HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-06-29, Page 5Times-Advocafe, June 29, 1978 Page 5 - JU!;III11 j 11111 111 III I]it II111IIlllilllllinillillllllllillllillllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIILh BUS I Public Notice Of from this area at- Reg.$11.00 LADIES' LEATHER CLOGS Reg. to $28.95 NOXZEMA Tropic NOXZEMA SUNTAN OIL OR LOTION Dark Tanning Oil or Lotion $2“Boz. Polident 77’227 gm 32's Main Street the the DENTURE CLEANSER ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF A 6-PACK OF QUIRST. Super Hold Non-Aerosol Hair Mist CLAIROL SHAMPOO 447 ml s2“ nut io ACA<( IIAAITAIIONA AMO AVAIlAAllirv Al (IMF or sAlf ITFMS SHOWN MAY NOT AH (IF AVAIIA81F AT All lOCATlONS Dyke and Victor Wednesday with and Kathleen Stephen Township's Council are preparing to give 3rd and final reading to a By-law adopting the final draft of The Stephen Township Secondary Plan (Amendment No. 17 to the Huron County Official Plan.) Copies of the final draft are available for review at the Stephen Township offices in Credition. Comments on the final draft should be forwarded to Council prior to July 14, 1978. police in- negligent officials, Reg. $12.00 • Beige Canvas Tie Reg, $8.95 *6 95 • Canvas Loafer Beige & Blue $895 guard tour familvs HEALTH ANO BUDGET GUARDIAN DRUGS $139 130 ml | SHOWER TO SHOWER DEODORANT BODY Powder W PRECIOUS BLOOD GRADUATES — Grade eight students received their graduation certificates at Precious Blood Separate School in Exeter. Back, left, Frank Verbeke, Rob Bilcke, Travis Craine, Wilf Mostrey, Ron Coolman, Richard Weernink, Sean Wraight, teacher Mary Ellen Kot and Jack Smits. Front, Larry Bertens, Corinne Weernink, Nancy Van Bruwaene, Stephenie Moir, Diane Kints and Frank Giffin, T-A photo Wella Balsam CONDITIONER 447 ml $2” Effective Until JULY 1st Gabion Stone Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bags Sand & Stone Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. Crediton 234-6382 Continued from front page 4 that is a little hard to put any credibility in. Mr. James Fleck (Ontario’s deputy minister of industry and tourism) says that he has not been aware or involved with the operation at Fleck for some time. Then company president Mr. Fred Berlet slated that he had been sending monthly reports to Mr. Fleck and the other owner Mr. George Gardiner. As for Mr. Gardiner, he is so concerned about the workers and their grievances that he stays in Florida. The signing over of company shares to wife and children is a ploy used legally, by corporations and Before You Head Out This Weekend, Drop In To See Our ' TENDER TOOTSIES • Macrame Sandals $g95 Narrow Fittings in White, Beige, Brown $795 U.S. ARMY CLOGS Black, Brown and Navy *15*’Reg.$21.95 Wuertlj’s CHARGEX VISA Shoes Ltd. MAIN ST. EXETER board members, for years (thanks to our government) and usually doesn’t entail any real loss of control. Vice-President and Plant Manager Mr. Grant Turner has made his views on unions well'known. To make sure everyone understood his feelings, Mr. Turner stated, that if the women were successful in obtaining union security he would quit his job. It is also known that he has been employed at other plants with anti-union policies. Even O.P.P. Chief Supt. V. C. Welsh once made reference to “Grant Turner and his non-strikers”. Is it any wonder then, when up against bias legislature, timidation, government disinterested owners, and anti-union management, that the women on strike at Fleck have been coerced into striking back in frustration and anger. Yours truly, Stuart Craine 202-442 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-0504 A large crowd attended the annual Strawberry and Ham Supper Wednesday night at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Brinsley. The tudor rose quilt which was made by the ladies Guild was won by Mrs. Jim Rowe. Brinsley United Church Sunday School held a tup- perware party and plant sale, Thursday night. It was successful with a fairly good attendance. Mrs. visited Gordon Morley. A few tended the 90th birthday celebration for Mrs.Mary Hodgson, Lucan which was held in the Lucan United Church, Sunday. Jody and Ricky Gillies, Kathy and Kelly spent Saturday night with Kathy Prest and Bill. Ken and Eleanor Jordon and family, Paris were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Dyck and Victor. McLean and Foster of St. Mary’s have demolished the Buffalo Bridge on the Brinsley Road 24 and are to replace it with a new modern structure. The new bridge is to be built south of the old one. Traffic is detoured during the intervening time. GUARDIA DRU of Clairmist $149 ml I Learn about history of Kippen By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Kippen East W.I. met in Seaforth at the home of Mrs. Wm. McDowell June 21. Mrs. Jack Sinclair gave a thought provoking topic on, “A woman who wants to do something finds a way, another finds an excuse.” She said, we go this way but once so let us make the journey worthwhile. Following along with Mrs. Sinclairs’ motto, the president Mrs. Triebner listed a few of the excuses for not attending Church. Mrs. Wm. J.F. Bell in­ troduced the speaker Mrs. Orville Workman who gave an interesting paper on the history of Kippen and the surrounding area ac­ companied by slides of yesteryear. She was thanked by Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Robert Kinsman gave current events and courtesy remarks. A committee of Mrs. Kinsman, Mrs. Chalmers, Mrs. Whitehouse, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Drummond will be in charge of the Bean Festival Booth. It was decided to send $35 donation for the Childrens Aid. Mrs. Al Hoggarth presented her report of the district annual held in Hensail in May. Plans were made to help with the ploughing match, September 29 and 30. 4-H Club news The second meeting of Mrs. Roberts’ garden club began with the roll call, which was “The reason I have a garden.” Some of the members said that it was economical, that there was always fresh fruit and that it was good exer­ cise, Everyone brought ideas for the book cover and it was decided that the club name would be “Happy Hoers,” the covers will be green with black lettering, After discussion questions, meeting was adjourned. The third meeting the Happy Hoers was held at the home of Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts demonstrated how to freeze rhubarb. A quiz on work previously taken was conducted and the meeting adjourned. Personals We are sorry to report that Wilson Tremeer is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Jones are spending the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jones Hillier. Michael and Chrystal Jones spent last week end with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones. Jo Vantol Amsterdam, Netherlands is visiting with his sister Mrs. Harry Van Wieren and family. He arrived in Toronto Friday and will be staying three weeks. Elzar Mousseau has returned from Seaforth Communi ty Hospital# Hodgins and Hayter, Parkhill are doing some ditching in the village. The McLean reunion was held on Sunday at Mrs. S. Graham’s cottage, Grand Bend. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Skin Cream $109 110 ml | Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street " 235-1570 Where Can You Get More?? Domestic & Commercial Refrigeration Heat Pump soles & service, central air conditioning, room air conditioners. Tower Installation & repair. Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Refrigerators sold & serviced. Television Repair to all makes. (Used colour T.V. Rotars, Antennas, Towers) REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE GRAND BEND 238-2493 Stephen Township Secondary Plan TRY NEW QUIRST FOR THIRST. Introducing Quirst™ the great tasting new lemonade made to quench the biggest thirst. Quirst is non-carbonated. It leaves you feeling refreshed Not full. And it's enriched with Vitamin C. Tart and tangy Quirst in convenient cans is just right for all those thirsty summertime activities. Especially now, while you can save 25c on your next 6-pack of Quirst. Try Quirst today. It's the new quencher in a can. From Seven-Up Canada Limited. jpii ' Ski MR DEALER: Seven-Up Canada Limited will redeem this coupon $ for the face value plus 5c for handling anytime to the end of 1978 | provided you receive it from your customer according to the terms I of the coupon offer Any other application constitutes fraud Failure to provide, on request, evidence satisfactory to Seven-Up Canada Limited that you have complied with such terms will void coupon All coupons submitted for redemption become the property of Seven-Up Canada Limited For Redemption mail to Seven-Up Canada Limited. PO Box 3000. Saint John. New Brunswick E2L4L3. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE OFFER EXPIRES December 31 1978 09800?? ri I I I I I