HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-06-27, Page 25Times-Advocate, June 27, 1979
Bryanstan edged Duchess
of Kent of London 2-1 Sunday
evening to win the ‘A’
championship of the annual
I ■■'b^^wb^
and district' news
Bryanston winner of
Lucan Irish ball tourney
BIDDULPH GRADUATES — The annual grade eight graduation ceremonies for Biddulph
Central School was held Thursday evening. Back, left, teachers Norm Steeper, Dave Wilkins
and La Verne Revington, Bonnie Wallace Murray MacNaughton, Larry Leslie, Paul Grove,
David Jones, Greg Hendmarsh, Mike Neil, Alastair Craig, teachers Terry Clark and Pat
Vladars, Wallace McLay (principal). Fourth Row, Ingo-Roy Nippa, Mike Hutchison, Keith
Murray, Ray Hall, Jeff Liley, Edward Hodgins, Sandy Westman, Dale MacNaughton, Shannon
Rydall, Danny Brintnell, Dean Hendmarsh, Brian Dykeman, Ken Aulenback, Peter Westman,
Mark Korevaar and Danny Anson. Third Row, Dannie Feke, Darryl Hodgins, Danny Hodgins,
Darren Mills, Kevin Cunningham, Terry Pike, Colleen Ferris, Anita Collard, Donna Miles,
Arthur Pritchard, Jeff Nevin, Darrell Ibbitson, Eddie Hayter, Jamie Hodgins, Rick Jefferies. Se
cond Row, Sherry Nickles, Bonnie Harloff, Martha Wells, Susan Noon, Susan Appleman, Lori
Compton, Lori Riley, Karen Radcliffe, Betty Ann Herbert, Shannon Fiedoric, Kim Newman,
Cathy Riddell, Jill Cunningham, Bonnie Joyce, Re Nae Norton. Front, Dawn Jensen, Barb Van
Arenthals, Patti Smith, Karen Hutchinson, Angie Watt, Connie Juerguens, Heidi Hoffman, Ruth
Hardy, Lori Shipley, Carol Watt, Marnie Wraith, Lisa McKenzie, Brenda Carroll, Kelly Moriar
ty, Terry Lynne Rolfe. T-A photo
Many awards presented at Biddulph graduation
The Lucan Community
Centre was the scene of the
1979 Biddulph-Lucan Public
School Graduation with 69
memhprs in the two grade
8’s. For the first time,
because of its size, the
banquet and program were
held outside the school with
the arena catering
providing the meal.
The tables were
beautifully decorated with
floral arrangements by Mrs.
Martinservice Arenthals and
potted plants added a further
touch of colour to the hall.
The walls were decorated
with “humorous
histories” of .each of
Cathy Riddell gave
grace and Patti Smith, as
mistress of ceremonies,
welcomed the graduates,
parents and other guests. In
the unavoidable absence of
J. Scott, D.I. McIntosh
brought greetings from both
the Board and the
Administration and Wallace
McLay, principal spoke to
the graduates, on behalf of
the school.
The Mowbray awards for
citizenship, academic
marks, attendance, punc
tuality, qualities of
leadership and participation
extra-curricular ac-
tivities, were won by Patti
Smith and Dannie Feke and
was presented by a former
teacher, Mrs. Margery
The “Trojan” award for
sincere, hard work, was won
by Colleen Ferris and was
presented by Malcolm
The Berdan academic
awards were presented by
various members of the staff
and were won by Lisa
McKenzie, Lori Shipley,
Danny Brintnell and Keith
Subject awards also
presented by members of the
staff were as follows:
English - Heidi Hoffman;
Science - Dannie Feke; Math
- Heidi Hoffman; History
and Geography - Marnie
Music - Ruth Hardy; Art -
Darryl Hodgins; Physical
Education - Karen Radcliffe
and French - Anita Collard.
Dannie Feke introduced
the teachers and they in turn
were presented with a lovely
rosebud by members of the
As the members of the
class were introduced by
Norman Steeper, they took
their places on the bleachers
where, as a choir, they
presented four numbers,
directed by Mrs. Lois
Karen Radcliffe as
Valedictorian gave a lovely,
heart-warmin address
which was followed by two
numbers by the choir. “O
Canada” closed a very
successful Graduation
the usual dance
Junior school studentsPRESENTS VILLAGE TROPHY — Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn presented the village trophy at
Wednesday's Businessmen's Association golf tournament to Al Gillan who won the closest to
the hole award. Others in the picture are individual winner Cec Hodgins and Greg Roberts.
T-A photo
ft ’
IN LUCAN GOLF — More than 120 participated in Wednesday's annual Lucan
Mb" ■3'
BEST IN LUCAN GOLF — More than 120 participated in Wednesday's annual Lucan
Businessmen's Association golf tourney at the Oakwood course at Grand Bend. From the left
are junior low net Ron Glenn, overall low gross Doug Galloway, seniors winner George’ Glen-
dinning and junior low gross Kevin Gilmour. T-A photo
Church news
On the last Sunday before
Rev. and Mrs. Brown start
their holidays, Mr. Brown
spoke on “The Model
Prayer” from Luke 11:1-13,
The Lord’s Prayer.He said it
was a “model” prayer,
complete in every way, but
still a model or a summary.
To come to God in Prayer,
first we must show adoration
“Hallowed Be Thy Name”
before asking for our needs
and the needs of others.
“Our Father” implies son
and daughtership and each
one who receives Jesus,
receives God as his or her
Father. We pray in “Jesus
name” as He is our “go
between” to God. What a
privilege it is to have Christ
taking such an active part in
our prayers.
May we recognize God’s
power and glory and see His
Almighty hand more clearly
answering our prayers day
by day.
Area accidents
Officers of the Lucan
detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police in
vestigated five accidents this
week with damages
totalling $6,700.
The first of two Sunday
mishaps occurred on County
road 23 at Highway 7 at 12.30
a.m; A vehicle driven by
George Love, RR 2, Walton
was damaged to the extent of
$300 when it was struck by an
unknown vehicle that failed
Barbecue at
revival centre
The couple fellowship
Lucan revival centre en
joyed a chicken barbecytT
Saturday evening at tne
home of Dick and Yvonne
Plantinga of Ballymote.
Ken and Carol Peebles
were presented with a gift
for their recent wedding. All
the couples were treated to a
•musical evening provided by
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van der
Heide and Clarence Lewis,
Ilderton, Harold Fletcher
Ailsa Craig and Mr. Cross.
to remain at the scene.
Constable D. Marshall in
At 10.30 a.m. the same day,
vehicles driven by Cicily
McNair, Ilderton and Bryan
Mills, RR 2, London collided
on County road 16 in London
township. Constable D.R.
Vance listed damages at
At 10.20 p.m. Tuesday, a
vehicle driven by Susan
Carnahan, RR 2 Chatsworth
left Highway 4 in London
township. Damages were set
at $700 by Constable B.D.
Scott Hack, RR 2 Denfield
suffered minor injuries when
the vehicle he was driving
left Concession 15-16 in
London township at 12.30
a.m. Thursday. Constable
Munro set damages at $4,000.
Friday at 1 a.m. a vehicle
driven by Susan Lobb,
London was struck by an
unknown vehicle on Highway
4 at Elginfield. A passenger
in the Lobb vehicle, Paul
Langille of Hamilton suf
fered minor injuries. Con
stable J. Frank listed
damages at $1,000.
Upcoming in the U.C.
Friday afternoon at 1:15
there will be an Inter
denominational meeting of a
new group for men and
women called “Helping
Hands.’’ As the name
signifies this will be a group
of volunteers who will help
the elderly and shut-ins with
drives to the doctor, dentist,
etc., to help with their
grocery shopping, do a bit of
mending, helping when they
come from the hospital, etc.
Come to the meeting or
signify your desire to help by
phoning Angela Clarke at
Next Sunday at 11:15 the
service will be led by Wesley
Stanley and the following
Sunday July 8 by Barb
Bannerman and her Sunday
School class. Each Sunday
during July, lay people of the
congregation will be
responsible for the service.
Come and join us for an hour
of worship.
entertain senior citizens
To commemorate senior
citizens week,' the Lucan
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups were entertained in
the gym at the Lucan School
by the kindergarten to grade
3 classes, Thursday af
' Wallace McLay, the
principal, welcomed the
members and introduced his
staff, as well as acting as
. Emcee for the ^program,
which was much enjoyed by
all present. All grades
presented one or two
numbers. The “band” with
an additional member,
Edythe Murdy, playing the
“maracas”, played several
numbers for the students and
the other members.
President Mary Kooy
thanked Mr. * McLay, the
Wet weather sends
Wl members inside
The June meeting of the
Lucan Women’s Institute
was held in the Masonic Hall,
Wednesday evening, owing
to the wet weather rather
than in the garden of Lillian
President, Vina Emery,
having returned from a
recent trip to California,
presided for
Letters of
read from
recipients of
Awards which had been
donated by the Lucan
Branch, namely, top award
Margaret McGuffin; second
John Cook and third Ted
Hall, also a letter of thanks
from the principal, Wallace
McLay and one from Mr.
John Gummow, Director of
Education, for the flag for
kindergarten room at Lucan
The Blood Donor Clinic,
sponsored by the Lucan
Branch of the F.W.I.O. will
be held Monday, October 22
from 6:30 to 9 p.m., at the
Lucan arena. Please mark
this date on your calendar
now and plan to be among
those giving blood to save
All members are invited to
attend the Middlesex County
Rally Tuesday, July 24
commencing at 10:30 a.m. in
Alexander Park, Strathroy
with a “mix and meet”
of rain it
luncheon, 1
provided. In case
will be held in
United Church.
teachers and students
entertaining the club and
invited the staff to have
lunch with the members.
During the business
meeting, Edythe Murday,
Tour Convener, handed out
the tickets for the “Grand
Ole Opry”.
Birthday greetings were
extended to Mary Hodgson,
who will be 91 on June 25th,
and a card of thanks was
read from Eleanor Darling.
Tomorrow, Thursday, the
pot luck luncheon will be
held in the park, weather
permitting, bring your food
and all your utensils, and if
you need a ride be at the hall
at 12 p.m. Beverage will be
Members will return to the
hall for cards and
following luncheon.
the business
thanks were
the three
the History
UCW evening out
Members of the Evening
Unit of the Lucan U.C.W. had
their “evening out” and
celebrated the Unit birthday
party by going to dinner at
the Thames Restaurant in
St. Marys Friday evening
and spent an hour
“browsing” before returning
to the Church for a brief
business meeting.
Unit leader Freeda
Melanson opened this part of
the meeting with prayer and
asked Mrs. Keith Brown to
report on the meeting held
with Kathy Kaune, chairman
of the “Church in Society
visiting Committee.”
Starting in September
visiting will be done on an
organized basis, so that one
or two shut-ins, or new
comers, etc. are not called
on several times while others
may be missed.
A hymnsing was enjoyed
followed by a humorous but
very thought provoking tape
“A Telephone Call From
- Heaven.”
Birthday cake and ice
cream was provided by
Honor Stanley and Lily
New group
of volunteers
The Helping Hands is
name chosen for a new
volunteer group that is being
formed in the Lucan and
Granton areas.
They plan to visit the
elderly and shut-ins, visit
those in hospital and Homes,
visit those just home from
hospital, transportation to
and from: doctor’s offices,
Hair-dressers, grocery
stores, drug stores, shop
ping, and church.
They are also offering
assistance with light
housekeeping, laundry, hair
washing, mending.
There will be a flyer
distributed shortly to all
interested groups, public
places and churches in the
area to inform as many
people as possible of these
services now available in the
community-they hope people
from Ilderton, Denfield, and
Bryanston will also involve
themselves in this project.
There is to be a public
meeting in Lucan United
Church basementatl:15 p.m
on Friday June 29. Anyone
interested in becoming a
volunteer (offering their
services for only an hour or
two a week) or anyone just
interested in learning more
about the programme are
invited to attend.
The group is
denominational, but are
basing their work on the
words of Jesus ‘I was hungry
and you gave me to eat, I
was thirsty and you gave me
to drink, I was sick and
imprisoned and you visited
me.’ “Whatever you do to the
least of my brothers, you do
unto me.”
Youth enjoy
pool party
The Lucan Youth group
held a “pool” party Sunday
at the home of Carolynn
Lankin, Butler Street.
Everyone had a great time.
Over the summer the group
will have a get-together at
the Lucan dooI in July and a
corn and wiener roast in
August at the home of Penny
Hodgins, Concession 2 in
McGillivray. All young
people of high school age are
Lucan Irish fastball tour
The ‘B’ title was won by St.
Marys as the result of the a
final 5-2 victory over
Bryanston manager Les
Parnell and coach Jim
Hughes received the Molson
trophy from area
representative Terry Zuk.
The most valuable player
in the tournament was Dave
Cassidy of the runnerups
London team and Fred
Franks of Bryanston was
named the best pitcher.
Presenting the awards were
Vic Capitano, Brian
Lightfoot and Laurie Carter.
Bryanston reached the
final by edging Shedden 1-0,
French Cleaners 1-0 and
Fashion Flbor 2-1,
The Duchess of Kent Club
scored wins over Lieury 2-1,
McGees 5-4 and Aboutown 5-
2 to make the final game.
Other first round scores
were Lloyd’s 4 St. Marys 1,
Aboutown 10 Lucan Rec 2,
McGees 6 Nairn 0, French
Cleaners 5, Family Trust 3,
Knights of Columbus 5,
Fullarton 4, and Fashion
Floor 7 Goderich 0.
In second round ‘A’ games
other than those involving
the two finalists scores were
Aboutown 4 Lloyds 1 and
Fashion Floor 2 Knights'of
Columbus 0.
In ‘B’ second round play
the scores were St. Marys 5
Lucan Rec 3, Nairn 3 Lieury
2, Family Trust 6 Shedden 5
and Fullarton 18 Goderich 2.
In semi-final play, St.
Marys blanked Nairn 3-0 and
Fullarton doubled the score
6-3 on Family Trust.
MOST VALUABLE Individual awards were presented following the weekend Lucon Irish
fastball tourney. Above, Irish committee members Vic Capitano Laurie Carter and Brian Light
foot present trophies to most valuable player Dave Cassidy of London Duchess of Kent and
top pitcher Fred Franks of Bryanston. '
Cancer group
names officers
The executive positions in
the Lucan-Biddulph Branch
of the Canadian Cancer
Society have been suc
cessfully filled for the en
suing year.
They are: president: Len
Maslen, Lucan; vice-
president: John Egan, R.R. 3
Granton; secretary: Sandra
McDonald, Lucan; treasurer
and commemoration funds:
M.H. Hodgins, Lucan;
campaign chairman: Elsie
Gibson, Lucan; vice-
chairman: Bruce Maslen,
Lucan; education chairman:
Margaret Cocquyt, R.R. 3
Granton; assistant education
chairman: Audrey Harloff,
R.R. 3 Granton; publicity
chairman: Eileen Summers,
Service to patients
chairman: Mary Toonders,
R.R. 2 Lucan; assistant
service to patients chair
man: Mary DeBrower, R.R.
3, Lucan; mastectomy
visiting: Margaret Cocquyt
and Audrey Harloff; tran
sportation: Barbara Wraith,
Lucan and Al Cocquyt, R.R.
3 Granton.
As mentioned a few weeks
ago the annual meeting of
the London-Middlesex Unit
is to be held in Lucan this
year and we are quite
honoured to host this very
important meeting. The date
has been set for October 30,
1979 at the Community
Centre and the guest speaker
will be Dr. Joseph H. Beilina
of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Dr. Beilina devised the
Carbon Dioxide Laser for its
uses in premalignant can
cerous changes in the cervix
and is an outstanding
speaker for the lay audience
as well as members of the
medical profession. We hope
the community hall will be
filled for this occasion.
Sign in a garage: "Wanted
man to work eight hours to
replace the man who didn’t."
To help prevent body
rust, check wheel wells,
insides of fenders, etc.
for trapped leaves and
dirt. They could
drain holes and
* dr *
newMore and more
cars will have halogen
headlamps, which give
as much light as regular
headlights but use less
Think about investing in
your own good pressure
gauge so you can check
tires when they're cool.
This should be done
once a month and
before any long trip.
★ ★ *
Odd noises that seem to
be coming from the rear
of the car may not be —
sounds are sometimes
telegraphed from the
engine area or even
from a defective front
wheel bearing.
* * *
When you start your car
cold, does it keep stall
ing until the engine
warms? Have the fast
idle checked — its func
tion is to hold the throt
tle slightly open to keep
engine running faster
while it's still cold.
* * *
Our friendly mechanics
will be glad to check
any part of your car
that's giving trouble.
Just drive in to
Larry Snider
EXETER 235-1640
LONDON 227-4191
Huron County s Largest
Ford Dealer
WIN IRISH TROPHY -— Bryanston won the “A” championship of the annual Lucan Irish fast
ball tournament held over the weekend in Granton. Above, Terry Zuk presents the Molson
trophy to Bryanston manager Les Parnell, pitcher Fred Frank and coach Jim Hughes.
trim work
* driving sheds
new homes
We also do very small jobs
For more information
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