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Times-Advocate, 1978-07-06, Page 15
Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete •RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES 4 ? ■-» 'f GRADUATING CLASS — The Clinton Christian School held their graduation ceremonies Monday night. Those leaving grade eight for high school are, front row left to right, Anita Blok, Tena Bakker, Yolanda Oskam, Mary-Jane Ridder, Dianne Boersma, Mr. R. Schuurman, Janet Kaptein, Carolyn Greidanus, Anita Siertsema and Joanne de Haan. Centre row, George Reinink, Leroy Dekens, Harry Otten, Gary Nonkes, Conrad Kuiper, Jack Snieder, Stephen De Boer, Jeff Bruinsma, Richard Hamming ana Leo Van De Ban. Back row, Eugene Hoytema, Ken Benjamins, Jim Postma, Ronnie Zandbergen, Wayne Roorda, Wayne Datema, Keith Hamming, Bill Greidanus, John Stryker and James Klazinga. News-Record photo c. a. McDowell ltd. CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961 Below Tuckersmith estimate • PICK UP YOUR NEW REGAL CATALOGUE at Linda's Gift Shop 455 MAIN ST. EXETER Next to Ersman's Bakery 200 NEW ITEMS _ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Lavis wins Hensail area job Lavis Contracting Com pany Limited of Clinton was awarded the contract to pave the Hensail road by Tuckersmith Township Council Tuesday. The Construction Com- bany’s bid to pave two miles of the road which is east of the village of Hensail, is $48,972. This bid is lower than road superintendent Allan Nicholson’s estimated cost of $51,000. Mr. Nicholson said the construction project has to be completed by Sep- Public Notice Stephen Township Secondary Plan Stephen Township's Council, are preparing to give 3rd and final reading to a By-law adopting the final draft of The Stephen Township Secondary Plan (Amendment No. 17 to the Huron County Official Plan.) Copies of the final draft are available for review at the Stephen Township offices in Credition. Comments on the final draft should be forwarded to Council prior to July 14, 1978. Guaranteed Investment Certificates Income Averaging Certificates R.R.S.P. R.H.O.S.P. Competitive Rates FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE LAWRENCE BEANE RR 1, Brucefield 482-9260 representing a major trust company DALE CARNEGIE COURSE Effective Speaking and Human Relations Last year alone this famous course taught all over the world helped over 90,000 adults . . . prepare for increased earning power and leadership in their community and profession. It will help you acquire skill in the two personal qualities needed for leadership, today: the ability to speak effectively before groups and individuals, and the ability to handle people. — 10 Things This Course Will Help You Do • Conquer Fear • Develop Self Confidence Speak Effectively • Prepare for Leadership Increase Your Income • Win More Friends Improve Your Memory Improve Your Personality "Sell" Yourself and Your Ideas Increase Your Ability To Handle People INQUIRE EARLY TO BE SURE OF A PLACE IN CLASS IN EXETER 433-7474 Collect Phone John Fisher or Mail for Details of Classes and Free Brochure "What The Dale Carnegie Courses Can Do For You" nnMM 1 ► a i a j a . a 1 s 1 a* a ► a , ■ * I * a » a ► a DALE CARNECIE COURSE Presented by Ralph Nichols Corp. P.O. Box 2652, London, Ont. Literature, Please Name...... Address ............................................. City........................Postal Code Phone................... .Occupation «<» bu • j London, $54,096; and E.C. f PtheImbld.s r®c®1.ved, ^er® King Contracting from Owen from: Towland Limited of Sound, $58,632. Tuckersmith plans to purchase offices ....... a i a < ■ , ■ aa ’ a i ■ < ■ t • a * a <a i ■ < I Will view machines Purchasing a lawnmower is no easy matter, and Tuckersmith Township council agreed Tuesday to inspect some of the machines tendered before making a final decision. Council received tenders from Ray Potter and Sons Farm Equipment of Clinton; Vincent Farm Equipment of Seaforth; Huron Tractor of Exeter of Exeter; and Boyes Farm Equipment of Seaforth, Since each tender provided a varied selection of models to choose from, council agreed with Deputy Reeve Robert Bell’s suggestion to view some lawnmowers before purchasing. “My suggestion is we have to get together and go and look at them,” said Mr. Bell. The municipality has about five acres of grass to cut which includes three township parks and the land around Vanastra Recreation Centre. Road Superintendent Allan Nicholson informed council that five students from the Ausable Conservation Authority will be working for the township for one week in August. Mr. Nicholson, said there is plenty of work for the students to do including clearing some sites, sprucing up the cemetery in Brucefield, cutting trees in Vanastra, painting and landscaping around the Recreation Centre. Building permits were issued; Bayfield Boat Yard of Clinton to construct ax building to house boat' manufacturing for $150,000; to Wilson McCartney of Seaforth for two grainaries for $7,500; and to Bert Lubbers of Seaforth for a lean-to barn for $7,500. A demolition permit was granted by council to Bill Bell of Hensail to remove two'barns. Nicholas Blom of Con cession 2 Tuckersmith Township received a tile drainage loan of $7,500. Tuckersmith Township Council passed a bylaw Tuesday to purchase land and building housing its municipal offices in Vanastra. Bylaw number 13 allows the Township to enter into an agreement to purchase the land and building previously owned by the Bank of Montreal for $19,000. The Township, which took possession of the building a year ago, has been renting the building for $200 a month, and $2,400 paid in rent will be deducted from the pur chase price. Council also passed bylaw number 9 rezoning lot 31 plan 23 in Vanastra from Industrial to Commercial. If no objections are raised the rezoning will allow Jacob Thalen to open a furniture store in Vanastra. The Seaforth Lions Club plan to provide tran sportation to their carnival from July 21-23 received township approval. The club plans to rent a double decker bus to make regular runs through Egmondville and Seaforth; to and from the Lions Park. The fare for one way will be 50 cents. Council saw no reason to object the club’s plans. Council also decided at their regular meeting to have the road superin tendent investigate further the possiblity of paving Bayfield Street in Egmond- ville, a block each side of County Road 12. In other business, council passed Bylaw number 10 approving the construction of the Gibbings Municipal Drain and accepted the Nicholson Construction Company Limited of Sebringville tender of $2,570. Other tenders submitted were from: McKenzie and Henderson of Arkona, $2,990; D. Scott Contracting Limited of London, $3,500; and George Radford Con struction Limited of Blyth, $4,400. Council also accepted a petition with five landowners names on it requesting the Broadfoot Municipal Drain be cleaned out. The Town ship now has to wait 30 days for the Ausable and Bayfield Conservation Authorities to inspect the drain. Crescent Rolls lead ball league Midway through the season in the Exeter and district men’s recreational softball league, the teams are still bunched together with the Crescent Rolls leading the league with a record of six wins, one loss and one tie for a total of 13 points. Only a point behind are Hensail with 12 points gathered from a record of six wins and three losses while the Carpetbaggers have the same number of wins but have one additional loss. Alone in fourth spot is Dashwood Industries with a five and four record and 10 points. Tied with eight points each are Usborne and Gords with the township team having a record of three wins, four losses and two ties. The variety store team has four wins, four losses and a tie. Mount Carmel is in seventh spot with a couple wins and five losses while the Times-Advocate leads the league in losses with eight and tied for fewest wins with two. In league action this week, the Carpetbaggers defeated the T-A 7-0, Crescent Rolls throttled Gord’s 13-3. On Wednesday, Usborne and Gords tied at eight all and the Carpetbaggers defeated Hensail 6-5. NAME MANAGER G.L. Purcell Vice- President Central Ontario Division of the Bank of Montreal is pleased to an nounce the appointment of Wayne K. Sylvester as manager of the Port Perry Branch. Mr. Sylvester former manager of the Bank of Montreal in Grand Bend opened the new Port Perry Branch June 19. He was the commercial marketing representative at the Head Office in Toronto before his transfer to Port Perry. His wife Shirley and children Craig and Crystal will be leaving Mississauga to take up residence the end of July. by Council to By MRS. HAMILTON HODGINS Billie and Steven Foster sons of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Foster, Stratford are spending a few days with their grandmother Margery Morley. Mr. & Mrs. Earl French attended the Sunday School picnic at Exeter, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hodgins, Denfield visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hodgins, Denfield visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Brooks, Springfield Illinois visited Thursday with Margery Morley. Mr. & Mrs. Earl French were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hern to celebrate Earl and Laura’s birthdays. flD PIO l\l EER CAR STEREO SPECIAL PROCiHAM BAuANl.T. HASS TRtWI.E Under-the-dash 8-track car stereo For the man with an ear for 8-track, this is it. The TP- 727 not only plays back 8-track music cartridges with fidelity—you can even adjust the music's tone to your taste, or to the acoustics of your car. There are separate bass and treble controls for really rich lows and silky highs, plus a loudness contour switch usually founa only in regular stereo components. Add a separate balance knob—and you've got beautifully balanced sound all around. Convenience controls include fast forward and repeat, so you can hear exactly what you want to when you want to. Of course, you-have the option for automatic or manual program change, too—the light-up in dicators will tell you at a glace which program is in play. Mount a unit under the dashboard now—your car will never be the same. KE2 Your guide MH SV mosquito Control, ■©nmnMHRWHMHHMM Hi wwiwiiwim ........................ . How to stop them from biting. How to stop them from breeding. With Impressive Looking and Listening TS-35 Speakers If your idea of in-car entertainment is good sound coupled with good looks, this is it. The TS-35 is both eye-catching and ear-pledsing. Mounted flush with doors or with rear deck , or simply placed on the rear deck, it is bound to captivate all eyes with its clean, lean lines—and all ears with its rich, clear performance. The large, full-range single cone works with a big magnet to give you extra-powerful sound with extra-dynamic range. And the maximum input power of 40 watts means it's perfect for all kinds of stereo systems, especially those with power ful amplifiers. Add topnotch sensitivity and a fre quency range of 180 to 13,000 hertz, and you've really got it made: an impressive-looking, impressive-sounding car stereo experience. Suggested List Price $196.95 FOR STEREO AND SPEAKERS ‘169” Don't Forget - Wednesday Is Senior Citizen's Day - 5% Off All Purchases GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY Jerry MacLean & Son E,„„ automotive ito. msoim OUR STORE IS BIO ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS BUT SMAIL ENOUGH tO BE FRIEND!Y Mosquitoes are most active in the evening and in wooded areas. It is only common sense to reduce mosquito bites by keeping out of their way as much as possible. Repair holes in your screens and make sure they fit tightly. Mow your weeds and grass frequently, trim hedges and remove all unnecessary vegetation, which protects adult mosquitoes from sun and wind. Provide netting for the protection of babies and young children. Close the damper on your fireplace when it's not in use. Wear loose protective clothing with long sleeves where mosquitoes are abundant. Lighter coloured clothing attracts fewer mosquitoes than dark clothing. Many efficient insect repellents are available, but always read the label and follow instructions. Mosquitoes usually develop in still water so the best way to eliminate them is to do away with still-water breeding sites, wherever they exist. You can do your share. © © © Eliminate all standing water around your home. Fill in low areas to prevent water gathering. Make sure drainage ditches and gutters aren’t clogged with trash. Clean blocked drainpipes and drain water from flat roofs. Dispose of empty cans and old tires, and up- end buckets and other containers left outdoors. Change water in wading pools, ponds and bird baths every few days. Keep your swimming pool properly chloi i- nated and filtered. Insecticides and pesticides should be used carefully. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. In 1975, St. Louis Encephalitis spread by certain mosquitoes was reported in Ontario for the first time. There were about 70 human cases, mostly in Southwestern Ontario. During the 1976 and 1977 mosquito seasons a combination of factors - including, public awareness and care, and municipal mosquito control programs reduced the number of cases to four in 1976 and to none in 1977. We will be prepared again this summer. Since a recurrence of the encephalitis virus is difficult to predict, it is necessary that scientific surveillance and mosquito control programs be continued during the summer of 1978. There is no known treatment for the disease so prevention is essential. Symptoms of encephalitis include drowsiness, loss of appetite, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. It must be emphasized that most mosquito bites this summer will be simply a nuisance. However, should symptoms occur, you should consult your physician. A free pamphlet on mosquito control is available on request horn your local health unit or any office of the Ministry of the Environment. Hon. George R. McCctgue Minister of the Environment Hon Dennis R Timbrcll, Minister of Health Ontario