HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-06-08, Page 11Jets sign Loveless to coach, hope club will be a contender “We will have a con­ tending team,” Those were the words of Pete Loveless shortly after he was nemed coach of the Lucan-Ilderton Jets of the Ontario Hockey Association Continental Senior League. Jets general manager Don Urbshott echoed the sen- timets of his new coach saying, “We will definitely have a better team than last year.” The Jets suffered through the worst season in their history winning only a half dozen games in 35 played. Loveless who played with the Jets for five years spent the last two years as an assistant coach with the Jets for the 1976-77 season and last season with the London Kings. He replaces Jack Chip­ chase who held the L-I coaching job for one year. Chipchase was unable to return because of em­ ployment commitments. Urbshott and Loveless are already on the lookout for new players. Loveless said we need a top notch goal tender, two strong defen­ cemen and three forwards that can put the puck in the net. On the club’s performance last year, Loveless com­ mented, “They lost Rick Fifield, Randy Roth and Bill Bannerman last year. They accounted for 75 goals the year before. You can’t lose players of that calibre and continue to win without capable replacements.” Annual Meeting EXETER MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Thurs., June 8 7:30 p.m. SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE All interested people are urged to attend to review the past season, elect of­ ficers and make plans for next season. V J Urbshott said the Jets hope to have working agreements with the new St. Marys in­ termediate team and the Strathroy Junior “B” club. Loveless added, “The London Kings proved last year that affiliated teams can be a big help. Help from the London Diamonds sure was instrumental in defeating Durham.” None of us in charge of this team like to lose, so, we are looking for the players necessary to give us a win­ JET COACH SIGNS — The coach of the Lucan-Ilderton Jets for the 1978-79 season will be Pete Loveless who was an assistant coach with the London Kings last year. Above, Jets manager Don Urbshott, left, watches as Loveless signs his contract. T-A photo » Tigers decisive in win over London club ner, added Loveless. He was referring to club president Harry Loyens and manager Don Urbshott. One thing is certain there will be better brand of popcorn consumed at the Ilderton arena this coming winter. Loveless is known to consume large quantities of popcorn during the game. The concluding comment from Loveless was, “I will be asking for a total com­ mitment from my players. They will need to give us about 20 hours each week for games, practices and travel time.” Girls loop is extended The Huron-Middlesex ladies softball league has been extended this year to 10 teams. Teams include Crediton, East Williams, Parkhill, Ailsa Craig, Den- field, Poplar Hill, Nairn, Lucan, Grand Bend and Arkona. All games will start at 8:30 except those at Crediton, Parkhill and Grand Bend which start at 9:00 p.m. Denfield games will be played at Arva, Grand Bend plays at Dashwood and East Williams at Nairn. Following is the schedule: LOCAL HORSE AT WOODBINE — A thoroughbred owned by four area men continues to be eligible for two of Canada's richest horse races. Above, two of the owners Eric Kints and Dalton Finkbeiner are shown at Woodbine recently with their three year-old filly Bobisque and jockey Gary Stahlbaum. The other owners are Peter Oud and Bob Hamather. Bobisque is eligible for the Canadian Oaks and the Queen's Plate. T-A photo Ironwood results Parsons best junior Timet-Adypcate, June 8, 197?Pag. 11 SHOP AT HOME GYMNASTICS The South Huron Recreation board is offering a summer gymnastic program from July 4th to August 3rd. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Registration for this program is limited to 40 students under the age of 16. Cash or cheques must accompany the following registra­ tion form and must be returned no later than June 23rd, 1978 to the South Huron Recreation Centre, Mon. - Fri., 1-5 p.m., or mail to: Gymnastics South Huron Recreation Centre P.O.Box 1810 Exeter Cost per student is $12.00 (10 lessons) SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE (EXETER) P.O. BOX 1810 235-2833 GYMNASTICS REGISTRATION (Summer 1978) Name __________ Age (in 1978) ___ Address _______ Previous Experience When __________ Phone By LARRY SNIDER Free advice isn't always good — but this is. The United States Travel Ser­ vice offers a “Con­ sumer's Guide to Travel Information.'' Write Consumer Information, U.S. Travel Service, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. The Dashwood" Tigers scored a decisive victory in their only start this week in the Huron-Perth in­ termediate baseball league. On their home field Friday night the Tigers downed the London Rae J juniors by a score of 11-12. The pitching arm of Jim Guenther and the hot bat of John Hayter allowed Glen Thurman’s club to chalk up its1 third win of the young season. Guenther went the full distance on the mound for Dashwood. He allowed only five well scattered hits and struck out an even dozen opposition batters. At the plate John Hayter collected three hits, in­ cluding two long blasts over the left field fence. He picked up four runs batted in. The Tigers wasted little time getting on' the scoreboard with three runs in their first trip to the plate. Bob Hoffman reached first on a walk, John Hayter followed with a single and both scored on Jim Guen­ ther’s drive over the centre field fence. In the Dashwood third, Bob Hoffman again started the rally. This time he was safe on an error and John Hayter quickly sent him across the plate with the first of his two home run shots. The fifth inning scoring for Dashwood was a repeat of the third frame. Bob Hoff­ man slapped out a single and John Hayter came through with his second straight round tripper, again over the left field barrier. Two more Tiger tallies were chalked up in the sixth as Barry Baynham singled stole second moved to third on Bob Hoffman’s third hit of the game and both scored as John Hayter was safe on a London fielding miscue. Noel Skinner’s single sent Perry Stover and Doug Fairbairn home with the final two Dashwood scores in the bottom of the seventh. Stover had singled and Fairbairn drew a walk. The only action for the Tigers this week will be Saturday and Sunday when they will be in Tillsonburg competing in a tournament. JUNE 8 - Lucan at Denfield Crediton at Poplar Hill 9 - Arkona at Grand Bend E. Williams at Lucan Poplar Hill at Naim 12 - Denfield at Crediton Grand Bend at E. Williams . 13 - Poplar Hill at Grand Bend Parkhill at Arkona 14 - Naim at Parkhill Crediton at Ailsa Craig 15 - E. Williams at Denfield Ailsa Craig at Poplar Hill Arkona at Lucan 16 - Lucan at Nairn 19 - Poplar Hill at Crediton Denfield at E. Williams 20 - Naim at Grand Bend Lucan at Arkona 21 - Ailsa Craig at Parkhill 22 - Crediton at Denfield E. Williams at Nairn Parkhill at Poplar Hill 26 - Arkona at Crediton Poplar Hill at E. Williams 27 - Ailsa Craig at Grand Bend Poplar Hill at Arkona 28 - E. Williams at Parkhill Lucan at Ailsa Craig 29 - Grand Bend at Denfield Naim at Poplar Hill Crediton at Lucan Wayne Parsons with an 80 was the low gross winner in the “A” flight of the junior golf competition at the Ironwood course, Monday. Rich Fletcher won low net, Steve Pearce required the fewest number of putts and Steve Horn was the hidden hole winner. In “B” flight, Derrick Vander guns t’s 80 was the low gross, Steve Skinner was low net atz60, Mark Van- dergunst needed only 14 putts and John Mickle recorded the lowest score on the hidden hole. Winners in “C” flight were Murray Heywood, Jeff Wareham, Steve Merner and Darren Vander guns t. In the men’s competition, the low gross winners in the three flights were Jim Russell, Pete McFalls and John Morgan. Best in low net were Dave Holtzmann, Gabby Mol and Derry Boyle. Helen Burton scored the low gross in ladies play, Sandra Rowe was best in low ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE net, Mary Ellison used the least number of putts and Ruth Mercer was the most honest golfer. Make cheque payable to: South Huron Recreation Board DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL. Classes start July 4th unless otherwise informed, at the South Huron District High School (Main En­ trance) at 1:00 p.m. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE 1978 iStephen Central I TIGER I TIMES niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH LW MID-WESTERN wSwdF QUARTER HORSE SHOW SAT., JUNE 10 HURON PARK GROUNDS (’/a Mile South of Main Entrance) See International Exhibitors from World Congress and Quarterama compete in both Western & English Events. Judge—Ted R. Dodge, Lennon, Mich. Halter Classes—8:00 a.m. Performance Classes—1:00 p.m. ♦ • * » Hard steering, wander, and a pull to one side may be caused by something as simple as unequal tire pressure. Check your tires regular- ly- * * * Most drivers change oil every 3,000 miles or so. But if you put on less- than-average mileage, the oil should be chang­ ed MORE often. Short trips doh't get the engine hot enough to burn off contaminants in the oil. * * X Automakers are testing methanol as an alter­ native fuel for cars. Hie! Monday, May 26, the Tiger Times went on a tour through the T-A. We got a newspaper and a 6 column data sheet. There were nine people from the Tiger Times, two of which were teachers. Afterwards we went to get an ice cream cone. — Debbie White Trip to the Zoo The kindergarten class from our school went on a field trip, May 30. They left for Grand Bend Zoo at 9:30 and got there 20 minutes later. They divided up in groups. Mothers and teachers guided the children around. The children said they saw many animals. They enjoyed this trip and returned to the school for lunch. — Sarah McClure Candles May 26 a man from the Money Man came to our school to see if we would like to sell Christmas candles next year. Candles will be sold for $5. sometime in October. — Susan McClure May 20 Mr. Negrijn took students from grade 5 (Mrs. Becker’s class) on a field trip in a wood lot. The students were to identify wild flowers and plants as part of a science unit in school. — Tammy Gaudio June 2 Stephen Central School had a hotdog sale. As usual each hotdog was 30c. The sale was at lunch time. — Tammy Gaudio JULY 3 - E. Williams at Crediton 4 - Crediton at Grand Bend E. Williams at Arkona 5 - Grand Bend at Parkhill Arkona at Ailsa Craig 6 - Ailsa Craig at Denfield Poplar Hill at Lucan 7 - Parkhill at Naim 10 - Naim at Crediton Lucan at E. Williams 11 - Grand Bend at Arkona 12 - Arkona at Parkhill E. Williams at Ailsa Craig 13 - Parkhill at Denfield Grand Bend at Poplar Hill 14 - Denfield at Lucan Ailsa Craig at Naim 17 - Parkhill at Crediton Ailsa Craig at E. Williams 18 - Lucan at Grand Bend Denfield at Arkona 19 - Crediton at Parkhill Naim at Ailsa Craig 20 - Poplar Hill at Denfield Grand Bend at Lucan 21 - Parkhill at Grand Bend Arkona at Nairn 24 - Lucan at Crediton Arkona at E. Williams 27 - Lucan at Poplar Hill Denfield at Nairn ADMISSION: $1.00 NO CHARGE FOR CHILDREN UNER 12 YEARS PARKING FREE YORK RIVER ( canoe SALE ) 3-DAYS ONLY-3 This Thursday, Friday & Saturday - June 8, 9 & 10 ■x * * Heaviest tires in the world weigh in at 12,- 500 tons, are used on a front-loader vehicle. They cost $50,000. Each. Change your tire, lady? * * » * Whether you need new tires for your car, or just service, you can depend on the auto experts at Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB IT'S NEW - IT'S OLD IT'S DIFFERENT Now Booking Reservations For • Tournaments * Anniversaries • Wedding receptions * Special parties i V i EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer You'll got the type and size of tire that's right for you. ------------------GREEN FEES---------------------- WEEKDAYS........................ $3.00 for 18 holes WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS....................$4.00 for 18 holes Student & Senior Citizen ... $2.00 Mon., Thurs. & Fri. Tee off by 4:30 p.m. % Mile East of Hwy* 4 on County Rd. 6. Mimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii................................................................................................mi...iiiii...... GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY Jerry MacLean & Son Excl„ automotive ITO. 235 0800 OUR STORE IS BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS. BUT SMALL ENOUGH TO BE FRIENDLY 20% OFF LIFE JACKETS 15-FOOT MICHI-CRAFT Heat-Treated Aluminum 20% OFF ALL PADDLES IN STOCK