HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-10, Page 220 Page 22 Times-Advpcate, Avgust 10, 1978 Edelweiss acres of near Dashwood were represented in Satur- Excellent weather, crowds add up to a successful Friedsburg AREA FARM IN PARADE — Edelweiss acres of near Dashwood were represented in Satur­ day's Friedsburg Days parade by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Freiter and family ana Queen contestant Elaine Hendrick. T-A photo * Prior to the start of the second Huron CountrySECOND PLAYHOUSE ART AUCTION Playhouse International Art Auction two of the many workers involved in the undertaking, Mary Spieran and Helen Douglas of Grand Bend took some time off to discuss some of the works available. T-A photo The annual Dashwood Friedsburg Days held over the weekend proved to be bigger and better than ever. Days chairman Don Bender said he was very pleased with the attendance and all of the activities. Bender added, “The crowd was about the same as last year in the neighbourhood of 3,000, but, I hope the overall profit will be a bit higher than last years’ figure of $5,800. Our great success is due to the great co-operation of the community and the many volunteers.’’ Friedsburg Days are sponsored by the Dashwood volunteer fire department with the help of a host of volunteers. Profits are used for community betterment. Visitors to Dashwood consumed about a half ton of sausages and 250 pounds of sauerkraut according to food chairman Ron Merner. Merner said the volume of complete dinners was down but more people consumed sausage on a bun. A long parade Saturday afternoon took more than a half hour to pass any given point. Leading the march were Huron-Middlesex MP Bob McKinley, Huron- Middlesex MPP Jack Rid­ dell, Stephen township reeve Cecil Desjardine and Hay reeve Jack Tinney along with the Dashwood-Seaforth band and a pipe band from the Forest Legion. The theme of the parade was Great Moments in History. Taking first place in the theme category was the Hoffman’s float depicting the progress of the Canadian telephone system along with Otis Sawyer as Alexander Graham Bell. Second place went to Arc Industries with their adaption of the Fathers of Confederation. Third was Julius Caesar and his court sponsored by Merner Meats. Winners in the small machine category were Mickey Mouse and his 50th birthday celebration entered by McCann Construction and a mobile still featuring the Tieman’s and Bob McIntosh. Bob Merner and family won the horse drawn category, Carl Tyler and Myron Oestreicher were the top horse riders and Stacey Rader was the youngest competitor. In the Saturday tug-of-war events, Mt. Carmel won the men’s division and Dash­ wood was the winner in the ladies section. Stefan Orenchuk of Exeter was the overall arm wrestling champion with Paul Ritchie, Knud Bovtrup and Larry Skinner. Eleanor Weigand was the women’s champion. The , Saturday afternoon pet show generated a lot of Days interest with Judy Crown’s Grover the Goose and Duncan the goat taking the spotlight. Grover is owned by Brian Hoggarth and was shown by Steve Dettmer. The animal grooming contest winners were pets owned by Glenda Morenz, Julie Anne Rader and Randy Marriage. The training and obedience prize went to Duffy owned by Sharon Kimmal. Costume prizes went to Michelle Zimmer and Sandra Datars and Kim Kipfer won the master look-alike award with dog Buster. LOOK-A-LIKES — Brian Hoggarth and his goat Duncan won the master-animal look-alike contest during the pet show at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood Saturday. T-A photo OPP reports several area thefts, break-ins T-A photo T-A photoFathers of Confederation. TAKE A PRIZE — Second prize in the theme division of Saturday's parade at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood was taken by.. ARC. Industrie of Dashwood .with thbir depiction of the the the the the Several thefts and one act of vandalism are under investigation by the Exeter OPP this week. Over the weekend, the Centralia Community hall was broken into and damage amounting to $250 was reported. The vandals tossed coffee and hot chocolate about building, ripped out telephone and turned water on, resulting in kitchen floor being flooded. .Constable Bill McIntyre is investigating. During the same period, thieves broke into the home of James Fletcher in Cen­ tralia and stole $225 in cash. That is being investigated by Constable Bill Osterloo. Ray Ruby, RR 3 Dash­ wood, reported that his summer residence had been entered and a cooler and quantity of beer stolen. An Exeter man, Harry Dougherty, reported the theft of a sideview mirror from his vehicle while it was parked on County Road 2. It was valued at $40. A car was stolen from the property of Wolfgang Slawik, Huron Park, but it was later recovered at a nearby variety store. Six-year-old Scott Simp­ son, Usborne, was treated at South Huron Hospital after being bitten on the face bv a Doug Brintnell is a patient at South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Elaine Parsons and daughter Kim have returned home after spending a week’s holiday with her aunt in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. M YOUTH PUSH BED — Members of the youth group of Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle pushed a bed to Grand Bend Monday and raised $100 for their church activities. Back, left, Joan Klemke, Gary Moore, Randy Stanlake, youth pastor Dave Adcock and Joe Blommaert. In front are Grace Triebner and Terry Schwartzentruber. T-A photo DANCE TO Walter 0 stanek IN Clinton Arena c ON SAT. AUG. 19th 9:00 P.M. -1:00 A.M. LUNCH PROVIDED ADMISSION *5.00 EACH Bea the of are need leaders Grace Bird and McClenaghan from Ontario Ministry ^Agriculture & Food looking for people to lead a 4- II food project “Essential Edibles” in Huron. This project features nutritious snacks and meals made with metric recipes. Anybody who enjoys cooking and would like to help teenagers learn about it can obtain more information from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food office in Clinton. Individuals living in town are especially needed to help with this project. Leadership workshops to prepare volunteers for teaching the project will be held in: Wingham - Monday, August 28 and Tuesday, August 29, Gorrie - Wed­ nesday. August 30 and Thursday August 31. Exeter - Wednesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 7, Seaforth - Monday, Sep­ tember 11 and Wednesday, September 13. Blyth - Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15, Clinton - Monday, September 18 and Tuesday, September 19 and Clinton - Saturday, August 19 and Saturday, August 26. All inquiries will be an­ swered by contacting Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food Box 159, Clinton, Ontario (482-3428) or • Zenith 7-2800) for long distance. MICKEY CELEBRATES — The float of McCann Construction helped Mickey Mouse celebrate his 50th birthday at the Dashwood Friedsburg Days Parade Saturday. The youngsters on tne float are Shawn Gillespie and Clint, Jeff and Laura McCann. T-A photo proudly presents The Exciting Broadway Actor I in Grand Bend (off Hwy. 81) MICHAEL BEIRNE as Hal the brawny Kansas Casanova who has animal virility than he knows what to do with BROWNIE’S Everyone Welcome! Sponsored by: The Country Singles NOW PLAYING 'Tit TUES., AUGUST PROCEEDS TO ARENA FLOOR FUND and Directed by James MurphyJ plus - Here Come The Tigers For our August Program schedule, see our ad in the August 1 Huron Shopping News. I Effective Aug. 10-Aug. 17/78 WED., THURS., FRI.-AUG. 16, 1978 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "Our Winning Season DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON A long time ago in a galaxy far, faraway... 411 Main St. S., Exeter OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 11-1 Sun. 12-10 .........................COUPON................ Jone person n am -3 pm DAILY 6 ITEMS pizza 99* THE ONLY 99' PIZZA IN THE WORLD (That we know of)MARK HAMILL HAJ WON FOPD CAMiC FISHER PC TCP. CUSHING/ A0Ul, “LUj _ _ J" FNTFRT AINME NT COUPON ■ 4 P.M. CLOSING O EDEEI u ■■%■■■■• WITH ANY DINNER CRUNCHOUS s A L A D Effective™".^ LICENCED UNDER LCBO PHONE 235-2521 s s■ I• co u p o N „SUN. I The Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway Romantic Comedy-Drama . by William Inge (Made into a blockbuster movie starring William Holden & Kim Novak and featuring the famous “Picnic” theme music) with AILEEN TAYLOR-SMITH as Rosemary JUDITH DAGLEY as Madge TWO BIG WEEKS, AUGUST 15-26 Tues. - Sat. 8:30 p.m. Tickets $6.00 and $5.50 Wed. Mats. 2:30 p.m. Tickets $4.00 and $3.50 Student admission, all performances $3.00 Group rates available. Phone 238-8451 Tickets also available at THEATRE LONDON and MUSIC UNLIMITED in Sarnia