HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-24, Page 19PARADER - Lome Conklin appeared Friday at the Lucan Fair parade with his swinging of the most exciting and interesting marching groups at Friday's Lucan Fair parade was T-A photo PRECISION MARCHERS the Sarnia Bluewater Buccaneers. A VETERAN/ i ♦ i « r r **■'**’*' • • • ** j * • • ♦ •vii i w11 J*/'<■4 yv 11ii 111o o vv iiiy iiiy 11wkj iYoung s also in the group were Mamie Wraith, Lisa Morkin, Laurie Compton, Theresa Morkin and Marg Morkin. * BALL TEAM RIDES — The Crediton pee wee baseball team rode in Friday's parade at the Lucan Fair. T-A photo R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" TOT VWWiwwmn '' I "" Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service of most makes CB Radios & Accessories Speed Queen Appliances Moffat Appliances Smoke Sensors Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units Handcrafted Gifts Phone 482-7103 IfrsTOP THINK Bea RED CROSS Blood Donor Storm hits Varna area A violent wind storm on Saturday afternoon brought down a number of trees and large branches in the Bayfield to Varna area. A twister apparently touched down at Wayne Taylor’s place. His im­ plement shed had its end sucked in several inches and an inside wall was moved quite a distance. Several sheets of steel were stripped off the barn and several trees were torn apart. There was extensive damage to his car. A wagon was moved about 50 feet. Then gravity box came off landed 100 feet from wagon. A large barn at the Blackie place to the west of Taylor’s was destroyed. At John Ostrums on the Parr Line, a spruce tree broke off about 15 feet up and landed on his car. Had the car not been there, they felt that the porch roof would have been badly damaged. There were a number of power failures in the area as well. the and the To integrate bus students in Hibbert Over 80 Club Mrs. Olive Andrew of the Bluewater Rest Home will celebrate her 95th birthday on September 2. THE BEE A bee is such a busy soul, She has no time for birth control, Perhaps that’s why in times like these, You meet so many sons of bees. By ALICE GIBB Hibbert Township students who attend St. Columban School and Tuckersmith Township students who attend St. James School in Seaforth will be riding the bus with secondary school students this fall. The Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board voted on Mon­ day night to integrate transportation of these students with secondary school bus routes operated by United Trails. This action means United Trails can eliminate one school bus route, a savings for the board. The board had considered extending the licence of Keith McCarthy, an in­ dependent bus driver employed by the board, to pick up the McKillop and Tuckersmith Township students. However, since Mr. McCarthy would then be picking up students in the protected area of the United Trails company, this action would have required special approval from United Trails and the Ministry qf Transportation and Com­ munications licensing board. John O’Leary, one of the trustees, expressed concern that St. Columban parents wouldn’t be pleased with the results of integration. He said he had already heard that “integration in McKillop Township is not good.” Mr. O’Leary said some parents were concerned about younger children riding with high school students. Jack Lane, superintendent of business and finance, said integrated bus routes already serve board schools in Goderich, Exeter, Clin­ ton, Seaforth, Stratford and Kinkora. Trustee David Teahen said one benefit of integra­ tion on the buses was that older students can keep an eye on the younger students. Board members were also assured that the only difference in travel time on the new route is that the route will be 21'2 miles longer, since in the after­ noon the bus will pick up students at St. Columban School after driving from Seaforth rathdr than from Dublin as in thd past. The board also passed a motion that Charterways Transportation Ltd. be given the contract to transport pupils to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. For the last 24 years, J.P. Marrinan has handled the contract for the board but he has sold his business to Charterways. Trustee Vince Young said he was concerned that larger companies won’t be as easy to deal with in the future as the smaller, private companies have been. The cost of transporting non-resident pupils to Mount Carmel from McGillivray and Biddulph Townships will be charged to the London and Middlesex County RCSS Board. of the Mount Carmel area told the board that residents in the area are requesting a pipeline easement across Our Lady Of MountCarmel School property. The Lake Huron water pipeline is being extended into Stephen township to provide water for residents from Mount Carmel to Cairo. Mr. Fleming told the board residents are holding a public meeting, about the issue on Tuesday night. He said residents wanted the easement across school property so the contractor wouldn’t have to run the pipeline under County Road #2 road allowance. Trustee David Teahen asked why there wasn’t a more formal approach to the board from the township or the contractor rather than a verbal approach from Mr. Fleming. Mr. Fleming said there wasn’t time, since the pipeline will be completed over the next two weeks. He added residents hoped the school would eventually hook on to the pipeline as well. The school now has its own well on the property to supply its water needs. Trustee Michael Connolly said trustees have to think of the schoolyard recommended the be run underneath allowance rather school property. The board passed a motion requesting that trustee Fleming and some of the members of the property committee attend the public meeting on the pipeline. However, since the board doesn’t meet again until September, trustees pointed out they could not grant an easement across the school property. In other business, in the future board secretaries travelling out of town on board business approved by the director of education will be paid a travel allowance of 20 cents per mile. The completion date for construction at Precious Blood School in Exeter has been set back to August 30. Grade 7 and 8 pupils from the board schools will be visiting the Discovery Train when it is in Stratford early in September. and pipeline the road than on ADVERTISING The shortest route to business profits Cleaning In other business, Sparkle Maintenance was again given the contract for clean­ ing services at St. Michael’s School. The number of classrooms at the school had been reduced from 11 to eight. Trustee Gregory Fleming, AN EXTRA ONE MILLION DOLLARS 100 BONUS PRIZES OF MO,000 EACH rfH*. XUy..VW TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Wintario tickets for the Aug. 31 draw have two sets of numbers. O Regular five-digit Wintario ticket number with series number. For five chances at $100,000 and more than 90,000 other tax-free prizes • ©Eight-digit Bonus Draw number, if the bonus number on your ticket corres­ ponds exactly with one of 100 special bonus numbers drawn, you win $10,000 tax-free, •• A BUCK, AND YOU’RE IN FOR BOTH. •Based on 96 series of tickets “One year claiming period No subsidiary prizes f' -A \ rA. <0 CO \ GET YOUR TICKET NOW. For this special Bonus Draw, ticket sales will stop at 6 00 p m , Thursday, August 31, 1978, to accommodate the advance bonus drawing. Tickets are going fast, so don’t wait Get yours now And don’t miss the special one-hour Wintario show live on TV from the Monmouth Township Arena, Wilberforce,at9 OOP m Representing many trust com­ panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560 SCOTT'S LEATHER & TACK SHOP 120 Sanders St. W. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-0694 Complete Line of Western Saddlery Bridles, Halters, Bits, Pads, Blankets, Girths, HORSE HEALTH CENTRE -Fly Wipe, Shampoo, Absorbine Etc. -Lee Jeans & Jackets -Western Boots, Hats, Belts & Shirts ■Hand Crafted Leather Goods Times-Advocate, August 24, 1978 Pag* 19 i bulletin T-A photo HONOUR ELVIS Carlene Desjardine and Belinda Lowe of Huron Park made a board honouring the first anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiH LAST 3 DAYS SHOE SALE ENDS SAT., AUG. 26 Women's Tender Tootsies Assorted ’6.99 Boys' Casual and Dress Shoes ’8.99 Children's = Straps & | Ties | Factory Imperfect S Just a few left || *6.99 1 Men's Dress or Casuals ’8.99 10% OFF ALL IN STOCK MERCHANDISE INCLUDING LUGGAGE Men's == Shoes | 512.99 | NOT ALL SIZES IN ALL GROUPS ALL SALES FINAL SMYTH'S SHOE STORE CHARGEX 235-1933 CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS DURING OUR ANNUAL BEAN Hl MAIN ST. EXETER REG. VALUE-*1595. SAVE *300. PRICE CHESTERFIELD SUITES * NOW IN FULL SWING KROEHLER. OH I I KROEHLER WINDFALL OAK 7-PC. P«’CEfl$1295 DINING ROOM BUFFET. HUTCH, EXTRA LARGE TABLE, 4 CHAtRS (NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED) REGULAR 849 Only *499. REGULAR 999 Only *699 REGULAR 890 Only ’649. REGULAR 779 REGULAR 849 REGULAR 749 Only Only Only *599 *499.’599. SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER 2-PC. SUITES PRICED AS LOW AS *399SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER SUITES KROEHLER, SKLAR, SERTA CHAIRS ONLYSWIVEL ROCKERS £ COMPltTt LOUNGE CHAIRS (Choo«n from nur wld.»«l«tlon)EVERYTHING REDUCED FOR THIS BIG EVENT RECLINERS REST ROCKERS ulkfAlM ■ LI 1 *l I • J BEDS (MAKE INTO COMFORTABLE DOUBLE BED) LAYAWAYS] AT I THESE LOW I PRICES I ''lurkbeim FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Main Street ZURICH 236-4075 FREE DELIVERY ACROSS WESTERN ONTARIOOPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK - 9-6, FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P M