HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-03-23, Page 7JimeS’Advocate, March 23, 1978 Page 7 con- the the respond immediately to this ap- By JACK RIDDELL MPP Huron-Middlesex It’s taxfiling time again and tax filers are en­ couraged to claim th^ir Ontario Tax Credits with their Federal return. Perhaps the following in­ formation may assist you in filing your returns. Who is eligible — All Ontario residents who are 16 op over may be eligible to claim Ontario Tax Credits. Even if you have little or no taxable income and would not ordinarily file a federal income tax return, you may claim Ontario Tax Credits. What are the credits? — Property Tax Credit — Claim this credit if you are a homeowner tenant or roomer. Pensioner Tax Credit — Claim this credit if you are 65 or older. For married couples, only the spouse with the higher Outlines elegibility hr Ontario tax credits, income supplements <1 we proposed a 100 percent tax credit for investment by Canadian controlled com­ panies in R. & D.; that such companies be given preference in the allocation of government research grants and loans that more information call the Ministry of Revenue, Information Centre. Ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 (Toll Free). In a previous column I reminded recipients of Guaranteed Income Sup­ plement benefits that they should make application for the benefits as soon as possible. As of this date there are quite a number of pensioners who still have not submitted their applications. In ad­ dition there are many recipients of partial benefits who have yet to re-apply for benefits in the coming fiscal year. If the applications are not received prior to March 31, it is possible that benefits will have to be cut off for many of taxable income may claim the Property and Pensioner Tax Credits. Sales Tax Credit — Claim this credit if you are not claimed as a dependent. Political Con­ tribution Tax Credit — Claim this credit if you made a contribution to a registered Ontario Constituency association, party or a candidate in the 1977 Ontario election. How much can you claim? The amount you can claim is based on your taxable income and the property taxes or rent you have paid. For example, you may be eligible to receive from the Ontario government through the income tax system: $375 if you are a single pensioner receiving the Old Age Pension, Supplement and GAINS and paid $500 in these pensioners. Health and property taxes last year. $195 if you are a family of four with a total income of $10,000 and a property tax bill of $500. How to claim —> Your Ontario Tax Credit form is in your federal income tax package. File, even if you have no taxable income. For Welfare Canada is anxious to receive these applications now so that they can finalize their work with the pen­ sioners and ensure continued eligibility for their clients. I would assume that most pensioners will have received their T-4 slips by now and will be able to reminder to make plication. There has been siderable debate in Legislature about proposed 37.5 percent in­ crease in OHIP premium rates, announced in the Provincial Budget of March 7. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith stated he “can’t ac­ cept” this increase, which means that OHIP premiums have gone up by a total of 100 percent in the last two years. However, he stopped short of moving non-confidence at this stage. The Liberal Party won agreement to the proposal that the Standing Committee on Social Policy be asked to search for alternatives to the premium increase. Stuart Smith warned the govern­ ment that it would ignore the Committee’s recommend­ ations “at its peril”. The NDP has moved non­ confidence on this issue. Dr. Smith has condemned this action as irresponsible, pending the results of Committee consideration of ,the matter. Both Oppqsition Parties gave their “lead-off” speeches in the Budget Debate this past week. David Peterson of London Centre responded on behalf of the Liberals. He deplored the OHIP increase as being regressive taxation, placing an awesome burden on every sectdr of society, and endorsed the Liberal move to have the matter discussed by the Standing Committee. He was also strongly critical of the lack of government proposals to stimulate job creation in the Province. The Budget contined no measures for permanent job creation in the Province, Only 60,200 summer jobs are planned, and the government already acknowledges that, of the 700,000 students expected to be on the job market this summer, a| least 100,000 won’t find jobs. In 1977, the budgetary deficit rose to more than $1.6 billion, revenues decreased by $634 million and net cash requirements have risen by $539 million (50 percent) since last year’s budget estimate. Net debt has reached 9.5 percent of Gross Provincial Products, and 72.1 percent of annual revenues. Interest payments of $1.2 billion — $3.3 million a day — are now taking 8.5 percent of the budget: an increase over last year of Wintario funds be committed 15.4 percent, the largest dollar increase in the budget. The Budget announcement that the Government is beginning- to sell off the $1 billion portfolio of mor­ tgages held by the Ontario Mortgage Corporation, David Peter likened to a firm that starts selling off the office furniture to avoid insulation standards: bankruptcy. Ontario has actually passed the Smith Committee standrard of debt as a percentage of Provincial Domestic Product (9 per­ cent) — in 1976 — but due to 0 change in the recording base that year, this fact was obscured. The Liberal Party un­ veiled a 16-point program to stimulate the economy and create jobs. To encourage increased research and development, For those who want their do-it-yourself projects to look really professional... READY TO FINISH CREATIVE SPINDLES OFF OUR USUAL CASH & CARRY PRICES 20% OFF these famous Flecto products! only — Hurry! Ztk FLECTD BP FERROTHA ANTIRUST/L'ANTI-ROI K»SV tNAMf ■ /email r Save on Components, Too! Jlfi F Ferrothane Rustaid INHIBITS RUST THE BEAUTIFUL WAY ... NO PRIMER NEEDED^ Great for toys, bikes, wrought iron railings, gar- j den equipment etc. Nine i high gloss colors & two 1 satin finishes. ■ Quarts Our usual Cash Mand Carry price ff 7.29 J 4 PJ f ] k.FLECTO VARATHANE Wrprotects and beautifies ■/ Won't peel, crack or chip In- ■/ tenor satin and clear gloss 1/ finishes... And it’s first quality! ALGONQUIN BIRCH 4’x 8’PANELLING Our usual cash & carry price 6" 5®> QUART A rich looking prefinished paper overlay to the Ontario Research „ Foundation for distribution to Canadian-controlled com­ panies for research, design and development. We proposed a number of measures which would conserve energy supplies as well as creating job op­ portunities —• compulsory ; a comprehensive program of thermal upgrade, retrofit­ ting and insulation of existing structures; energy­ efficiency rating of all energy-consuming devices, including houses; a major commitment to a con­ servation renewable energy program, etc. To stimulate the con­ struction industry, we proposed investment of pension funds in the capital market and reducing red- tape and planning delays, by curtailing the power of the Ontario Municipal Board. We urged the Government to pursue a “Buy Canadian”1’ policy and set a target of 40 percent of government contracts and sub-contracts to go to small business within a three-year period, and to pay 20 percent of the salary of each additional worker hired by small business, up to a net gain in previously unemployed people of ten persons per firm, for a period of three years, for salaries up to $10,000 per year. Once again we called for improved guidance coun­ selling and manpower planning, and the institution of an improved and ex­ panded apprenticeship program, matching ap­ plicants to employers. This would incorporate a Labour Market Information Service, to determine future man­ power requirements, and a Vocational Counselling Service. Under pressure from the container industry, the Government has backed off its promise to ban all non- returnable soft drink bottles just three weeks before the ban was to come into effect on April 1. Minister George McCague has announced that non-returnable 300 ml. bottles, the standard soft drink size, will still be banned, but the 200 ml. and the two family sizes — 750 ml and 1.5 litre — will be per­ mitted. This concession has been made in return for a commitment from the in­ dustry that 75 percent of soft drinks in Ontario will be in refillable containers. The Liberal Environment Critic, Murray Gaunt, .has urged the Government to make all soft drink con­ tainers returnable, and give priority to recycling. Almost seven years ago, he tabled a Private Member’s Bill calling for all throwaways to be banned. Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Our usual 4ITQIZ cash & carry |*luU price 199S III BAL. See it this week at Discount Dave's Exeter Office 235-2420 Grand Bend Office 238-8484 They come in 3 styles: Colonial, Mediterranean and Provincial. Because of their construction and thickness, they're ideal for building dividers, screens, banisters, stairways, balconies, grills, valances, planters, furniture and accessories - in­ doors and outdoors. AEROSOL SPRAY Our usual Cash and Carry price 3.45 ___ It’s new, it's easy to use... and it’s EFFECTIVE! V 0 <0 Lt ) a f "1 <9 Some are vented; some are non-vented. They come In a variety of speeds and colors although not all typea are available at all branchea. So hurry!) Choose yours while selections are beat.c 1} Discount Dave’s -- SE322L DRYER VENT KITS 8-ft. x 4” duct In flexible white vinyl, with adjustable 12” aluminum shaft .with vent. Non Inflammable; won’t rust. 499 each Snap-in 1 enamel steel legs adjust to any floor. Save NOWon... READY-TO-FINISHParticle Board V Shelving |H SI7F 3-ft. 4-ft.SIZE 3-ft.4-ft. 8”59*79< 10”72*96< 12”89<1.12 n 5/8" THICK Planning a project? We suggest you stock up now at these March Sale prices. Solidsj Marbles, Sparkles l.*r A, *!*•.*» 7. *$] and Woodgrains PLASTIC LAMINATE | 2'x4'Handi r Panels.^^ ' Our usual cosh A carry price ' for those panels Is 1.99 each, but while stocks last .. you can pick up as many as M you need for only 1.69 eechl MR Stocks Last You save 30* on every panel Now’s the time to buy X-3D WOOD STAIN 5« QUART & enhances the Our Usual Cash And Carry 6.89 Preserves beauty of wood. Gives you a smooth, rich finish. Comes in 11 natural colors. Has knock­ out holes for faucets or faucet mount. 4 r I, 7/ HiFlyin' THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET ‘‘The Store That Saves You More” ,X-30 *05 A great buy on our C311 ’/? Stanley hammer A worthy addition to any workshop. 2”x4,'x921/2” ■ KASTUDS 1 parton SINGLE AUNDRY TUB o *0 I 22 gallon poly tub: 25” front to back, will align with most appliances and coun­ ters. Built-in 4" self-draining shelf with 2 soap retainers and back splash. 5Avr i0°° $5 i All lumber at Discount Dave's, except Economy 2x4’s is graded by the National Lumber Graders' Association (N.L.G.A.) Our direct purchases average 75% No. 1 allowing 25% No. 2. That means you receive lumber that is either No, 1 or No. 2 So before you buy, shop and compare our quality. Our special bulk prices are based on minimum orders of 4,000 board feet of lumber, 4,000 square feet of plywood or 4,000 square feet of both. Prices subject to change at any time due to market conditions. SPRUCE DIMENSION Cost Per Thousand Board Feet 2x4’s 2x6’s 2x8’s 2x10’s 4’ x 8’ PLYWOOD SPRUCE SHEATHING 3/8” Sheets 744 5/8” T. & G. 137S 27000 27400 30100 35700 SPRUCE DIMENSION SIZE 92’/2"8'10'12'14'16' 2x4 1.53 1.47 1.84 2.21 2.58 2.95 2x6 2.36 2.95 3.54 4.13 4.72 2x8 3.46 4.34 5.20 6.07 6.94 2X10J 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 SAME HIGH QUALITY AS DESCRIBED IN BULK ORDER SECTION Prices Are Cash & Carry. Subject To Change At Any Time A HiFlyin' SALE PRICE! CSAAPPROVEDflH For walls or celling. Easy to install between rafters or studs. Stainless Steel • 7 DOUBLE SINK> Complete With • EMCO . • DECK FAUCET^ Sink has coated underside and Includes baskets and strainers. Price also Includes 8” centre set with chrome finished han­ dles and swing-out spout. 16 Branches to Serve You: AMHERSTBURG EXETER GODERICH GRANO BEND HARROW KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE KITCHENER KITCHENER Out-of-town Call Fr»« ol Charg*: 1-800-265-8990 or 8991 Delivery And Credit Terms A vailable At Extra Cost OWEN SOUND RIDGETOWN SOUTHAMPTON THEDFORD WESTLORNE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MATTHEWS 376-3181 674-5465 797-3245 296 4991 768-1520 727 6001 734-1221 254-1143 (J STORE HOURS MATTHEWS MON -THURS 8 A M • 6 P M FRIDAYBAM -9PM SATURDAY8 AM -5 30PM KITCHENER uMON -THURS KINCARDINE 8 AM-5 30PM WINDSOR EAST FRIDAY 8 A M ■ 9 P M WINDSOR WEST SATURDAY BAM -530PM AMHERSTBURG, GODERICH. OWEN SOUND, KINGSVILLE. RIDGETOWN & SOUTHAMPTON MON-FRI.fromBAM -530PM SATURDAY THI4PM PLEASE NOTE: Because many of the Items for this sale have been specially purchased, we reserve the right to limit qusntltles. Not sll Items are nsceaearlly available at all branches. Alt prices are cash * carry although delivery and credit terms are available at extra cost. 1> ha' Fairway Road Our Usual Cash & ___ Carry Price 13.88 All Prices y. cMSB Are Cash ' aaaOM A Carry ALL BRANCHES CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY X. MARCH 24, 1978 o.M discowsr ° t > < HOME CENTRES iii n.'irnrr A D'V'S'ON O» lUMBffi CO 1*0 WEST LORNE. GRAND BEND, EXETEft, THEDFORD AND HARROW MON-FRI froniBAM -530PM,SAT till! PM *i r~ KITCHENER L.i........- 589 Fairway Road South hear th* Mall. Phon* 744-6371 § LOTS OF FREE PARKING SALE ENDS AT CLOSING TIME, SATURDAY, APRIL 1,1978 Hwy. 21 North oppoillo th* Sutton Parte Inh. Phon* 396-3403 \ OWEN SOUND Sir*" h., it ~i!' ....‘ *..1_......... •* On Highway 21 «l Springmount Corn*. Phon* 376-3181 Hwy 82 approx. 1W miles west Of Thedlord. Phone 296-4991 NFW ARRIVALS! Girls' and Boys' SPRING COATS AND JACKETS Canadian Made - Some with hats Sizes 2 - 6x, 8, 10. REG. *25. TO '53. i s19/9 s26Oof » II 1 W k A i k t)r t If /I-Z Remaining WINTER MERCHANDISE Including Men's & Ladies' Jackets - Ski-doo Suits, Hydro Parkas CLEARING AT DISCOUNTS OF 25% w33% ^BRAND-NAME illF Ski-doo SPORTSWEAR| > Sweater - slacks combination. & .w combination. SIZES S-M-L OUR REGULAR PRICE ’24.74 ■now a z C''.\ a ■n ..t All Boys' and Girls'viris SNOW SUITS 1 coats w! JACKETS M- \ 3 ■ /i iClearing at I". x25% OFF/ 1 <:;<- Good Assortment x JpLy of Ladies' “SWEATERS Including Turtlenecks • Pullovers - Cardigans & ' /25% DISCOUNT All Fleece-Lined, Strapped WINTER BOOTS 25%-33 % OFF HATS-MITTS- SNO-MITTS-BOOT LINERS ai. 25% OFF "The Store that Saves You More' FACTORY OUTLET MENS BOYS' - LADIES' GIRLS'& BABY WEAK YARD GOODS SEWING MACHINES POUND GOODS GROCERIES NEW STORE HOURS: Monday ■ Saturday, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday 12 noon • 6 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY , Htghwoy 4 - South of Clinton ot v onouro