HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-07-20, Page 12P°ge 12 _______Times-Advocate, July 20, 1978
Jack and Jill event
held for area pair
On Saturday 60 relatives
and friends attended a “Jack
and Jill” shower for Donald
Noakes and Olga Zemitis.
Greeting the * guests were
Angela Noakes, London and
Rasma Zemitis, Dashwood.
In charge of the guest book
were Kathryn Amess,
Exeter man
guest again
Service at Hensall United
Church on Sunday was again
conducted by Rev. John
Wareham of Exeter with
Richard Fujarczuk at the
organ and Mrs. Marianne
McCaffrey as choir director.
Rev. Wareham preached on.
“Thoughts re Christian
Living" dwelling on hope,
our heritage and the power
given to us. Guest soloist.
Mrs. Eric Luther gave a
beautiful solo, accompanied
at the piano by her husband.
Flowers adorning the
Sanctuary were in memory
of the late James McAllister
placed there by his family.
Rev. Grant Mills of Exeter
will be the guest speaker
next Sunday. A good support
for his ministry would be
London and Jeffrey Noakes.
George Cox Clinton en
tertained the guests with
piano selec tions and led in a
sing-song. The guests of
honour received many
beautiful and useful gifts for
which Donald and Olga
thanked them sincerely.
Guests attended from
London, Guelph, Kitchener,
Dashwood. Zurich, Toronto,
Lambeth and Port Elgin.
A smorgasbord meal was
served following the
Donald and Olga are being
united in marriage in
August. Donald is attending
Waterloo University and
working for his Masters of
Applied Science in Systems
Design Engineering and Olga
received her Bachelor of
Applied Science Degree in
1977 from the University of
Guelph in Family and
Consumers Studies. At the
Spring Convocation at the
University of Western
Ontario. ' 1978. Olga
graduated from Althouse
College as a teacher and was
on the Dean's Honour Roll.
Donald is the son of Mr. &
Mrs. Leonard Noakes,
Hensall and Olga is the
daughter of Mrs. Gisela
Zemitis and the late Alfonse
Zemitis. Dashwood
Colorful mums, daisies and gladiolas formed the setting in the
Westfield Fellowship Chapel for the marriage of Mary
Margaret Snell and Francis George Clark Forrest on June 17.
Rev. Wesley Ball, Gorrie, performed the double ring
ceremony which united the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Snell, Westfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest, Hensall.
Wedding music was provided by Ronald Snell and Mrs.
Donald Snell. The bride was attended by Elaine Snell, Edythe
Snell and Margaret Roberts. The best man was Mark Russell
and guests were ushered by Marvin and Bill Snell and Eric
Campbell. The flower girl was Sharon Snell and Danny Snell
acted as ringbearer. After a wedding trip to Northern On
tario, the couple took up residence in Hensall.
Photo by McDowell
Zurich fair starts Friday
This year’s version of the
Zurich fair is expected to be
bigger and better than last
years with three en
tertaining days ahead for the
many fair-goers expected.
The fair kicks off Friday
evening at 8 with the ever
popular Pirie Mitchell and
Peaches of CFPL TV’s
junior talent hour headlining
the talent show. Local talent
from the area will also be
Also on Friday evening,
will be the fair queen contest
with several area young
ladies expected to vie for the
The 114th exhibition
swings into high gear on
Saturday with a parade
starting things off at 12:30
featuring the Queen of the
Furrow, the Haflinger six
horse hitch, the Mocha
Temple horse patrol, the
Arkona pig team, the Huron
county pork queen, the Tobe-
Cobe float and the Seaforth
and Dashwood marching
The fair will be officially
opened at 1:15 with fair
president Vince Doyle,
Huron county warden Gerry
Ginn and members of
parliament Jack Riddell and
Bob McKinley doing the
Afternoon highlights in
clude arm wrestling with
western Ontario champion
Robert Snarley, “Fashion
Focus” presented by the
Huron county home
economist division of the
ministry of agriculture and
food, the baby show and a
micro-mini tractor pull.
In the evening, there will
be dancing to that popular
group from Goderich “Star
Trex” with refreshments
available from the Lion’s
The fair winds up on
Sunday with a horse show.
Mensa 11
and district news
Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018
Mrs.. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
We Have
Our Restaurant
And Expanded
Our Menu
Area families stage picnics
Will PURCHASE C.B. — Through the generosity of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada, ARC Industries of
Dashwood will be able to purchase a C.B. radio for emergency communication use in their small bus. While Mrs. Alida Struyke,
driver of the bus and George Godbolt look on, Gerry Godbolt representing the company presents the cheque to the executive
director &Hhe South Huron and district association for the mentally retarded, Don Campbell. Staff photo
Horton Reunion
The Horton Reunion was
held at the Seaforth Com
munity Park on Sunday and
was attended by members
from Detroit, Windsor,
Dorchester, Burlington,
Kitchener, Palmerston,
Seaforth, Clinton,
Mrs. Eilwood Bryant
Ellen and Darren
Vauxhall, Alberta who have
been visiting the Horton’s in
this area were guests.
A smorgasbord meal was
enjoyed at the noon hour
followed by sports under the
direction of Mrs. Cal Horton
and Mrs. Bruce Horton.
approximately 85 guests
attending. Officers for next
year are to be the same as
this year. Races and contests
were enjoyed with the
following results; - ball
throwing contest ages five to
ten, Dwaine Maloney; ages
10-15, Scott Dinney.
Wheelbarrow race ages 10-
15, Theresa and Cathy
Oesch. Balloon
Robert Manson.
bucket game, team one with
Raymond Oesch as captain.
Men’s arm-wrestling, Pete
Includes everything from diet
plates to steak.
De Wys. Ladies ads contest,
Miss Doris Maloney. Shell
count, Russell Oesch.
Guessing weight of water
melon, Gary Flaxbard.
Newest married couple, Mr.
& Mrs. Gary Flaxbard.
Oldest married couple, Mr.
& Mrs. Sam Oesch. Youngest
child, two month old Jeffrey
Flaxbard, son of Mr. & Mrs.
Gary Flaxbard.
The contests opened with a
race for under fives, won by
Scott Hodgins and a candy
scramble for the same age.
HENSALL (on Hwy 4)
You're a success when your
income tax equals what you
used to dream of earning.
* ★ ★
Enjoy trip to west
Centralia folk return home
Reunion held
The Oesch-Pfaff Reunion
was held in Hensall Com
munity Park on Sunday, with
^Illllllllllllllllllllll IIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIL.
There’s one difference
between a tax collector and
a taxidermist: the taxidermist
leaves the hide.
■k * *
The only time most of us feel
close to our fellow man is
when we're caught in a traf
fic jam.
* * ★
Remember the good old
days, when problems had
* *
Church aisle: bridal path.
* * *
Why not hitch up with a
business that goes big on ser
vice at
Small Engine Repair
107 Queen St., Hensall
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner
have returned home
following a three week’s
motor trip to the West Coast
and Vancouver Island. They
were greatly impressed with
the snow-capped mountains
and among other points of
interest were Butchart
Gardens, Vancouver’s
beautiful parks, Jasper
National Park, Banff, Lake
Louise and the Calgary
On the way home they
visited with their niece and
nephew, Mr. & Mrs. George
O’Dell in Fort Qu’Appelle,
Saskatchewan, and with
relatives in Michigan.
Sunday Service
Rev. Grant Mills con
ducted the service in the
United Church on Sunday
morning and delivered an
inspiring sermon on the
subject “Love or Perish”
= 262-2103
Whatever the project, call on us for
Ready-Mix Concrete
• FARM (Including Manure Tanks)
c. a. McDowell ltd.
Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961
“Love" is from God, the
creator and director of the
Universe. Love is a part of
creation and is the basis of
true reality. He pointed out
the importance of “Love” in
the life of a Christian.
The special music was a
solo by Joanne Smyth with
organ accompaniment by
Mr. Doug Gill.
The church will be closed
for the next four Sundays for
vacation and church service
will be resumed on August
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy
entertained neighbours at a
social evening at their home
on Tuesday of last week in
honour of Mr. & Mrs. Dick
Neil who were leaving the
village to take up residence
in Norwood Village. Mr. &
Mrs. Neil were presented
with gifts and lunch was
served by the hostess.
Ruth Ann Essery attended
Camp Bimini, last week.
Mrs. Lome Hicks, has
received word of the sudden
death recently in Scar
borough of Miss Eve
Merriam daughter of Mrs.
Ethel Merriam and the late
Rev. R.J. Merriam. Rev.
Merriam was a former
minister of the Centralia
United Church.
Sympathy is extended to
.Mrs. Merriam in her loss of a
loved one.
Miss. Ada Mitchell of
Montpelier, Ohio was a guest
last week at the home of her
sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. & Mrs, Kenneth Hodgins
and on Tuesday they spent
the day at Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Fred Cunnington
visited for a week with her
daughter, and son-in-law,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and
their families in Listowel.
Mrs. Lome Hicks was in
Ripley on Saturday at
tending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Murray Walden.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Hodgins were in Chesley for
a couple of days with Mr.
Chas. Hodgins and attended
the funeral of the late Mr.
Joe Martene.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Skinner’s aunt, the late Mrs.
Mervin Pym in Thedford on
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brock of
Thorndale and Mrs. Duncan
Tindall of Listowel were
Sunday visitors with Mr.
Murray Abbott. The ladies
are sisters of Mr. Abbott.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy
were Sunday visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Sim Roobal,
Family unite
in Hensall
The parents of Parkash
Malik of Hensall arrived in
Canada in the seconql week of
June 1978. After staying a
few days with their eldest
son in Toronto and with the
youngest son in Strathroy,
they are now visiting in
Hensall. The whole family
visited Niagara F’alls on the
week end of July 9-10 and had
a family gathering at the
The parents of Parkash,
Mr. J. Rai Malik and
his wife Jasoda Malik will
stay in Canada for about four
months. They are planning
to visit all the historical and
interesting tourist places in
Canada and U.S.A. They
have already visited many
places and they found the
people of this country very
nice and friendly.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Rai Malik
are very happy to meet their
children and grandchildren
after three years and the
whole family is very happy
on this unification.
Sales active
The Hensall Sales Barn
was active again last week
with the main trade being in
heifers and steers: prices
were lower on heifers but
higher on steers. Fat cattle;
heifers, $57.50-$63.50, top to
$64.50; steers, $63.50-$67.50,
top to $67.80; cows, $38.00-
$45.00, top to $51.50. Pigs;
Mrs. Eric Munroe of
Seaforth visited recently
with Mrs. Bertha
Mrs. Elwood Bryant, Ellen
and Darren of Vauxhall
Alberta spent the past week
visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Bert
Mrs. Blanche Chapman,
London, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie
Adams, Exeter visited
recently with Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Corbett.
Mrs. InezMcEwen who has
been a patient in Stratford
Public Hospital returned to
her home this week.
Mr. & Mrs. Al Corbett and
family visited with relatives
at Elmvale on Sunday.
Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles Mickle, Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. Mickle, Exeter at
tended the church service
recently in St. John The
Divine Anglican Church,
Arva, when the former’s
grandson Stuart Craig
Mickle son of Dr. & Mrs.
Robert Mickle, Cambridge
was baptized by Archdeacon -
Rev. G. Anderson con
ducted service in St. Paul’s
Anglican Church on Sunday
Next Sunday the service will
be held in Carmel
Presbyterian Church when
Dr. Douglas Fox will be in
Charge at 10:30 a.m.
Mrs. Irene Finlayson and
Mrs. Gladys Coleman
returned home after spen
ding a holiday at Port Elgin.
Miss Terrie Garrow has
just attended a one day hair
cutting class at Ivor’s Clinic,
London under instructor Ed
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rait-
tinen, Karen and Lisa of
Timmins visited with her
uncle and aunt, Mr, & Mrs.
Carl Payne last Tuesday and
Visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Sam Oesch on Sunday were
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Flaxbard
and Jeffrey of Kitchener,
Mrs. Ray McNall and Karen
of Fergus, Mrs. Earl
Chamberlain and Dana of
Elora and Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Flaxbard of Zurich.
Queensway news
Visitors with Louise
Mitchell last week were
Verna Coates, Mary Han-
ningan Vera Pincombe and
Mrs. Si Pollen. Ken Hockey
visited Mrs. Frayne, Miss
Jessie Ingle and Mrs. Mary
Blake, Brussels visited Mrs.
Tena Hulley and Cora
Alcock. H.D. Alcock and T.C.
Alcock London also visited
Cora Alcock.
Clarence Dilling, Sarnia
visited Louise Mitchell.
Betty and Cecil Smith visited
several residents. Roberta
and Mary Neil visited Mabel
Johns. Bill and Verna
Gibbings visited Adeline
Church service was
conducted by Rev. Mills
Green Giant Whole 12fl.oz.
Kernel Niblets Corn
Nabiscp 300 g. pkgs.
Shredded Wheat
Alien's, Apple, Fruit Punch, Pink Lemonade
Fruit Drink
Corn Oil
Colonial, All Varieties
Queen's Pride
Corned Beef
Weston's Wittich
Potato Bread
■■■ a
for home
48 fl. oz.
32fl.oz. J
28 fl oz. tin
16 oz. bags
2 roll pkg.
Come in and look
through our lastest
2 pounds 49
1 pound 45^
Abattoir 262-2041
..,•1 J9
Choice Local Beef and Pork
Sliced Pachage
Side Bacon
Beef & Pork c
Shoulder Steaks ib$1
Our Own Smoked
Pork Sausage
Our Own
Chicken Roll
Store Packed
$1in the piece ■
Turkey Wings 10 lb. box, lb.
10 lb. box,
Turkey Drumsticks
Front Quarter
Of IBeef Fully Processed ■
lb. ■
Clover Cream frozen Foods
IceCream 2" $1.19
Picnic White or Pink
Lemonade 3/s1
ABATTOIR HOURS Beef Slau9hter “ Monday, Pork Slaughter — Tuesday.Hours for Picking Up Freezer
------------------------------------------------- or Custom Orders. Tues. »o Fri. —• 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Prices Effective Week of July 20, 21 & 22 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantifies on
all advertised items. Because of increaseo costs we find if
necessary to make a 50c charge for grocery delivery.
Choice Local Beef & Pork
Abattoir Phone: 262-2041
*j>ave *
Phone: 262-2017 Hensall