HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-05-11, Page 22Times-Advocate, May 11, 1978 Name 'Miss Polaski' at GB, seniors plan June picnic at Pinery park The annual Polaski Day, Mrs. Ravelle closed the put on by Grand Bend program with two amusing Athletic club was held at The stories. Gables in Grand Bend, Sunday. Hi-lites of the day was the crowning of Miss Polaski, Marlene Brenner. She received a garland of garlic, onions, and radishes, and her prize is a two week holiday in St. Mary s and a ride in Doug Shephard’s dump truck down the Grand Bend main street. “Congratulations Marlene.” Vegas night A Mini Vegas was held Saturday night at the Old Theatre in Grand Bend, sponsored by the Lioness Club, with proceeds going to community betterment. Door prize was won by Jerry and Brenda Relouw, and an afghan which had been donated was won by Len Rau. Golden Agers meet Thirty-one Golden Agers met Wednesday afternoon at the Village Inn. President, Mary Ravelle presided. Discussion on the upcoming bus trip June 7 revealed that a few more reservations are available. A picnic is planned for June 14 to the Pinery Provincial Park. All are asked to meet at the United Church at 1:00 p.m. Group 5 will be in charge of sports. All to bring own picnic basket. Group 3 were in charge of the afternoon entertainment. Mrs. Martha Geromette read two poems, “Spring Fever,” and “Gone Fishin.” A musical interlude followed with Ross Love playing several violin selections, accompanied by his wife, Nola, on the piano. Games of crokinole, euchre and Chinese checkers were played and lunch served by Inn Staff. 4-H meets The Grand Bend girls 4-H Garden Club met Tuesday evening at Rita Smits home. Roll Call was answered by “The reasons why I grow a garden.” During the business they decided to name their group the “Happy Hoers.” Discussion followed on how to plant the gardens. United Church Volunteers are needed Friday night at Grand Bend United Church, to take benches out of the manse basement for repair and painting. If you can come, please contact Le Roy Keyes. Church of God There were nine from the Church of God attended a mission day last Saturday at Powasson which featured Rev. Kenneth Good from Australia. Orpha Club meets The annual spring pot luck supper for the Orpha club was held Tuesday evening at Mrs. W. F. B. MacLarens home. President, Irene Kennedy, presided and said grace for a bountiful meal. One of the founders, Mary Yeo, Sarnia, was a surprise guest. Spring donations Lambton County childrens aid were on display, among them a box of clothing for children, sent from Mrs. William Hicks, Bly th. A brief business meeeting OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US AND BE ,7 HEAD AND SI SHOULDERS I ABOVE THE REST followed the dinner. The first fall meeting will be held September 26 at Susie Devine’s. In the social time Court Whist was played and winners were Kay Thomson and Irene Kennedy. The president closed with a “Spring” poem and best wishes to all members for the summer. Personals Mr. & Mrs. William Vandenberk, celebrated their 45th wedding an­ niversary May 2. They came to Canada from Holland, 26 years ago, with seven children and settled in the Klondyke marsh area of Grand Bend. They celebrated with their children, 24 grandchildren, Klondyke neighbours and friends, a Holy Mass for Thanksgiving at Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. A dinner and dance followed at the Dashwood Community Centre. Charitable donations given in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Vandenberk will be sent to a mission in India. Mr. & Mrs. Russ Arm­ strong and Les Armstrong of Meaford visited last Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lome Devine. Grades 4, 5 and 6 from Stephen Central school, presented their play “Going West” at Grand Bend Public School Wednesday morning. Parents, friends and grandparents attended. Mary Yeo, Sarnia spent a for1 few days last week with Mrs. Leroy Bariteau. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Baker, St; Thomas, spent a few holidays last week, in Grand Bend with friends and relatives. Jim Kennedy returned to his home here after at­ tending York University in Toronto this past year. Saturday Jim attended the Runalls-Baptie wedding at Centralia. Sunday he left for Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park, Chateau, for his summer job as head naturalist. Achievement Day was held Saturday at Stephen Central school for the 4-H club project, “Focus on Living”. Grand Bend Institute sponsored two clubs. Leaders were Karen Woods, Rita Smits, Ellen Van Leeuwen and Ellen Vandenbygaard. United Church is sponsoring a Seminar on Victory Living, featuring the Jones family, from Florida.The same group will present Gospel in Word at 7:30 p.m. Church news A family participation night was held Sunday night at Church of God, where one or more from each family takes part. The Sunday School children sang, The Lord is watching over me. Other special numbers and poems followed. Rev Richard Simpson of Grand Cove Estates, spoke on family worship. All were invited to the Sunday School rooms where lunch was served by Rev. & Mrs. John Campbell. St. John’s by the Lake Anglican Church ladies held their May meeting Thursday afternoon. Convener Jan Fitzgerald presided. The group will be spon­ soring a lawn sale at the Church August 5. Household articles will be welcome and for a pick up phone any Church member. A card party is planned for early in the fall. The ladies were asked to work on crafts and sewing to enter at the Craft fair in the fall. The ladies are buying paint for the interior of the Parish Hall and the men have volunteered to paint it. Lunch was supplied by Jan Fitzgerald and Blanche Morris. This was their last meeting until September. United Church young people met in the Sunday School rooms Tuesday evening. Kathy Allister and Marilyn Walper conducted the worship service reading Bible scripture and led in prayer. Rev. H. Moore gave a talk describing wedding ceremonies. In the social time the young folks practised a new song, “Hey, Hey is anybody listening.” 7 • ’4 SIGN FOR CREDITON BALL— Youngsters planning to participate in the Crediton Baseball Association program this summer registered Saturday morning. Signing up with Rosemary and Ron Bowers are Eugene Glanville, Murray McDonald, Ken Payne and Terry Acton. T-A photo I /L^ I1 WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR MEAT MARKET Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 18, 19,20 (Highway 21 At Sideroad 15) RICHARD ERB MEAT MARKET RR 3, BAYFIELD 565-5313 £ e n n n c I c0SKriLTE "F Schneiders foods ■ I THUG** BETTY & ARTS GRAND BEND II LU AU FOODLINER I ANNEX ■ ’■'n'nn BETTY 4 ARTS GRAND BEND Luf*U FOODLINER 4 ANNEX 63/4% We're stretching our services to make opening an account with us an attractive proposition. Open an account with us now with a deposit as little as $50.00 to a new chequing account or $100 to a new savings account and you'll be eligible to win our $50.00 money tree. Interest calculated half-yearly on minimum monthly balance. 4% Interest calculated half-yearly on minimum half-yearly balance NO SERVICE CHARGE Open An Account During May And Get A | Chance To Win I Our Money Tree HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT ucw Grand Bend UCW were guests of Zurich UCW Thursday evening, Theme of the meeting was “Mothers.” Guest speaker was Rev. Harold Snell, and his topic was “Church of the future.” Those who attended were Mabel Gill, Ruth Hendrick, Olive Miller, Jeanne Kading, Greta Luther, Clara Hamilton, Susie Devine Elda Adams and Annie Morenz. Rev. H. Moore’s sermon topic, at the United Church Sunday morning was, “Make Faith Your Way of Life.” Two lovely choir anthems with organ and piano ac­ companiment by Sharon Soldan, were, Holy, Holy, Holy and Somebody’s knocking on your door. May 21 at 2:30 the Crediton WE DELIVER 238-2123 CHEQUING/SAVINGS iweprj? rags r------------------------- Schneiders CORNED BEEF \_______________ ---------------- ------------------------— Schneiders No. 1 SIDE BACON or COUNTRY MAPLE <____ _ _ _ _ _ Schneiders CHOICE LEAN SMOKED PICNICS k (3 pak) 6 oi.I?9 A 459 P3C ■■ <—______J -------------------------------------- 439 lb. ■■ J SAVINGS MOTHER’S ARE SPECIAL... Hl/RRY/ OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT BEFORE May 31 Serving more and more people since 1889 Our Clothes Are Special * * * * * SPORTSWEAR SWIM WEAR DRESSES ACCESSORIES PERFUME Open 7 days a week, 10 ct.m. to 5 p.m. VICTORIAGREY TRUST COMPANY 425 Main St, 235-0530 1 ’4 miles South of traffic lights on Hwy, 21 Grand Bend (-------- ------ ---------- Schneiders ;B!ue Ribbon) BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE <__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----------------------------—-------------------- Schneiders 1/4 lb. ALL BEEF PATTIES J3EEF, BEEF & CHEESE OR BEEF & ON^N ----------------- -------------------------_------------- Schneiders (FRESH “A” CHICKEN) LEGS & BREASTS BACK ATTACHED<.... ........................... ^Schneiders MINI or ALL BEEF SIZZLERS OR PURE iPORK SAUSAGE .99 J i?9! lb. 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(YOUR CHOICE) Mirim * re. MILD, MEDIUM, OLD orCHEDDAR OLD WHITE CHEESE »1” GRAND BEND JPwHW I MR PLENTY OF FREE PARKING