HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-06-08, Page 2727Times-Advocate, June 0, 1970 com- r while you are alive, to carry on the struggle ^gainst Cancer. But deferred gifts By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN McLellan, BLUEBIRD ) John McDonalds’ Corners, was a recent visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scott. The members of Cromarty Women’s Missionary Society presented Mrs, Grace Scott with a Honorary mem­ bership in the W.M.S. Mrs. Scott has moved to,Seaforth, Mr, & Mrs. Philip James attended the Service of Ordination of Mr. Sandy Duncan Fryfogel at Knox Prebyterian Church, North Easthope, on May 30. Mr. & Mrs. John Tem­ pleman and Ruth attended. the graduation exercises at the University of Western Ontario on Monday when Darlene received her Bachelor of Education degree. INSULATION SPRAY ON URETHANE FOAM For Cattle and Hog Barns, Workshops, Homes, Attic?, etc,, also Vans. • AGRICULTURAL • INDUSTRIAL • • RESIDENTIAL Blown In - Mineral Wool - Fibre Glass - Cellulose H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION R.R. 5 Mitchell Phone 348-9376 are a means of further supporting this great work and ensuring that it will go on as long as a single Canadian is threatened by Cancer. More than ever before, the Canadian Cancer Society needs the thoughtful consideration of those who know how to make their giving count. Anyone wishing to make a deferred gift to the Canadian Cancer Society, other than a simple cash donation, should normally see his or her lawyer, estate planner or other advisor. Murray H. Hodgins has been named the chairman of the Commemoration com­ mittee of the Lucan- Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. In accepting the chair­ manship, Mr. Hodgins, said “I am pleased to assist the Branch in the promotion of this important program.” The Canadian Cancer Society does not have large financial reserves and it operates on a “pay-as-you- go” basis. The Canadian Cancer Society does not have large financial reserves and it operates on a pay-as-you-go basis but the Society is committed to the long-range support of Cancer research, and many scientists and technicians have placed their faith in the Society’s ability to continue making available the funds necessary to complete their investigations. Also, the rapid growth of research with its demands for more space and equip­ ment, involves substantial capital funds which are not readily available through the annual campaigns. Deferred gifts are essential to ensure continuity and growth of Cancer research efforts in Canada, in addition to the more direct benefits for Cancer patients and for the public at large who must be instructed on how to recognize Cancer symptoms and how to prevent Cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society needs your help now, £ Ellmvllle By KATHY COOPER’ Several from the munity enjoyed the Kirkton Horticultural bus trip to the Woodbridge area, Saturday. They toured several green houses and flower centre, art gallery and the Black Creek Pioneer Village. All report a good day. Mrs. Harold Kerslake held Open House in honour of Joan’s forthcoming marriage, for relatives, friends and neighbours. Receiving guests with Joan were her mother and mother of the groom, Mrs. Ross Skinner. The Thames Road- Elimville Young Peoples’ held their annual cam pout at the Pinery. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fulton and boys, Stratford. Donnie and Gary Parsons, Hensail spent the weekend with Doug CooDer. f. I Complete | Custom Framing | J for needlepoint, crewel,Rj photographs, oil paintings.K •tfetc. Regular or non-glare 2 L glass. Ready to hang, 48 hour 3 a service. E I Harold Tyndall | X 482'7409 CLINTON eow| LANDSCAPING COMPANY Professional design layout men 6 years experience Limestone Walls Water Fountains Flagstone Patios Flower Tree Shrub Beds Designed to please customer Sodding maintenance done on request. 243-2090 Pt. Franks \... . ........> CARNIVAL AT MEADOWCREST — More than 500 persons attended a recent successful flea market at Meadowcrest Residence lnc„ west of Elginfield. Shown in the greenhouse with the many plants for sale are farm manager Jack Tweddle, program director Dave Bacon, Dave Lacount, Lloyd Lester and Joe Fritzley. T-A photo Marionthis area Heating Systems of All Types INSTALLED, MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work Tour Elmira area United church Personals Art Cunningham MEDWAY QUEEN — Jean Barker was crowned Queen of Medway High School Friday night. She is a grade 13 student and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, RR 1, Lucan. | 235-2187 E 133 Huron Sf., Easl, Exeter niiiiiii in iiuiiirii in uiiiririi mill i inuE CANNING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE See us for Great Price on Kelvinator DEEP FREEZERS With soaring grocery prices, one almost believes it impossible to save on the food budget - Not So! Leave it to us to help cut your food costs. Kelvinator freezers allow you to take ad­ vantage of supermarket specials - stock up on inseason specials, and feast on savings throughout the entire year. WHITING'SWHITING'S • Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used)Sales and Service 235-1964 Clandeboye ladies enjoy bus trip By MRS. ART HODGINS Several ladies from this community enjoyed the bus trip Monday sponsored by the Lucan Women’s Institute. The tour went to Elmira where they browsed and shopped at the Brox’s Olde Town Village and House of Dolls. Following lunch at the Stone Crock, they toured the rural Mennonite country and stopped at the West Mon­ trose Covered bridge, then iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiitiiiitiiiiiuum on to the town of Elora to view the gorge and visit more unique shops. Enroute home they had dinner in Stratford. Peter McNaughton was bus driver and tour guide in his usual capable, manner. Attending were Gayle Cronyn, Elizabeth Conlin, Velma Hardy, Mary Scott, Betty Coughlin;, Hazel Cun­ ningham, Viola Carter, Marilyn Lee, Hazel Williams, Ruth Hill, Eleanor Kestle, Ethel Donaldson, Dorothy Darling, and Bernice Thompson, Jean and Pat Hodgins. is ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation W*F/‘ XL »111X1 ExeterMAIN ST. Crest BACK VALUES THAT PUT IN YOUR BUDGET i Stock Up Now Paste 100 ml Regular or Mint for tight strings *- that help Relief purse values ease inflation! TOASTMASTER Hamburg and Hot Dog 45c LADY SCOTT 2 PLY Facial Tissue ... 2/’1 Sunlight Dish Soap 1 ?2 litre t ( M52.8 oz. *| I EXETER F 235-1661 k SHOP HERE FOR FATHER'S DAY CARDS and GIFTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SUNDAYS 12:00 to 6:00 -I-t*nqrniJMT l”E » ImriF | KmP KmmP ikM* I W ■ “How to Overcome Your Troubles” was the topic of the sermon chosen by Rev. Keith Brown for the Sunday service. Speaking from Mathew 4, Mr. Brown said that sometimes we are called on to face troubles of various kinds which produce fears and worries which in turn make our troubles seem worse. We seek to escape and one out of each six people are taking some kind of tranquilizers while others seek escape through alcohol but both are useless and in many cases only compound our troubles. He said “Worry doesn’t . take you anywhere, is not good for you, and you can overcome it with God’s help.” By knowing God’s will for us, through prayer and seeking His will through the Holy Spirit, our worries and annoyances will disappear. He gave an illustration of an elderly lady of happy disposition who when troubled about anything said “I’ll do the work Lord and let you do the worrying.” Mr. Brown told his congregation to live one day at a time, which is the only day given to those who desire it, to do the Lord’s work. Next Sunday will be the 116th anniversary of Lucan United Church, at 11:15 a.m, Rev. Charles Scott of London will be the guest speaker and a finger luncheon and time for fellowship will be enjoyed following the service. Members of Clandeboye U.C. will attend the Lucan Church this Sunday, Ladies of the congregation are asked to bring finger desserts and those who wish may meet at the Church at 10 Saturday morning to help make the sandwiches. If you have flowers to help decorate the sanctuary; please ’phone 227-4714 by Friday evening. Saturday, June 10 is the annual clean-up for Camp Kee-Mo-Kee. If you can go please call Wes Stanley at 225-2344. Camp registration forms will be found inside the C.E. wing door. Tuesday, June 13 at 8 p.m. the General U.C.W. will entertain the members of Clandeboye U.C.W. Rev. & Mrs. Brown will tell of their work in Angola. All women of the community are in­ vited. a patient in Clinton Hospital where he was admitted last Tuesday following a slight ’ stroke. Art and his wife, Bev had just returned from the Canadian West and were visiting their daughter and son-in-law Barbara and Ward Hodgins at Vanastra when his illness struck. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott visited with Mrs. Bertha Henry at Chatham, Sunday. Mrs. Lena Derbyshire of Napanee visited with relatives and friends in the community last week. United Church News Service will be withdrawn t Clandeboye United Church, Sunday June 11 and the congregation are invited to attend the 116th an­ niversary of Lucan United Church at 11:15 a.m. Rev. Charles Scott will conduct the service and bring the message. Lunch •will be served following the service. Rev. Keith Brown will be conducting, Com­ munion Service on the Ailsa Craig Pastoral Charge. Feeling listless? Out of sorts? Fight it! Take a walk. M Walk a MiK-k.’Ibday. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT A j fl I » >1 fl fl ►1 1j fl Wilson's Jewellery Beside Bank of Montreal - Exeter 18th B Sale i1 5 20% OFF ALL STOCK Pleasing You Pleases Us IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DUE FOR RENEWAL? W.J. TROOP, APA THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS COUNCIL A p- V,., .X Kwj..- r* BL X-;. The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario an* bounces the election of the fol­ lowing officers and members: President, W.J. Troop, APA, Colborne, Vice-President, R.R. Smith, FCA, Toronto, Secretary, R.L. Ford, GA, London, Treasurer, J.P. Latendresse, CA, Ottawa, Past President, R.D. Mackenzie, FCA, Hamilton, Member of the Executive, L.D. Freedman, FCA, Toronto. Messrs. W.J. Blakely, FCA, Kingston, W.P. Fazackerley, APA, Windsor, J.R. Rathwell, FCA, Lindsay, B.F, Thomson, CA, Walkerton, J.H. Turner, FCA, Peterborough, 0.0. White, CA, Kitchener, S.L. Wigle, FCA, Hamilton and W.H. Broadhurst, FCA, M.S. Werger, APA, both Of Toronto. All persons who practise as public accountants In Ontario must be licensed under The Public Accountancy Act and must ob­ serve the Rules of Professional Conduot laid down by Council. Any Information regarding these matters and the penalties for non- observance of the Act and regulations may be obtained from Mr. 0. Doughty, Registrar, The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario,45 Charles Street East, Toronto, IT'S EASY TO FIND OUT < JUST CHECK YOUR MAILING ADDRESS ON THE FRONT PAGE OF YOUR NEWSPAPER. EXAMPLE Doe, John H. R R 2 Kippen, Ont. JUNE 1-0-9-8 THIS IS THE MONTH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES THIS IS THE YEAR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES (1978) In order to keep rising costs under control we have initiated a new system for subscription renewals. Effective immediately we are asking our subscribers to check their mailing labels to determine the renewal date for their newspaper. Subscription reminder notices will not be mailed...so please check your label. z PLEASE WATCH YOUR LABEL AND RENEW BEFORE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ONEYEAR-’IV" - TWO YEARS-<21-AMERICAN-$2200 g >-<s i mes Serving South Huron, North Middlesex vA*va.va. «... . rt.J.sv vocate A/& North Lambton Since 1873