HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-06-27, Page 16Page 16 TimesrAdvocate, June 27, 1979 Take A Short Drive South On The Lake And Discover Pipery Ipp Well known for Its seafood, steaksand gourmet dinners WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING Join us for a lovely night out right across the road at the coach with dan­ cing and entertainment. Both Located on Hwy ZlYmi.S of Grand Bend . . . A gourmet's delight! Viperylw4 MOTOR LODGE' CALL 243-2474B OPEN DAILY TInery TAVERN Entertainment Every Weekend Featuring This Week Lesperance Trio June 29, 30 • July 1 Dining Room Open Daily For Reservations Phone 238-2365 Grand Bend Smorgasbord every Saturday starting at 5 p.m. HOTEL DINING LOUNGE I MOTEL i W u SENSED | ENTRANCED ■ MW The Green Forest Motor Hotel GRAND BEND H way 21 1 Mile S. Traffic Light STARDUST RESTAURANT CREDITON out Foot Longs Hamburgs Chicken Fish & Chips, etc. or Visit Our Air Conditioned Dining Room For Home Cooked Meals HOURS Sun. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. — midnight Open Till Midnight Sundays On Holiday Weekends Call 234-6707 for our delicious SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE SUMMER GYMNASTICS 5 weeks of Lessons Beginning July 4th. 2 lessons a week Monday and Wednesdays. Final Day for Registration is June 29. Contact the Recreation Of­ fice to register or information. HALL RENTALS Dates Available For 1979 Sat. Sept 29th Sat., Oct. 27th Fri., Aug. 31st Fri., Sept. 14th Fri,, Oct. 5th For reservations call South Huron Rec Centre at 235- 2833. Bookings for 1980 will be taken. Already half booked for events. ROLLER SKATING Fri. 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Sat. 7:00- 10:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Rentals .50‘ 10-12 Noon & 1 - 4 both days Crafts: Variety of ceramic item. for kitchen, livingroom, bathroom & bedroom — featuring many ceramic pot« & plants. Woodworking: "CEDARC" lawn furniture including chaise lounges, picnic tables, chairs, love seats, flower stands, combination benches, end tables, patio tables, children's furniture & custom made signs. Kitchen: Variety of date, nut &. fruit loaves. Bake Shop: Tasty treats from our new bakery, including breads, doughnuts, pios, tarts, muffins & assorted cookies. CoffeeShop: Relax after shopping with a cool glass of femonade or coffee, En|oy a treat from the Bake Shop. L. Tours: Scheduled throughout both days at ARC k Industries, South Huron Bakery, & Huron Hope Nursery, L, k ><? >c><^Don't Miss If Everyone Welcome A Area students best in H-P ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ | Entertainment Fri. & Sat. Nites s The winners in each of the 19 schools in the Huron-Perth county Roman Catholic Separate School system competed for top honours in a Track and field day at Mitchell Secondary School, Wednesday. The day-long event was sponsored by District No. 31, Knights of Columbus, who T-ball starts for local kids Tomorrow night will be the first time that Exeter and area youngsters will be able to play T-Ball, a modified version of baseball. The game which consists of youngsters from the ages of five to eight hitting a ball off a stand set at home place was designed with the intent of introducing ball and bat games at an early age. Bill Brock of the recreation sub-committee said the park near Laidlaw Transport in the north of Exeter will be the scene for the first games. Brock said all boys and : girls from five to eight are welcomed to come out with Brock adding any coaching ! offers from parents would be ; considered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- presented the winners with trophies and medals. Top winners in each division are as follows: Boys, 13 and over, Ray Stock, St. Michael’s School, Stratford; Girls, 13 and over, Rose Vandenderk of Our Lady of Mount Carmel School and Tina Droog of Holy Name of Mary School, St. Marys tied for first place honours, Boys 11-12 years, Baird Robinson of St. Mary’s School, Goderich. Girls, 11-12 years, Joanne Van Beeb of St. Patrick’s School, Kinkora and Joanne Van Vliet of Holy Name of Mary School, St. Marys tied c for first, boys 9-10 years, Joey Looby of St. Patrick’s School, Dublin and girls 9-10 years, Lee O’Rourke of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. E E Dominion HOTEL Dining konnge lic«n>«d undar UBQ * .9*' Rose Vandenberk Rebekahs to aid fair board About 30 members at­ tended the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge meeting Wednesday evening with N.Y. Shirley Cooper presiding assisted by V.G. Marg Cook who also gave the visiting report. Lee O'Rourke OPEN SUNDAYS FISHERMEN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in Fresh Perch Dinners Eat in or Take out 63 River Road Grand Bend 238-2025 y DASHWOOD HOTEL ENTERTAINMENT MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nights DININGROOM OPEN Daily 12 Noon - 1:30 P.M. DINING LOUNGE Open Fri. & Sat. Nites 6-9 P.M. I r f 1 Exeter SWIMMING POOL OPEN Mondays to Fridays for Public Swimming Daytime 2 - 3:30 p.m. Nights 7 - 8 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays 1:30 - 4 p.m. Evenings 7 - 8 p.m. Admission Children 25c Adults 50' Wading Pool Open Tuesday, July 3 1:30‘3:30 For more information call 235-2224 BINGO LUCAN ARENA Wed., June 27 Doors Open 7:15 P.M. Early Bird 7:45 P.M. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $625 - 55 calls » Proceeds for Arena Double Door Card $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. License No. 262386 Due to (icons* regulations ho one under 16 years of age will be admitted, FEATURING THIS WEEKEND Dwight Janies Dining Room Open Daily NOTICE A South Huron District High School We Will Be Open (In Lounge) = Sunday, July I 5 Canada Day = Zurich Hwy. 84 = lllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllilililiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ $ r School Office will be closed from July 30 - Aug 24 (inclusive) Persons wishing to contact the school regarding course changes, enrollment,etc should do so during the month of July. J.L Wooden Principal J - It was voted to supply meals for the directors at Exeter Fair also to have a display. The Lodge members decided not to have a booth at Sidewalk Days as the Past Noble Grands are having one. A bus trip is planned for September 10 and the Odd fellow and Rebekah picnic will be August 19 at the Centralia Community Park. Monday evening about 45 attended the Rebekah picnic at the home of N.Y. Shirley Cooper. /----- ------Oakwood INN----------------------- OUR SUMMER RETREAT OFFERS: FINE DINING LOUNGE AND RESTAURANT GOLF & TENNIS BEACH & GAMES Motel & Golf 238-2324 For Dinner Reservations Dining Room 238-2-328 Feel Free To Browse ®ur Beautiful Grounds • MOTEL & CABINS • ENTERTAINMENT Get your team together and Enter! 2ND ANNUAL CLINTON BED-RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be held FRIDAY, JULY 13 POST TIME 8:30 P.M.Grand Bend Hwy. #21 FOR INFORMATION ON in South Huron Phone 235-1834 r We Need More Big Brothers Now! Decoration Service at KIRKTON UNION CEMETERY Sun., July 1 7:30 p.m. Speaker Rev. Gordon Hazelwood I NOW I 20 (GAMES • 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot • 2 Share-the- Wealth N the MADCAP BRITISH FARCE * Q BY PHILIP KING * POOLS PARADISE# June 27 - July 7 (EXCEPT SUNDAY) RESERVATIONS INFORMATION 238-8451 COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE GRAND BEND NEXT ATTRACTION ANGEL STREET FROM THE CLINTON POST OFFICE Cash Prizes of ‘50., ‘30. and ‘20. The winner also receives a trophy: and a large deluxe pizza, compliments of the Pizza Express. ENTER NOW! c NAME OF TEAM: TEAM REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: Children Under 12 in Cars Free GRAND BEND TELEPHONE: Send to: "CLINTON BED RACING" BOX 640 CLINTON NOM 1LC BONUS BALL BINGO EXETER LEGION HALL JACKPOT $250 in 53 calls $75.00 STARLITE Box office open at 8:00 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats Admission *1.00 for 18 Rounds Extra cards 25’ each or 5/ *1 .00 _Share-the-Wealth ■ 5 for’l .00 11 for *2.00 = rmnuumn.iiiumuiuiiuim; Sponsored By Ladies'Auxiliary = No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admittec Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiinirrn Licence No. 212181 c ATTENTION Boys & Girls Kirkton-Woodham Optimist are sponsoring a Soap Box Derby. Registration Sat., June 30 K.W.C.C. 10 o'clock NOW AVAILABLE Best selling books by Canadian Authors and Records by Top Canadian Recording Stars Available only at EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Sunburst Theutre of Dullus Texus presents THE CRUCIFIXION PLAY plus Alethia Gospel Singers in Concert South Huron District High School y THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 28 - 29 - 30 Adult Entertainment PETER SELLE Win BLAKE EDWARDS' ReRBERT LOM'RPBfiRT WEB8ER w.th DTAN CANNON rTj w1 k ’■ '^i JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO BACK TO THE MOVIES SSESln LEVY GARDNER LAvfN PW • BURT REYNOLDS »WHITE LIGHTNING JENNIFER BilUNGSLEY NE0 6LATTY • 00 HOPKiNS • MAT! ClARK • Prjojcrt ARfHUfi GARDNER JUlfS V LEVY pf WmtAM NORTON • f •«'cd ty JOSEPH SARGENT Adult Entertainment OPEN NIGHTLY PROGRAM FROM JULY 1-AUG. 9 SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY JULY 1-2-3 MME NEWS THE BAD NEWS BEARS ARE ONE YEAR OLDER ANO ONE YEAR WILDER WEDm THURS., FRI., SAT. JULY 4-5-6-Z GEORGE C SCOTT • HAKDCORE I’F.TF.R BOY1F THE BAD NEWS CCXOfl A FArtAMOUNt PtCTVAC Adult Entertainment $50 SALv Derby Date July 14, 1979 SAT., JULY 7 7:30 p.m. .4 Adult Entertainment Goldie Hawn Chevy Chase 411 Main St. S., Exeter Closed July 1 to July 16 for renovations