HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-03-16, Page 16Times-Advocate, March 16, 1978 Protest staffing changes in county school libraries A second delegation of parents, this time from Westminister Township, appeared before the Middlesex County Board of Education this week objec­ ting to a proposed change in staffing of elementary school libraries. Spokesman for the ap­ proximately ten-member delegation. Robert Carrier, presented a brief that listed objections to the proposal now* hefore the board The proposed policy would tie the number of hours a librarian is on duty to the school enrolment In February a similar ob­ jection was made by a delegation from Adelaide Township and. as a result, the matter was reconsidered by Trustees of the Board’s Academic Affairs Com­ mittee. The Academic Affairs Committee recommended adoption of the revised policy but the matter was tabled until Westminster Township residents could give their views to the board. After hearing the West­ minster delegation, the board decided to refer the matter again to the ademic Affairs Com­ mittee Use of school facilities by community groups came un­ der study at the Board meeting. In response to a request from principal Ar­ nold Hull of Caradoc North Public School, the board agreed to waive its school use policy and permit the school's Parents' Associa­ tion to operate a weekly recreational evening at no charge provided there is no cost to the board other than for utilities. Additionallv. the board decided to permit other school sponsored assoe1ations to hold recreational evenings under the same provisions in school areas that do not have recognized recreation commissions In other business, the board ratified the transfer, effective September 1 this year, of principals Fred Ber­ dan from Biddulph-Lucan School to Centennial School and Wallace McLav from Westminster School to Biddulph-Lucan. Church news Teacher seeks nomination John Palmer, a 48-year- old teacher at Medway high school in Arva announced that he will seek the Liberal nomination in the new Federal riding of London- Middlesex. Palmer is president of the London East Liberal Association, a director on the London and district Liberal Association, and a political science graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University. He sees the issues in the next Federal election as centering around unemploy­ ment. inflation and national unity. With regard to un­ employment. the Federal government should increase its assistance programs, both for those who are un­ employed and to students who need assistance to further their education. Palmer supports prime minister Trudeau's attempts to stop inflation through a monitoring system" which would be set up after controls are remov­ ed. As a twelfth generation Canadian who was born and raised in Quebec he un­ derstands the feelings of the Francophones in Canada. However, he would strenously oppose any attempts to separate Canada as a nation. The nomination meeting will be held March 31, at Clarke Road Secondary School, London. On the second Sunday before Easter, in the Lucan United Church. Rev Keith Brown continued his Lenten Series, speaking on “More Than Conquers” He said that God had not promised us a completely easy life but he will show us His victory if we will permit Him to do so. We must deny the easy way. shoulder our particular cross and follow Him. We will then find that cross easier to bear. God has one goal for us. to bring us closer to Him. The flowers in the sanc­ tuary were from the funeral of the late Roy Hodgins. The sympathy of the congrega­ tion is extended to loved ones. A letter was read from the Mission & Service Dept, suggesting that on the 53rd Sunday of 1978. the total offering be donated to the M & S fund Next week on Palm Sun­ day. the junior choir will sing again and following the service the Friendship Unit is holding its annual spring fellowship luncheon. All members and adherents are invited. Today. Thursday, is the “cut-off” date for order­ ing ahead for the bake sale, March 25. If you have miss­ ed signing a form, call 227- 4674 before 7 p.m. Regular baking will also be on sale on the 25th. Members and friends of the congregation are invited to share in the project of providing contributions for the gift cupboard of the Cancer Society at Thameswood Lodge", Lon­ don. They are now being received in the vestibule of the church. Easter is feature of Brinsley UCW By GORDON MORLEY United Church Women held their March meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs George Prest. Mrs. Marjorie Steeper opened the meeting with a short Easter devotion. Mr. Steeper gave readings on “How fortunate we in Canada" and “Easter must be reclaimed” follow­ ed by prayer. Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. George Prest. Kathleen Morley gave a reading “The Passover Feast”. Mrs. Steeper gave readings on “Dark was the Night” and “Lead me to Calvary” and Mrs. Jack Trevithick played and sang the hymn and prayer follow- ed. Eleven members answered the roll call. Group I ladies served lunch. Play euchre Six tables were in play for the euchre party held at the community centre. Brinsley Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. Mr. and lb. $1 15lb. I $]05lb. $]99lb. 4 Still hold first place Male bowlers lose all points Currie 237, Doris Butler 219, Scott Dickson 213, Ilene Abram 212, Edie Burt 211. SKATERS FROM THE ORIENT — Many of the numbers in Friday's figure skqting carnival in Lucan featured colorful costumes. From the left are Loralee McDonald, Lisa Kraft, Ann Hodgins, Jane Holden, Sherri Smith and Christine Finlayson. T-A photo 5 and 10 lb. parcels lb. Semi Boneless Blade or Cross Rib Roast Short Rib or Shoulder Roast Maple Leaf Boneless Tin End Ham Schneiders Polish Loop Sausage ib Schneiders Red Hots a t * " ■ ■> j Fresh Medium Ground Beef $1 05 95* # ' 21 I1 1 Ib. pkg. Ib. FREEZER SPECIALS Al Beef Hips lb. Al Beef Chucks OUR OWN lb. $]25 99* $1 10 83* Fresh Garlic Sausage, Smoked Sausage, Regular Sausage, Summer Sausage. YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET 7185 with Don Watt bowling 301-1309, Glen Gagan 329- 1238 and Wayne Smith 278- 1182. The Lucan team has nothing to be ashamed of as this Stratford team has 3 of their bowlers in the top 4 averages in the league. Despite this loss, the Lucan bowlers are still in first place in the league. This Saturday Lucan is at home to St. Marys at 2 p.m. Ken Eaton’s *354 was the high single this past week. Monday Ladies — Loretta Dickson 263-726. Muriel Kennedy 310-682, Marg Young 271-655, Hazel Eaton 246-650, Aggie Groenewegen 243-648, Pat Riddell 264-646, Joyce Van Geel 219-639, Pat MacDonald 228-638, May Murphy 265-616, Edythe Watson 257-608, Mary Jefferies 251', Janice Dauncey 246, Lorraine Mosurinjohn 245, Linda Snider 241, Mary Scott 240. Lorna Ellyatt 237, Wendy Hardy 234, Louise Sutherland 232, Marg .Greenlee 230. Senior Citizens — Jean Miller 229-648. Laura Williams 242- 593, Charlotte Barker 228- 548, Gonda Van Leishout 180, Nellie Blum 172, Alex Young 171, Ed Armstrong 165, Harriet Holmes 158. Juniors — Terri McRoberts 221-377, Ian Carroll 212-340, David Gilmour 184-308, Cynthia Bakker 153-300, Jody Rydall 179, Michael Shepherd 151. Colleen's — Nancy Densmore 261-669, Loretta Blake 229-642, Debbie Ar­ nold 270-623, Nola Lewis 253- 619, Marg Root 218-618, Marg Carroll 257, Maryon Cobleigh 253, Beth Smith 242, Jean Newton 246, Carol Tsaousis 236, Jean Miller 234, Mary Van Geel 228. Wednesday Mixed — Lorna Ellyatt 261-754, Kim Rae 325-730, Bob Smith 246-705, Mike Wraith 253-852, Holly Elson 242-617, Gary Hansen 248, Nancy Densmore 245, Ward Ellyatt 244, Pat Davis 244, Heather Smith-231, Bruce Cornish 229, Cathy Cornish 222. Thursday Men — Paul Hodgins 331-882, Ken Eaton 256-755, Harold Mayo 750, Pete Van Geel 261-729, Glen Snider 335-722, Pete Sovereign 268-720, Brian Noyes 300-715, BruceParnall 308-712, Ward Ellyatt 259- 712, Keith Dickson 268-693, Earl Morgan 246-690, Jim Hearn 247-689, Ivan Hearn 262-685, Wayne Smith 253- 678, Lyle Beatson 268-673, Bill Bannerman 231-656, Dennis Burt 233-651, Dave Hotson 268. Friday Mixed — Bill Abram 290-685, Bill Neil 239-644, Rena Wood 245-628, Jim Burt 222-628, Lorraine Mosurinjohn 250-608, Brian by Don Watt A mixed couples bowling tournament was held at the lanes Sunday night. Brenda Scott and Keith Dickson took top honours with a com­ bined three game total of 1341. Second place went to Kim Rae and Bill Abram with 1297 and third were Teresa Aldrich and Bob Smith at 1279. Individual scores were, for the ladies. Nancy Densmore 268, Brenda Scott 246 and Kim Rae 236. For the men. Bill Abram had 296, Don ruddy 267 and Art Cobleigh 257. For those in­ terested. the next one of these events will be held on April 16, so sign up early. The men’s inter-town team had a disastrous day Saturday when they met a hot Stratford team*. Mike’s beat Lucan by an 11 to 0 score. As they bowled the highest team for Mike’s were Don Wright 350-1422. Gene Ohler 297-1398 and Ian Weber 312-1338. Lucan’s total pinfall was PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH Prices Effectlve^^ MAR. 13 APRIL 1 ♦1.07 Rawntree •__ _ i BOXED CHOCOLATES i] ' rtlAAO vDlin FAMllrl HEALTH ANO OUO&tT 97g E A. $1.27 GUARDIAN GUARDIAN DRUGS Mrs. Glenn Hodgins Mrs Roy Hodgins convened the party. Prize winners were - ladies high - Mrs. Harold Guilfovle. lone hands- Mrs. Charlie Rollings, low - Mrs. Otto Darling, mens high - Joe Carter, lone hands - Charlie Rollings, low - Alon­ zo Hodgins. special prize - Mrs. Fred Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rollings are conveners for the next party to be held March 23. Personals George. Marwood and Bev Prest. Laverne and Tom Daley spent the weekend at Huntsville. Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Dyck and Vic­ tor were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jorden and family. Paris. Brinsley United Church Sunday School children had a party Friday evening with a very good attendance. Miss Becky Thompson spent the weekend with Bill and Kathy Prest. St. Mary's Anglican Guild meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Scott. Mrs. John Drury and Mrs. Scott were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgson. Strathroy, Mrs. Mary Hodgson and Mrs. Reta Cunningham, Lucan were dinner-guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgson and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Trevithick. Brantford visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick, Sunday. and By MISS JEAN COPELAND BLADE RAZOR & ATRA BLADES W ATRA' Blades Cartridge 5's SVLVANIA AA fl fl FLIP-FLASH By MRS. ART HODGINS Mrs. Isobel Simpson has returned home from visiting her granddaughters, Cindy and Krista Banks of Bright’s Grove while their parents Joan and Peter Banks were on holidays. Congratulations! to Wendy and Stephen Carter on the arrival of their son, Kenneth James, March 10. Wendy and baby returned home Tuesday from St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. Art Hodgins and Pat returned Saturday from a two weeks holiday in Florida via the Ilderton-McNaughton tours. Mrs. Clarence Millson is a patient in strathroy- Middlesex General Hospital. Stayfree MAXI-PADS Guardian CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE VITAMINS *2.33 CHtLOMH* 4-H news The seventh meeting of the Crazy Quilters was held March 10. The roll call - An important rule for baby sitters, was answered by 12 members. First aid was the topic for the meeting and was demonstrated by special guest, Debbie Lynn. Glenn Mrs.COMPLETE Jr COVERAGE FOR * Home * Farm * Life * Commercial * Automobile Registered Retirement Plans < CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance ★ Mrs. Marie Mills, London visited Saturday afternoon with Miss Rhea Mills. The flowers in the Church sanctuary Sunday were placed in memory of the’ late Andy Anderson. Mr. & Mrs. Copeland, Mr. & Clarence Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. William Spence, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd and Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hartwick spent the weekend snowmobiling in the Muskoka district. Sunday evening the “Crystalairs” quartet of London provided a very enjoyable evening of gospel music in the Woodham United Church. A social time followed in the church basement. Rev. & Mrs. Glen Strome, London visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Insley Saturday evening. fcNTlSUDORIFlQUt ULTRA SEC tban SUPER ORV .Mil FtSSPI«»Rl BAN Super Dry ROLL-ON 43 ml Anti-perspirant Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Across from Saveway Lumber 273- IS GIVING ME AWAY TO SOME LUCKY WINNER FILL OUT A BALLOT Right Now I'm staying with factory My Name is The Colemans c/o The Pizza Factory THE PIZZA FACTORY Bunny, WIN ME & NAME ME AT THE PIZZA FACTORY. Lucky draw March 26, 1978 Gideons lead in service By MANUEL CURTS - GREENWAY Representatives of Gideons International led in the service in the United Church, Sunday morning. Edgar Cudmore, Exeter gave the address and was assisted in the service by Morley Hall. Morley rendered a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner at the piano. Douglas Woodburn accompanied the junior choir, with his guitar when they sang “It is no secret.” The Senior choirs selection was “There is room at the Cross for you.” Music and message combined made for a most inspiring service. Personals Robert Steeper received word Thursday of the death of his uncle, Floyd Ott in Detroit. Mr. Ott’s widow is the former Ida Smith who grew up in this area. Mr. & Mrs, Harold Craig, Toronto, were Friday visitors with their cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Smithers. By the way: The’ Gideons had several different Bibles at the service, Sunday. After the service I heard one lady tell the speaker that “the King James version was good enough for St. Paul and it’s good enough for me.” GUARDIAN DRUGS j* GUARDIAN DRUGS — R' This Loveable GIANT PLUSH BUNNY r In Time For Easter. Ja WINNER IN EACH STORE! ~~ No Purchase Necessary! Contest rules and Entry Forms available at Guardian Drug Stores R// Rowntree jgl CHOCOLATE I EGGS Filled with Smarties Jelly Tots or Black Magic I] Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street 235-1570 1 I I