Times-Advocate, 1978-02-09, Page 7Times-Advocafe, February 9, 1978 Page 7 Celebrating our 50th year in business February is carpet month at Hopper-Hockey Furniture. All Stock Reduced •X Quality never comes cheap . . . but many people believe they receive the best value for their money by buying their carpeting from us. Now, unt'l end of February you'll get additional savings on our ent’re collection of over 400 different carpets. If SUfrl \ you've been thinking about buying carpeting for your a)2knne • home you owe it to your budget to check our prices and niverSCiry^ our qualitye Come and see what we have available and C Y Cir 3 discover how much you'll \ ear s save. / v>«> tt4J . J > > J-l< VJMB •. • VlM V WWaMTnlv' nUiiJ'Cni^ .U M- • H \ % 7 ’V.' 7. J ViV . W h t MB ® i Ji ;'>Li'2tea« hT tV PiM I X! K:& .' -’J ’Z. % •§»> ipZ; '■'UM •• ••. ?. >*.••• •><« •X A SS tx- £££ I i K:- I r> Vi "is TjB 1 Ski ■!• •>. :W t \7777w-VV •£ •x 7$ « :££ r>: EXTRA SPECIALS IN LIMITED QUANTITIES 100% NYLON LEVEL LOOP This is a special purchase in a predominately rust color. Ideal for family rooms or bedrooms. Rubber backed. p •;W H ft •7? :*x *7 597 SQ. YD. 100% NYLON HI-LO SAXONY Off-white background highlighted with tones of beige and rust. Rubber backed, ideal for bedrooms or family rooms.895 SQ.YD Choose from over 400 samples on sale now at SPECIAL LOW PRICES Many people ask us why we don't stock dozens of rolls and thousands of yards of carpeting. The answer is really sim­ ple. We can save you a considerable amount of money by letting you choose the carpeting you want from our hundreds of samples. In most cases the carpet is in­ stalled in the home in two weeks or less from the time it was ordered. This special order program means we do not have many thousands of dollars constantly tied up in a huge carpet inventory . . . and so we're able to pass the along t^o customers. We've been our carpeting this way for many years to hundreds of area residents. They've saved money and they're completely satisified with their carpeting. We can save you even more money when you buy during carpet month. gM rtpM few wl ; IBM ’TTHOii 1i ffi<HII■i‘lUii I’lHii i| Til H liii : Vi I H % ■<:mintnnrim e;hSt iHUkL... ■Iftt: HUw » £ SPPte 7&7X- s'A'XX wXX I I-'!-'' fe v! •7. £ .v &7/. r<£1 ;>77 77X ......%; x* k£v:<;.-:£xs::; K£:£?g;:x::?. x> £ i £<: $% •> ISi << x-X;:-’<: :>;£ . . . . A’X* ppi c7:*x-:-7Xs-777: »x Bl'iUlilS MO v’« vX •w si:£$: •X •y i:% X; •§ :# •# :$x-:xi:ix:: 77777777X *’’»X §777: **v>X 77777 •::<$•:*.£ •X W. £• % •:S: v>7Js<x7<7.7^ 55 y<: B #• •777777 ’<;7 Bsfc.Xs*.?' W:= X*& y7‘ I 77X »7X*S>7$ &vx88ME?x Bp •$ x^.£>:$Sx. :x<-x:vx<:<x>:£- ftp •7777. *77.*; Xv£.::£;.I vXJv-'XSw1stfe® «X'3 >?WB®C\\,7>? x£<:£s».y<i wW :«:$;X> x-:-X'X«-'.< •.X-XiXS'X.-t; Si^xvxCx....7-7>s> $5 •sSWv» savings o u r selling YOU CAN COUNT ON US TO ARRANGE PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION HARRY LOGAN HAS BEEN PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLING OUR CARPETING FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS AND OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE BEEN REALLY IMPRESSED WITH HIS WORK. ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED AND WE GUARANTEE YOU'LL BE COMPLETELY SATISFIED ALL BF GOODRICH RUBBER UNDERPAD REDUCED □ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING BEHIND OUR STORE CH Bi1 --- hopper hockey MAIN ST FURNITURE LTD. •4mg KKw«*X * - **'7XmK *l»77XvSMBHnS :.;.^.XvX C777777X* &X<7.\77 ■NlRb EXETER £<•; to fviv svX,Xs,XvX,» Delivery and installa­ tion is usually always completed within two weeks of the date you order your carpet . . . and you get extra savings because we're not carrying a large inventory.