HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-02-23, Page 12and district news Times-Advocate, February 23, 1978 i Anita Giesen 225-2370 CWL hears about centre to assist native people T | !■ ! } The C.W.L. of St. Patrick’s Church held their regular meeting Wednesday night. New business for the evening included participation in World Day of Prayer, to be held March 3, in the Lucan United Church at 2 p.m. It was voted to hand out March of Dimes envelopes in the Church. That will be the only canvassing done by the C.W.L. in the area. An exercise program will start in St. Patrick’s school Wednesday evening for ladies, Angela Clarke will be in charge of this program. It was reported that preparation for serving the Jr. Farmers banquet were going very well. Anita Giesen reported she had brochures about a pilgrimage tour to Lourdes for the Sick and Han­ dicapped which is planned for September 1978. She may be contacted for more in­ formation. The guest speakers for the evening were Pauline Watson, Joy Fedotick and Darlene Lamont. All are associated with Namerind in London. Namerind is a friendship centre for Native people. The main job of these volunteers is to work in the courts and prisons to help native offenders get the help they need. Much work is done with the families of the offenders also. The friendship centre movement was started about 20 years ago to help>native people adjust to urban living. The ladies spoke on the difficulties an Indian person­ faces in society. He or she is labeled before they have a chance to themselves. The women at the meeting were fast to see that any problems of Indian people eg. unemployment, drunkeness, marriage problem etc. were common to white people also. However the stigma stays with the Native people throughout their lives. One woman who came from Holland at the age of 16 said she experienced the same social shock at being placed in an english school as did Pauline Watson when she entered a white school at the grade 11 level. The group eagerly asked questions of the ladies and showed a great enthuiasm for the work being done for the Native people. One of the greatest needs at this time is Lay charges for break-ins The break-in spree of even prove a week ago has resulted in charges being laid against two Lucan and area youths. They will appear in court to face charges of break, enter and theft at Langford’s Lumber in Lucan. One of the 16 year-olds is also charged with five counts of theft in connection with cars and trucks stolen in the fall and one this year. All have been recovered. He was also charged with theft from a residence in Biddulph township. A damage complaint at the Shillelagh Hotel Saturday night resulted in another Lucan area youth being charged. Damage to the men’s washroom amounted to $135. funds for a coffee house for teenagers. The C.W.L. ladies showed a real interest in doing something to help these workers in fulfillingthe needs of Native people. It is a shocking percentage of repeating offenders among the Indian people. Therefore it is important that the young person get the right start in life so as not to end up in a life of crime. Besides money, which is always needed, clothes, books, furniture and anything useful can be left at Namerind on York St. across from the C.N. to be distributed where needed. So then friends, it isn’t enough to say somebody should do something. It needs to be done now, today by you! If you’ve got time to volunteer to help in the courts, great! volunteers are needed. Call Namerind for more information. Education is the best way to reduceprejudice.If you want someone to speak to your group about Native people call Namerind for help. Think day for youth groups This Sunday is Thinking Day for Guides, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and Beavers in the Lucan area. •The CGIT and Explorer groups will also join in a special service at 11:15 a.m. Sunday at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan. There will be about 100 young people participating in this church parade. PREPARING HOT DOGS — While a large number of Lucan and area youngsters were enjoying snowmobile rides Saturday afternoon, Legion and Auxiliary members were busy preparing hot dogs. The ladies grouped around Len Fisher chopping onions are Doris Lightfoot, Mary Cronyn, Clara Ridley, Shirley Stuckless, Stella Fisher and Sarah Hayter, T-A photo Show set for April 15 Ask seniors for craft articles The members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups met for euchre, bridge, oil painting and ceramics Thursday af­ ternoon with an excellent attendance, due no doubt to the beautiful day! The vice-president, Maude Hodgins presided for the business meeting when a card of thanks was read from Muriel Corbett and the thanks of the club was ex­ tended to Alma Hodgins and Charlotte Barker for caring for Lon became meeting, Doctor medication at the drug store. Mrs. Barker, niece of the over-ninety-year-old man has been caring for him during the week and reports that he is much improved. Treasurer, J. Alex Young, advised that the insurance on the contents of the clubrooms was due and the two groups will share this expense equally. Dora Thompson read a poem entitled “A Daily Valentine” and Mrs. Phillips when he ill at the last taking him to the and getting MORE LUCAN NEWS ON PAGE 10 Hodgins, read and showed several Valentines she had received from students 50 years ago while teaching at Brinsley. Some of her former . students were present. Birthday greetings were extended to Edna Hodgins and Agnes Northgraves, the latter who was celebrating her 91st birthday, on the day of the meeting. Agnes Hotson made and decorated a lovely cake for Miss Nor­ thgraves, which was served following the regular lunch During the Busy Buddies Craft period the members decided to make another liquid embroidery quilt, to follow along after the oil painting is finished and the present ceramics are ready for the Craft Show. All members of both groups are invited to share their talents to raise money for the Club, by making things for sale at the arena craft show, April 15. High bridge score went to Maude Hodgins and lady’s high prize in euchre to Mae Bowman, lone to Margaret Carter and low to Kathleen Neil. Man’s high was won by Luther Morley, lone by Murray Shoebottom and low by Jean Elliott playing a man’s card. A luck “Valentine” chair prize was won by Marjorie Steeper. A vote of thanks was given to Audrey McFalls of the “Korner Kitchen” for loaning her lovely Valentine decorations. Damages amounted to $4,500 in four accidents in­ vestigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachement of the Ontario Provincial Police. Saturday at 5-15 p.m. vehicles owned by two Lucan residents were damaged to the extent of $700 when they were struck by an unknown vehicle which failed to remain at the scene of the mishap. The accident occurred on Main street, near the Lucan Community Centre. The damaged vehicles were owned by Patrick Clarke and James MacNaughton. Constable W. T, Hodgins was the investigating officer. At 10 p.m. the same day a vehicle driven by James McGregor, Exeter, struck a car owned by Robert McNall, RR 1 Centralia while it was parked on Concession 2-3 of Biddulph township, ope ’’kilometer south of the Usborne- Biddulph line. Constable Al Quinn of the Exeter detach­ ment listed damages at $1,000. Lucan officers were busy at the time. Constable W.T. Hodgins estimated damages at $1,200 at 1:45 a.m. Sunday as the result of another accident on Lucan’s Main street, near the Community Centre. A vehicle driven 'by Glen Ferguson, RR3, Komoka collided with a parked vehicle owned by Donald Courtis, RR 1, Uderton. A vehicle driven by David Ellenar, struck a snow bank on Highway 7,1.6 kilometers west of Dixon’s curve on Highway 7 and rolled over at 3 a.m. Sunday. Constable Hodgins set damages at $1,200. KITCHEN DC UJ Z oc o FARM BAKERY Products made HILL N' DALE Bakery with Natural ingredients Audrey McFalls Lucan 227-1010 $ $ I farming is C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please NORRIS & GEE « topic for Wl meeting Members of the Lucan Women’s Institute held their February meeting in the Masonic Hall, Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Glen Haskett, convener for Agriculture and Canadian Industries, in charge, of the program. Mrs. Haskett gave an excellent paper on “Pioneer Farming, Present Day Farming and Farming in the Future”. She also conducted a Valentine Game which was won by her mother, Mrs. J. F. Tuke. Most of the members had brought Valentine cards for exchange and to be read aloud, and Mrs. Cecil Neil contributed an article about “The Old-Fashioned Box Social” which was read by Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Mrs. M. H. Hodgins happened to be sitting on the “lucky chair” so won that prize, which had been donated by Mrs. R. R. Crozier. In the absence of the President, Mrs. L. Ashton, Vice-President Mrs. Tom Emery, Sr., chaired the business meeting. The roll call was answered by “A resolution the Institute could present” and two of these will be sent on to the North Middlesex District Resolutions convener, Mrs. David Kestle, of Clandeboye. , Members were happy to know that one of the 4-H girls, Christine Geertsen, RR 3 Lucan, has agreed to compete in the Farm Show Princess contest and will be sponsored by the Lucan Branch. It was agreed to sponsor a blood donor clinic in the early fall, to take part in the Craft Show at the arena, Saturday, April 15 and to enter the Women’s Institute Display competition at Western Fair. Vice-President, Mrs. Emery, will be the branch delegate to attend the Officers’ Conference at the University of Waterloo, in May. The “mystery prize” draw will be reinstated at the March meeting when Mrs. Emery agreed to provide the prize. A vote of thanks was given to ‘ Audrey McFalls of the “Korner Kitchen” for loaning her lovely Valentine decorations for the meeting. A Valentine cake was served by Mrs. Emery for lunch. GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 1396 Sloneybrook Crescent London Telephone 672-5504 Chartered Accountants J.A. NORRIS L.D. GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO (519)235-0101 SUITE 208 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519)673-1421 GERALD L. MERNER DALEY’S WEEKLY COMMENTS HORSE CLUB ELECTS — The slate of officers for 1978 for the Lucan Horseman's club was named Thursday night. Back, left, treasurer Jill De Haan, past president Dave McAdam and junior president Kim Knapman. Front, vice-president Reno De Haan, president Gerard Vanneste and secretary Marg Sceli. T-A photo By SID DALEY There will be a ‘Really big show’ at Branch 540 Saturday February 25 between 9.00 p.m. and 1.Q0 a.m. Why, that’s amateur night at Action Centre —- so get those rusty acts polished up and come on over for an evening of fun and laughter. Don’t forget to bring a guest couple along with you. The members of Branch PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER THephone Hensail (519) 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr.EXETER 235-0281 HangharC Kelly, Doig arid Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant OFFICE: 433-3803 RESIDENCE 360 Queens Avenue 227-4823 London 120 Alice St. N6B1X6 Lucan G. RANDALL PAUL P P C P /C • WH,CH PLAN T0 CHOOSE?fie J* I• 5 • BEFORE YOU DO, CONSIDER THESE FACTS: RRSP Characteristics Banks Trust Co’s.Excelsior • an immediate tax reduction YES YES YES • tax-free growth to retirement YES YES YES • waiver of premium benefit NO NO YES • guaranteed annuity rates NO NO YES • no purchase charge for annuity (at retirement)NO NO YES • a maturity bonus at retirement (Penflex*)NO NO YES • a discount on annuity rates for “in house” money NO NO YES • an income guaranteed for life NO NO YES * Penflex plan must be in force at least five years and policyholder must be at least age 50 to qualify for maturity bonus, FOR COMPLETE DETAILS,CALL JOHN CASE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO. 383 Richmond St,, Suite 703 LONDON,ONTARIO N6A3C4 Res: 471-8430-Bus; 438-1716 Focus on living is topic for 4-H The Lucan number 2’s first 4-H meeting was held at Mrs. Debrouwer’s home, on February 12. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. Votes were made for of­ ficers and Mary Dewan was elected president, Janet Vanderloo. vice president, and Louise VanderLoo, press reporter. Members received their pamphlets and discussed the roll call. Karen VanderLoo read from the pamphlet about the club “Focus on Living” and Mary Dewan read how the meeting notes were to be done. Leaders showed what had to be done for the project. Janet VanderLoo and Beth Arthurs read about developing good mental habits from the pamphlet. The meeting was closed with the 4-H grace. Cake and tea were served to the members. The second meeting was held February 18 at Mrs. J. VanderLoo’s home. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. The girls discussed the roll call and Beth Arthurs rehd the1 minutes of meeting one. The members voted on a project name which was chosen to be the “Busy Bees”. Mary Dewan read about quilting and Rosemary Boland read sample quilting techniques. The members started their samples with the help from the leaders and the meeting was closed with the 4-H grace. Cake and tea were served to the members. 540 take this opportunity to thank all those who supplied their snow vehicles Saturday to give the children of Lucan and area a great afternoon of good sport. And to the crew that manned the kitchen looking after the hot dogs and hot chocolate what can we say but a greatbig thank you. See yd all next year!, Don’t forget Saturday March 18 for this is the date for our postponed an­ niversary party at the new Lucan Community Centre. All previously purchased tickets will be honoured. We expect a lot of out of town guests from as far away as Windsor, Sarnia and Toronto so let’s get those tickets sold and show our visitors what Irish Hospitality is all about. Remember thats a dinner­ dance an event well worth attending. Friday, March 3 at 8:00 p.m. we will be holding the branch public speaking contest. Come on over and support these young orators as they vie for the privilege of representing Branch 540 at the Zone Public Speaking Contest. Got your Wintario Tickets Yet — Remember Branch 540 has them and the proceeds go into the Building Fund for even greater renovations in the future. And that’s 30 for this week remember — Appreciation isla memory of the heart. MT. CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax — Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. G.K. REALTY Al Preece 228-6342 Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Realtor Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1.535 By Appointment Daily — Evening Joseph F. Darling Certified General Accountant The Old Town Hall 322 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-2208 ^niaxance S^gencu 147 Main Street S. P.O. Box 1585 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Telephone (519) 235-2211 Let Over 18,000 Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them — Phone 235-1331