HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-31, Page 22Page 22 Times-Advocate, August 31, 1976 6 Services ■ 6 Services 6 Services 6 Services 15 Personal 16 For Sale 19 Property For Sale CUSTOM BACKHOFING sep­ tic tanks, sewers, weeping beds, drains, etc. Grant Skinner, Ex- eter 235-1023. U>t INTERIOR, exterior painting — R.H. & S. Painting. Phone Ronald Heywood, 235-2087. 30+ rn 1 j. ip ij'i"!! .. Tomlinson & Son ELECTRICAL and INSULATION CONTRACTORS Urethane Insulation — Spray On Rapco Foam — Cavity Walls etc. Cellulose Insulation — Attics etc. Cellulose Blower for rent Cellulose Insulation For Sale Serving the Public For Over 25 years Phohe 284-1455 Collect Clandeboye PLUMBING and HEATING New Installations General Repairs Rural, Residential. Commercial Greg Wragg RR2, Lucan Phone 227-4026 ______ _______ 20+ ANYONE WISHING roadways — cut in corn or harvesting done with 3 row self propelled harvester. Phone Lawrence Becker, RR 2, Crediton. 234- 6486, 35+ Electrolux Sales & Service JUDY COHEN Call Collect 672-6350 35:36:37:38c Complete Material FEATURING THE NEW BOTTOM DISCHARGE UNLOADER Also Electric Feed Carts, Bossy Cow Trainers, Bedding Savers, Alternators, and agent for Smithrin Poured Silo Builders. For Detailed Information call Your Local Butler Dealer GLEND INN I NG & SON. George and Ken 294-6574 or 227-4593 Your Huron County Representative JIM YOUNG 345-2723 5t CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R.# 1, Centralia Open 6 days a week Lathe Work, Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings and Column Posts 229-6542 _________3t PROFESSIONAL Business Ser­ vices: Addressing, labelling envelopes, printing tickets, flyers, bulletins, booklets, photocopying. ARC Industries, 237-3667.________47+ GLAVIN SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING Houses, Machinery, etc. .Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN 234-6701 19+ EREE GIFT when you use The Bridal Registry in the Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield. Largest selection of fine chine dinnerwars tableware in the county. Open daily 10-8. Before you buy china see us first. 14+ LOOKING FOR a meeting place? Townhall auditorium is available. Phone 235-0685. 16+ RIDE WANTED from London to Exeter or Exeter to London. Phone 235-1850 after 6 p.m. 35c 16 For Sale FOR SALE Near downtown Exeter, 2 bedroom ranch­ style bungalow. Broadloom throughout, built-in dishwasher, new Gebel cupboards. Phone 235-0800 or after 6:00 call 235- J 245 Don’s Electric Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12T ' For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call Culligan REAL ESTATE *“*LTD 77 Main St. Seaforth, Ontario $45,500.00 MUST SELL — will consider any reasonable offer — excellently maintained, 3 bedroom brick house, carpeted throughout. Attractive formal living room, dining room and family room with patio doors out on to an attractive sun deck, spacious corner treed lot, large 2 car garage, with work shop, in a very quiet neighbourhood. For further information on other listings CALL - Bruce Rathwell - 527-1 577 - Office Dawn Rathwell - 482-3120 - Res. — 2 Duplex's priced ready to sell. Owners say pre­ sent all offers. — Good income potential from a store with 2 apartments. — Commercial property in Brussels. Price reduced to sell. — 12 x 52 House trailer. Priced at $6,000.00. Call for more details. — Exceptional 3 bedroom home in Clinton with good terms available. — Easy to afford. 3 bedroom home in Exeter. Close to schools. — Lovely location in Blyth, could remain in apartments or single family home. Priced right for the handyman. — 4 bedroom home on large lot in Brucefield. Nice­ ly landscaped. — Small reasonably priced farm near Brussels. — House with 3 acres in country near Blyth. Try an offer. — We have a very large assortment of businesses and commercial properties available. — 50-500 acre farms for sale and wanted to sell. List today. — For your housing or cottage needs, call us today. No obligation. Pierre Rammeloo - Bus. 482-3821 Res. 523-9478 David Christie - 482-3821 "JULIO" Write for Free Brochure NAME---------------------------—- ADDRESS _________—- TOW N................... .............- — PHONE---------------- --------------- I HAVE LOT YES( ) NO( ) TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46+ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl’s Food Market, Hensall.__________________36+ Genes siGns Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1N0 PHONE 238-8242 __________________________4+ TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964._________13+ DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD’. Barn and commercial painting, spray painting, the experienced and modern way (airless). In­ dustrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free es­ timates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202, RR 3, Ailsa Craig or Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794 Collect.__________18f D. W. KYLE’S DECORATING PAINTING AND PAPERING SERVICES CONTACT DOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 after 5:00 p.m. . '___________________1st ANYONE wishing barns white washed call Bill Watson, new number 236-7752. 18+ JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS - ALTERATIONS • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING • (SERVICED) LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! RR 2 ZURICH 236-4757 , MORE QUALITY PER SQUARE FOOT! CUSTOM: Build to your Re­ quirements QUALITY: Materials and . Workmanship U CHOICE: of Colours and U *-■ Design BUILD: on your lot or on one • ’I of ours DIRECT: Purchase from Manufacturer GUARANTEE: That Counts for 5 Years ------ ROYAL HOMES — LIMITED P.O. BOX 370 WINOHAM ONTARIO, CANADA 357-2444 GLAVIN BROS. BARN PAINTING , High Pressure Water Cleaning Airless Spray Equipment and Aerial Boom Trucks 228-6256 228-6247 (/ _________________________lot JACK’S DECORATING — painting and papering, vinyl siding, sales and installation, ceramic tile installation. Phone Jack Cleave, 235-2031.______8+ CUSTOM Swathing and Com­ bining, two combines to serve you. Call Don Geiger, 236-4865 or Ralph Geiger, 236-4784. 281 .SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd., EXETER, 235-2940, « 263 Main St. north of caution light. 40+ W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses, Additions, Sheds Siding, Roofing, Renovations Free Estimates Phone Bob Willis, 235-0320 Keith Davey, 235-0947 after 6:00 p.m, 17+ CUSTQM CATTLE feeding. Contact Paul Passmore 235- 2719. 34:35c 8 Farm Machinery GLEANER COMBINE, set for beans and grain. Phone 262- 5202. 35* 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1977 SUZUKI GS 400, candy red, fully chromed, immaculate condition, low mileage, $1,- 400.00. You must see this one.' Phone after 4 p.m. 235-2625, David Cann. ' 35c, 11 Cars, Trucks 1977 CHEVROLET WINDOW van in excellent condition. Phone 234-6477 Crediton after 6:30 p.m. 35c 1972 BUICK CENTURIAN; 1974 Dodge ton pickup, both certified. Make an offer. 234- 6281.______________, 34:35c 1971 PINTO, fair condition, $400.00. Call 228-6894 after 6:30 p.m.___________________34:35c 1973 CHEV >/2-ton pick-up, un­ certified, best offer over $1000.00. Written bids only accepted. Contact Bank of Mon-- treal, Exeter 235-2860._____25+ 1967 F-700 Ford dump,.certified, 238-2144.________________28+ 1975 FORD F-150 pick-up, % ton, V-8, power steering and, brakes, automatic, radio, $2,- 500,00. Phone 235-0896. 34:35c . 1975 LE MANS G.T. sports coup, 350, 48,000 miles. $3,- 000.00 or best offer. Phone 235- 1060.____________________35+ 1970 OLDSMOBILE must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 229-6387. 35c 24 ACRES OF second cut hay. Ernie Harris, phone 229- 8273,____________________35* PICK YOUR OWN cucumbers, 11 quart pickling — $2.50, bring containers, cauliflower, broccoli, dill also available. 229-6795. 35c WASHER SPIN DRYER very good condition. Phone 235- 0361. _____________35:36:37c BLACK METAL garage door, good condition, 9’ x 7’, $25.00. Phone 235-0116.___________35c 30 FOOT TOWER and antenna, $135.00 dismantled, $125.00 if you take it down. Phone 235- 0921.____________________35* PEARS FOR SALE, pick your own. Phone 237-3661._________ GARAGE SALE — furniture, etc. Friday, September 1st, star- ting 10 a.m., 241 PrydeBlvd. 35c ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, ren­ tals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235- 1840, _______________21 + DRILL presses, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton’s Machine Shop, 235- 1655,____________________41 + HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Car­ dinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. 1 + SURVEY and Marker stakes. Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In­ dustries, Dashwood. Phone 237- 3667, 47+ LARGEST SELECTION of fine china, crystal, Rogers and Com­ munity silver. Fast courteous service. Open 10-8 daily. Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield, 14+ MOBILE HOME 12’ x 52’ on lot, broadloomed, air con­ ditioning, appliances, located Bucklyn Acres, l'/2 miles west of Exeter. Call 237-3478 after 6 p.m,_____________________28+ BUILDING for sale to be removed by purchaser 26’2” long, 18’5” wide, 13’6” high. Inquire at Genttner Fuels, phone 235-2411._________________30+ THIRTY INCH gold propane stove, like new. Phone 235-0320 after 6 p.m. 6* LEADING SWIMMING POOL manufacturer must vacate premises, will sacrifice all 1978 pool models 30% — 40% — 50% off, most sizes in stock, pric­ ed from $1,322.00. Immediate delivery and one day installation. No monthly payments till 1979. Call toll free: 1-800-268- 1944,____________________32+ TWIN BEDS, box springs, mat­ tresses, head boards, castor frames, reasonable. Phone 238- 2498,__________________34:35c LEONARD AUTOMATIC washer with bleach and softener dispenser. G.E. power mower with 100’ cord. Phone 235- 2808.__________________34:35c MOFFATT ELECTRIC stove, 30 inch white. Also new portable Swiss infrared sauna. Phone 236- 4458, 35c GIRL’S .BICYCLE; boy’s bicy­ cle; high chair and playpen. Phone 235-2362.___________35c Sides of Beef Government Inspected Processed byMERNERS $1.10 lb. BERTVISSCHER 237-3442 ____________________35:36c WOOD — good dry hardwood. Phone 235-1866.___________35c JOHN DEERE “B” with 2 or 4 row bean puller, $500.00, two front Mauer bean pullers. Allis Chalmers 4x16 mounted plow, $500.00, 1974 Vega automatic hatchback, $700.00, 1968 Chev V-8 automatic, power equipped, $150,00, Phone 262-6408. 34:35* WOMAN’S BLACK Persian lamb coat, size 14, like new, $450.00. Phone 227-4216, Lucan. ______ 34:35c 16 FOOT SAILBOAT on trailer: *'2 deck, small cabin, new sails, $1,300 or exchange for motor boat, cash either way. Phone 234- 6262._________ 34:35c FOR SALE — walnut Veneer dining room suite, consisting of large table, chairs, buffet and china cabinet. Phone 262- 5878._____________________35* PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes at Market’s, 4 Vi miles north of Grand Bend. Call 238-2301 anytime._______________35:36c BOY’S BIKE, $20. Phone 235- 1471._____________________35* WHITE ALUMINUM STORM door 35 x 84, left hand hinge. 235- 0703 after 6.___________35* TOMATOES, cucumbers, cauliflower, late cabbage. Phone orders to Leslie Thomson, 235- 0736 at 181 William St., Exeter. 35+ 18 Wanted TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bush lots of all kinds. Write: Robert Eagleson Ailsa Craig Or Phone 232-4450 Before 8 A.M. If Possible _________________________29+ OLD brick buildings for demoli­ tion and salvage purposes. Con­ tact Ross Lumley 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia,____________ 2+ YOUNG MALE college student requires lodging commencing September 11 in Exeter or sur­ rounding area, preferably on farm. Phone collect 1-338- 3129,__________________34:35c WANTED TO BORROW a pic­ ture of the original office building owned by Gaiser- Kneale insurance at 351 Main street. The picture will be return- ed. Please call 235-2420. 35c YOUNG MALE college student requires lodging commencing September 11 in Exeter or sur­ rounding area, preferably on a farm. Phone collect 1-338- 3129. 35c 19 Property For Sale Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 _________________________39+ LARGE LOT in the village of Kirkton. Call 229-6789 after 5 p.m.________________33:34:35* INCOME PROPERTY over 1 acre with 3 unit apartment in downtown Zurich, $47,000. No Sunday calls. 236- 4569.____________33:34:35:36c TWO STOREY brick house, 493 Main St., S. good location. Immediate possession. Also some used furniture. Call Bob Dinney 235-0173,________35:36* AILSA CRAIG — Queen St., S. white brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, large livingroom, carpeted, large kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 sun porches with adjoin- ing lot. Call 293-3247. ' 35* FAMILY HOME 1'/a storey brick, large new kitchen, 2 baths, in good condition. Price reduced. Phone 235-1483. 35:36* Farmers WE ARE NOVV PICKING UP FREE OF CHARGE FRESH DEAD or DISABLED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24-Hour Service 7 Days A Week CALL COLLECT (Area Code 519) 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies COllfCTKiN Nb 531 f; 76 THE HERITAGE SHOP Westinghouse helps make it happen CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE L W. KLEINSTIVER LIMITED DASHWOOD 237-3661 Plumbing - Heating* Electrical IN THE TOWN HALL Tues. Thurs. Fri. 1 to 5 p.m. Friday 7 to 9 p.m. Good used Clothing, Dishes,Toys, Books, Etc. Proceeds to Hospital Auxiliary and Heritage Foundation. Donations of saleable items appreciated. Phone 235-1712 or 235-1995 CUSTOM HOUSE PLANS FREE ESTIMATE NO OBLIGATION SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LISTOWEL 291-1449 EXETER AREA — five acres, 3 bedroom totally renovated home, garage, barn 20 x 30, ideal for horses. Must sell. Sacrifice, $45,500 Phone 262-3012. 35c PRIVATE — Soulhcott Pines, Grand Bend, beautiful one year old custom built house, just un­ der 2,000 sq. ft. Cathedral ceilings, Armstrong Solarian floors, 2 car garage, floor to ceil­ ing fireplace, winterized Florida room, ensuite bath, priced to sell, $69,900. Phone 1-238- 8896. 35:36c 160 ACRE CASH crop farm with 137 workable acres, tiled every 50 feet. Large white brick home, I’i miles from Clinton. Call 519-482-9016. 34:35c 20 Property For Rent EXETER — Town house, $215 monthly. Available September 1st. Phone 235-1303,_______34+ 700 SQUARE FEET of store space on Main St. in Hensall. Available immediately, 235- 0537,____________________33+ LARGE 2 storey home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, close to downtown. Phone 235-0890. _____________ 28+ NEW semi-detached, over 1200 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, $200.00 monthly, available in Zurich, 1- 519-886-3090,9:00-5:00, 23+ ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensall or 433- 7781, London. ___________________ 50+ UNFURNISHED APART­ MENT, 2 bedrooms, heated, available immediately. Call Art Gaiser, days between 8 and 4. Phone 228-6503.___________31 + 2,800 SQUARE FEET warehousing, woodworking shop, dock and office, Lucan area, 227-4406 or 227- 4034,__________________34:35c ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, $140.00 and $150.00 per month. Sleeping rooms, $25.00 weekly in Lucan area. 227-4406 or 227-4034. 34:35c FURNISHED HOMES for rent, $100.00 per month and up. Available September 15. Phone 238-2405.____________34:35:36c FIVE BEDROOM modern farm home on 84 highway,, close to Zurich. Available now. Phone 262-5768._________________35+ GRAND BEND — by September 1st, smaller 3 bedroom house all conveniences. Phone after 6, 238-8759. 35:36c THREE BEDROOM house with garage in Hensall available October 1st, Call 262-2613, 35+ LOT FOR MOBILE home, Bucklyn Acres, highway 83, 237- 3260.____________________35+ GRAND BEND apartment, fur­ nished, utilities included, $225.00 per month. Available September 8th. Patio Motel 238-2431, 35+ FURNISHED APARTMENT, heated, central location. Apply Beavers Hardware 235-1033. 35+' CHOICE LOCATION — beautiful ranch home with large garage, full basement, extra large lot. Available September 1st. Call 235-2233, 35+ GARAGE SALE TWO DAYS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 1 & 2 USED: Oak dining room suite, bedroom suites, tables, chesterfields DISCONTINUED: Tables, chairs, lamps DAMAGED: Chests, tables, lamp shades, playpens SECONDS: and summer furniture PRICES: Up To REDUCTIONS 75% DINNEY FURNITURE Main St., Exeter 4- jy. * * > > 4- * 4\ * * * 4- 4 4 4- * 4- ********** 4- 4- ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★4- SPECIAL ANTIQUES Household & Farm Equipment Auction Saturday, September 2nd, 1 P.M. Ilderton Fairgrounds from London and Grand Bend homes plus additions AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson Ilderton Tom Robson 666-0833 666-1967 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 Sq. Ft. Erected on your lot. Further infor­ mation Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. ap­ proved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ t ♦i * w.ieieu ..up. .a u n.Mue.Mie .eseiw u.u, ■yt 10%down, balance in 30 days. Owner is willing to * * * * ♦ Hugh Filson Ilderton Tom Robson 666-0833 666-1967 Property Auction of 50 Acre Farm Being south 'A lot 19, Concession 11, McGillivray Township, 2 Yz miles north of Ailsa Craig, % miles south of Brinsley Thursday Evening August 31st 6:30 P.M. PROPERTY: 50 acres of vacant land suitable for crop production or pasture farm, or to build a dream home. TERMS: Offered subject to a moderate reserve bid, carry a portion of the purchase price as a first mortgage. Solicitor Mr. Leo Gent 434-3624 Proprietor Mr. J. Fowler- Rare opportunity to buy 50 acres vacant land. Further info — contact AUCTIONEERS Ilderton * * * * * * * * * * * * ■k TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Auction Sale of furniture, antiques, appliances etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's,barn, 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario for Mrs. Mabie Garrow and Mrs. Pickens, plus other additions. Saturday, September 2nd at 1:00 p.m. Kitchen Aid automatic dishwasher, Simplicity Automatic clothes washer (like new), Inglis clothes dryer, McClary electric stove, wringer washer, chest deep freeze, lawn umbrella and table, wooden lawn chairs, tredle sewing machine, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining room table with two leaves and four matching carved back chairs with tapestry seats, Duncan Phyfe plant table, square dining table, six matching pressback chairs, two chrome tables and chair sets, annex stove, wicker chair, hall table, several odd plant tables, electric sewing machine, 2 — three piece bedroom suites, iron bed with brassknobs, B & W T.V., dresser with large mirror, washstand, buffet, china cabinet, foot stools, floor lamps, platform upholstered rocker, swivel up­ holstered rocker, old record cabinet, pictures, coffee and end tables, odd chairs, exercise bicycle, war­ drobe with mirror doors, drop leaf table, four oil lamps, some bedding, carpet sweeper, floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, T.V. trays, table lamps, records, small kitchen appliances, radio, pots and pans, lawn chairs, dishes and glassware, including some antiques, plus hand and garden tools, electric lawn mower, many other items, not listed. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-7898 r 'fX'XtfwoiXaXes LIQUIDATION Auction Sole 1 of the Family Meat Market (Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Koker - Proprietors) to be held at 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 6, 1978 at the premises on Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Sale to consist of the complete contents of the Family Meat Market including: EQUIPMENT — Tyler 12 ft. 3 tier open dairy cooler, Hill 12 ft. open vegetable cooler, Tyler 10 ft. glass front meat display cooler, Berkel 8 ft. glass front freezer, Kelvinator 7 ft. glass front freezer, Kelvinator ice cream freezer, compressor and freezer units, Berkel gravity meat slicer, Berkel Biro model 3334 meat band saw, Berkel meat scale, Dayton vegetable scale, Hobart model 4532 meat grinder, Berkel meat tenderizer, Hollymatic model 200 paddy machine, 2 Toledo floor scales, stainless' steel butcher bench c.w. sink, 3 meat vats on carts, 2 butcher tables, butcher block, overhead monorail system, 45 feet of island & 50 feet of wall shelving, slaughter house equipment, Victor cash register, of­ fice equipment. INVENTORY — Approximately twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) worth of food and confec­ tionary including: 1000 bottles of soft drinks, cereals, juices, soups, canned vegetables & meats, tea, coffee, frozen meat & vegetables, baby food, k hi!* u Utte? delicatessen, foods & specialties-, health & beauty aids, candies, nuts, Plus many other goods & items found in grocery stores. ’ NO RESERVE The store must be cleared AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK TWO (519) 527-1458