HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-02-23, Page 11Tax reform subject for OF A president JJbtar Hunnam, president tax reforms being proposed ot the Ontario Federation of ' “ ~ ‘ ‘ Agriculture, will speak at the Clinton High School on Monday, February 27 at 8:30 p.m. on the subject of the O.F.A. policy on the property Advertising- I is your way of introduction. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD ‘i by the Ontario government. This special meeting has been called by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture in order to give all interested persons an opportunity to discuss with Peter how the proposed property tax reforms will affect the farming com­ munity and what the O.F.A- policy is towards these reforms. Attention Farmers V Plan Now To Attend Our Times-Advocctte, February 23, 1978 Our product has been researched and proven throughout North America, Europe and the Far East. There are some of the benefits you'll get from using it. KIRKTON 4-H ORGANIZES —- An organizational meeting for Perth 4-H clubs was held in Kirkton Saturday. Above, leader Dave Marshall assists Kirk Blackler, Steve Willis, Ed Willis, Scott Thomson and Patti Willis during registration, T-A photo By GORDON MORLEY Mrs. Fred Lewis was hostess for the Brinsley U.C.W. meeting. February 14th. Viola Lewis had the call to meditate and prayer. Scrip­ ture reading was by Mrs. Jack Hodgson. “Meditation thought” was given by Mrs. Fred Lewis. Hymn'story was given by Niola Lewis Several parts were taken on a story from the Bible bv Viola Bewis. Mrs. Wilbert Lewis. Mrs. Trevithick and Kathleen Morley .Mrs. Jack Hodgson took charge of the business. Roll call was answered by seven members. Mrs. Jack Trevithick read the letter “Partners in Missions” by Phyllis and George Burgess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Neil Trevithick. Brantford were week-end visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Lee (Kathv Ferguson) on the arrival of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morley and April Hodgins visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Durand and family. Spring Information Meeting Quilting features 4-H club YOU WONT WANT TO MISS ~ IT! Wed., March 8 EXETER LEGION HALL 11:30 a.m. - Registration And Film 12:00-pinner 1:30-Meeting Speakers weed control in beans, corn and spr­ ing grains . . , root worm control . . . and fertilizer outlook. be present discussing REPLY TO EXETER CO-OP BY MARCH 1, SO ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR DINNER Sponsored By IT IMPROVES YOUR WAY OF FARMING IT IMPROVES YOUR SOIL MAKES IT MORE MELLOW DRAINS BETTER HOLDS THE MOISTURE BETTER IMPROVES THE ROOT STRUCTURE IMPROVES YOUR CROPS IT ACTUALLY KILLS THE ODORS IN YOUR BARN IT ACTUALLY TIES UP THE NITROGEN IN YOUR MANURE SO THAT THE CROPS GET IT THUS, IT HELPS YOU TO MAKE FERTILIZER ON YOUR FARM BY IMPROVING THE VALUE OF THE MANURE • IT GETS RID OF FLIES • IT DECOMPOSES STRAW, CORN STALK, SUNFLOWER STOCK, AND POTATO STALK INTO VALUABLE SOIL • AND IT DOES MANY MORE THINGS FOR YOU By MRS. E. SUMMERS GRANTON The second meeting of the Granton 4-H Club “Focus on Living’’ was held at the home of Brenda Tomlin on Thursday evening. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and roll call was answered by 14 members. Dawn Jensen a new member was welcomed. A new title was chosen for the club which now will be known as the “Leisure Ladies”. Leader Mrs. Robert Garrett read an article on the history of quilting and other information to do with this craft, while the girls cut out squares of material and sewed them together. Brenda proved herself a good hostess by serving cookies and grape juice to her company. The meeting closed with the 4-H motto. The next meeting of the “Leisure Ladies” will take place at the home of Rosemary Giesen, Thursday evening February 23 at 7 p.m. Susan Gieson was the secretary for this meeting, The friendly neighbors meet A t number of people dropped in at the Scout Hall for an afternoon of recreation and a social time over refreshments, Wed­ nesday . management. This list sets things right-Mrs. L. Morley, Mrs. R.A. Carson, Mrs. F. Crouch, Percy Hodgins, Mrs. C. Lewis, Mrs. David Heywood, Mrs. K. Hoar, Mrs. D. Roloson, Kenneth Hodgins and Derwin Beatson. Treaurer - Mrs. L. Morley, Auditors - Mrs. Jim Hodgins and Percy Hodgins. Mention was made of the St. Thomas 50th anniversary which will be celebrated June 18 . Personals Mrs. Robert Hardie has returned home after spen­ ding a week with her sister Mrs. B. Sulad, St. Clare Shores, Michigan. Congratulations are ex­ tended to Mrs. H.P. (Ruth) Ernst of Wayne Michigan, Mrs. Hardie’s older sister, on being one of the six women throughout the state of Michigan to receive the Golden Heart award given by the United Foundation for her humanitarian works. Her work included being a volunteer worker for the Red Cross Blood Bank, reading for the blind, assisting with remedial reading for foreign students, and arranging transportation for senior citizens for doctor’s ap­ pointments, to daily dinners provided for them, and shopping trips. A speedy recovery is wished to Mrs. G.M. Sutherland who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, as the result of a fall which left her with a knee injury. Mrs. Lois Herbert and Mrs. Jack Youngson at­ tended the district council meeting of the Canadian Forester’s at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Thomp­ son, London Tuesday evening. A store in Granton The village of Granton is finally going to have a general store again, after being without one for a year and half. Charles Skolly of Motherwell has purchased the Forester’s Hall and in­ tends to convert it into a store. Church news At the United Church Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the morning worship for the second Sunday in Lent, and con­ tinuing with his Lenten, series “The characteristics of a Christian” preached on “Forgiveness.” Taking his text from Luke 23, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” he entitled his sermon “Forgiveness in advance.” Anglican At St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. Mary .Mills conducted the morning service, on Sunday and continued her Lenten series on the book of Revelations. The new outer storm win­ dows of the Church were dedicated at the service in memory of the late Mrs. Wilda Clatworthy from the legacy left by her. I must apologize for some errors I made in the list of names for St. Thomas Church board of JIM SIDDALL &SON LICENSED & INSURED TRUCKER • LIVESTOCK .• GRAIN Zr FARMER'S CLAYBUSTER is worth applying to your soil. To Find Out CLAY BlSTl'll More About • FERTILIZER eyetfd /co-op E E I E DISTRICT • FARM SUPPLIES KIRKTON 229-6439 J CALL MURRAY GLANVILLE - Exeter 235-0492 PETER DEITZ- Grand Bend 238-8076 ATTENTION FARMERS YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO SPEND e "A DAY WITH PROGRAM INCLUDES: - Agriculture specialists in the areas of field crops, beef, engineering & financing - Your Bean Producers Marketing Board update on white pea bean markets & prospects 4 «z ....I y It •' 1 IL f ?’ < i r :>x ■41« *• *Q •4 i j * :•/ ■' II > 1 j i ■ > •' TWO DATES & LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE X V <A i> "FOOD & REFRESHMENTS AT NOON'' Ax 'X A S’ ; v IJ • .Ow* wl> ■ -A<*X KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE KIRKTON, ONT. PINERIDGE CHALET Hwy. 84, 2 Miles W. of Hensail •> r • ■. x. 'Sf we Tuesday, March 7 Tuesday, March 14 e/’ f.l J Mil w\ \ go t % 9:30 a.m.—early bird toffee 10:00 a.m.—-program begins 9:30 a.m.—early bird coffee 10:00 a.m.—program begins «►ij-y. Pick Up Your Free Tickets At Any Of Cook's Elevators ■ Hensail — Centralia — Kirkton 262-2410 228-6661 229-8986 St ? i - k (■ c