HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-04-06, Page 20Page 20 Times-Advocate, April 6, 1978 7 Livestock PUREBRED Hampshire boars, serviceable age, R.Q.P. tested. Also York cross Hamp boars. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton. Phone 345-2317. 14:15:16c 8 Farm Machinery 265 MASSEY FERGUSON diesel tractor with 400 hours. J-F 12 foot cultivator, 3 furrow 14” Ford plow. 3 point hitch Wifo loader and 4 section harrows (new condition). Phone 238- 2187. 14:15* DEMOLITION BID Demolition documents and information are available immediately from the office of; The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Zurich, Ontario. Demolition Bids sub­ mitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked as to contents will be received by the under­ signed until 3 p.m., April 14, 1978. The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Zurich, Ontario, NOM 2T0. Telephone: (519) 236-4332 or 236- CHANCE IN NAME INDEPENDENT SHIPPER TO United Co- Operatives of Ontario Livestock Department Toronto Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer $1.15 jer hundred for I fat cattle $1.50 per hundred for veal and sheep j Cail Dashwood 238-2707 or Bayfield 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday for prompt service ^INocharges^n^piclcu PROPERTY FOR SALE WALK UPTOWN Large 2 storey solid white brick home, 3 bedrooms upper with pine floors. Large remodelled living room with new broadloom. Extra rooms for study. Large kitchen with pantry. Could be made into American style kitchen. Priced at $35,900 Call John Mathers 455-1121 — Res. 455-7309. HOMES EXETER THREE BEDROOM NEWLY REDECORATED home, rugs, large livingroom, 4 piece bath, attached garage and paved driveway. 10 ’Z? % mortgage. THREE BEDROOM RED BRIC^ storey and half with at­ tached garage, livingro'V-A^vZjaths, family room and rugs, one block frX^-Zusiness section. 101/2% mortgage. NEW TWO STOREY 3 bedroom, garage, 1 ’/2 baths, with third bath roughed in for future rec room. Fully broadloomed. 10 ’A % mortgage. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from all completely serviced. C.M.H.C, approved subdivi­ sion. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 8 Farm Machinery 18 FOOT HEAVY duty John Deere wing disc, $2,200 00. 19 foot Glencoe wing cultivator with midwest harrows, $2,- 100.00. 494 John Deere planter with insecticide, good condition, $1,300.00. John Deere 95 com­ bine, cab and all equipment with new 443 corn head, $16,500.00. Cockshut 11, 15 run seed drill on steel, good condition, $450,00. New IQ ton wagon 8 ply flota­ tion tires with 18 foot flat rack, $800.00. W9 gas tractor, good motor, $300.00. IH 10 foot cultivator on rubber, $250.00. 6 sections diamond harrows and draw bar, 18 feet wide, $100.00. 8N Ford tractor, $875.00. Phone 237-3481, 14:15:16c MS 1105 WITH DUALS 18.4 X 38, 945 hours, excellent condi­ tion. 17': ft. triple K cultivator with finger harrows. Beatty clay 800 gal. vacuum liquid manure spreader. 234-6726. 14:15c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1976 TS 125 SUZUKI trail bike, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 235-1023 after 6:00 p.m. or anytime week-ends. 14c 1977 KAWASAKI KZ650, red, 4,000 miles, $1,600.00. Phone 228-6372,______________13:14c 1970 SUZUKI T-350 recently- rebuilt engine and transmission, luggage carrier and back rest. Will safety check, $450. Phone evenings 345-2284,_________12f ARCTIC Cat and one Johnson snowmobile for quick sale. Phone 238-8240. 7f 11 Cars, Trucks 2 - 1970 CHEV chassis and cabs, 2 speed axles and air brakes, wheel base 167. Sold as is basis. Phone 235-2411. 41f 1974 VALIANT — 2 door slant 6, standard steering and brakes. Asking $1,000 or best offer. Phone 228-6928,__________I2t $3,350 — 1974 COUGAR XRZ, finished in brown with vinyl roof and two tone interior, featuring power steering, power brakes, AM-FM 8 track, new Michelins and safetied. Phone 235-2382 after 6 p.m.»______________14c 1975 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 door sedan, excellent condition inside and out, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear win­ dow defroster, undercoated when new, will certify. Phone 227-4939. 14c 12 Pets TO GIVE AWAY — large dog part St. Bernard, quiet, good with children. Phone 229- 6562,_________________14:15c FOR SALE — Black and Tan coon hound pups, four months old. Phone 345-2219. 13:14* AFFECTIONATE, healthy large breed pup# need love and room to run. Excellent farm dogs.$10.00. 228-6534. Ilf 13 Musical Instruments ONE GERHARD Heintzman piano. Phone 294-6544. 14c 14 Appliances, Television FRIDGE FOR SALE — 3 months old, harvest gold, 15 cu. ft. deluxe model, $525.00. Older stove, 22” 4 burner, good condi­ tion, $50.00. Phone 228-6570. 15 Personal FREE GIFT when you use The Bridal Registry in The Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Drucefield. Largest selection of fine china dinnerware tableware in the county. Open daily 10-8. Before you buy china see us first. 14t BETHEL Reformed Church, a joung, open, evangelical and growing congregation, welcomes people of every background. For more information call 235- 1435._______ 46t IF YOU WANT to drink that’s your business. If you want to quit that’s our business. Phone AA 235-1495 or 228-6382. 6| 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, ren­ tals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235- 1840.___________________21t DRILL presses, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton’s Machine Shop, 235- 1655.___________________41t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Car­ dinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. It SURVEY and Marker stakes. Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In­ dustries, Dashwood. Phone 237- 3667.___________________47t POTATOES, cabbages, carrots, onions, former Tony Martens farm (west of Crediton) now operated by Henry Gruyaert. Phone 234-6488.___________3+ SWIMMING POOLS — Leading swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, wall around and deck. Suggested retail price $2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. Call now for early installation. Long term financing available. Call toll free anytime 1-800-268- 1944,____________________8t SWIMMING POOLS to rent — Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting all fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Call toll free anytime 1- 800-268-1944,_____________8f H & N “NICK CHICK’’ Leghorns, 20 weeks old, available for spring or summer delivery; also ..Hubbard. Golden Comets (brown egg layers) for early June delivery. Orders now accepted for heavy “roaster” cockerels day-old, for spring delivery. Call McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd., 2622837. _____________________10-22c Order Your GOSLING S DUCKLINGS HEAVY BREED CHICKENS & PHEASANTS Ask for price list EDELWEISS ACRES FARMS Erich Freiter RR 1, Dashwood Ph. 237-3382 iot APPLES! APPLES! Just Arrived One Truck Load of SPYS & MACS Choice Quality, Firm And Hard also One Truck Load of #1 POTATOES In New Bags 75 lb.bag SPECIAL$3.50 A BAG GRAPEFRUIT Pink48’s 10 for 990 SCHATZ GENERAL STORE Dashwood 237-3531 12+ 16 For Sale BEEF SIDES cut, wrapped and frozen. Government inspected. Phone 229-6504. I lf OTTAWA SILICON blasting sand 80 and 100 pound bags. Phone 237-3736. lit ORGAN SPECIAL — Two manual pedals rhythm, 1 figure memory cords. $200.00 for I year rental includes free lessons for family. Rents can be applied to purchase. Learning is easy and fun. Talk to Henry at: Pulsifer Music, Seaforth, 527-0053. 12t PRIDE Seed Corn * Perth Barley Soya Bean Seed, Forage Seeds Call To Order Douglas Lightfoot RR 1, Crediton 234-6287 ________________________I2t CHILDREN and adult clothes ranging in size from 8-18. Ex­ cellent condition. 237- 3328._________________13:14c ANKER cash register. Ask for Sam. Phone235-0380. 13:14* LONG LASTING house plants. See Bill’s Flower House, 1 mile north ofZurich. 14:15:16c BABY SW1NG-O-MAT1C, car bed, walker, sitter and other baby articles. Girls size 2 and 3 spring coats and dresses. Reasonable. Phone 236-4691. APPLES — excellent Spys, Ida Red, very reasonable. Anytime Ross Middleton’s, Bayfield Line, 1 mile north east of Bayfield._________14:15:16:17c CERTIFIED TREFOIL: Leo, #1, $3.25/lb. Empire, #1-2, $3.00/lb. Commercial, 87% ger- m, $2.75/lb, Sealed in 50 lb. bags. FOB Winnipeg. Prices sub­ ject change without notice. MATT GOLAS, FISHER BRANCH, Man. Phone 204- 372-6552.________________14c LARGEST SELECTION of fine china crystal, Rogers and Com­ munity silver. Fast courteous service. Open 10-8 daily. Pidgeon Hole Boutique, Brucefield. 14t USED CHILD’S swing set, $15.00, T.V. antenna with ap­ proximately 50 feet of wire, $36.00. 227-4196._______14:15c FOUR CHROME kitchen chairs in good condition. Phone 237-3461 after 5 p.m. 14:15c 12 X 18 CHESTNUT and rust sculptured rug. Was $12.95 sq. yd. new. Will sell half price. Five other rugs, various sizes and color. All clean and in good con­ dition. Four piece living room suite, like new, recently cleaned. One Electrophonic Spanish Stereo with jack for guitar or mike 234-6439._________14:15c NEW DAIRY HEIFERS? Try New Purina “Fastart” Calf Startena v Fed With No Hay To 2 Months Of Age v Very Palatable v Faster Gains At Lower'Cost v We Weigh Calves On This Program! yrV BEV MORGAN &SONS RR 1, Hensail 235-1487 14c 17 FOOT CITATION trailer, sleeps 6, with toilet, fridge, stove and oven, good condition. Folding wheel chair, used twice. Phone 293-3576.___________14c ONE ROADSIDE weed sprayer, 200 gallon capacity. Contact Joe Morgan, Road Superintendent, Township of McGillivray, RR 2, Ailsa Craig, Ont. Telephone 293-3344. 14c 14’ X 26’ X 7’ car garage, good shape, will negotiate price. Call 262-6104.______________14:15* TRUCK CAMPER with stove, 2 way fridge, furnace, sleeps 4, good condition. Phone 262- 2349._________________14:15c EIGHT FOOT home built truck camper which needs some inside work. Asking $800.00 or best offer. Phone 262-6302. 14:15c CARPET 17 X 13 bronze gold, like new. Original price $10.95 sq. yd. Will sell for $5.00 sq. yd. 238-8585. 14c NORM, .WHITING Auction Sale REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Saturday, April 22 at 185 CARLING ST., EXETER for Mrs. Lillie M. Price Real estate consists of: frame home, with living * room, kitchen, three-piece bath and two bedrooms. Situgted on a lot 65' x 99'. Gas furnace. Property will be sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Complete listing and details will be printed next week. Not responsible for accidents, day of sale Norm Whiting, Auctioneer 235-1964 fSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSEiBSSSI^^ 16 For Sale DOUBLE CUT RED clover seed, Gov. Grade No. 1, $1.00 lb. Common Timothy seed .900 lb. Also Yellow Blossom Sweet clover .320 lb. suitable for plow in. Apply David Blackwell 236- 4820 or Stewart Blackwell 236- 4635. 14:15* TWO BOXES babv clotheswith bunting bag and sweater sets in excellent condition. Phone 235- 2880.________ _ _________14c APPROXIMATELY 35 laying hens, 8 roosters, 750 each, take all. Three pairs of ducks, $5.00 a pair. 229-6703. 14c NEW CANVAS back green shag rug, 6 X 12, $45.00. Phone 229- 6366._____ 14c EGGS FRESH from hen to you at their best. Marcel Verlinde, U mile north of Hensail, No. 4 Hwy. Phone 262-5608._____14t TRACTOR tires, trail duals, 18- 4-28. Contact 229-8203. 14c BOYS DOMINION roller skates, size 8, like new. Phone 262-2323. 14c 17 Wanted To Buy TWO OR THREE bedroom house in town or near by villages or on paved road in area. $20,000., $35,000. Call 237-3397 after 6 p.m.____________14:15c A GOOD used piano for The Town Hall, Exeter Heritage Foundation. Phone 235- 2473,_________________13:14c LOT AND ACREAGE ap­ proximately 1-10 acres. Suitable for building. Phone 235-0264 after 5:00 p.m, 13:14:15:16c FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con­ signments welcome. Kuriousity Korner, Seaforth. Phone 527- 1336. 5+ 18 Wanted OLD brick buildings for demoli­ tion and salvage purposes. Con­ tact Ross Lumley 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 2f AMERICAN GENTLEMAN, 60 would like bedroom and board or room with kitchenette, private, clean home for 1 to 3 days occasionally in spring, summer and fall in Zurich, Dashwood or Hay township. Apply Box TWC, Times- Advocate. 14:15* 19' Property For Sale Make An Offer Owner relocating. Low payments, low taxes, low prices are featured here. l'Z storey brick, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, diningroom, kitchen and bath. Large lot with detached garage. Call Bill McPhee collect 1-673- 6390 or 1-455-3659 anytime. CANADA TRUST REALTOR 14:15c BRAND NEW LISTING — 66 Queen St., Hensall completely redecorated, large kitchen, new cupboards and flooring, professionally finished recrea­ tion room, 12 X 24 separate din­ ing room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, good sized lot with low tax­ es. Priced to sell. Call Roy Ashkanase 673-1171, home — 471-4583. Lit-Com Realty Ltd., City Centre Upper Mall, Wellington St., London, Ontario, "__________14c $37,200 79 ANDREW ST. NORTH — 1 year old, 3 bedroom, semi­ detached home in area of new homes near Park! Pleasant, bright and cheery. Landscaping started. Present monthly payments $297.00. Principal, in­ terest and taxes. Owner transferred. Present offers call Harold Ferguson 433-8411, evenings 451-7493. MONTREAL TRUST REALTOR-LONDON _ 14c FAMILY HOME — 1 >/2 storey brick in good repair, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, lovely new kitchen with Fieldstone chimney corner and Solarian flooring, patio doors, mature trees, low taxes. $38,500. 235- 1483.____________12:13:14:15* EXETER — smaller two bedroom house, with full base­ ment, high and dry. One block east of Post Office. Oil heat, low taxes. Den or family room in basement. Owner moving must sell. Never been listed. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 235-1474. 12f 19 Properly For Sale Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 ______________39f ZURICH - 1 ’y storey home, 2 or 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, finished room in base­ ment, large lot 75’ x 200’. Outskirts of Zurich. Phone 236- 4869.___________________48t CREDITON Lovely custom built l‘/2 storey 4 bedroom home with garage, on over !4 acre lot, large kitchen with lots of cupboards and gar- burator, living room and dining room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms down, completely broadloomed, 2 bedrooms and 2 piece bath up. Rec room, laundry and 2 piece bath in basement. Call Henry Finkbeiner 434-3289, res. 672- 9294. W.W. EVANS & SON LTD. REALTOR, LONDON ________________________8t LARGE LOT for sale in village of Kirkton. Call 229- 6789,____________13:14:15:16c NORTHLANDER 12 X 70’, 3 bedroom mobile home, carpets, drapes, deck, awning and skir­ ting. Excellent condition. To be moved. Phone 229-8730 after 6 p.m._______________14:15:16c 25 ACRE FARM On Hwy. close to Grand Bend and includes good barns, 3 bedroom house, garage, 3 acres of bush and a creek. For more information call Harold Elder at Bus. 1-686-7100 or Res. 1-471- 2424 or Bob Veenstra at Bus. 1- 686-7100 or Res. 1-245-1844. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST REAL ESTATE 14c HENSALL — 2-3 bedroom apartment, extra large, including utilities. Available April 1st. Call Fred Eyre 235-1232. 14c 20 Property For Rent MOBILE HOME near Kippen available immediately. Phone 262-5070._________14:15:16:17c ONE BEDROOM apartment with stove and fridge supplied, centrally located. Phone 235- 0890,___________________13+ ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown area, modern throughout. Available May 1st, Phone 235-2420:__________13+ TWO BEDROOM apartment available April 1st in Crediton. Phone London collect 433-8092 after 6 p.m. 13:14c IN LUCAN, central one bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. All utilities included. Seniors preferred. Also single room suitable for small office. Call 225-2578.____________lit ONE bedroom apartment for senior citizens only. One apart­ ment to choose from. For more information call Maplewoods Apartment# 236-4373.______35+ ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensell or 433- 7781, London. _______________________50t HOUSE SUITABLE for small family, no pets. Phone 235- 1771. 14* I 1 1 Farm Machine Auction « to be conducted for Edmund "Ted" Jeffrey, on Tuesday, April 11 th, at 1:15 P.M. I ’A miles west and 2 '/z miles north of Zurich at Blake. Consists of: - Allis Chalmers DI7, fully equipped with heat houser and in excellent condition. A.C. CA tractor complete with hydraulics, scuffler and bean puller. A.C. WD 45 complete with heat houser, scuffler, loader and snow plough. A.C. power lift grain and fertilizer drill 15 on rubber. A.C. 3 furrow 14“ plough. A.C. side rake on rubber. Kongskilde II ’A' cultivator. 7' A.C. mower. 165 bushel gravity box and wagon. 32' 6“ portable P.T.O. auger, wagon and flat rack. McCormick Deering double disc, Massey Harris one way disk, land roller, land packer. 5 section diamond harrows with 3 and 5 section stretchers, chain harrows. 2 furrow McCor­ mick Deering ploughs, walking plough. P.T.O. grass seeder, chain hoist, pig feeders, weigh scales, cattle clippers, drums, tarpaulins. Blacksmith anvil, chain hoist. TERMS: cash no reserve farm sold Rothwell's Auction Service Auctioneers * Liquidator* - Appraisers 527-1458 "Rothwell's Get More For You" 20 Property For Rent “OFFICES FOR RENT — Devon Building, 476 Main Street, Exeter. 285 sq. ft. not par­ titioned and 562 sq. ft. par­ titioned. Heat, light, taxes and parking included. To see please contact A.W. Read, Exeter, 235- 0120 or Grand Bend, 238- 8075.” 13:14:15c 21 For Rent FORMAL RENTALS — by Jeffs of Sarnia available in our store. See what you’re renting. Bob Swartman Men’s Wear, Ex­ eter, 235-0991.____________lQf BYTHEHOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 _______________________m PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mixers, power trowel, etc. Form ties stocked, For more informa­ tion call M. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m, week days, any time weekends.________17+ 22 For Sale or Rent 100 ACRE FARM, mostly tiled, situated between Exeter and Dashwood. A completely modernized home that contains 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living room, hallway plus a full basement. Attached garage. Giv­ ing up farming due to health problems. Call 237-3414. 22f 60’ X 12’ FURNISHED trailer in private park, 8 miles from Grand Bend, 14 miles from Ex­ eter, Land for rent, plowed. 234- 6268. 14+ 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gerald Willis Lawson Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Gerald Willis Lawson, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or about the 30th day of December, 1977 are required to file particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be distributed hav­ ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 14:15:16c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Viola Merle Dearing Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Viola Merle Dearing late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper who died on or about the 23rd day.of October, 1977 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c I 1 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lida May Beer Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Lida May Beer late of the Village of Hen­ sall, in the County of Huron, Widow who died on or about the 30th day of January, 1978 are required to file particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c More auction sale notices next page ie offered at 2:30 subject to a been in grass for several years. Large L-shaped bedroom white brick and aluminum siding house; ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A* * ***** *** * * * * * ★ ★ Ar Ar Ar Ar Ac Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ac Clearing Auction Sale 100 Acre Farm, Farm Machinery, Feed, Etc. for Mr. Wm. C. Armstrong Lot 13, Con. 17, McGillivray Twp. 16 miles north of Lieury, 7 miles north west of Ailsa Craig. Wed., April 12th at 1 p.m. PROPERTY: will be offered at 2:30 subject to a moderate reserve bid. 100 acres, 96 workable has been in grass for several years. Large L-shaped barn, stabling for beef cattle, 2 drive sheds. 4 bedroom white brick and aluminum siding house; full b.ath, basement, oil heat; Lake Huron water piped in. One of the better farms in McGillivrayTwp. in good state of repair. Don't overlook this oppor­ tunity to buy this real good farm. TERMS: 10% down, balance in 30 days. MACHINERY: WD 45 Allis Chalmers tractor with loader; Int. 2 furrow drag plow; Int. 45 pto baler; bale gatherer; Int. side rake, New Idea 7 ft. mower; Case 4 section lever harrows; Bissell double disc; stiff tooth cultivator; J.D. cultivator; log roller; M.H. 6 ft. binder; 2 wheel haywagon trailer; Int. hammermill; M.H. 13 run f. & g. disc drill; harrows; grain elevator; lumber; telephone poles; 34 ft. 8 x 9 timber; framers drill; turnip seeder; extension ladder; incubator; emery stone; fanning mill; tools; etc. Some Household Articles and Antiques: Upright deep freeze,- oil burner. Quantity of baled hay. TERMS: Cash Booth Auctioneers Hugh Filson & Tom Robson 666-0833 llderton 666-1^67 ^lllllllliiiiiiiiiiliiliillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l|llllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll|llll^ I Clearing Auction Sale | g Wednesday, April 19th g | 12:30 p.m. Sharp | e Sale to be held at Lot 8, Con. 2, Tuckersmith g E Twp. 1 mile east of Hensall and 16 mile north S e for Mrs. Margaret Forrest, RR 2, Kippen Tel. = = 262-6038 1 g REAL ESTATE (PLEASE NOTE) Lot 11, Cone. 2, g E Tuckersmith Twp. 1 mile north of Hensall, Highway E E 4, and Vi mile east, choice farm land and buildings, e E 100 acres more or less, medium clay loam gravel g E bottom land, large covered drain smaller tiles (clay) E E drainage in excellent state of cultivation, spring fed e E wells. § e BUILDINGS: large frame barns specially equipped S E for beef cattle production, approx. 250 head; 16 x E E 50 ft, upright silo; silo unloader; large feeding lots e E with cement floors; bunk silo 33 x 100 ft, one 4200 g E bus. round steel granary, one 3000 bus. round steel E = granary, one 6000 bus. round steel granary with = E propane heat drying unit. All storage units like new e E cond., Machinery storage steel shed 44 x 80 ft. with = = heavy duty dual type rafters excellent cond. Only 2 = E acres of bush on property Farm Home (country e E gentleman's dream home) large brick 1 y/i storey ex- = = cellent cond. with large kitchen & cupboards, 1 E spacious living room and large family room, office = E with wardrobe, 2-pc. bath, 2 stairways and 5 == E bedrooms qpstdirs with clothes closets, 3 pee. bath, E E linencloset and full basement, beautiful landscaping e E & trees with slightly rolling lawns. This property must = E be seen to be fully appreciated. e E PLEASE NOTE: The auction will be held at other e e farm. = E Terms of real estate sale 10% down by certified E E cheque, balance by November 1/78 or on posses- E E sion of property. Sells subject to a reasonable e E reserve bed at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday April 19 day = E of auction. = = TRACTORS: Case 10-70 Diesel cab heater power e = shift transmission (1707 hrs.) like new cond. = E Cockshutt (1650) this tractor's motor has been com- = E pletely rebuilt (has been used 506 hrs. since). Int. = E 724 diesel sells complete with manure loading unit e I = (real good), AC a 15 wide front axle 2 Dion forage g E wagons, Hesston 2 row forage harvester (no custom E | workk) pick-up, forage blower & pipes, New Idea E E siderake, mower & hay conditioner, Innes bean win- e | drower, 42 ft. allied 6“ auger, 42 ft. J. & M. bale E e elevator 4T. bulk fert, spreader with tandem axle, e E New Idea manure spreader & New e E Hollandspreader (both PTO Units) 2 grain auger f g trailers, 400 bus. grain trailer tandem axle hydraulic EE hoist, 200 gal. 3 pth sprayer. Int. 4-row cyclo air e E planter corn & bean drum and insecticides, MF dou- e | ble disc seed drill, Cockshutt disks, Int. 18 !6 ft. E E cultivator with harrows Glencoe 8 ft. soil saver, E E Cockshutt 4 furrow 14“ plow, Cockshutt 4 row e e scuffler, snow blower, 300 ous. portable batch corn = E dryer, poultry equipment, partial listing, numerous E e other items. e g TERMS OF SALE CASH PERSONAL CHEQUES AND | E POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION | | Mrs. Margaret E. Forrest - Owner 262-6038 or 262- | II 5265 | § For appointment for real estate viewing call either e e of these numbers. E 1 OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR 1 I ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE g 1 Percy Wright 1 | AUCTIONEER 1 | KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiit^ 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gordon Love Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Gordon Love late of the Village of Hen­ sall, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1977 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar FOR SALE HOMES - Excellent locations, standard features in­ clude fireplaces, patio doors, quality carpeting and cushion floor, electric forced-air furnaces, quality kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanities. VAN HAARLEM CONSTRUCTION LTD. New Homes, Additions & Renovations. TELEPHONE 235-2210 i i i |i I I i i