HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-06-08, Page 26Wl's enjoy
bus trip
Members of the Lucan
W.I. and friends from Ik
Clandeboye area, Granton
and London township en
joyed a bus trip to the
Elmira and Elora districts
Monday of this week, driving
through beautiful Mennonite
In Elmira the group
visited Brox’s Olde Town
Village, the “Sap Bucket”
where there was an excellent
display of Mennonite Crafts,
had a super lunch at the
Stone Crock and toured the
“House of Dolls” and
“Krafts by Us”.
Travelling on toward
Elora we saw the covered
bridge at Westmontrose
and at Elora the group got
out of the bus in the park and
walked along the top of the
gorge to Lover’s Leap a
sheer drop to the rocks
below. We drove back to
“The Inn’ a converted mill
and had a beautiful view of
“The Tooth of Time” from
their “Tap” Room Deck. We
also had the opportunity of
seeing the many little
boutiques along Main Street.
Returning via Stratford
supper was enjoyed at the
Tours provided the tran
sportation with Peter as the
most excellent driver and
guide. The committee
members in charge were Iva
M. Hodgins and Alice
Hodgson. _______________
and district news
TOPS member 10 years
The door prize of the even
ing was won by Shirley
NURSERY GRADUATION -• Graduation ceremonies were held Monday morning for the Lucan and district Co-Op Nursery
School. Back, left, teacher Mary Lou Allensen, Lee Wilson, Scott McAlpine, Marcia Heckman, Daniel Smith, Tim Latta, Kim
Greenlee, Angie Sires and Tanya Waters. Front, Blair Fraser, Jennifer Heckman, Malkin Singleton, Lenny Carter, Nathan Ryan,
Sara Dunsmore and Gareth Brown. T-A photo
Many changes for Lions fair,
starts with Friday night parade
This writer has heard
rumours of the program for
the Lions Club Fair 1978 to be
held on August 18. 19 & 20. I
understand some changes
are being made. The Fair
will start off with the Parade
Friday evening, instead of
Sunday afternoon, and will
be headed up by the 65
member “Buccaneers
Band” from Sarnia.
The talent show is being
dropped and in its place will
be some novelty “fun”
things, e.g. a turtle race,
frog jump, pie eating con-
test, etc.
Also - for the first time - a
“Fair Princess” a contest
will be held and posters are
placed in various stores
giving entrances
Seniors to hear
nominating report
: 20% off : » L ALL FABRICS • •jPrlkci’PcI;
W I There’s One Near You | w•••••••••••••
for sale
If any of the area readers
of the Lucan page, have any
“rummage” they would like
to contribute to the Women’s
Institute sale on Saturday,
please ’phone 227-4702 before
6:30 tomorrow, Friday,
evening, or bring it to the
Masonic Hall between 7 and
9 that same evening. There
will also be a sale of homq
baking to commence at 9;(
a.m. Saturday and tea or!
coffee and cookies will be
Canadian Calorie Counters,
stimulated the group so
much with her talk and dis
cussion on calories, that
there was a lost of 27‘2 lbs.
this week. Fifteen members
attended the meeting.
Ruby Amies gave last
minute instructions in
regards to the Bus departing
for the convention in Sud
bury- the next morning, and
returning Sunday. All those
attending the convention
were very excited, and it is
hoped that they will bring
back a whole year of
stimulation for the club.
Wednesday the tops
meeting was opened with
the Tops pledge with Ruby
Amies president presiding
over the meeting.
The special feature of the
evening, was a surprise
presentation of a gift, and
certificate, to Sally
Williams, for being the only
member in this Tops group
attending for 10 consecutive
years. Bernice Maslem read
the story of Sally’s life.
Donelda England was con
gratulated for receiving
three charms this past
month for weight loss.
At the May 10 meeting
Ruby Amies announced that
she would be leaving the
Tops group, for a new home
in North Bay, her last
meeting would be June 14.
She will be greatly missed
by all members. Ruth
Jackson, co-leader con
sented to fill in as president
for the remaining of the
year. Marj Park was voted
in as the new co-leader.
The May 17 meeting was a
special event night. Marg
Avery, assisted by Shirley
Currah, Barb Bannerman.
Barb Coughlin, and Genette
Gwalchmai, presented a
skit. “Getting My Radio
Program” this hilarious
presentation was thoroughly
enjoyed by all.
May 24 Cheryl Davis from
We Buy-Sell-
or Exchange your
Fire brigades
hear of rescues
The Lucan-Biddulph
volunteer fire department
hosted the Middlesex Mutual
Aid Association in the Lucan
Fire Hall recently.
The fire chief from the
London air port showed
slides and spoke on rescue
work when a plane crashes.
The meeting was well at
tended by all volunteer fire
departments in the area.
There was one “false
alarm” during the last two
weeks, set off by an
American radio station
operating on the same
frequency as the fire call.
The mons den will feature
“The Killarney Show Band”
direct from Ireland,
replacing the disbanded
“Molly Maguires.”
Headlining the en
tertainment will be Carol
Baker, Ferlin Husky and the
Good Brothers, all excellent
in their field.
The helicopter rides will be
back and sky diving is being
added to the program of
exciting events.
It sure sounds as though
Lucan and district Lions are
really outdoing themselves
and that everyone is in for a
really good show.
A nominating committee
was appointed at the
meeting of the Sunshine &
Busy Buddies groups,
Thursday and Mary Koohy
and Dora Thompson will be
presenting their report at the
meeting this afternoon.
Evelyn O’Neil and Earl
Atkinson were welcomed
back after several weeks
Letters were read from the
Thompson family, in ap
preciation of the club’s
donation to the Cancer
Society in memory of Lois
Thompson, and two in
vitations one to attend the
40th Anniversary Open
House for Agnes & Gordon
Hotson at the Community
Centre from 9 to 1 p.m. on
June 24, “best wishes only,
please,” and the other to
attend Open House at the
arena, September 9 the day
the lunch
BROWNIES FLY-UP -- A number of members of the Lucan Brownie packs participated in a
fly-up Monday night. From the left are Kim Blay, Miriam Steffens, Jacqueline Cronyn, Tracy
Glavin, Kathy Nicholson, Lisa Bakker and Diane Watt. Missing was Lisa Kaune. T-A photo
Owners to Destroy
Noxious Weeds
■/ ■■
L J|
of the official opening.
Two poems were read, one
by Iva Hodgins and the other
by Agnes Hotson. Gordon
Hotson, who chaired the
meeting, thanked
committee, Alice
Margaret Carter,
Hodgins and Earl
Euchre prizes were won by
Eva Allison, High Lady;
Kathleen Neil, Lone Hands;
Alice Hodgson, Low Lady:
The men’s prizes were all
won by women! High Mae
Bowman; lone hands,
Angeline Scott and low Ann
Kish. Agnes Hotson won the
high bridge prize.
Members of the Busy
Buddies worked on the club
liquid embroidery quilt and
decided to make the visit to
“The Spinning Wheel” in
Listowel on Wednesday, to
pick out rugs or wallhangings
for hooking.
at the
E.J. Melsanson,
Clerk of the Village of Lucan
(Branch Office Address)
If convenient, please call collect for prior
appointment 1036 Ontario St,, Stratford
(271-5650) •
120 Sanders St. W. Exeter, Ont.
Phone 235-0694
UCW plan activities
"A" TITLE TO 69'ERS A" championship of the Lucan men's bowling league was won
by the 69'ers. Back, left, Bill Bannerman, Don Watt and Ward Ellyatt, Front, Alex Hyde and
Tom England. Missing was Dennis Carty, T-A photo
Complete Line of Western Saddlery
Bridles, Halters, Bits, Pads, Blankets,
-Fly Wipe, Shampoo, Absorbine Etc.
-Lee Jeans & Jackets
-Western Boots, Hats, Belts & Shirts
-Hand Crafted Leather Goods
Notice is hereby given to all persons in posses
sion of lands and all property owners in the
municipality of the village of Lucan in the county of
Middlesex that in accordance with the Weed Con
trol Act, chapter 493, R.S.P.O. 1970 as amended
unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are
destroyed by June 17, 1978 and throughout the
season, the Weed Inspector may enter upon such
■lands to cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds to
be destroyed in the manner prescribed in the
regulations, the cost to be charged against the land
in taxes, as set out in the act.
The co-operation of all citizens is requested.
Members of the Lucan
United Church Women
executive met Tuesday
evening to make plans for
the various activities of the
next few months.
A “finger” luncheon and
time of fellowship and
visiting will be held following
the 116th anniversary ser-
vice Sunday, June 11, when
members of Clandeboye
Church will also attend. A
work meeting will be held for
U.C.W. members on
Saturday at 10 a.m. in the
Church kitchen to make the
sandwiches and women of
the Church are asked to
bring “finger” desserts on
Plans were put underway
for the food booth
Lions Club Fair,
Clandeboye will be invited to
assist with the proceeds
going into the “Manse
Fund.’’ Sandwiches,
desserts and beverage will
be served in the booth which
will be set up in the “storage
Do you have a fridge you
could loan?
More help is needed on the
planning committee. If you
will help please call Mrs.
Ross McRoberts, 227-4641.
The chicken barbecue,
September 20 also came
under brief discussion but
plans were not finalized for
this event.
Members were reminded
of the general meeting June
13 when Rev. and Mrs. Keith
Brown will show slides and
tell of their work in Angola.
One accident
Only one accident was
investigated this week by
officers of the Lucan detach
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police.
It occurred at 4 a.m.
Saturday on Highway 4,
south of County road 22 in
Biddulph township when a
vehicle driven by James
Parkinson London left the
roadway and struck the
ditch. Constable W. T.
Hodgins set damages at $500.
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