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Times-Advocate, 1978-03-23, Page 2
Timer-Advocate, March 23, 1978 RED DARLING Increases are announced FINAL WEEK OF OUR BEEF SALE TAKES FIRST PRIZE Brian Jonrsaa teak first place in the intermediate division at the history fair held at Stephen Central For his mode® of a cover bridge. T-A photo Children baptized at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE “-AMrS FC-3 Twenty-one- people at tended the Fellowship Group meeting on Sunday evening at Elimville. The meeting opened with a sing song. Mr. & Mrs. Lome Ballantyne showed their pictures of Hawaii and Mexico where they visited some time ago. John Pym thanked the B-allantyne’s and Mrs. Pym had a contest ■which, when finished spelled Refreshments .Are Ready. Mr. & Mrs. Elson Lynn also assisted. morning at the regular morning church service by the Rev, Bert Daynard, namely Peter Cameron, son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hume: Timothy Richard, son of Mr. & Mrs. Rick Parker; Robert Andrew and sons of Mr. Passmore. Groups U United catered to the Growers of the Canners Banquet at Kirkton Woodham Community ■Centre on Friday evening. Don ’t forget the Good Friday church service in the church March 24 at S p.m. William Todd. & Mrs. Paul and C of the Church Women Baptism The rite of baptism administered to- follGwing children on Sunday was the Knights pick I • in Fldraw winners Kim Ran of RR 2 .Zurich was the winner of the monthly draw of the Knights -of 'Columbus. Ms. Rau was awarded S34S for her winning ticket. Mrs. Phil Regie? took home S5v as she was the ■winner in. a contest spon sored by Don’s Best Value food market. She is now eligible for a trip for two to the Bahamas courtesy Clover Farm Food Stores. Personals Mr. & Hrs. Ross BaUan- tyne. Shirlee and Diane returned home Wednesday after holidaying in Florida Mr & Mrs. Lome Passmore returned home Thursday after- having been in Florida since the first of vear. Mr. & Mrs. Huah Norris. Staffs. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hume were Sunday guests with Mr & Mrs. Robert Hume of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker. Mr. & Mrs. George Parker. Randy and Rod. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Taylor of He ns all. Mrs, Mary Hodgert Exeter. Mr & Mrs. ■Cana were Sunday with Mr. Parker. Mr. & Passmore Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs, Robert Port & Mrs of Arnold guests Rick LomeMrs and Keith were monthly total at the single rate for persons, receiving both the basic Old Age Security pension and maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement will be £266.54. For a married couple, both pensioners, the combination of the basic pension and maximum supplent will provide a payment of $508.46 for the couple monthly. The basic Old Age Security pension will rise t.o $156.66 from the present $153.44. The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pen sioners whose income. apart from the Old Age Secuity pension, is limited. The amount of the supplement varies, in relation to the amount of income. The maximum Guaran teed Income Supplement for a single person. or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner receiving Allowance, will go up in April to $109.88 from its current $197.62. The maximum supplement for a married couple, both pen sioners. will increase to $97-57 each from S'95.56. Added to the basic pension, this will give each married pensioner $254.23. monthly, or a total of £588.46 for the couple. The Spouse's Allowance is paid to persons between 50 and 65 years of' age who are married to. Old Age Security pensioners and meet residence requirements. Entitlement to a Spouse’s Allowance. and amount paid, is based on yearly income. The maximum Spouse’s Allowance- wdl increae to $254.23 from $249.09. The maximum Spouse’s Allowance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pension and the maximum Guaranteed Income Sup plement at the married rate. and is not a Spouse’s DARLING'S ...THE PLACE TO BUY BEEF... EXETER AND LUCAN PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH MARKET CONDITIONS SIDES 99" HINDS $1” FRONTS 'b84 | LOINS “s1” STEER SIDES S|09 * Fully Processed * Money Back Guarantee * Custom Killing and Processing ‘We're The Specialists" Including "* Boning and rolling of roasts * Steaks wrapped flat * Cellophane dividers * Hamburg Patties ’ All processed to your specifications. \:—------------------------- Kraft Precessed Singles, I oz. CHEESE SLICES HOMEMADE PATTIES FROZEN TURKEYS 6-12 lb. size per customer SMOKED SHOULDERS Limit 3 per customer Schneider’s Red Hof WIENERS CHICKEN CHUCK STEAKS s1.49 FRIES ^K< 2 lb. pkg. so 90 2 lb. bucket1; SHOULDER STEAKS s1.09 Returnable Bottle PEPSI COLA MIDGET SPARE RIBS (RIBLETS) FAMILY PACK 59* 69* to Pork Curing and HICKORY SMOKING * Rendered Lard * Sausage Seasoned fust right (in casing or in patties) You'll be glad you brought your hog to US.J Dekey, White, Pink, Yellow & Assorted Colours BATHROOM TISSUE -.«■ 99‘ The worth ©: life depends on inner strength and cuter happiness EXETER FAMILIAR SCHOOL — Students oMertdfrg Stephen Centred sckc-o? hod no dsfWfy iden tifying this model of the school by Doug Woodburn. The model took first place in the junior divistort of the school’s history fair. t-A photo J I I ■ I Hi Lpto-f s Assorted Mi Cup-A- Soiip 4 ©kg. conf. xes 55* Sc varin Frozen Beef, Chicken or Turkey Nabob, uadiho-fe Vacuum Pak Coffee ifc.bag s3.49 Nabisco Shredded wheat 450 g. ©kg. 0 69" E.D. Smith Garden Cocktail 28ftoz.bti.59'Pot Piel 8oz. pkg 39" 1 C?u© House Red Maraschino Cherries *2*1 ©z.pr S1,49 Me- ow ROAS j Instant Coffee Soz. jar s4.39 Monarch Quick Whip 2 oz. pkg. 4/88c Crisco Cooking Oil 48 h”. oz. bt’. ’2.19 York Assorted Vegetables i4fi.oz.Hn 29" K’eer Guard Aerosol & Pump .lemon Furniture Polish ’i2fr.oz.fe M *49 Sp..c Span Powdered Cleaner 21. pkg.s2.49 Mr. Clean Liquid Cleaner 32L.cz.bL. S1.29 Surpack Recons** toted Apple Juice 48£!.oz.fe 69* Top Breea’ Gourmet Dog Dinner io kg. bag $5.99 Betty Cracker Super .Moist, Garden, ’Mr ‘e. D-evj? Food, terror or German Chccoi’cfe Coke Mixes 87‘ Weston Assorted Flavours Wagon Wheel Cookies 12 az. pkg. 99‘ Gfad Plastic ■0 Garbage Bags pkg. of20 s2.09 Wwdex Refill Window Cleaner 32M©z bl 85" Lancia Spaghetti or Ready Cut Macaroni 2 ib. Pkg.79" Tide Powdered *Lbox Detergent metric size Maple leaf Canned Ham ijb.fe *2.49 Parkoy Quarters 2,. Margarine okg ’1.39 Kent Frozen From Cc’tc Orange Juice i2’i? fioz.fe entrate 59" Sherriff Assorted Favours Sundae Toppings Sfl.oz. jar 59" U.S, Ho 1 Caufornia Head Lettuce s:ze24s 2/89* Corado No 1 Ontario Waxed Rutabagas &.12* U.S. No 1 Florida Juice- Oranges sib.bog s 1.38 U.S. No 1 Fresh Broccoli eo 69" U.S. No 1 Florida Pascal Celery Size24’s 69" DARLING'S Quantities Prices Effective March 23&25 FREE PARKING AT BOTH LOCATIONS LUCAN OPEN THIS THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. 227-4082