HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-03-23, Page 2319 Property For Sale ZU RICH - IU storey home, 2 or 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, finished room in base­ ment, large lot 75’ x 200*. Outskirts of Zurich. Phone 236- 4869, 48f EXETER — 2 storey older home, situated on U aqre of land with garden and plenty of trees. Centrally located, close to schools and downtown. Three bedroom, 4 piece bath upstairs, large living, dining and kitchen downstairs plus extra bedrooms and small U bath with shower. This house also has good size carpeted room with private en­ trance presently us’ed as an of­ fice. House has many possibilities. Could also be made into 2 apartments. For further information write Box 184, Ex- eter, Ontario.________ 6t ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. Fof inquiries phone 262-2129 Hensail,or 433- 7781, London. 50t DASHWOOD home for rent. Available May 1. Apply at 452- 3056 London. 1 If CREDITON Lovely custom built 1 >/i storey 4 bedroom home with garage, on over W acre lot, large kitchen with lots of cupboards and gar- buralor, living room and dining room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms down, completely broadloomed, 2 bedrooms and 2 piece bath up. Rec room, laundry and 2. piece bath in basement. THREE bedroom farm home, east of Hensail with all modern conveniences. No pets. Phone 262-5988. 11:12c NEWLY remodelled farm heme, Kippen area. Phone 262- 6609. 11:12c WINTERIZED cottage, 3 bedrooms, on Hwy. 21, Lakewood Gardens. 235-0256 after 6. 12* 21 For Rent W.W. EVANS & SON LTD. REALTOR, LONDON FORMAL RENTALS — by Jeff's of Sarnia available in our store. See what you’re renting. Bob Swartman Men’s Wear, Ex- eter, 235-0991 10+ 8f EXETER — smaller two bedroom house, with full base­ ment, high and dry. One block east of Post Office. Oil heat, low taxes. Den or family room in basement. Owner moving must sell. Never been listed. Best offer. ‘ Call after 5 p.m. 235-1474.. I2f 20 Property For Rent , COUNTRY HOME for rent. Available immediately. Contact 229-8223. 12:13* IN LUCAN, central one- bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. All utilities included. Seniors preferred. Also single room suitable for small office. Call 225-2578. 11 f t Exeter Rent a Car or Truck BYTHEHOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. 235-1640 31 + ONE bedroom apartment for senior citizens only. One apart­ ment to choose from. For more information call Maplewoods Apartments 236-4373. 35+ PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mixers, power trowel, etc. Form ties stocked. For more informa­ tion call M. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week days, any time weekends. 17+ Hotel ensall Entertainment Thursday Night Saturday Afternoon Matinee Featuring "Sundown" R.R. 3, Lucan JOHN HARRIGAN'S SHED Harrigan23 Wanted To Rent 26 Legal Notices LAND — write stating price, acres and location to Exeter Times Advocate, Box RWP. 12:13c 100 ACRE FARM, mostly tiled, situated between Exeter and Dashwood. A completely modernized home that contains 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living room, hallway plus a full basement. Attached garage. Giv­ ing up farming due to health problems. Call 237- 3414. 9:10:11:12c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Viola Merle Dearing Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Viola Merle Dearing late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper who died on or about the 23rd day of October, 1977 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lida May Beer Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Lida May Beer late of the Village of Hen­ sall, in the County of Huron, Widow who died on or about the 30th day of January, 1978 are required to file particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gordon Love Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of . Gordon Love late of the Village' of Hen­ sail, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1977 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of April, 1978 after which date the estate & Saturday Niaht wi!1 be distributed having regard sk jSlsUrM-*- -on-|y lo thbse'claims-of "whichorfly to thbse "claims-of "which ’ notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 12:13:14c Times-Advocate, March 23, 1978 EXETER LION’S CLUB LAS VEGAS NIGHT SAT. APRIL 8 9-1 South Huron Rec. Centre $5.00 per couple Entertainment, food & refreshments (Brent purest MOTOR HOTEL 238-2365 GRAND BEND ON HWY. 21 2 BLOCKS S. OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS 5:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. Reservations Welcome Good Friday — Closed all day ENTERTAINMENT Thursday and Saturday Nights DWIGHT JAMES SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT SMORGASBORD begins at 5 o'clock with your hosts the Resch Family Special Easter Sunday Smorgesbord We specialize in Weddings, Banquets & Receptions PROCEEDS FOR CANCER — The Lucan-Biddulph Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society held a successful bake sale Saturday. Shown with some of the baked articles are committee members Mary De Brouwer, Len Maslen and Marg Cocquyt. J-A photo UCW meets at Kippen St. Andrews UCW Kippen met March 14 with Mrs. Hugh Hendrick in charge of the devotion. The offering was taken and dedicated by Mrs. Hendrick. The president Mrs. D. E. Kyle chaired the rest of the meeting. Members an­ swered the roll by giving a place they would like to visit. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. Bert Faber. The rose report by Mrs. L. Lostell, visitation report was given by Mrs. D. Cooper for Mrs. L. Finlayson. Mrs. Robert Kinsman will be key woman for the World’s Day of prayer 1979. Pot luck supper with Brucefield will be held April 7. The ladies will have a housecleaning bee at the church during the spring break, the historical society will attend the May meeting and there will be a bake sale July 1 at the Homestead. Mrs. Keith Lovell presented the film strip “Alive” which tied in with the Easter topic given by Mrs. H. Caldwell. Mrs., L. Lostell conducted a weed contest, the winner of which was Mrs. Keith Lovell. Mrs. Bert Faber gave courtesy remarks. Kippen East W.I. Kipped East WI were urged to take time to read and that reading can be a refuge from the frustrations of life when Mrs. Schroeder of the Exeter Library gave NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gerald Francis Regan Late of Tow nship of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 11th day of February, 1978. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March, 1978 after which date the estate assets will ' be distributed having regard to claims that have then been received. Messrs. Raymond &McLean Barristers & Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 10:11:12c r Party for Dan Fri., Mar. 31 9:00 p.m. GRAND BEND LIONESS SALE Bits and Bites Odds and Sods White Elephant Plants, Crafts and Baking SNACK BAR Sat., April 1 st 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION GRAND BEND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE March 24th the topic at the regular meeting March 15 in the Legion Hall, Hensall. Mrs. Robert Bell chaired the program^ The Roll Call was “Name a book you have read recently”. Mrs. Bell read an article designed to bring back memories of bygone days and also had a flower contest which was won by Mrs. Grant MacLean. Mrs. Al Hoggarth chaired the business portion. It was decided to honour all Life members of the Institute with a free ticket to the anniversary dinner April 6 at the Pineridge Chalet. It was also decided to participate at the Bean Festival in Zurich. Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mrs. Al Hoggarth were winners of the draw. Mrs. H. Parsons gave tlfe treasurers report. Current events and courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. H. Caldwell. A letter of thanks con­ taining a $10 donation were received from the Senior Citizens of Hensall in ap­ preciation for the pot luck dinner. Personals Stephen McGregor, son of Mr. & Mrs. James McGregor underwent surgery in University Hospital, London, on March 16. We are pleased to hear that John returned Hospital. Pearson patient in University Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Herb Jones in Hensail, the occasion being Mrs. Jones’ Sr. birthday. Mrs. Ken McLellan and Mrs. Norman Dickert are holidaying in Hawaii. A number of ladies from St. Andrews Church Kippen attended .the wedding of Michael Westmorlan to Miss Jane Stephens in Brucefield Church, March 18. r KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE Sat., March 25 9- 1 e Music By BOB HEYWOOD Anderson has from Victoria Chartars is a r J The Family of Harold & Mary Coleman wish to invite their friends, neighbours & relatives to their parents 40th Wedding Anniversary on Friday April 7th, at Family Paradise Hall Dancing 9:00 to 1:00 A.M. Best Wishes Only r The family of Peter & Orene McNaughton invite relatives, friends neighbours and travelling companions to a "SURPRISE" 25th Wedding Anniversary Party for their parents to be held on Sat., April 1st 8:30 p.m. in the ILDERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Your presence with best wishes only please Gallant's Moulin Rouge Tavern Welcome Old and New Patrons for another season fully licensed under L.L.B.O. j Grand Bend - 1 block north of traffic light 1 | Highway #21 j | 238-2901 | 5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii %BAYVIEW TOURIST TAVERN AND RESTAURANT Hwy. 21, one mile south of St. Joseph's for your dining pleasure ---- I JIB. I ^7 7 Easter Dinner roast beef or < baked ham dinner < $5.75 : Including Dessert & Beverage ( Served Good Friday & Easter Sunday * Make your reservation now < OPEN FRI. & SAT. 12-9 p.m. ] SUNDAYS 12-8 p.m. < PHONE 236-4850 I Licensed under LLBO < YOU <i" ME is now THREE THURS., MAR. 23 Steak Night Enjoy this fine band from 6 to 10 p.m. Anniversary Banquet for South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Retarded at SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE (Exeter) Wed,. April 5 Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Elgie Parliamentary Assistant to The Minister of Community and Social _______Services ______ j Don't Forget The Grand Ole Opry Show in Canada Good Friday March 24 2 p.m. or 8 p.m. * LONDON GARDENS Still Good Seats Available At Exeter Electric 235-0730 Lucan Electronics 227-4621 Approximately 55 Entertainers & Musicians in all. The Greatest Country Spec tacular Ever. ft Tickets available at Arc industries, Dashwood 237 -3667. FETTES TOURS ADMISSION $1.00 MOUNT FOREST r MITCHELL 519-348-8492 March 31 Flowers Available On Exeter's Main St. ALL PROCEEDS TO CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Daffodil Day GOOD FRIDAY— Closed all day All tours on modern washroom equipped highway coaches, first class ac­ commodation, admissions and convenient pick up points. No Hidden ex­ tras to pay for. 4 DAY NASHVILLE: Departs March 24th and May 19th. No night driving. First class accommodation. Includes Opry, City Tour, Music Hall of Fame. Limited space remaining. 4 DAY WASHINGTON, D.C.: Depdrts March 31st. See Washington in the glowing pastel of Cherry Blossoms during Festival time. Includes a guided tour of Washington, see the capital building, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, and much, much more. 3 DAY RENFRO VALLEY KENTUCKY: Departs April 7th and May 5th. Our newest country music tour. Featuring good old time fiddlin and pickin in that down home Blue Grass Style. Includes 3 great shows, a horse farm tour in Lex­ ington, and boarding house dinner. 21 DAY CALIFORNIA: Departs April 16th. Features beautiful and different scenery, giant Redwoods, ponderosa pines, desert, plains, ocean, Grand Ca­ nyon, Universal Movie Studios, city tours in Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Salt Lake City, Reno and Vegas. See the Morman Tabernacle Choir. Virginia City and Giant mduntain fir trees hanging with snow. Truly a photographers delight. 19 DAY BRITAIN: England/'Scotland/Wales — Departs May 10th. Springtime in Britain, one of the most scenic times of the year. Includes most meals, ad­ missions, and extras. Transportation to airportlncluded. ALASKA AND YUKON: 14 Day tour departing June 10th. Features Inside Passage Cruise, White Horse-Yukon Pass Railway, Motor Coach tours and flights. Fully Escorted. Visits Vancouver, Ketchikan, Juneau, Mendenhall Glacier, Skagway, Whitehorse and more. 21 DAY WEST COAST: See the Canadian West this summer. This,,tour takes you all the way to Victoria and return with no, over-lapping of routes. Fully Escorted tour, includes all admissions, city tours, side trips, ferries, etc. You will visit both Jasper and Banff, Okanagan Valley, Fraser River, as well as Calgary and Edmonton. Departure dates: June 24th, 26th, and August 14th. EAST COAST: 7, 12 or 15 Day Maritime Tours. Includes guided tour of Halifax,, visits to Peggy's Cove and much, much more. Departs June 12, 25, July 8, 23,' 31, August 5, 20, and September 11. ALSO: 3 DAY OTTAWA TULIP FESTIVAL — May 13 and May 20 3 DAY HOLLAND TULIP FESTIVAL — May 16 and May 18 o 3 DAY WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA — May 26 2 DAY FRANKENMUTH — June 10 FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL LTD. WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURES519*323-1545 Friday Morning $2.00 Per Bunch Sponsored By Beta Sigma Phi Sorority BINGO Mon. Mar. 27 8 P.M. Sharp HURON PARK REC. CENTRE 16 GAMES 11 REGULAR 1 JACKPOT 2 SPECIALS 2 SHARE THE WEALTH LIC. NO 219070 JACKPOT $250. in 52 calls EXTRA CARDS 25$ ea. or 5/$l .00 SHARE THE WEALTH 2 cards for 25$ Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Stephen. No one under 16 years of age will be admitted. Sat., Mar 25 Regular night for "The Gables" made special by the best damn band west of Lake Huron. See you at THE GABLES HOTEL GRAND BEND SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SAUERKRAUT SUPPER TASTY Spare Ribs with " Sauerkraut (or Cole Slaw) * Also Home-Made Pies * lMFEDej APRIL 5 5:30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sponsored by Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce