HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-08-10, Page 15Public won't come to council Will take meetings to public If people won’t come to public meetings, council will have to take their meetings to the public, Grand Bend council decided Tuesday night. Poor response to other public meetings prompted council to decide to have an on site meeting with river bank landowners to discuss erosion problems. Council hopes to determine if lan­ downers are willing to participate in a program with the municipality and the Ausable Bayfield Con- INSTITUTE CATERS Grand Bend Women’s Institute catered for a supper meal in the basement of theUnited Church Tuesday evening for three bus loads which comprised ten Women Institute branches from East Middlesex, of Nilestown, Mossley, ’ Harrietsville, Crumlin, Wellburn, Thorn­ dale, Glanworth, Wilton Grove, Burr and Dorchester. There were 139 ladies and three bus drivers. Following the meal they all attended Huron Country Playhouse to see Oklahoma. servation Authority to prevent river bank erosion. If the landowners are in favor, council will pass a motion saying erosion control will benefit the municipality. The con­ servation authority can then go the Ontario Government for approval. The cost will be split among the groups. Don Pearson, resource manager with the con­ servation authority, said there were seven priority areas needing erosion control. Some other areas along the river have already been done. In other business, council received a letter from the township of Bosanquet saying Grand Bend’s proposed boundary ad­ justment would not be in the interest of ratepayers in either municipality. The township suggested the two municipalities be united into ’ one large unit. Grand Bend council filed, the letter until further notice. The water supplied by the Lake Huron pumping station will be billed in metric units in April 1979 if the village agrees, council was in­ formed. Under the present Grand Bend’s agreement, water for the decided they would not agree municipality is billed in to a change to metric units. Imperial units. Council The Southcott Pines About people you know Fahner, and other area relatives. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Steeper, Parkhjll, visited Sunday with Mrs. Lillian Brown, Alice Brown and Art Baker. Glenda Morenz and Sandra Riddell attended Camp Menestung, near Goderich, last week. Mr. & Mrs. RogerWiede, Toronto, were dinner guests Sunday with Mrs. Katie Vincent. House guests with Mrs. Marty Burke of Oakwood have been her son-in-law and daughter Drs. John and Maureen Sass, of Menlo Park, California, Mrs. Dawn Slowie, Los Angeles, Mrs. Mabel Chee, Honolulu, Hawaii and Dr. & Mrs. Ray Bernreuter of Saline, Michigan. Col. & Mrs. R. W. Fassold of Toronto spent the weekend at his parents Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fassold in Green Acres, Brent Hamilton spent the weekend with his grand­ parents Mr. & Mrs. Alec Hamilton. The Catholic Women’s League are reminded'of the bake ^nd produce sales following the three masses on Sunday, August 13, The bake table and lawn sale held Saturday afternoon at St. John’s by the lake Anglican church was quite successful, with thanks to church members and friends. A brass quartet section of the orchestra who is playing music for Oklahoma at Huron Country playhouse played during the service at St John’s by the lake Anglican Church Sunday morning. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Keyes, Lisa, Debbie and Darren, who have been stationed at Queen Charlotte Islands near B.C. and now sferred to Trenton, been visiting Mrs. parents, Mr. & Mrs. Association wrote council congratulating the fire department on their quick response to a fire in their area. The association said there may be future problems of the fire department hearing the siren, or a power failure might knock out the system, They suggested council consider an alternate method of alerting volun­ teers. Council decided it was up to the fire department to make a proposal to council. Four dog owners will be charged for having their dogs loose on Grand Bend beach over the week end. Six dogs have been caught by the dog catcher over the last week, council was informed. “That’s better than the Humane Society did in a year,” said Reeve Bob Sharen. Dennis Schneider was given approval to install a holding tank on his property if he posted a $300 bond. Times-Advocate, August 10, 1978 W Moore Beautify with us GRAND BEND BEACH SHOW — An advertising crew from CP Air provided sun bathers on Grand Bend Beach with an interesting diversion Thursday as they shot an advertisement there. Grand Bend won't be noted in the ad though as it supposed to be set in the Caribbean. • Benjamin Paints • Wallpaper • Vinyls and Solarium • Wood shades and blinds • Drapery Hardware 238-8603 CHAHGEX 15 Main St DECORATING AND FLOORING CENTRE AND DISTRICT NEWS VISA .»■ tran- have Keys Lloyd JI & ' v>.Jit RIDING THE PONY EXPRESS — Kim Kipfer was at the controls of the Pony Express during the Friedsburg Days parade in Dashwood Saturday. Accompanying Kim are Kim Caldwell, Jennie Bregman, Pam Tozer and her pooch Buster. T-A photo Compete at Sarnia Shipka musicians win By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Congratulations to two local girls who participated in the Music Festival held Saturday in Sarnia at Alexander McKenzie school. Debbie Zielman won a first in an accordion duet, and third in a solo, Anita Van Massenhoven playing with the Exeter accordion band won first place. Mr, & Mrs. Michael Scheibel visited Wednesday at their daughter’s home, Rosanne and Tom Russell, ^.-•-•->CUT MEOUT---" I I ANDERSON'S I a a a a a a a a a a• □ o tu X □ u a a ■ 20 Woodward St. ■ a • a a a a a . a a a a *«■ «■ m a a «CUT ME OUT TAXI I 1 I I I I A new service for Grand Bend and area. a a a a a n c -i m O C i ■ ■ I I 238-8175 I 1 I I aa M aa Jacquie and Jennifer. They also visited with Chris Scheibel who is spending the; summer holidays at his sister’s’home. Jennifer Russell visited Thursday afternoon with Annie and Hugh Morenz. Clark Adams spent the weekend in Exeter at his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams. Mrs. Ferg Miller, Tjm- mins visited last Wednesday with Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Miller and other relatives in the area. Oscar Miller was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Friday, and was a patient there until Monday when he was transferred to University Hospital, London, Mr. & Mrs, Adrian De Bruyn, Kathy and Nancy, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Doan, all of Komoka, and Mr. & Mrs. Les Coleman of Kippen visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz. Holiday weekend and wedding guests with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Russell have been Mr. & Mrs. Earl Russell, Greg, Mrs. Susan Neil and Tiffany, Essex, Mrs. Marge Russell, David and Rayanne, Windsor, Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Russell and family, La Salle, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Franck, their daughter Frances and husband, Detroit, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Rhea and Brenda, Kingsville, Mr. & Mrs. Winston Baldwin, Cottam, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russell, Windsor, Local wedding A pretty summer wedding was solemnized last Saturday at Zion United Church, Crediton, when Judy Lynn daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Harvey was married to Bruce Walter Russell, son of Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Russell of Shipka. Maid of honor was Sherrie Harvey, and bridesmaids were Kathy Russell and Kathy Harvey. Best man was Roger Ratz and ushers were Tom and Donald Russell, brothers of the groom. Connie Russell, niece of the groom, was flower girl and Alex Russell nephew of groom, was ring bearer. Soloist was Doris Swartz and organist was Doug Lewis. Dinner and reception dance followed at South- Huron rec centre. Rev. Harley Moore of Grand Bend officiated at the wedding. Out of town wedding guests were present from Essex, La Salle, Cottam, Windsor, Detroit, Sioux Lookout, Kingsville^ St. ■ Catharines, Niagara Ottawa, Toronto Goderich. It's time to quit talking It’s time to quit talking about village parking problems and take action, Grand Bend councillor Keith Crawford said Tuesday night. “It is all right to talk about it, but we are going to have to sit down and do something, said Crawford as he asked for a special meeting to discuss parking. The meeting was set for Monday night. Debate on parking problems was sparked when Crawford proposed users of the beach parking lot be charged for it seven days a week. Currently there is a charge only on weekends. If they want to park that close to the beach they should be prepared to pay for it, he said. Crawford said this might clear up some of the traffic and parking problems in the area, • ■■ - ■ ■ ■ Councillors Harold Green, Bill Baird and Deputy Reeve Bob Simpson opposed charging seven days a week, “As long as the beach lot is maintaining itself, I can’t see we can charge more for it,” Baird said. “We just can’t look at it by itself. We’re going to have to have a hard look at the whole concept of parking,” Crawford said. An earlier meeting called by council to discuss parking with the business people in the village drew little response. 0 ly six out of more than 50 invited showed up. a lb IB • * Jd 8 SERVICE 1 prescription' SERVICE .z 'y' v ■ j; Glad Kitchen Catchers *1.084 24's Not included in 6% refunds. t Individually Wrapped Cheese Slices $2.98 Not included in 6% refunds. * W. HarwOdd, Phm.B 238*8540 BesHe Post Office 22, 81 Cr/} 4T GRAND BEND, ONT. MRmAmR Falls, and Personals Mr. & Mrs. Edgar and Mrs. Sylvia Holloway,5 St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mrs. Doris Swnit7pr Mr, & Mrs. Jim Webb, St. Catharines were weekend guests with Mr, & Mrs. Tom Russell, Jacquie and Jen­ nifer. Mr. & Mrs. Randy Russell, Essex, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Doug Russell, Connie, Alex and Elizabeth. Webb Grand Bend church news United Church Special guests at Grand Bend United Church outdoor service Sunday morning,were the Alletheia group from Exeter conducting the whole service by witnessing, prayer and songs, which consisted of solos, duets, quartet and group numbers. The group consists of six young people, Carolyn and Nancy Perry, David Rundle, Paul Sharrow, Paul and Dave Perry. The leader told us the name chosen for their group Aletheia, was a Greek word for “Truth.” A hi-lite of the service was a solo “Light of my life,” by Nancy Perry. Church of God Church of God, Sunday morning service was con­ ducted by student minister Roger Wiede of Toronto. He has been attending college at Anderson, Indiana, and presently at home in Toronto. Mrs, Russell Snider and her daughter Brenda sang a duet entitled “It is mine?’ The evening service at Church of God was con­ ducted by the Aletheia group of Exeter Kraft Canadian ’ I I I Fresh Ontario Cryovac Smoked ▼ PICNIC SHOULDER Cryovac Smoked 88< Save 50' lb. Fresh Ontario Pork Mixed LOIN CHOPS Family pack 7-9 chops e Frozen Picnic <Lemonade 12 oz. 3/»l Not included in 6% refunds. Silverwoods Creamed Cottage Cheese nt. 78^ Not included in 6% refunds. PORK CUTLET $ 1.48 Tenderspot Fresh Save 50' lb., Cryovac Frozen 1 Store Packed WIENERS 98* Save 40' lb., BAVARIAN SAUSAGE 98‘ Save 50' lb., ROASTING CHICKENS 98* 5 lb. and up Save 14' lb. Kelloggs Corn Flakes Kraft Dressing Miracle Whip Van Camp Pork & Beans McCains Deep 'N Delicious Deluxe Piiza Wittich's 100% Whole Wheat Bread 24 £/98« Joy 1.5 litre Liquid Detergent Pre-priced $1.69 ’1.58 Shop and save at the Tenderspot. Quality, price and service all in one stop. Backs Attached Fresh CHICKEN LEGS 98* Save 60' lb., Me ..... 75* 2/99* 4-5 inch ’1.38 Coronation, Sweet, Mixed or Bread & Butter Pickles Bounce Sheets Fabric Softener Royal Chinet Platters Scotties Facial Tissue Silverwood from Concentrate Orange Juice Mrs. Smith's Frozen Apple Pie Handy pack 100's I 20's 24 oz. B's c 78* .15 98* 2/68* 64 °z. #38 » ’1.28 ---------------PRODUCE— Canada No. 1 Large ENGLISH CUCUMBERS Canada No. 1 Local each 58* ■ ROMAINE LETTUCE ■ * Canada No. 1 large firm ...... : GWEN PEPPERSlb. Save $1.00 per lb,, } Tenderspot I SMOKED I PORK SAUSAGE J with coupon and $12 order i excluding cigarettes, tobacco and toupdn item, « m M M n ad mm ra aak M’MMI* at raw to* «» mm in Mmm MM Mm Mina* n m Mi m ■* n mmm an m in Men mm n Mm m m M m m an 4a m Maa al STORE HOURS Open 7 days a week 8 a.m.p** 9 p.m. Price* Effective Aug. 9-15 SENIOR CITIZENS ow<« aooo on fuiwavi to *nv FfKON St Vf AH O» sot OS OlOF* UFON MtWNTATlON OF THUS 00V|»NMfN1 MMt’H A WElFARF ’OfNIrtV CA»0 SAVE 6% CA$M DISCOUNT ON fOtJR PuWtHAtt ON • NV »UKDI»» ®ach 39« 2/39‘ Loads of baskets of peaches, plums, tomatoes, apples arriving fresh daily, TCNAED COAT THE I KIWEI1 WW WF I 238-2512 GRAND BEND BABYJIONUS /avit pamiu auowANri 'ufom m txt SAVE 6% E