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Times-Advocate, 1978-05-25, Page 16
Times-Advocate, May 25, 1978 1331 classifications 2 Found Lost, Strayed Found Situations Wanted Help Wanted Business Opportunities Services Livestock Farm Machinery- Sports Equipment, Veh. Cars, Trucks Pets Musical Instruments Appliances, Television Personal For Sale Wanted To Buv Wanted Properly For Sale Property For Rent For Rent For Sale or Rent Wanted To Rent Property Wanted Notices Legal Notices Tenders Wanted Auction Sales ENGRAVED SILVER ladv’s or child’s identification bracelet. Owner may claim bv identifying atT-A. 18t 3 Situations Wanted MALE STUDENT 15 seeking summer job. Phone 227- 4475. 20:21c WOULD LIKE to baby sit pre schooler in mv home Monday to Friday . Call 235-0492. 20:2 Ic CARPENTER’S helper, full- time position, pole frame con struction. Call 236-4081 after 5:30p.m. _______ 19:20:21c — Welder Required GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG — full or part-time, business is good! We have to ex pand to meet the demand! We need honest, sincere salespeople to join us now and stay a long time. Don’t worry about ex perience as 1 will shovy you how to be successful and receive rapid promotion. You will earn while you learn and receive substantial guaranteed commissions weekly, plus cash bonuses for extra par ticipation. This is pleasant, dignified work. Contact Roy Scott, 137 Alice Street, Lucan, Ontario, phone 227- 4096. 212:22:23c ........................ ............ ........ .............. ............— CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of wqrds Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2.40, 9c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 7c pe word, minimum $1.40 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 h inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $2.00, 8a per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS — $2.00 plus 12c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each,additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, 4c per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays, When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00 Phone 235-1331 6 Services Don’s Electric Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 4 Help Wanted 6 Services 12f 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46+ Flux, Core & Hardwire HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY MEN & WOMEN PERSON for store, hardware and houseware departments, part-time, may be full-time later. Replies stating experience and references will be held confiden tial. Applv Box TBP Exeter Times-Advocate. 21:22* Excellent working con ditions and fringe benefits. Apply in person to the plant manager. Kongskilde Ltd. Exeter I need a full or part- time person to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact BABYSITTER — a responsible person to babysit 2 girls ages 4 and 1 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekly, either in my home or theirs. Please call 228-6369 after4p.m, 21c DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD. Barn and commercial painting, spray painting, the experienced and modern wav (airless). In dustrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free es timates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202, RR 3, Ailsa Craig or Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794 Collect. 18+ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl’s Food Market, Hensall. 36+ Gene's siGns J Ron Anderson, R.R. #2, St. Pauls, Ontario Phone: 393-5387 G. K. Realty Inc. ^xeter * Grand Bend - Clinton Buying or Selling? Ask About Our Complete Multiple Listing Service. PRICE REDUCED — Call for inspection 10’A% financing available. LARGE LOT — 109' x 145', one and a half storey brick home, plus double garage. Buy now and move in with time to spare to plant your garden. Three bedroom, extra large kitchen and dining area. LOTS FOR SALE — Build your home during the summer months. SMALL ACREAGE HORSE LOVERS — 30 x 30 barn, 5 acres, full two storey home with two baths, three bedrooms, located 8 miles from Exeter. This property is priced to sell at $38,500. NORTHLANDER TRAILER — Two years old in showroom condition, must be moved to your site. Priced at $ 15,000.00 GRAND BEND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — prestige location for antique shop. Two acres of land on paved road, two and a half baths, family room, many, many extras. Buy now and enjoy the summer business. GRAND BEND GRAND COVE ESTATES — Two bedroom Retire ment home with awning and sundeck. Priced $24, 000 for immediate sale. GRAND BEND SECLUDED SUBDIVISION — Mature trees. This home is ready to live in. Five bedrooms, living room and dining room, family style kitchen, recreation room large enough for pool table. Double attached garage with work shop area. Owner will consider holding first mortgage at 91/2 % to qualified purchaser. LOT — In Southcott Pines. Buy now, build in spring. THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE — with beautiful view of harbour and lake front. Three bedrooms, fireplace in living room. An ideal spot for an active boater. CENTRALIA THE PRICE IS RIGHT — attached garage, three large bedrooms, beautiful stone fireplace. All rooms bright and Cosy. Don't let this slip by. Call today for an appointment. CREDITON ONE AND A HALF STOREY — three bedroom home in immaculate condition. All this lovely home needs is an owner. CREDITON TWO BEDROOM HOME — Excellent starter or retirement Lot 66 x 165. Priced at $23,500.00. for quick sale. Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Al Preece 228-6342 Member Huron Real Estate Board 6 Services CUSTOM Lawn and garden work. Call Larry at 262-2514. WILL CUT big or small lawns in Exeter or Grand Bend area. Call 238-2857 or 238-2846. 21:22c G & C SALTER, livestock trucking, Denfield, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto, RR 2, St. Marys. Phone 349-2229, call collect. 211 Clandeboye PLUMBING and HEATING New Installations General Repairs Rural, Residential, Commercial Greg Wragg RR 2, Lucan Phone 227-4026 _____ 20+ UPHOLSTERING — reason able rates, free estimates, call us, Lucan Upholstering, 181 Water St. 227-4240. 19+ ANDERSON’S choice canned tomatoes and tomato juice. Restaurant, Tavern and Home supply, 20 Woodward St. Grand Bend,238-8175. I9f D.W. KYLE’S DECORATING PAINTING AND PAPERING SERVICES CONTACT DOUG KYLE Hensail, Ont Phone 262-2249 after 5:00 p.m. 18t REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER EXETER 235-0541 53 MAIN STREET DAVE PERGEL Plumbing New Installations - Repairs - Water Conditioners - Pumps Sales & Service Call 236-4770 GeneCreces SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. N0M 1N0 PHONE 238-8242 48:4+ TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13f 17t W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses, Additions, Sheds Siding, Roofing, Renovations Free Estimates Phone Bob Willis, 235-0320 Keith Davey, 235-0947 after 6:00 p.m. 17+ SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate ser vice. Butler Bros., Lucan 227- 4312 or 227-4254.__________10+ ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings, column posts, in side vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Des- jardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 18+ YOUR SCANDINAVIAN painter and decorator will give you a full estimate on any pain ting job, wall papering, vinyl hanging, also carpentry. Phone Gunnar Hansen, 262-5175. 17+ CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. # 1, Centralia Open 6 days a week Lathe Work, Portable Welding. Wrought. Iron Railings and Column Posts 229-6542 3t PROFESSIONAL Business Ser vices: Addressing, labelling envelopes, printing tickets, fivers, bulletins, booklets, photocopying. A'RC Industries, 237-3667. 47t MORTGAGE LOANS To build or buy a home or to refinance a mortgage. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 425 MAIN ST. EXETER HOMES EXETER THREE BEDROOM NEWLY REDECORATED home, rugs, large livingroom, 4 piece bath, attached garage and pavea driveway. 10Vi % mortgage. NEW TWO STOREY 3 bedrym, garage, 1 '/2 baths with third bath rougbz-^vfi for future rec room. Fully broadloomed. mortgage. NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 Sq. Ft. Erected on your lot. Further infor mation Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. ap proved subdivision) RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — Butchering Day — Wednesday Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER’S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19+ <J3UTLBR> Complete Material Handling Equipment FEATURING THE NEW BOTTOM DISCHARGE UNLOADER Also Electric Feed Carts, Bossy Cow Trainers, Bedding Savers, Alternators, and agent for Smithrin Poured Silo Builders. For Detailed Information call Your Local Butler Dealer GLENDINNING & SON. George and Ken 294-6574 or 227-4593 Your Huron County Representative JIM YOUNG 345-2723 CALL Forest Fence 5t For all your fencing needs. Larry Haugh at 453-6620 or Exeter 235-2017 after 5 p.m. 16+ Enjoy carefree, comfortable years in your nome with a Westinghouse heat pump. The ingenious system that heats and cools and saves. ® CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE L. W. KLEINSTIVER LIMITED DASHWOOD 237-3661 Plumbing - Heating Electrical HAVE A "MOVING" EXPERIENCE! EXETER FIVE BEDROOM — 1 ’/2 storey home, living room, kitchen, two baths, oil heat, low taxes. PRICED TO SELL. JUST LISTED — one storey three bedroom cottage with new addition, large livingroom with carpeting, fireplace, separate dining room, cosy kitcnen, 4 piece bath, insulated sun deck, full unfinished base ment. CLOSE TO DOWN TOWN. OWNER MOVED — ANXIOUS TO SELL 1 ’/2 storey three bedroom home on FIVE ACRES OF PEACEFUL COUNTRY, completely redecorated, modern sharp kitchen, separate laundry room, new furnace, . HORSE BARN + CORRAL. MAKE US AN OFFER. CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING — approximately 60 x 50 panelled 10x18 office, 12' clearance, 24 x 48 garage, on lot 101 x 150. OWNER WILL CONSIDER HOLDING MORTGAGE. EXCELLENT BUY — 1% storey home, 3 ti 4 bedrooms, country kitchen, livingroom with broadloom, separate dining room, 3 piece bath, large well treed lot, full basement, partially com pleted. COSY & CUTE — 1 16 storey home close to schools and park, two bedrooms, livingroom, dining room, modern kitchen, maple floors, recreation room, good lot, large garage, EXETER * COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — 9000 sq. ft. of floor space, excellent condition for SALE OR LEASE in heart of core area. CALL TODAY FOR FURTHER DETAILS. EXETER AREA — five year old MOBILE HOME in very good condition, 12 x 52, two bedrooms, carpeting including, wood deck, rented lot. PRICED TO SELL. FARMS, ACREAGES AND LOTS LOBO TOWNSHIP — 50Q Bare Land, 49 Acres workable, dug pond, fcSV-Jgned. EXETER AREA — 150 ACRES - 135 WORKABLE - contract for over 4000 layers, large L-shaped barn, 40 x 130 chicken barn, two drive sheds. Good 4 bedroom brick house, + 8 ACRES OF GRAVEL, located in USBORNE TOWNSHIP. BOSANQUET TOWNSHIP —#21 Highway, building lot near Ausable-Bayfield Conservation area, lovely pine treed lot with cabin, lot size 90 x 170. EXETER — ideally located for INDUSTRY — ap proximately 12 acres, 8' water main — 550 hydro available, Highway location. Good house and barn. EXETER AREA — five miles east - 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM - Excellent quality farm, free stall with milking parlor, 500 gallon cooler, quota available, main ©arn, second barn, two silos, now drive shed, well drained property, plenty of water supply, Real sharp home, 4 bedrooms, livingroom, fireplace, recreation room in A-ONE CONDITION. USBORNE TOWNSHIP. EXETER — 25 acres of property - 12 workable, balance in bush, near town south of #83. EAST WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP — 200 acres of fer tile land, 185 workable, Perth clay loam ap proximately 18 miles from London. BRUCEFIELD — ideal building lot in newer area 73 x 147 PRICED TO SELL at $5500. BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP — three bedroom brick home 100 ACRES OF ROLLING CLAY LOAM, good water supply. PORT FRANKS — two ideal building lo/s. FOR YOUR OWN COTTAGE RETREAT, well wooded, ap proximately 99 x 165 PRICED TO SELL NOW. LUCAN ONLY TWO YEARS OLD — three bedroom brick bungalow, full basement, electric heat, separate dining room, kitchen, 4 piece modern bath, good sized lot, paved drive. WILL BE DECORATED THROUGHTOUT. GOOD STARTER — or ideal retirement home, two bedroom cottage, ■to* down town, livingroom, separate dining vO;Kitchen, modern 4 piece bath, closed in porch, tTnced yard. LOW TAXES, PRICED TO SELL. BRICK BUNGALOW — three bedrooms, good siz ed livingroom, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath, 12 x 27 recreation room, good sized lot approx. 70 x 187. GOOD CONDITION and PRICED TO SELL. NEWER BRICK RANCH — 3+1 bedrooms, large livingroom, sharp kitchen 4 piece bath with vanity, recreation room, gas heat good lot, asphalt drive in excellent condition. Only FOUR YEARS OLD. SPLIT LEVEL — home in very good condition, large livingroom, shag carpeting, separate formal dining room, sharp kitchen, recreation room, with brick fireplace, cold room, attached garage. 14 ACRE LOT. TWENTY ACRES — of property plus 1 Vi storey brick home, four ly-Apms, den large livingroom, with carpeting, .uSsern kitchen, two bathrooms, large barn. A REAL FIND. LITTLE GEM — 1 Vi sto^ four bedroom home, livingroom, separatec.O^» room, 4 piece bath, single attached garag?, on sewer, oil heat, good lot. EXTRA GOOD BRICK RANCH — on large lot, full basement, livingroom, modern kitchen, three bedroom, 4 piece modern bath with vanity, panell ed recreation room, some carpeting attached gar age. Two bedroom cottage on same property in good condition gives extra income. LUCAN ONE ACRE BUILDING LOT — ’/4 mile from paved road, Biddulph township. POSSIBLE DUPLEX — older two storey brick home with 12 rooms all extra large, double livingroom, separate dining room, two 3 piece baths, laundry room, garage, good sized lot, Main Street Location. HENSALL 1 '/i STOREY — o|der three bedroom home, full basement, good sized livingroon, 3 piece bath, kitchen needs more cupboards, detached garage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. APARTMENT HOUSING — 12 self contained units, well rented, showing excellent return, ideal location, GOOD CONDITION. CALL TODAY FOR FURTHER DETAILS. TWO STOREY BRICK — zoned commercial, three bedroom home, full basement, livingroom, separate dining room, modern kitchen, beauty salon 12x 18, two baths, GOOD CONDITION. THREE BEDROOM — 1 and % storey home, large livingroom with carpet, dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, full basement, oil heat, detached gar age, good sized lot. BRICK BEAUTY — two storey three bedroom home in excellent condition, large spacious livingroom, with carpeting, sharp kitchen, 3 piece bath, ceramic tiles, gas heat, nice lot. FIVE BEDROOM — older two storey home with ex ceptionally large rooms, separate dining room, two baths, oil neat, large lot, new roof furnace, and wir ing. Pine and broadloom floors MLS LISTING. TWO STOREY — brick home in A-one shape, three bedrooms, full basement, separate dining room, comfy kitchen, 4 piece bath, detached garage, steel . barn, good lot. INCOME PROPERTY — two storey brick building excellent condition completely rented, good location , approximately 1400 square feet, three bedroom apartment, two retail spaces. INCOME PROPERTY — solid two storey BRICK DUPLEX with two 2 bedroom apartments, 3 baths, all rooms extra large, now rented, good income in vestment. COMMERCIAL INCOME PROPERTY — two storey brick building with three commercial store outlets plus two apartment units available. Down town location, Immediate possession. PROPERTY IN AREA McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP — approximately 50 acres, 42 workable, droom 1 ’/2 storey brick home, full bas ^kJ/'iivingroom has maple floors, kitchen, laundry room. SYLVAN — two bedroom home with livingroom, kitchen, utility room, 4 piece bath on SIX ACRES of PROPERTY - small barn, spring fed stream, lots of trees, could be subdivided. KIPPEN-SEVEN ACRES OF PROPERTY— highway location, 1 14 storey house three bedrooms, large kitchen, livingroom, 3 piece bath, barn. EASILY SUBDIVIDED INTO 13 LOTS. . GRAND BEND — 3.89 acres of property, log house and barn, zoned agriculture, some trees, 1 1A mile west of DASHWOOD on #83 Highway. GRAND BEND — real sharp red brick home on ap- • prox. FOUR ACRES of property, five bedrooms, livingroom has fireplace with large decorative mirror, modern kitchen, two baths, closed in sun porch, IDEAL HOBBY FARM. CENTRALIA — 3+1 bedroom vinyl sided ranch home on good sized lot, full basement, livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath, panelled recreation room, plus bar, laundry room, above ground pool with patio deck. MANY EXTRAS. CENTRALIA — three bedroom 1 Yi storey frame home on LARGE SPACIOUS LOT, good sized livingroom, separate dining room, bath, enclosed porch, single detached garage. PORT FRANKS — a family GET A WAY is the five bedroom cottage with large livingroom, fire place, separate dining room, three piece bath, on large lot on land across from marina. BUSINESSES HENSALL — 1 ’/2 storey brick home and shop. ZONED COMMERCIAL. Main street location. House in good condition. Shop handy for office space. COULD BE GOOD INCOME INVESTMENT — three possible rentals. ZURICH — one storey brick COMMERCIAL BUILDING presently office set-up could be altered to several commercial uses. Oil Heat, 200 amp wiring approx. 1600 sq'. ft. VARIETY STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE IN AREA. Call today for details. EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY CALL US TODAY LONDON OFFICE 434-8824 LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 MERT CULBERT 227-4766 227-4071 BOB THOMAS 482-3096 235-0541 Member of London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board COMPLETE REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICE AVAILABLE by J.T. "Tim" Mac Farlane, ACCREDITED MEMBER OF APPRAISAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA A.A.C.I. SI SIMMONS 235-0526 235-0541