HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-05-25, Page 13Plans were finalized tor the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups for their trip to the Country Playhouse at Grand Bend. They will see ucon and district news School board plans study of frequent vandalism By GORD WHITEHEAD The problem of vandalism at schools will be studied by a committee of the Mid­ dlesex County Board of Education. The issue arose at the board’s May 15 meeting when trustees considered a resolution from the Kent County Board of Education ^asking the Solicitor- General’s office to change legislation to permit the responsibility for the acts of children to be placed on their parents. Trustee Gilbert Dafoe of Delaware suggested the Middlesex board consider a reward system for students at schools where vandalism occurrences are in frequent. Mr. Dafoe said he had read about a reward scheme SPECIAL AWARDS — Trophies were presented to the top in­ dividual bowlers at the recent banquet of the Lucan mixed bowling league. In the top picture are the ladies winners Brenda Currie, Lorraine Mosurinjohn, Loretta Dickson and Vai Neil. Below are the men’s best, Don O'Neill, Ken Wood, Keith Dickson and Brian Currie. T-A photo WATCH FOR OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY SALE Beginning Thurs., June 15th 40 Watts R.M.S. Belt Driven Turn Table 2 2-Way Speakers PRICE $399” St. FURNITURE LTD. 235-1990 Exeter Plenty of Free Parking Behind Store hopper hockey which had worked well in another jurisdiction. Director of Education John Gummow said Mid­ dlesex does the reverse. “Damage is paid for out of the school budget in our system,” he said. The board was given no indication of the extent or costs of van­ dalism at county schools. The issue of declining enrolment is a factor in a proposal to begin busing graduates of Westminster Central Public School (near Lambeth) to secondary school in Dorchester rather than continue buying education from the London School Board. Middlesex board chairman Jim Scott told the Times-Advocate hp expects trustees will make a decision in June on whether STEREO MUSIC SYSTEM SYSTEM DE MUSIQUE STEREOPHONIQUE London Enterprises Ph. 227-4019 to make the change in September, 1979. The board’s monthly enrolment, repoirt showed that Medway High School lost ten students in April, leaving current enrolment at 1,037. North Middlesex District High School in Parkhill dropped by eight students to 438. Enrolment at Biddulph- Lucan Public School fell by four to 487 and McGillivray gained seven pupils for a total of 216. The Middlesex board took no action on recom­ mendations of its committee on the teaching of French as a second language because of a board decision in February to delay any committtee proposals which cost money to September 1979. The committee recommended the French as a Second Language program be expanded this September to include 30 minutes per day for grade 6. Grades 7 and 8 have had such instruction since 1975. Pentecost is church theme The service in Lucan United Church Sunday was on the theme of “Pentecost” and Rev. Keith Brown spoke from John 16: 7-14 on “How to be filled with the Spirit”. During his sermon, Mr. Brown gave three main attitudes which are needed: A longing to receive the Holy Spirit; be willing to be emptied of all else, so we may be filled with the Holy Spirit; the desire to be filled for Christ’s sake, not for our own selfish reasons; to be wholly yielded to Jesus Christ, placing ourselves unquestionably in the hands of God and finally we must ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit. News of upcoming events This morning at 9:45, the interdenominational Prayer and Share Fellowship meets in the C.E. wing. All women of the community are in­ vited. Come and bring your Bible. Saturday from 9 to 12 a.m. the C.G.I.T. will hold a car wash at Glen Haskett’s service centre and at 9:30 a.m. the postponed Bible Society Walk-a-thon spon­ sored by the Clandeboye, Granton and Lucan branches will leave from the Lucan United Church. Next Sunday the Dedication to Mission Ser­ vice will be held with em­ phasis on missions in the service, and at 2:30 in the afternoon continuing into the evening “Outreach ’78” will be held in Grace United Church, St. Thomas. Roy Bonisteel will lead a panel discussion on “Human Rights” during the af­ ternoon. Make up a carload and bring your “bag” lunch. ft 1 <■ oMST JI *fly SPECIAL AWARD — A special trophy was presented at the recent Lucan men's bowling banquet in honour of a very ardent bowler for many years. Above, Fred Cowdrey, centre, receives the Roy Hodgins memorial trophy from Keith Dickson and Larry DeCaluwe. T-A photo At founding celebration Five members of the Lucan Women’s Institute attended the 75th Anniversary meeting of the founding of North Middlesex Women’s Institutes, held in Ailsa Craig United Church, Tuesday, May 16. The Meditation on the theme “Let’s Preserve Family Life” was given by Pastor Ken Hayes who said the theme was most ap- propriatefollowingso closely on Christian Family Life Sunday — or Mothers’ Day. Mr. Hayes pointed out that more than one million marriages have broken down in N. American during the past year. He said “We are responsible to our Lord in the way we act in family relations and should invite Christ into our own lives and into our own home. Mrs. R. Lewis, RR 2, Ilderton, president of the district was the very able chairman. Mrs. Emerson Stanley, the provincial board member gave a most interesting report from the provincial level, advising *us of the many upcoming events, scholarships, news of the Erland Lee Homestead, and the Foundation Fund for this homestead, of the F.W.I.C. Conference to be held June 24-28 in Saskatoon, and many other items. Conveners reports were interesting with many roll calls and mottos suggested, as well as trips, tours and speakers. Two resolutions, one regarding compulsory in­ surance and the other for more severe punishment for the “drinking driver” were passed by the voting delegates. Mrs. Harold curator for the Tweedsmuir history book announced the London Area Tweedsmuir History Workshop to be held at the Elgin County Museum, St. Thomas, Tuesday, August 15. Take a boxed lunch, beverage provided. The Riverview branch, as hostesses, served a delicious luncheon following which Mrs. Leonard Caffyn brought greetings from the London area and announced the convention to be held at the Banqueteer, Wharncliffe Road South, London, November 1 and 2. Coldstream Branch organized the members into ‘scavenger’groups for ahunt, Brophy, district At Ailsa Craig which proved to be an ex- cellent)break{in thejafternoon program. Clandeboye branch was responsible for the com­ munity singing morning and afternopn which everyone enjoyed’ under the direction of Mrs. Bruce Henry. Mrs. Carol Crerar, home economist for Middlesex with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food gave a very interesting resume of 4H activities for 1977-78 and for upcoming Clubs on a revised basis. She also an­ nounced various short courses, training schools and food forums. Mrs. D. J. Fletcher, First Vice-President, announced Shopping tips feature roll call at Institute meeting “A Shopping tip worth remembering” proved to be a humorous and worthwhile roll call for the Lucan Women’s Institute on Wednesday evening, in the Masonic Hall. With president Vina Emery presiding it was decided to hold a-Rummage and sale of home baking in the hall, Saturday, June 10, commencing at 9 a.m. to accommodate those people who come early for their mail, and> continuing until 4 p.m. All members and friends are invited to search their homes, garages, etc., for articles which may be of no further use to them, but may be useful to others. For “pick-up” call Mrs. Emery at 227-4702. Magazines are to be taken to the Sunshine secretary, Mrs. Harry Bond, Sr., in the Butler Street Apts. Pam Moor, a 4H member and the Women’s Institute entry in the 1977 Farm Show Princess contest, has been chosen as one of the representatives for Mid­ dlesex to attend the 4H conference in Guelph next month. Congratulations Pam. The Motto: “Old Shirt May Become New Suit” was taken by Lillian Radcliffe based on an article by Joan Watson and dealt with the recycling of materials. Mrs. Radcliffe said we must watch carefully, particularly when buying sleeping bags, comforters etc., that we get new material. A very interesting and informative report was given by the president on the Officers’ Conference held recently at the University of Waterloo, when she was in the “Members-at-large” DRINKINGS DRIVING DISASTER M C.H. LEWIS LUCAN LTD. Licensed Insured Livestock Hauler to and from all sales barns etc. 24 Hour Service LUCAN Call Larry 227-1086 or 227-4406 the Western Fair W.I. competitions and invited all branches to take part. Two “house logs” were entered for competition and a third one was on display, along with the District Tweed­ smuir History, articles for the F.W.I.C. competition, sewn items for the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, with which members were invited to help, and a display which Mrs. Stanley had put up containing much useful material from F.W.I.O. Mrs. L. Gordon of Komoka Branch gave the “Cour­ tesies” and invited the district to Komoka for their 76th annual meeting. group. She said she had learned many helpful things during the two day Con­ ference when the key word was “enthusiasm”. They were told to “give people a ‘pat on the back’ ” as often as possible, at which point Mrs. Cecil Robb, one of the Branch Directors gave her co-director, Mrs. Frank Jolliffe, a “pat on the back” for all her help during the years they have been Branch Directors. The North Middlesex district annual, having been held the day before’at Ailsa Craig United Church, Lillian Ashton, district director for ANNUAL WAREHOUSE THURS. JUNE 1 st - 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM FRI. JUNE 2nd - 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM SAT. JUNE 3rd - 9:30 AM - 2 PM KITCHEN CABINETS, COUNTER TOPS, VANITIES, MARBLE-ORG TOPS, CHINA CABINETS, BUILT-INS, ODDS & ENDS FANTASTIC PRICES EVERYONE WELCOME AT HURON PARK (NEXT TO THE ALBATROSS LOUNGE) GEBEL CABINETS LTD. HWY #4 LUCAN, ONT. Order quickly Times-Advocate, May 25, 1973 Animals cause two accidents Animals were involved in two of the three accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detach­ ment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Thursday at 12:01 a.m. a vehicle driven by Wayne MacNaughton, 141 Alice Street, Lucan was damaged to the extent of $1,000 when it struck a deer on Highway 4 at Concession 15 in London township. Constable W.R. Disher investigated. The same day at 8:15 p.m. a vehicle driven by David Hunt RR 3, Ilderton struck a fence on the London-Lobo townline. Hunt swerved his vehicle to avoid hitting a dog. Constable Disher listed damages at $1,200. Five persons were taken to University Hospital, London with extensive injuries after a head-on crash on Highway 4 at the Roman Line, south Lucan Sunday night at 9:25 Drivers of the vehicles involved were Graham, Exeter and Joseph E.’ Robbins, Hensail. Both drivers passengers Wanda Jennifer Graham and Joyce Peckitt, Clinton were hospitalized. Constable J.A. Wilson estimated damages at $4,500. Richard 279 Churchill, and and the Lucan branch, gave a brief report, covering the highlights of the meeting which was also attended by the president, P.R.O. Iva Hodgins, sec-treas. Iola Goring and Mrs. Robb. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Ashton and a sale of something grown, baked or sewn, in­ creased the funds of the Branch by a few dollars. The Tweedsmuir history curator asked that those bringing in further in­ formation on various phases of the village history should complete it as soon as possible. plan to s the production Oklahoma, Wednesday afternoon, August 2, and 55 tickets have been ordered. As there are 80 members, if you want a ticket it is advisable to get your name in at once. Of course, if we go over the 55 we may be able to get more tickets, but possibly not in the same price range, or with the group. Dinner will also be enjoyed but arrangements for this are pending. Phone Edythe Murdy for your ticket, 227-4885. Secretary Ethel Crouch reported on the size of the carpet needed for carpet ball and plans will be made U get one for all. Athankyou note was received from the Marrinan family. Your reporter for the club wishes to apologize for a mistake she made in last week’s report. The memorial name Lois Hodgins should have been Lois Thompson and I am very sorry for my mistake. Birthday greetings were extended to Mary Scott, Earl Atkinson, Vina Emery, Murray Shoebottom and Iva Hodgins. Euchre and bridge were enjoyed by the Sunshine group with high lady’s prize going to Mary Kooy; lone to Charlotte Barker and low to Florence Hodgins; man’s high went to Margaret Carter and lone to Mildred NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THOSE BEDDING PLANTS THAT WILL BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME! We have an excellent selection of Marigolds, Snaps, Petunias, Geraniums, Cabbage and Tomato plants Don't forget we also have a nice selection of hanging baskets CREST ENTERPRISES R.R. 1 Lucan 2 miles west of Elginfield on Hwy. #7. Hirtzel, both playing men’s cards and Lon Phillips won the man’s Jow prize. Bridge high score went to Ivan Stanley. In the Busy Buddies group after many Thursday af­ ternoons of work the liquid embroidery bird quilt was finished and those whose greenware was brought last week are asked to be sure to come and get the glaze on, ready for the next firing, PLAYGROUND LEADERS & ASSISTANTS Needed For Lucan Arena Summer School Sponsored By MINISTRY OF CULTURE & RECREATION SEND REPLIES TO: Box 333 Lucan