HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-03-16, Page 21£°DtEhL ®“llDE«S . -- ---------------------- CO.ng TC From the left are Edd,e Hunter, Brad Conlan and Boyd Bakker. JI AR 1 1a IB$ > V..-. R?eJe^ct7es curf being taught at Usborne Central School is the art of building models. T-A photo ICECREAM MAKERS, -- Students at Stephen Central School Thursday morning were eager to take turns in making good old fashioned ice cream. From the left are Greg Ratz, Mike Webb, Mike Maier, Scott Davey and Kevin Scott. T-A photo MAKING CANDLES — Candle making was on the agenda for one of the recent electives at Stephen Central School. From the left are Scott Rader-, Jeff Slaght, Ken Payne, Steve Riddell, Bernie Wilson and Irene Brand. T-A photo- I i Li"“nc €L€CT1OCOLOI Delta C37-721 20" COLOR PORTABLE TV O Electrocolor Solid Stale Chassis LT 27,000 Volts Picture Power □ In- Line Black Matrix (NGB) Stripe Picture Tube □ Power GLiard Solid State Voltage Regulator D Auto Button C) AFT O Day'Night Switch C.1 Quick Start Energy Saver C1 Aper­ ture Detail Control □ 6' Oval Speaker t) Direct Shielded Cable System Connection □ Contemporary Styling Cl Wood Cabinet D Walnut Vinyl Finish 0 Dimensions 25?s" W x 17V H x 18V D 0 3 Year Warranty 14" COLOR PORTABLE TV O Electrocolor Solid State Chassis □ 24,500 Volts Picture Power □ In- Line Black Matrix (NGB) Stripe Picture Tube □ Power Guard Solid State Voltage Regulator □ Auto Button □ AFT O Day-Night Switch O Quick Start Energy Saver O 4" Round Speaker □ Direct Shielded Cable System Connection □ Con­ temporary Styling □ Ivory Color Cabinet □ Recessed Carry Handle O Lightweight □ Dimensions 18’/' W x 13’h" H X 14%" D L! 3 Year Warranty ADVENTURE • COMEDY • ROMANCE • AWARD WINNING MOVIES SPORTS • NEWS • DOCUMENTARIES HOME ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST! t ELECTROHOME PRESENTS 3 Great TV Enleriainmenl Values Cameron C38-724 26" CONSOLE COLOR TV □ Electrocolor Solid State Chassis LI 30 500 Volts Picture Power 0 Delta Black Matrix (NGB) Picture Tube □ Power Guard Transformer □ Auto Button LI AFT □ Day'Night Switch □ Direct Shielded Cable System Connection f I Up Front Power Saver Switch □ Aperture Detail Control tJ Illuminated Channel Dials □ 6" Oval Speaker U Casters □ Transi­ tional Styling By Deilcraft □ Engraved Walnut Finish □ Dimension 32’<" W X30TH x23'."D I) 3 Year Warranty Cameo C36-721 ^“iurkbcim FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Main Street ZURICH 236-4075 Hensall oust Times-Advocate, March 16* 1978 Thanks to the Hensall Combines, the Zurich Flyers won’t be playing any more hockey this season due to a come from behind win by the Combines Tuesday even­ ing. After falling behind 5-1, Hensall came back to post a 10-7 victory to take the best of five South Huron Hockey League quarter-final three games to one. In games played earlier the Combines posted victories of 5-3 and 8- 5. Rick Ingram was the scor­ ing star for Hensall with Two local breakins, one antenna stolen Two breakins at Exeter businesses were reported to the Exeter police depart­ ment this week and in each instance only a small amount of money was taken. The breakins occurred at Saveway Builders Supply and McKerlie Automotive, both located on Main street. Constables Brad Sadler and Jim Barnes are in­ vestigating. A CB antenna was stolen Friday night from a vehicle while it was parked at the South Huron Rec Centre. The owner Allan Keyes, 494 Carling street was inside watching the hockey game. Accidents Damages totalling $3,175 were sustained in three ac­ cidents investigated this week by officers of Exeter town police department. The most extensive damage occurred Friday night at 7:40 p.m. when vehicles driven by John Henderson, Brucefield and Robert Bragg, RR 1, St. Marys collided at the in­ tersection of Highways 4 and 83. No injuries were sustained and Constable,Jim Barnes listed damages at $2,300. The same evening at 9:30 p.m. Constable Kevin Short set damages at $375 when vehicles driven by Doug Jen- nison, RR 2, Grand Bend and Mrs. V. Rider, 84 Andrew street were in collision on Andrew street. Wednesday morning at 7:45 a .m. a vehicle driven by Mrs. Greta Graper, 259 Wellington street struck a hydro pole at the corner of Main and Huron streets. Constable Barnes estimated damages at $500. Crusade planned in Zurich again Once again the Faith and broadcast originating Kingston, Ontario. With the Lord’s help, Paul also initiated a “live” TV broadcast over CKWS TV in Kingston, called “Alive Now” seen during the fall of 1976. The pilot project had telephones in the studio where viewere called in to pray with counsellors as the guests shared. One of the guests was Rev. David Mainse, now the host of “100 Huntley Street.” As the two men shared together, they sensed the leading of the Holy Spirit confirming they were to work together. After resigning their pastorate in Tweed, Paul and his family moved to Toronto in March of 1977 to accept the responsibility as “Guest Co-ordinator” for 100 Huntley Street. Since that time it’s been thrilling to watch God work in. the lives of individuals as they reach out in faith to the living God. David Mainse the final speaker was born in Camp­ bell’s Bay, Quebec, on August 13, 1936, the third child and only son of Rev. Roy L. Mainse Life Crusade will be coming to the Zurich Community Centre from March 26 through April 2. This year’s crusade theme is family and national unity through Christ and features several outstanding speakers. On March 26 the speaker will be Reverend A.G. Reimers. Reverend Reimers has had a varied background as an Anglican priest, a counsellor at George Brown College, a rector at various churches and has had his own T.V. show. The speaker on March 27, 28, 29 is Robert L. Mac­ Dougall, S.J., M.A. Clinical Psychology, Rotnan Catholic (Jesuit) priest. „Born and raised in Halifax he was educated at St. Mary’s University, Halifax and the University of Detroit and was a former chaplain­ psychologist at Stoney Mountain Penitentiary, outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Father MacDougall has shared the presentation of the T.V. show, “Good News” with Demos Shakarcan, F.G.B.M.I. president. He is a full-time member of the staff of 100 Huntley Street, Canada’s daily television ministry,, and is a much sought-after speaker in both the United States, Canada and abroad. Speaking on March 30 and 31 are Herman and Joanne Cothran. Joanne Cothran is a Christian teacher and discussion leader in the life seminars of the Life Prayer in Hamilton, in the Spirit Bread of Community Ontario. Herman president of Limited Toronto, Personal testimony of a physical healing from God after a serious automobile accident. Paul Willoughby speaking on April 1 has known God’s call on his life since he was a child. Upon graduating from highschool in Toronto, he attended both Eastern Pentecostal Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario and Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, where he was a part of the “Revival time Choir.” He had the opportunity of hosting a weekly programme on the Campus radio station for one year. The programme was called, “Sacred Splendor.” After receiving his B.A. in Biblical Studies he returned to Canada, with his wife Gloria, to direct a youth evangelism team called ^‘Ambassadors in Mission.” God then opened the door to assist Rev. James MacKnight of the Bethel Pentecostal Church in Ottawa. Great lessons of faith were learned under the dynamic ministry of Rev. MacKnight. Following God’s direction led the Willough­ by’s to accept a call to pastor in Tweed, Ontario. It was while pastoring in this rural setting for two and a half years that a vision grew in Paul Willoughby’s heart. It was a burden to reach out to the unchurched people who sat behind closed doors. Part of the vision was realized in a weekly radio Cothran is Z & W Foods i, Ontario. from four goals. Fred Campbell added four assists. Following a goal for Hen­ sall from the stick of Brian Campbell with assists by Fred Campbell and Steve Knight. Ron Rader scored the first of Zurich’s five successive goals with help from Bob Farquhar. Three minutes later, Mike Clarke scored for the Flyers to put them into the lead that they were to hold until late in the second period. Randy McKinnon assisted. At 10:54, Rick Schilbe who was playing his first game of the year for the Flyers broke through the Hensall defence and put one past goalie Laurie Skinner. Zurich finished the first period scoring off as Mike Clarke collected his second goal of the game as he took passes from Schilbe and Kevin McKinnon. Schilbe scored his second goal of the game early in the middle frame as he fired a shot past Skinner. Steve Bedour and Clarke assisted. Following Schilbe’s goal, the Combines took com­ mand as they outscored Zurich 9-1. Captain Gary Kyle started the barrage against Flyer’s netminders Percy Bedard and Kevin Wildfong as he scored mid-way through the second. Fred Campbell assisted, Ingram scored two goals less than two minutes apart to narrow the Flyers lead to one goal. Assisting on the scores were Lloyd Allan, Al Knight, Terry Caldwell and Bill Chipchase. Steve Knight scored the first of his goals of the game with help from Brian and Fred Campbell. Ingram’s third goal of the period was scored on Wild­ fong who had replaced Bedard in the Flyer’s net. Brian Campbell assisted. The final goal of the period came off the stick of Brian Campbell with help from Steve Knight. In the third period Zurich came out flying as Randy McKinnon scored from Schilbe. The Combines got that one back as Steve Knight fired one past Bedard who went back into the net for the Flyers. Fred and Brian Campbell assisted. The Flyers- came back three minutes later to pull within one of Hensall as Schilbe scored his third goal of the game with help from Clarke and Bedour. The Combines finally put Zurich away for the game and the series with goals by Chipchase and Ingram. Brian Campbell, Chipchase and Ingram picked up the assists, 4 * i * ♦ * * * ♦ * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . pieie seT or assonea doits wnn sneives; manarry Ter- tilizer truck auger; 2000 gal.water tank; 2 in. water yL pump with motor and hose; air compressor; 3 pt. nitch blade; stone picking bucket for loader; G.W. No. 86 double snowblower with hydraulic hood; spare tractor tire; 12-24 ft. rafters; battery operated fuel pump; lumber, steel posts; chains; jacks; 3 Sittner cattle oilers; back rubber oil. 16 ft. nay and grain feeder; 40 ft. head gate for feed bunk; 25 KUW generator; 7 C.B. radios. TRUCKS 1966 Ford 850 tandem twin screw with 22 ft. Valinga box and hoist; 1966 Dodge tandem twin screw with 18 ft. grain box and hoist. Some of these units will have fitness certificates. 1973 Ford % ton pickup; stock racks for pickup camper top, 1966 Chev. dump truck; 1966 GMC single axle tractor, selling as is; 1966 Ford % ton, selling as is; Tarps. Dune buggy with spare motor. FEED Quantity of baled hay and straw; pile of silage. The above equipment is in excellent condition and mostly just one>ort,wo-years old. sw -vs. For further information phone the owner 519-229- Farm Sold Large Clearing Auction Sale of excellent Farm Machinery, Shop Equipment, Truck, Feed, etc. for Mr. Ron Sauer, Lot 21 EM Road* Blanchard Twp. on old No. 7 Hwy. 4 miles west of St. Marys; east of Prospect Hill. Sat., March25th at 12 o'clock Shop Equipment first followed by Farm Machinery, Tractors, Trucks and Feed. TRACTORS Case 2670 - 4 wheel drive, crab steer­ ing, air conditioned cab, stereo tape, etc. unit like new, 24,5 x 32 mains, duals 18.4 x 38; MFI 135 diesel, 1500 hr?., 20.8 x 38 duals, cab and air con­ ditioning; MFI085 diesel 18 x 34 duals, 1000 hrs, cab with air conditioning; MF 165 with industrial loader and heathauser; MF65 with stabilizer bars and duals, heathauser. Umbrella and MF front trac­ tor weights, SEEDING EQUIPMENT MF880 - 8 furrow plow 18" automatic reset on land; MF880 - 5 furrow plow 18^ automatic reset in furrow; Cockshutt 25?i ft. cultivator, vibra-shank with harrows; Triple K 12 ft. cultivator and push bar with scuffling shields; Noble 8 row hydraulic scuffler with rolling shields; Allied 18 ft. harrows; GW 36 ¥2 ft. cultivator, vibra-shank, Noble harrows and dual wheels; MF Model 43 dou­ ble disc 22 run grain drill with grass seeder, 1 yr. old; GW Model 360 sprayer with 30 ft. boom and 4 pistol hypropump; drop nozzle set for sprayer; 4 ton fertilizer spreader; Westfield 41 ft. 8 in. auger; Westfield 46 ft. 8 in. auger; New Idea pto 200 bu. manure spreader; Int. 8 row air corn planter fer­ tilizer auger across the top, 2 yrs. old; 26 ft. harragator. HARVESTING EQUIPMENT Gleener Model G. Allis Chalmers combine gas V-8 motor, 13 ft. grain head, 4 row 30 in corn head 23.1 x 30 oversize tires, Innes 102 pick up, 2 cylinders, this unit recently gone over and is in excellent shape. 3 hopperboxes and J. D. wagons; MF 124 baler with the tnrower, 1 yr. old; 2 Martin 20 ft. bale racks with 10 ton wagons; Allis Chalmers hay rake; bale elevator; G.W. forage box and 10 ton wagon; Bearss 4 row puller; Speedy 4 row puller; 570 bean windrower with cross con­ veyor; 520 bean windrower with cross conveyor; Hutchinson rotary grain cleaner. SHOP EQUIPMENT AND MISC. Power hacksaw; Lincoln welder; drill press; acetyline torches; com­ plete set of assorted bolts with shelves; Maharry fer- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6504. 4 4 * TERMS: Cash Booth Hugh Filson Tom Robson 666-0833 llderton 666-1967 AUCTIONEERS Not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DUE FOR RENEWAL? IT'S EASY TO FIND OUT "X JUST CHECK YOUR MAILING ADDRESS ON THE FRONT PAGE OF YOUR NEWSPAPER. EXAMPLE Doe,John H. R.R. 2, Kippen, Ont. MARCH 1-0-9-8 THIS IS THE MONTH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES THIS IS THE YEAR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES (1978) In order to keep rising costs under control we have initiated a new system for subscription renewals. Effective immediately we are asking our subscribers to check their mailing labels to determine the renewal date for their newspaper. Subscription reminder notices will not be mailed...so please check your label. ✓ PLEASE WATCH YOUR LABEL AND RENEW BEFORE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ONE YEAR-M100- TWO YEARS-*2100 AMERICAN-$2200 Times -Advocate Serving South Huron, North Middlesex K & North Lambton Since 1873 / / 1 i ♦I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * * * * * -k * * * -k -k ♦ * -k 4 4 4 4 4 4 4