HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-01-26, Page 13Times-Advocate, January 26, 1978 regarding different phases of the law, for all seniors and other interested persons and this together with entry by Iva M. Hodgins on day one and Iola Goring on day two, with much useful in* formation being presented. Kathleen Neil read the Christmas column from the Exeter Times Advocate written by Elaine Town­ shend which while a month late, was nevertheless much enjoyed. WINS ROSE BOWL POOL — The winner of $500 in the Huron-Middlesex Cadet Corps draw on the 1978 Rose Bowl football game was Royden Herbert of Lucan. Above, Cadet Corps Commander Captain Don Lee presents the cheque to Mr. Herbert. At the right is Roy Scott who sold the winning ticket and receives $50. T-A photo The postponed Christmas party of the Lucan Women’s Institute was combined with the January meeting Wednesday night. A delightful smorgasbord, pot­ luck luncheon was enjoyed, followed by the business meeting chaired by the President, Lillian Ashton. A very interesting roll call had been chosen for this meeting “Give an Inter­ national Current Event” and the motto “Every privilege carried a responsibility in the world” was given by the Convener for Citizenship and World Affairs, Leda Revington. Thank you notes were read from Rachel Tuke, Rita Robb, Craigholme Nursing Home and from J. Alex Young who had been remembered because of his untiring assistance in having the right is Roy Scott who sold the winning ticket and receives $50. Lucan Service for Bible Society the meeting room ready each month. Rita Robb had also sent a list of “thank you’s ” from former members and shut-ins who were remembered by the Institute through the Branch Directors. Kathleen Neil voiced her thanks for a remembrance on their 40th Wedding Anniversary. It was agreed that the Institute would sponsor a “Blood Donors Clinic** early in April with inquiries to be made regarding the availability of the Arena facilities. Contestants for the Farm Show Princess were discussed and the secretary, Iola Goring, was asked to contact the 4-H leaders in this connection. It was suggested that L.W.I. should sponsor an “educational” meeting the Cancer Society executive at national convention President Len Maslen and campaign chairman Elsie Gibson, of the Lucan- Biddulph branch of the Canadian Cancer Society attended the Ontario Campaign Conference at the Inn on the Park, Toronto, Saturday and Sunday. Much useful information was gathered during the weekend when speakers included Dr. Richard Hasselback of the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto who spoke on the Mexican claims for “Laetrile” which are far from accurate, and Dr. Joseph Connell of Kit­ chener, world renowned speaker who has lectured in every major city in Europe and the U.S. Jackie Raye, well known songwriter, producer and T.V. personality was also on the program, telling the story of Patricia McKinnon sister of Catherine McKinnon, who recently was given a clean bill of health following treatment for Hodgkin’s disease. Patricia, also a noted singer, sang several numbers in appreciation of what the Canadian Cancer Society had done for her. The first Executive meeting of the campaign year 1978 for the local branch will be held at the home of Al and Marg Edgewood, tonight, sday, at 8 p.m. Cpcquyt, Thur- Car fails to stop after one accident KITCHEN Q£ 111 z DA O FARM BAKERY Products made HILL N' DALE. Bakery with Naural Ingredients Audrey McFalls Lucan 227-1010 A hit and run accident was one of three investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police" At 5.45.a.m. Saturday, a vehicle driven by Roelof Zondag, RR 2 Dashwood was struck by a vehicle which failed to stop on Highway 4, three miles south of Birr. Zondag was travelling south when sideswiped by the other vehicle. Constable B.D, Munro listed damages at $600. Friday night at 11.30 p.m. on County road 27, three miles south of Highway 7, a vehicle driven by -Paul Facey, RR 3, St. Marys left the road and struck a hydro pole. The vehicle contained jseven teenagers.- • Four suffered minor injuries. Constable J. Craig set damages at $1,500. The first of the three mishaps occurred Friday at 7.35 a.m. on the Hyde Park road, a half mile south of Ilderton. Involved were vehicles driven by Leslie Martin, RR 1 Hyde Park and Aaron Appleman, Lucan. No injuries were reported and Constable Munro estimated damages at $1,700. i G. Randall Paul Need more Administrative Services is pleased to welcome Mr. W. Neil Brand to their staff as of February 1st, 1978 news response The response by con­ tributors to the Lucan page has been most disappointing. Will all secretaries call the correspondent, Anita Giesen, 225-2370, the day following their meeting, giving her the points of in­ terest for publication in the following week’s issue? Also will individuals when they are celebrating a special occasion, returning from a trip, etc. please ’phone in this information. It is only with the co-operation of everyone in the community, that the Lucan page can be built up with items of in­ terest to readers. Former Correspondent, Iva M. Hodgins. The bulletins used in Lucan United Church Sunday, were provided by the Canadian Bible Society and an envelope was in­ cluded for all who wished to make a contribution, direct, toward the wonderful work of the Bible Society in translating and providing the Word of God to most countries of the world. If you were not in Church to receive an envelope send your contribution to the Canadian Bible Society, 424 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario. N6B 2P2, Rev. Keith Brown spoke on “The Touch of the Master’s Hand”, comparing that touch with the security a child feels at the touch of the hand of his earthly father. We are hungry and restless for something and the Bible tells us that when we find God and get things straightened out between us and God,we have a peace we have never known before. The flowers in Church were from the funeral of the late Ernie Ross and the love and sympathy of the congregation are extended to his family. This morning, Thursday, at 9.45 the Prayer and Share Fellowship meets in the C.E. wing. Tonight at 8.15 the Couples’ Club will meet also in the C.E. wing. All couples are invited. Next Sunday the annual congregational meeting will be held following a “finger luncheon” after the morning service. All members are urged to attend, bringing sufficient lunch for their own family pp. Saturday, February 4 from 10.30 -12,30 the C.G.I.T. will hold a bake and rummage sale in the C.E. wing. There are a few Anglican-United Church calendars left. Call Pam Wright 227-4628 if you missed getting one. Have you ordered your 1978? Alex renewed or Observer for Young will receive you subscription $5 until February 1st. Busy Buddies enjoy euchre at Euchre was enjoyed with Jean Miller taking lady’s high prize; Mary Kooey the Ione and Marie Lamphier the low. In men’s play the high prize went to Lloyd Elliot; the lone to Lon Philips, who had five lone hands, and low to Alex Young. More Lucan news on pagel 5 In Memoriam By Sid Daley The members of Branch 540 were saddened indeed with the passing of Comrade Ernie Ross, a charter member of Branch 540. “They are passing away, Those dear old friends, Like a leaf on the current cast, With never a break in the rapid flow, We watch them as one by one they go, Into the beautiful Past.” WE will remember Him, Well here lam back from the north and as promised will try to give you a brief outline on dad’s 100 birthday, but first may I take this opportunity to thank the many friends of Lucan and area who sent cards and cable-grams. They were certainly appreciated and dad was most thrilled receiving them. Dad was confined to his quarters on the date of his birthday, to allow the ladies an opportunity to decorate the banquet hall and what a job they did, across the wall above the head table was a huge sign of Congratulations, each seating was marked by identical handmade wooden ships with dad’s name and Roman numeral I on each side of its bow, her home port 55 Chapple across the stern with each carrying a flag bearing “First Century The tables were tastefully decorated with bouquets of flowers everywhere. As the head table entered the hall Dad led the procession with an escort of three Sea Cadets one on each side of him and the third member of the party piped him “aboard** with the bosuns pipe. The Minister of Housing John Rhodes, the Mayor and aidermen of the Soo, several housing authorities and the president of Branch 25 of the Legion were head table guests along With members of the family. .He received many gifts - a plaque from Premier Davis, an engraved silver tray from the housing authority, an engraved silver stein from the local legion, a plaque from the mayor - letters and cablegrams congratulations, from The Queen, the Prime Minister, The Bishop and Archbishop, *Dief. the Chief’,. from friends in England, Ireland, and o f Community Liaison Services and the Lucan Advisory Committee To Fanshawe College Presents LUCAN WINTER TERM 1978 REGISTRATION & INFORMATION: CLASSES BEGIN: ADVANCED SEWING: Starts Feb. 7 10 sessions 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ELECTRICAL WIRING: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.10 sessions OIL PAINTING: 8 sessions 1978 01 24 (Tues. Jan. 24) 19 30 to 2100 (7:30 to 9:00 p.m.) at Bid - dulph Public School. Fees will collected at this time by cash, cheque or money order (payable to Fanshawe College). For information call 452-4441. 1978 01 31 (Tues. Jan. 31) at Biddulph Public School unless otherwise indicated. $22 + $1 Mat. Fee $22 $22 4- Materials8 sessions 7:30 to 10:00 p^m. Wheri class falls on the first Tues, night in the month, the class will be held on Wed. night instead. RUG. HOOKING: 10 sessions SOCIAL DANCE II 10 sessions 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $22 4- Materials WELDING (MEDWAY): Location Medway High School Welding 1 Tues. Jdn. 31 Welding II Wed. Feb. 1 YOGA: 10 sessions 7:00 to )0:00p.m. 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $30/couple $23 4- $20 Mat. Fee $23 4- $20 Mat. Fee $22 DALEY’S WEEKLY COMMENTS Painting starts for seniors Members of the Busy Buddies craft group met Thursday morning for their second session in “Oil Painting for Beginners”. The instructor, Don Sharpe, of Jamaica, London, England and now London, Ontario, through a Fan­ shawe course, taught “still life” in this particular session. Today, Thursday, at 1 p.m. each member is to bring a scene which she would like to reproduce. The members of the Sunshine group convened at 1.30, with vice-president Maude Hodgins presiding. A card and note were read from President Gordon Hotson and Mrs. Hodgins also reported that he was somewhat improved. A poem, written a few years ago by Miss Lina Abbott entitled “Lucan Village” was read by Mrs. Hodgins._________________ forms for the Western Fair W.I. section will be discussed in February. A resolution regarding heavier sentences for the drinking drivers will be drawn up and presented at the next meeting, February 15, at 7.30 p.m. The delayed reports of the area convention were given HDDIK Mi ■ IJCll MACINTOSH APPLES 95 • bu. Now Closed by 6:00 p.m. Every Day OTHER VARIETIES AVAILABLE AT REGULAR PRICES Bring Your Own Container CRUNICAN BROS. 114 Miles South of Elginfield on Hwy. 4 • France, U.S.A, and of course from many parts of Canada. Following dinner they “floated” in a larger ship with dad’s name on each side of the bow with the roman numerals II “two” across the bow her home port 55 Chapple across the stern, with a flag bearing the words Second Century - he was then presented with a small bottle of rum with which to christen her. Following the banquet professional entertainment was on hand and we all burned the midnight oil singing the songs of yesteryear. It was just a grand affair and as one of the hard working senior citizen ladies of the committee advised me as I viewed their handy work prior to the banquet “We didn’t do all this work because we had to, we did it because we love him.” Needless to say my eyes moistened up a bit. Attention all bowlers and those who would like to be. This Sunday, January 29 at 1.00 p.m. we will be holding our first 1978 “fun” mixed bowling match. It doesn’t matter if you have bowled before or not, this is definitely a fun match. Only your attendance can make it a success, so come on over and bring a guest couple. Following the games we at the Lucan Lanes we return to the Legion Hall for a pot luck supper. Every couple is expected to bring along something to place on the dining table. You want fun this is the place to get it. See yu there. Got your Wintario Tickets yet? Remember Branch 540 has them. A new project is underway at Branch 540, The saving of Dominion Store Tapes - If you or your friends have any that you don’t know what to do with, instead of throwing them away send them over to the Lucan Legion where we can put them to good use. With your co-operation we can purchase wheel chairs and lots of other equipment that can be loaned out to the public as the need arises. How about it I! And that’s 30 for this week - Remember - Learn from the mistakes of others, you , can’t possibly live long enough to make them yourself. all JANUARY SALE 25 1 L Specials on in-stock wallpapers & vinyls DONNA'S DECORATING CENTRE 186 Main St. Lucan 227-4827 8:30 — 5:30 Business Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 1396 Sfoneybrook Crescent London Telephone 672-5504 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519) 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER i^^omphf Bookkeeping and Tax Service Inc., 254 Huron Street E. (Box 339) Exeter, Ont. N0M 1 SO (519)235-0443 REALTY Al Preece 228-6342 Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Realtor Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates ISI People do read small ads. You are. NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J.A. NORRIS L.D. GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO N0M ISO (519)235-0101 SUITE 208 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519)673-1421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr.EXETER 235-0281 'Banghart, Kelly, Doig and Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant OFFICE: 433-3803 RESIDENCE 360 Queens Avenue 227-4823 London 120 Alice St. N6B1X6 Lucan G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 By Appointment Daily — Evening 147 Main Street S. P.O. Box 1585 Exeter, Ontario N0M ISO Telephone (519) 235-2211 Let Over 18,000 Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 235*1331