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Times-Advocate, 1978-04-27, Page 28
*W < * ' * •> «•» * ■*!» * Times-Advocafe, April 27, 1978 ON THE BEACH GRAND BEND ■Y YffiIHRN OPEN - LUNCH & DINNER TUES. TO FRI. 12-2 5-8 p.m. SAT. & SUN. 12 NOON TO 8 p.m. entertainment FRI. & SAT - "ALBATROSS" NEW THIS YEAR- STARTINC MON., MAY 1ST - OPEN 7 DAYS ENTERTAINMENT NITElY^l Join Us Early - Fri. & Sat. Specials 4-7 p.m. ^iHiiiiniininiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiisiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiimHHiiiiiiifi^ I BAYVIEW I TOURIST TAVERN AND RESTAURANT HWY. 21, 1 MILE S. OF ST. JOSEPH'S Appearing This Week | The Miller Sisters | For Your Dining Pleasure f Fri., $£. Sat. nites I 6:30-8:30 g Sun. 3 - 5 p.m. g featuring the finest g _ in home-cooked meals. = j I Open I | | | Wed. through Sun. noon to9 p.m.j | | Telephone 236-4850 | | Licenced under L.L.B.O. g ^lliiiiiilllliiiiiilllliliiiiiiillliiiiiiiiliililiiiiiiiiliilliiliiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii^ BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON I FRI. - SAT. - SUN. - APRIL 28 • 29 • 30 DANCE Kirkton Woodham Community Centre SAT., APR. 29 JOE OVERHOLT Sponsored by K.W.C.C.B. Proceeds for hall maintenance No blue jeans PROVINCIAL AND ADVANCED — At Saturday's Perth 4-H Achievement Day held Saturday at Kirkton a number of special presentations were made. Above, Perth Home Economist Nancy Ross presents Advanced Honours to Pauline Kappinski and Provincial to Mary Vink, Marianne Youngson, Sheila Duncan ana Susan Hotson. T-A photo TWO FINE ESTABLISHMENTS UNDER THE SAME MANGEMENT . ... we offer both a coffee shop and a separate din ing room with excellent cuisine in luxurious sur roundings. 243-2474 Plijery Ipi? G TTJ Tinery TAVERN , dining lounge LkeHMd under LL ■ O 7! N €P Pipcry Ipp-------- u / . . . we offer a restaurant for fine family dining, seating capacity for 200 people and excellent ser vice. 243-2663 J VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. #5, Clinton DERBY r 1 de DIP .AD Ek|Cl>.c FRI. Ur EN3 . APR. 28 SIPREAD THE VORD RECREATION SWIM TIMES ADULT Mon-Fri 12:00-1:15 p.m. Wed 9:00-10:00 p.m. OPEN Mon 8;30-10:00p.m. Tues 8:30-10:00 p.m. Wed 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thurs 8:30-10:00 p.m. Fri 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sat & Sun 3:00-4:30 p.m. FAMILY Sun 2:00-3:00 p.m. Thurs 6:30-7:30 p.m. FEE Child 25'- 12 yrs or under Student 50c - 17 yrs or under Adult $1.00 - 18 yrs or over Senior 1'2 price off Citizens regular Adult admission Family S2.00 Maximum COME OUT AND ENJOY YOURSELF TRY OUR DELICIOUS NOON HOUR BUFFET SPECIAL > ENTERTAINMENT aOWwM FRIDAY & SATURDAY WALLY DEE POPULAR COUNTRY & WESTERN GROUP Fleck trials moved to Goderich Two United Auto Workers (UAW) leaders and 21 other persons will appear for trial July 31 in provincial court at Goderich on charges arising from disturbances last month at the strikebound Fleck Manufacturing Ltd. plant in Huron Park. Judge W. G. Cochrane remanded all 23 when their lawyers appeared in Exeter court Tuesday and agreed to have the trials heard in provincial court in Goderich. Al Seymour, international representative for the UAW office in London, is charged with intimidation and ob structing a police officer. Both charges were laid by provincial police in con nection with a March 6 disturbance at the plant. Rene Montague, UAW plant chairman at Northern Telecom in London, is charged with obstructing police and blocking a high way in the same March 6 disturbance. The other 21, listed in order of the date of oc currences: March 7: Janice Towle, 23 Empress Ave., Huron Park, wilful damage. March 9: Bea Reed, 282 Prince Alfred St., Centralia, careless driving and dangerous driving, March 14: Richard Ber trand, RR 3, Delaware, possession of a dangerous weapon; James Collins, 10 Noel St., London, dangerous driving; Joseph Doherty, 62 Augusta Cres., London, possession of a dangerous weapon; Tim Earhart, 214 Erie St., St. Thomas, possession of a dangerous weapon; Daniel Facey, 342 Wellington St., St. Thomas, mischief. March 16: Moriss Stilwell, 2 Avon Rd., St. Thomas, and John Fisher, 5 Frontenac Rd., London, jointly charged with mischief and in timidation. March 21: Pat Barrett, RR 1, Crediton, wilful damage. March 22: Paul Beauline, 76 Brubacker St., Kitchener, mischief and obstructing police; John Coleman, 18 Stanley St., Kitchener, mischief; James Fox, “76 Dunsmere Dr., Kitchener, obstructing police; Kenneth Pickering, 235 Bruce St., Brantford, mischief and two counts of intimidation. March 30: Rickey Abbott, 54 Woolley St., Cambridge, obstruction ‘ and wilful damage; Walter Armstrong, 10 Wellington St., Kitchener, dangerous driving and impaired driving; James Foreman, RR 1, Cambridge, obstructing a police officer; Gerald Philion, 134 Hoburn St., Kitchener, two counts of property damage and two counts of assault; Renato Tancon, 210 Sixth Ave., Kitchener, intent to commit and wilful damage, and possession of a narcotic; Daniel Wilkinson, 470 Wellington St. N., Kitchener, property damage; and Jane Penninga, 95 Huron St., Exeter, wilful damage and mischief. STARLITE OPEN NIGHTLY Located 9 miles south of Grand Bend on #21. Children Under 12 in Cars Free GRAND BEND DASHWOOD HOTEL 'FRIDAY & SATURDAY — APRIL 28 - 291 "Huron County's Fun Hotel" Picture Lounge WELCOME BACK SUE & COMPANY April 27, 28, 29th Thurs. Fri. Sat. Tiffany Dining Lounge Hours Open Mon. through Sat. 12-1:30 p.m. Only Reserve Now for Banquets & Holiday Parties /Mother's bau tHreen forest ! MOTOR HOTEL EASTWOOD ____llhi man____ EIGER the mountain SANCTION the mission In just two terrifying minutes the lives of 91,000 people were changed forever! CUNT EASTWOOD! THE EIGER SANCTION Adult Entertainment I MINUTE WARNING CHARLTON HESTON JOHN CASSAVETES “TWO-MINUTE WARNING" Adult Entertainment JAMES EARL JONES BILL FRIDAY & SATURDAY — MAY 5 - 6 SIDNEY POTHER COSBY per couple before Mon-A PIECE OF THE ACTION \ Adult Entertainment Diningroom open Daily - Reservations Welcome Make reservations day, May 1st. 238-2328. AWN1W-HEU.E* PROOUCTOv JIM KELLY-GEORGE MEMMOU .WT POTATO" Starrrg GEOFFREY BMNEY • RENE TSU arc JUOfTH BROWN y. .-^xeo a TO WEJNTRAUB arc RAUL HELLER ax Keeled t* OSCAR WILLIAMS for1 ta-e © a Wrt< 'mvukxck ■n.i- 238-2365 GRAND BEND ON HWY. 21 2 BLOCKS S. OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS A delightfully delicious dilemma! a Enjoy the fine dining at Oakwood $ « q with their special Mother's Day ■ v«UU Menu. Dancing to 1 00 A.M. to the "Mel-O-Macs". Licensed under L.L.B.O. W^AKWOOD INN RESORT IN GRAND BEND We specialize in Weddings, Banquets & Receptions DINNER & DANCE 309/50* Milk, Coffee, o Soft Drinks LASAGNA One Person Lasagna SPAGHETTI With extra rich meat sauce Whole Bucket % Bucket With meatballs or mushroom .. 2.90Who e Bucket.. CHICKEN & POTATO WEDGES BY THE BUCKET 20 pieces (chicken only)... 8.95 FAMILY PACK 15 pieces (chicken only).... 6.85 WHOLE CHICKEN 9 pieces (chicken only). 4.55 SNACK-PACK 2 pieces with potatoes POTATO WEDGES - Regular size POTATO WEDGES-Family size GIANT SUB lR NES - HOT OR COLD— SUPER SUB (ham, salami, kolbassa, cheese, tomato, onion) ASSORTED HAM .. ITALIAN SALAM KOLBASSA CHEESE Above subs include cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato & secret sauco. Extra Cheese Hot Peppers HOT ROAST BEEF [lettuce, cheese, mustard, onion) HOT CORNED BEEF (mustard) (onion on request) HOT MEATBALL SUB (Meatballs - sauce & cheese) ENTERTAINMENT April 28 & 29 Country Cobras TEEN-PACK 3 pieces with potatoes . W Bucket < CHILI & MINESTRONE Single Serving - hearty, home-made taste treat Chill - per serving......................1.50 Minestrone - per serving.............95* ^Tossed salad.................................75^ DESSERTS Cherry Cheesecake..................1.25 Green Apple Pie - Hearth baked .75< -with cheese...85$ \__________________/ Fac tory Famous Lasagna - Full order .. 3.25 factory 411 Main St. S., Exeter Why wait? Call ahead for fast Pick-Up PHONE 235-2521 Performing All This Week A Spectacular Las Vegas Country Act... EDDY KERNDT SHOW FABULOUS!! Great entertainment coming your way LUCAN 227-4411 RICHMOND ST. #4 HIGHWAY