HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-05-25, Page 15Tirnes-Advocate, May 25, 1978 Page 15 Best Interest Dashwood mothers, daughters enjoy banquet, program * Q3/«% We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. * Subject to change Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Exeter Office 235-2420 Grand Bend Office 238-8484 By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Group I o f Zion Lutheran Ladies’ Aid was in charge of a pot luck supper for mothers and daughters of the congregation and a program. There were 26 Ladies Aid members present and 55 visitors. Following Grace by the pastor, Elizabeth Datars proposed a toast to the mothers responded to with a toast to the daughers by Mrs. Howard Datars. Following supper, several prizes were awarded: lucky plate, Mrs. Kenneth Rader; youngest mother, Mrs. Harvey Beier ling; youngest daughter, Shelley Miller, daughter of Mrs. Ernest Miller. There was a short program: Cindy Becker’s kindergarten class sang two numbers; Jonathan Mellecke played piano solos; Jayne Hayter sang ac­ companied by Mrs. Paul McGuire; Mrs. Dave Rader sang and accompanied herself on the piano; the junior choir sang. President, Mrs. Lome Genttner conducted a short business meeting. The Altar Guild reported 17 calls. The new Guild is Mrs. Dave Rader and Mrs. Harvey Beierling. There were four cards sent. The Aid will cater to a Wedding in Sep­ tember. Mrs. Harry Hayter was in charge of entertainment and “Flea” was played with Mrs. Albert Miller, high; and Mrs. Harvey Beierling, low. Senior citizens There was a good at­ tendance at the Senior Citizens’ meeting on Mon­ day. George Tieman presented some information for an addition to the Community Centre. Everett Haist performed a few slight of hand tricks and bent an iron bar held in his mouth. Harry Schroeder ac­ companied by Doug Gill, Crediton, sang a few songs which he composed, a special one for mothers. A humorous film, Laurel and Hardy, was shown after which cards and crokinole were enjoyed. The new officers for the fall will be Past President, Mervyn Tieman; President, Charles Martene; Vice- president, Mrs. Pearl Miller; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Hilda Rader; Assistant RAKING LAWN & BEDS EDGING BEDS TURNING BEDS PRUNING TRIMMING REMOVE REFUSE ROLLING ROTOTILLING FERTILIZING EAVESTROUGHS CLEANING STORM WINDOWS REMOVED EXTERIOR PAINTING CLEANING WINDOWS Sn-TT We do it ALL! REGULAR MAINTENANCE CUTTING TRIMMING BEDS HEDGE TRIM WEEKLY SERVIC E WEEKLY CLEANUP I ii ALSO SODDING SEEDING SPRAYING Pl ANTING REPAIR WINTER Kit L PATIO CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE DESIGN CALL US COLLECT FOR FREE ESTIMATES KELLY LflDDSCflPE CODTRHCTORS fD A TFOA1 PO Box 4334WJH—f Wwl turion Ontario• iBm N5W5S6 BUDGET PLEASERS Star OPEN 6 DAYS, AWEEK^ FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. We Specialize in Custom- Processing, Curing and Smoking" 99* ’3.99 BACON Schneiders Legs or Breasts Breaded CHICKEN Breaded VEAL CUTLETS . ’1.69 10 lb. box, lb. $1.59 GROCERY PRICES ONLY EFFECTIVE FOR NEXT TWO WEEKS WHITE BREAD LEWIS TOASTMASTER 3/*1.25 37*1.30 Aylmer Boston Brown 14OZ. BEANS WITH PORK Tang ORANGE CRYSTALS Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE Del Monte Fancy Halfs or Slices PEACHES Red Rose TEA Facelie Royale TISSUES Javex LIQUID BLEACH SOS SCOURING PADS Spruce Dale> CHEESE 3/’1.00 3 y2 oz. 89‘ w oz. $5.89 14 °z. 53< 6O's s1.85 2's 64 OZ. 18's w 65‘ 79* ^FROZEN FOOD. McCain Banana or Peanut Butter CAKES lb. M.89 U.S. Lettuce ea. 59* 19 OZ. $1.39 FRUITS & VEGETABLES------ ----------- Sunkist 113's Oranges Cucumbers. Doz. *1.19 Seedless English The PoP Shoppe ea. 55* k IkJ Now available in our store ... all your favorite soft drink flavors. Main St., Exeter EAEltK Phone 235-0400 FAMILY MARKET PUPPETS GO TO NURSERY — Students of the Sunshine Kids nursery school enjoyed a visit Thursday by the No Strings Attached puppet show. Above, Becky Hann and Benjie Wagner talk to Cheryl Smith and her puppets. T-A photo Clandeboye Wl at rally By MRS. ART HODGINS Members of the Clan­ deboye Women’s Institute attending the North Mid­ dlesex W.I. district annual, held in Ailsa Craig Tuesday were, Mrs. Art Hodgins, Mrs. Bruce Henry, Mrs. Gerald Lynn, Mrs. Jack Hodgson, Mrs. Dave Kestle, Mrs. Harold Hardy and Mrs. Michael Heffernan. Clandeboye W.I. were responsible for the com­ munity singing and Mrs. Dave Kestle district con­ vener of resolutions, presented two resolutions that after much controversy, were voted on and sustained. Riverview W.I. was the branch hostess for the convention. The U.C.W. of Clandeboye United Church catered to the dinner for the Irving Masonic Lodge ladies night, held at the Lucan Com- JSLmplLcLtiy SUPERTWIN & COMPACT DRYER munity Centre, Friday night. Inspector Joe Cunningham has returned from Ottawa where he has completed a five week course at The Canadian Police College. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, Kevin,Joanne and Lisa, and Mrs. Isobelle Simpson spent Sunday with Joan and Peter Banks and girls, Brights Grove. Mr. & Mrs. ll^rijld Hardy and Carolyn and Mrs. Charles Coughlin enjoyed the Shun-Piker Tour to Oxford County on Mothers Day. Several from this com­ munity attended the 25th wedding anniversary party for Art and Marion Abbott held at Kirkton Friday night. Couple at Whalen mark anniversary Perfect laundry pair for apartments, con­ dominiums or where- ever space is at a premium. No special hookup or wiring required. Optional stand to stack units. • 2 yr. parts replace­ ment warranty • Available in White and Harvest Wheat RUSSELL ELECTRIC Main St. 235-0505 k ........ / By MRS. HAMILTON HODGINS WHALEN Mr. & Mrs. Art Abbott celebrated their 25th wed­ ding anniversary with a dance at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre Friday evening with a large crowd in attendance. Wl meets Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins was hostess for the Granton Women’s Institute meeting Tuesday evening. The topic was agriculture and Mr. Jim Hodgins, field and crop specialist with U.C.O. was guest speaker. He spoke on 4H work of which he is a leader. The roll call was answered with the exchange of slips and bloomers (flowers). Personals Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson visited with Mrs. Grace Zavitz, Thedford on Tuesday. Thursday was Jason Hern’s birthday, son of Mr. & Mrs, Larry Hern. Guests at his party were Mr. & Mrs. Stuart McLellan, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hern and Mr. & Mrs. Mac Spence. Lisa Parkinson, St. Marys spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Earl French. Wednesday, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson visited with Mrs. Wilma Gowan and Murray. ATTENTION Due to the high cost of maintenance we have decided to terminate all the locker service. We request that all lockers be vacated by May 31,1978. We thank you and appreciate your past patronage. Hugh Boyle DASHWOOD iHh M M m m M m m m m m M M M ni mi ■. m ■■ m m m m m m m ■, m m nt M M w m m m f I SWIMMING POOL SALE I I I ■ This Coupon Worth ■ • ’100“ i ! ACT NOW, UMITED OFFER ■ > I■ a 5 16' x 32' completely installed J J Regularly $419500 J FOREST CITY POOLS : (519)432-8876 ; LnnBKM ■-■""-"■“■"■■"“■"'"■"‘■“""■■■■■•'■■"I Secretary, Mrs. Charles Martene. Attend annua I Mrs. Eben Weigand, Mrs. Syd Baker, Mrs. Hilda Rader, Mrs. Howard Datars, Mrs. Ray Rader and Mrs. Earl Keller, members of Dashwood W.I. attended the District Annual at Hensail United cnurch last Thur­ sday. New books Books have been ex­ changed at the library and new ones are now available. There is a good selection of juvenile books and any requested will be made available if possible. For those who have difficulty seeing, books are now available in large print. Talking books for the han­ dicapped persons and films are available from the County library. 4-H meets The first meeting of Dash­ wood club I for the 4-H Garden Club was held Tuesday at the Dashwood Community Centre. Following opening exercises, club members were in­ troduced. Election of officers was held with president, Lisa Miller; vice-president, Elizabeth Datars; secretary will be on a rotation basis. The leaders are Mrs. Gordon Bender and Wendy Beaver. Requirements for this project were outlined and the discussion included benefits gained from growing a garden and flowers as well as good location for a gar­ den. The girls decided to nickname themselves “Green Thumbs”. Personals Mrs. Lorne Becker and Wayne and Mrs. Henry Becker visited relatives in Cambridge-Preston and Kitchener, Sunday. Mrs. Harold Maine, Kit­ chener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Friends of Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Becker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schuettpelz, and Ted Adams and his mother, Wisconsin, spent a week with them. Pastor & Mrs. Bruce Guy attended the United Church of Canada Conference at Windsor last week and spent some time with his mother, Mrs. Leia Guy. Mrs. Greta Schade ac­ companied by Mrs. Marguerite Finkbeiner, Crediton, have returned home following a two week bus trip to the west. They visited Edmonton, Jasper, Lake Louise, Banff and Grand Prairie in the Peace River District. It was a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. George YOUTH WORK A total of nine Young Canada Works projects for this summer have been approved by Canada manpower and Immigration through Huron’s project officer Wilma Bolton. Judy Simmons will be in charge of a SPARK summer program and recreation for kids at Huron Park. This project will involve six young people for a total of 51 work weeks at a cost of $7,488. The second activity will be the Huron Centennial Community Adventure Playground providing 34 work weeks for three per­ sons at a cost of $5,112. A second Wingham project will allow for site preparation for the 1978 International Plowing Match to be held at the Jim Arm­ strong farm. The cost will be $11,474 for five persons and 79 work weeks. Wolfe and Claudine, Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. Mrs. Verda Moulton at­ tended the Michigan State Button Society program in Southland centre Mall in Teylor, Michigan. This was arranged by her daughter and husband, Mary and Jim Fee, Birm i n g h a m, Michigan. ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL!: Where Can You Get More?? Domestic & Commercial Refrigeration Heat Pump sales & service, central air conditioning, room airconditioners. Tower Installation & repair. Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers> Refrigerators sold & serviced. Television Repair to all makes. (Used colour T.V. Rotors, Antennas, Towers) MAX’S TV & APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE GRAND BEND 238-2493 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I » IT'S SIMPLE Buy the bike of your choice up to 125 C.C. Bring it back in mid August and SIT ON IT in competition with our other customers. If you sit longer than anyone else you will receive your full purchase. If your new bike purchase is more than $1200 you will still win a new 1978 125 C.C. Enduro (retail value $1200). Stop in and see us and get more complete details. See the complete new line of ■ -C Kawasaki MOTORCYCLES KV75-A7 MT. CARMEL 237-3456 MON. — SAT. 10-10 SUN. NOON - 6 UMTRY rneh STORES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On-The-Spot Financing at Bank Rates. Now Exclusively at our Store ... Outdoor Furniture designed to look good and last for years. Here's the first all-Canadian pool and patio furniture of its kind — made from steel wire and tubing coated with weather-resistant plastic. The white plastic coating is heat-bonded to the metal, and will resist all but the most deter­ mined abuse. The expanded rigid vinyl slat material was specially developed for the Sun Seat line. These slats will remain stable from —40° to 1 5 0»° F and require no maintenance. Combined with all the other weather resistant features of Sun Seats, this makes a truly carefree furniture line. GOOD RANGE OF COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM WHITING'S • Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used) • Antiques and Things Main St. Exeter 235-1964