ••••••••• 1101••• 11010 •••••• mot p1•••••• ea ••••••• of 31 3. 06-A CUM GUARANTEED -as la 3. •••••••• ••••••• &Moe ro• 1133131• mooreor 111.555 tow, to Naomi ol. •••••. owe •••••••• 145134.1. 11164.10144. 4 woo •••••• Maw al oe••••• ere evmvon. male Or IMMO LOIS rata niii.1 sarinit 1"Inve rsare61111o1e br ore 4404 41 ma a IMMO J. mamma 111nX • • a,••• • • abaatITT Olt tol4/1.111144111,1117 ▪ •Ilarr I. FaVy•••••• n .1.4rern ameel•••P13 Saba a •••••••• IMO Inooreoremberm*Initoowtot boom* promo*. - - medlar •••••••••• ram ail and ••••=e Omer r1331534 ported* •••••••• set la to srarearailem !Memo 11.422. -5. Wn yeeassatarasi 43. mierlool• ••• 1••••••14y ralieria -*wore lb.., Nona ••••••• Prof. 1.!. EGO, 1416 4e 133066, WANTED anon Asa •,r 3A1.5 *remit *I kt 1.1:3• • 7.'1.410.1;1 • 1 1 • AGUA miascuLose. This Exquisite f•pant•l• "T0311438 Plintwoldlone" tor 67.306177 nod pm - 1,0•Tr• tin CoMITielimarenn ltins,11•14400 prepas-ed by Dan 1101.1•131. A•••••• Mt 35353 53 431•1•1011 01 111•S1110, Spout, sod by hies mid us herr ektettAtlits '1'4 4 OVA !Atli Mad' nd. Mama obeeken., o •• ••- ••••••yerubl. boautilior as4 proorroativi of 1.130 30138ton. and. *erode pro- secutors .4%% nnII.s. Vbgelv •, ruapies, Ittobseni. Tam, bad ail IA Mos/mm th• Man. makinz • 3..1 •37 In Cuba row years or. on.- tho soros K.yal sur•t• Kr ens aosatabea bv Sri,-,. meaner, said halt!. for days ..lreverret ad, NM ell. - *Orly, be Lod torrittoro& sad an1 • NURS F,R1 ES, London, Onf: •••4 it, • - • M K S J__ B°oftlShoes, STOCK WILL BE COMPLETE,I- ExcintotrooLY LOW PRICES. si.L.AN LINE ROYAL MAIL "t• Wednesday Sept. 22, 1875. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT NEW FILL GOODS PONTEYLTkYLOR, r OittIttt )illt CAL • R. B. Cempleie lied Weil Asserted "....•,1":•• -semeoc-stOP Fruit & °MONDIAL' 111 11F: IN Shrubs, Roses, • t ts " $ 5 0, sekaoakedireemet tts appreciation 28 YEARS pr.Acrric;in •Ur. C. hang igtAlliner• • le.rince that A: has pre 1 43 .3 a large ...,4titioa4 1:1 Drugs, Medicine, Foacy Articles, _ zalOULDER TOILET saiP.• at 4 -7-Pt'Asrs. • -• nAill, TooTH CD1TDS fiat! ttsot, A ND AIL I:rnsisei, HAIR OIL. l'ERFUMERY, STRENGTHENING PL.A,STEItS. AL,O. A I. AltlIE bYtK:K OF t SPONGES, It A ZOIIS. ttlit 11 A PS, .1 ta: TIM .o* BUCKEYE MINERAL ERS, "Natures own iron TonIc." 043 11m., 1106•3•3..41.174011 4031•111$0 ••••••34, preaut.01 tho Lwow TIttawlsv. 21trOct. -Fora tenet. Ilek. oaf. tla tarok loam 1.I.selt be pleaseste, AA • Int tote. 2. Colhoret. tor Imebis II I icier Ciro.. W. H 3. 'Nutt, preptallbatt 0. L• (Mayfenioss• 11-4/•••r homey. lady Troostoin. auctioneer. .pattents for 'whom Ilr. C. ha. propsived Pridoy. 22nd Oet. 21. two. , wnararwas-..3 _thennelts• nbiet reft_ergett*VtatY in 00. John Washinclure. wird ita amnia ha hsodetoecooritror ' • ' • • M. faitato pni-pare ita 6 lfraessito Totter?' Posraoyerroo 14••••• moyarla i•• skin, adamItng freshams, trasisp•rent clearnese, velvety smotlinees and vegetate mttnems. A appheitiona 0111 convert 33.. r.•••16 MI skin tato one vit Alahmter dolicaty. it isnot • “1.•110,- .•Eiestntl, ' but • 1••••••••••17 Peermo Modoetel her the skin, arvelIvets ellkeer WARI•11743.1. bomb.. as pure milk Nese lam Dollar pm 4.3*3.. St 3 6.3116.0 tot nes Masts. • .Ezpretord to sot oddrow rs.r.sts Jams:: CAUPS111.1.. U , Charleroi. fa; Irt1.1••• $T, N Y. .1•0.144.W.IIC 4mi- 30 - ottani, at Madhya Marl. yennotwof in.totto..••• 1473-110 • 711t am uor•SOMIll balk. having sarcoma Saturdar. fiat 25. - Illisortiommooss mkt at Ilan. Ooderwh. Saturday, Oct_ 23. - IL J. Wbitoley Lactation Larriago Works. Ck•lenzh. Ni-aahy.r.th Oct. -Forst 81.0311„ ‘103 ..n hail Is 2,6th can., Aslitiel.1 U. Thos Scott, proprietor, II. M. Tree, Wan, IRK••••••••. Tuesday, $'h Oct. -Mrs. root*, Fora Sack. 1,4 7, Cid, ft, Collinvee. • Wednesday. 1.131. 27. -Mr. Tbas. Dark's Farm, Noatl•rn 04114,1 1Rnat. Friday, 'nth Oct -Famo Stook. David Putout, LA.17, Coo. 7, Maori& Township. An rarneol rmitaral Part of bloek C. in elrewnei •••••• .11tal pt. It • le -it. •-•• Cap lb tug 1 ..'.b ‚«,s'"4oterdey. %or. Oth. o•d 144 ' At 11i40, ha P done and profited ilireby. as rinotiatb..-r, ...rennied by Sr. PLO.. N.ble. /IA. 2., tti.t ire - 1-1135cad, damp chadedable **abet -"estivh, Noortaiwt. Ter iretIvetoe My &Frew erv,.:ierievievett iberaialks.*/ • ' (said it gill pay. • „ ••Itealth 4.81.3 tat than Woaltli. • - , • ea, tat. '..e••. 'Om. .4 Mr ....on •••11•••.011.571•0. •••• Min ••••••-. IM .. 5411*3' 541113013 13y1 .10. 11% 3Pin I on....• ••••• th• Awn -1401P) , 10 •••• ---rrt4r4..1aa....bet.rt. 6,4 40,n •1 opt* ml toil r, nom 011.4•00,46, tor.414. M. !saw Mar aro Tt L11.**414:_,V141 /.6.4.' wow ••••• .4.. AI, 40,161., .•••• Mt• -a, iv • . • - .. - sear • pre re .1 titome•t era ••••••••• 4 tit.. 4, • •• p•ry•••• ar, 0234 ••••••• bet ••••-• r•••• • . moon. 4 tv 11... 11... 1116. vim 0.4 tio• 114.. A. w oo. IF aul Itmos 313••••. PM 13...443 113•22•44.4.23. to 1.00, 6 f 1,11W t• 1.10000 .4. 54 T. • . Iln:•••••• • 111. •416 M Sho Int lir 0.1. 5'. h ex, aara 14 Um 3 km, o••••• 4•••••• bra./ bumble. 41,-.? 11-46r. . ship of the Red Mortar. East Market Square. NEvr Niii AIIII \HAM %Mini 1.3338.3*. m4.7. lo 33-•. Th'* 73-mmon Mt 1118.11..i. 71,35...• F. .•z• •14•11 to 18.3- /mom Arnett. VOWS. 1•0.0.413 m • Temarmar. th Toot 4.4 report. t.. • ll••••••• beb • Illookath. Tre pal• tor. a &tape... wropb• 22.• 42.•••25 taw, lw 4.2. 1V. -COWBELL'S _Riga IL SHOE STORK., ---- • •• , ...v. o e. W LiT 0 I Ilk. MALKET Itre Joe Strum•••• Taisomite • ts biereie, ea WM. 3. *53. 3.43.44 Inflo 431.0.331..• Imant.4. 6mos • room 35•••••• riat 43 1.4* 3. 1.10...: 414 355 teat ,46414. millet • tar rale 3.4 tie. Seek ;pa 441 paha Chates.. ra ea, to. aato eagle. M Sic 1 1111mbooms. r 11).11:1 gla All I r- • 7.1 coats per pair, clot' to th.re g...wrolly sold at 51 per par. 3. 545.0.15 Mr 15355 J•2.22510. ett. 453. Prom Saeltem. *eel al mom rar•ma. me AM 1113 55. ••••• 1434041. oreamorara 43 tram oat Li moil, ICI tr. 14.4.14 CA -1-.1 14111 I 111k PrrtICI ' . • DOW 3113 1111•11 10.1 arritina. • ' " - Repairlog done with neatness and dearateh. (lodorselt, )(,-h :13.3, 147'. NOTICE - WILLIATtI CAMPBELL mesz.a. sox.xarrEx). REMOVAL - REMOVAL! • • BOOTS & SHOES. t,E.&J.DOWNING HAVICPEMOVEOSTO t street Crabs new an Market Square. d 4 ,DiseAse.-A, 2 ,./ litre miter 24. 1074. Jaa, .r. c .. t, St: lit. 41* Fittest St- N. 1, Inatly years toy arta. ha had arrin..• tirgante. and -.4 memo. Punctiortal thsetoe Om Heart. and frequently has 'tedurre' .1 the eine terrible dor' her with 213.15. I ha. r 111m4 ,. men ••• IntroMIt 11.Mmtim withmit avail, bat us Dr. CampbellH 's 'eart tteule gtor' I am tree le modem. ar 4/••• lonn.1 the "4403155. Palmav s ." it ant gbe "Kedi• gia.nup )44rr ErrA•031:4,42Ini Lmtimr. ohm,4 tivtaettiiii or ea pr.*. t ly, while the ‘111111LIMMS. aro mach lac 4,,..o$and soosio. I Moo pew limbed yotir moody 3'1 areettee. I ceaes sed en, swot 001011•04 0.0' 01its em .11 3.R01.* dfina Or.. palo or' Feecooral, Cordite Detesse- seeete. Va./ lady pare. WILLIAM II. IIVIINHAM, M. D. late Collegiate 4 Anatomy Sixth Arens*. COM It I Standard and Out Apples .1 511 the hobos renetres l'EAltb. PLUMS. COMMIES, MACH GRATE VINES, 1.04104EUEltR114.4, atsrinialulD4, 8LACKS1R33IL4, IlTMAAVSN.MODS,`• r 12r11/.. ti primed to an t tow K:y• A Theta. ntl Leon Disoose, Comorrh. Dsolnow. he, 116., with tolo r valsoblo inforwation, WON kr any ad pogo, by forwarding Stamp At. P. Chupbell, N. D. SS WM= • Wow Yank Neuralgia, ficiatica.lthesuza- by. sad grown toli.r the Uses, - Ornamonta1 Trees Flowering Shrubs, SMITH'S. Special Lines in Tweeds, •1•15•M=10 Hybrid, Perpetual. Moo. and Chadcad 1. OtIlt STOCK OF DRY' Goons 45l' OROCERIES 3. V.., 14,,iti •Ita IFIPH •••••••••••1 •r,4 Cheaper Ibis the Cheapest. Mr It. sure and see oer gouls beton F. JORDAN, • 1871 MAItKP.T CI( /1 /1..itICIHr. Ith•erabselln•birt 11.14.,,,, • .4. ram..014.. Th. •••••• •••••••••••••. poo. UM •••••• • ••••••3 •••••• 41.•••••••• 44404•447. TM 6 PHYSICIANS PRILACRI Moss _cashrtaLy butrama. MI. MS Tin ATT•1106a TRU r• awns. t• toy 111013SHE in RETAIL ALFRED TALLEITT, Hamilton Street, Goderich. - Merveledeves .1 aid Wholesale and Detail deal, in lItIntianan; -est • ATTENTION t t . . mool. Liverpool. Loadmtatiery omil ' 1' f Glassine _.... rc44: ': - peg Om maker il one ea 'Ira gme" .."="16. 7:4iv'' =dtr‘-,*--- ,,,,, ...... ..... - UST 00 LIMNOS Ms 917111! ' 441114141% ISM • &Rl:144k 114111114 101 . 5101101.814/ =:3.1 ,.... . ' .... PatTeloraf. .. . 40414114114Tlaii• . . .. - • 01011.6141411 . . .. .... SUNOS. WS& 413511•111411 CrlattalaN., 114$11011411... . Ilao. TIN ••••••••• Mime • lift Ike ••• varier .,, Nam lea •••••••••••■•• ••••••••••• sane k trkorma. adostruiracT ••••••••4' mown Set gledimatil31 time 4•1•440 Min 31 "" "="111 • A. WILT, O. T. IL 'rf wtononteactia.- Mt• CHANGE 11ODE OF DOING BUSINESS. no subscriber Inds that Ione credit amounts is not the order 04 35. day awl 3. tioithor profit atts thit prim Tier Wm Mket "3 ouch ,r...ta Hones a change Is needed. ("11 rr Cl TO 61111(1111 TRISC1111, IV••• ••• /••■•••• • Owlet 44 oi•O The subscriber edl ma sad alter the grit of April neat rertase CIP•4111 aceouate, invariably im the lira day of etch moath and st not pad by Ili. 1515 folIotnag, bather opplaetha lot coda isood Thib imMetai- &tete 5. 44134. hhhavrag it to: 13. 1, the laterat rah henet • A7 itesemate grew amiss 14 not soss1. to paid hotbed\ es I toripiti ovary emu flue too far Rai pogrom If Omit ornitrahritrote, ee otherwise they .313 13. bosolial 011••• parties for .3.at the MAIN tint* the subscriber lump lave lo may that all 6.6' It the smallest possible prugt fur nes\ ve ouch credit as shove named Mope, tbe prnitheed chaise, mill be duly appreciated by all pen.,414 • h., noiy le meriting CHEAP HARDWARE. C. 14. PARSONS, Sofas. C3uches,Beds. Chairs. Itatresses, Bolsters. ROSES) ' Pillows and stuffed Furniture AMMSigint patrna Hardy Herbaceous Flowering A:1'1101.,tiTit',RINti IN AI,I. 1114 BRANCTIKs. Plants, Lc. , . - f its:Firristi AND REPAilLit441 • 'SPECIALTY. tIoude '4 ••••• 0••••11.41•01 •7•11/ 30 order ea short.notits Orlon solicited Wen RETAIL Fr ItNITI.RY. lit. t LESS as won so this pubic getwaraIly Call old le. ir. r 4 I. and rflOP• of ..sol 1, prfis hat 1•1131 t yr Our entire Stork Is CiREFULLY SELECTED WIT frOt• Kama* 01. woritrilehle med.-oat by Dr. Ja. OraPieWs • "Radical Curs' Neuialgiii. Roost buts. ilefersocei Pr( N. IL law, Koos colleen. Galeoborgh. is; Chia. c. In On., 13 sada:. John se N. t- . 'leery St Beeni• 34,.,:oton Rahn. w. ; Radom flop 41. 45413, Eon , 217 , firoodway N Y. and heathens el alters Prat (leo rreparst tomb SI rift. St • to ant addron *43 7.. 4JiM4'l33Z1.L1'1t7g13.3' 1473 Itt. 36. Nita Yale. Ilai in; rur4.1surr4 4.1214 ..oh .4 J. B. Somerville Victoria 8treet, wrileac11. h. -pe try 4214ps_3.1iet atteas..us to beeibiligg • iarga st.vit • f It- va *4 •-••• y Ammo .4 %rberoret. II'- I m*ay• cfove n1.o. oWo• pPT a t - and bepnugro1y boaf w • elsaint•mad•Pr, a IIIWithtznetroirtF,ho. it *-""gO DS - Where 1 le. •.•.t:i IlialltO0 elthe Woresuprt po thos1 ue Oarat y'.41 It is ,,,r arrenarrot.o rsr.peree n oodO auLt..e & LDOWNIN(i. '8'4 11*4 sli"d'h't 540.13sem. let 14111 PATR.01•011. r - THF ENI130111.U11 • 1" GENTS' FURNISHINGS avoroir itt.;c:I.,t • tit. .A.11. OETLOR & r A splendid stook of • W. J. Somerville 11: IL Weis 11a ad tri. -41-4 Dud 117''' F."!141 SAVE TOUR EMI Rows year 1,1 1031 as SUMP 6240 44114:••••• • ••1 WV V rti • TOT. 11$60.• '..‘11•••••• Os" alr""'"ure • • . 134 4% *rimy. 1•1114•L:44. .••84 •••••••gb 4 *IMO •••••••••••• eke " " or. 4• ?"..:17./60•17T T .1141".11,7 rnn Aterserier ems is arinit.--- /Oita • m • r•••-• .444 on 1, 11,1 r • v... • °".' '44 EsiehlIdird Is How,. Agents Wanted, -- 1. - . 2. 531 • 4.2 p45p••••••••.• •••• • • ••.•• I .•••••••••I,, 41 PR SALL It 00. • , • WA. 116 1/1 raatl $* Iry 1.1 Oa. IL 1. • - t NEIV GOO.DS 20 PIECES NEW LDSTRES, 1 CASE NEVI' TWEEDS, ate supers -imp 61-1Hr. on &T-. PA,7 K i NG Dane by ralirrietierol worhMti, that Mir h. carry swirly any part of the country. DESCRIPTIVE Pnre.1 tattlturme. ttent on omit- estton to PONTil & 1111011,, VT-1**W NB'S LS7 Cotton Warps GRAIN TOR SALL Auction Sale •Itta.it a 'atrial.% • wave Plc 1,3 tea arril ore, toe •••••••• •44 ttar . III I . .err PRINTS (swots! pattatas) l•••••••••••••1 ••••••••minm MM. boo . • T ••••• 5 ••••• 6.6.••13 m 30 Wm. 0••3 MK OM • • •• • go,: 1•••••••••• 3,03,44.•00 3 Wait+ Pywe DETLOR &. 00'8. -*le "."7 • .•••••• 1134 I 4 to Ike 'it. twice as web le Mot tor soca rt. t *err 1r. 11.1 • • • 6.11 •••••••• ow th• mmnt UW ?BILLOWS at • 74 Wit YAW', HOSr, at DETLOF. & CO'S.*14*-"**--0-•..- " O,734I aebst.IlasOss.. sus, •••• • earlserral at • Amer.. STRAY CAT11.11.• . ••••40.1116...t....0•1 1111. • 44 •••• ••••••• ten 6 1,0 • .5 t15 • p •••••••• • • .11.. ••••••11.1. .1• ••••• ithomr. • • I * •••••• 11 me., "," • -,••••••• 33.0.• , BAGS Lin (111.,‘P W. R. Robertson • Owitnek Aft( lath ICA ' ' ••• • 1 11.111401 35 3515(5* as TV 4T T14$ ' •. ToreeleArey leer@ Solhvey Ole Pro area 4 44Noro. er err* •••••freo• ••• 5. h••••••• 04 • ' • • • 't•10117101.1••• 740 ..... , aroma semente W.* 1.4' • ' W 54ItItATT1. , , .7 on• 4.11 lira swans. DETLOit & CO'S wAPTD• ▪ - . • The U' 43 an 1,40“0114 1.31 11 Hip ina..o..1 7 i.13 . ttic t • T vret..i • riZzl*, *alter! "XI*: tinteaae••• w• e- * tot 15rolfhintilf. tarn 8," 8. 41. ; •-• - • ; ,4; , ; --t". ; - • ;. •„,„„;:, V,`"' * , t. ••.• : • .• = ito :iiah'•"- ••• ' -If' NEW EN 11:11PRI,: ?stg slop sod Reeltes4 On tho cornett Water... impitali--3.- 3. ....im • • • p•• W. • 041. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 13•11...41.31113.•• 1•5111 •0.158. 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