HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-05-30, Page 1Name queen this Friday
Pam O'Brien
is “An
J. rtNaftk'
Kathy WillardFran Thompson
Judy Brittain
Seven vie for school title
One of seven pretty young
ladies will be chosen Queen
of South Huron District High
School when the clock strikes
midnight, Friday night.
, The 1978 school queen
Carol Allan will be on hand to
crown the new queen. Voting
is taking place this week at
the school.
The-theme for the dance
which will begin
evening at 9 p.m.
Oriental Evening.”
Helen Muller
Susan Stretton
will be provided by The
Decorating of the entrance
way and gymnasium has
been going on for the past
two weeks under the
guidance of art teacher
Suzanne Bakich.
Tickets are $10 per couple
and are available at the
school or from any member
of the student council.
One of the Queen con
testants is the current
student council president
Pam O’Brien. Pam is 18
years of age and is in grade
12. She is the daughter of Don
and Donna O’Brien of
Pam is employed for the
upcoming summer months
at the Havasu Trading Post
in Grand Bend and will be
entering Fanshawe College
in London in September in
the dental assistance
In addition to her student
council activities at SHDHS,
Pam has been a member of
the ski club and has par
ticipated in gymnastics,
cheerleading and track and
The second grade 12
student is 17 year-old Fran
Thompson of Exeter, Her
parents are Joe and Mary
Fran plans to continue
grade 13 studies at South
Huron followed by more
schooling and eventually a
career in the travel business.
She is presently a part-
time employee at Zehr’s and
her hobbies include 4-H club
work and the ski club at SH
Also from grade 12 is
Helen Muller, the 17 year-old
daughter of Bill and Mary
Muller, R.R. 1, Crediton.
Helen plans to continue in
grade 13 at South Huron and
then to university to qualify
for a physical education
teacher position.
She is the athletic
representative on the
student council, a member of
the intramural committee
and ski club and an en
thusiastic participant in
basketball, gymnastics and
track and field.
The final grade 12
representative is Judy
Brittain, R.R. 1 Crediton.
She is 18 and the daughter of
Keith and Bonnie Brittain.
Judy has already been
accepted for a course at a
hair dressing school and
plans to start her own
Her hobbies are biking,
swimming, roller skating,
tennis ana travelling. School
sports participation include
basketball, gymnastics,
track and field and the ski
One of three grade 13
contestants is Susan
Stretton, She is the 19 year-
old daughter of Herb and
Norma Stretton, Hensall.
In the fall she plans on
entering the Diploma
Nursing program at
Conestoga College in Kit
At South Huron, Susan has
participated in volleyball,
basketball, track and field,
No crashes!
For the first time in
several months, the Exeter
OPP report that area
drivers managed to get
through a week without an
In addition, there were no
breakins or thefts to in
However, the members of
the local detachment were
busy and report “a large
number” of liquor seizures
and charges.
gymnastics, the ski club and
ia secretary of the student
Again from grade *13
comes Kgthy Willard. She is
18 and the daughter of
Eugene and Carol Willard,
R.R. 1, Centralia. Cathy
plans on attending Fan
shawe College in London
following SHDHS graduation
as a dental hygienist student.
She has been a member of
the school cheerl.eading
team for the past four years,
two as captain. In addition
she has been involved with
the Outers club, ski club,
been a prefect and has ob
tained Provincial Honours in
4-H club work.
Completing the list of
contestants ia 19 year old
Betty Beer of Hensail. She is
the daughter of George and
Lucille Beer and is a grade
13 student.
Betty plans to attend the
University of Western
Ontario in the fall in English
and French courses.
She is social convener on
the school’s student council
and involved with the music
club and the debating team.
She also has attained
Provincial Honours in 4-H.
One Hundred and Fifth Year
Conflicting story continues
in police
The trial continued this
week for Constable G. L.
Hine of the Burlington OPP,
charged last May 24 with
assault as a result of a
confrontation between police
and a group of demon
strators at Fleck
Manufacturing in Huron
The charge against Hine,
one of six officers to face
charges, is being heard in
Exeter before London Judge
Glenn Marshman.
During the week, a
number of witnesses from
Windsor have given
testimony. They were among
the over 50 demonstrators
from the Windsor Ford plant
who were involved in the
picket line at the time of the
Only one of the picketers,
Eric Johns, has picked out
Hine in the court room in the
initial attempt to identify the
He said Friday that Hine
was the one who hit Louis
Haggith in the ribs and sent
him sprawling to the ground.
On Monday, Andy
McIntyre, former president
of Local 1620 of United Auto
Workers, which represents
assault hearing
the Fleck employees at
Huron Park, picked out
Constable H. E. Guyitt as the
person who assaulted
Trouble comes
in finding fire
Exeter firemen were call
ed out only once this week,
but didn’t have any trouble
battling a blaze. In fact,
their biggest problem was in
locating the blaze.
A caller indicated shortly
before 5:00 p.m., Monday,
there was a fire in a home on
Kingscourt Crescent.
However, after driving
slowly along the street, no
blaze was discovered and
none of the residents could
assist firemen in the loca
The brigade eventually
returned to the fire hall.
Piecing the story
together, a firemen said a
caller had indicated he saw
smoke coming from a house
in the subdivision. The
caller had been up on a
ladder at the time.
It is believed that what the
person saw was smoke from
a barbecue.
McIntyre testified the
officer hit Haggith about six
times.. That testimony
conflicts with all the others,
including Haggith’s, who
recalled being struck only
Deborah Riley, a striking
Fleck worker, said on
Monday, that police ran into
the picket line holding their
riot sticks like baseball bats
and said they were swinging
their clubs at the demon
Some of the Windsor
demonstrators have ad
mitted to defence lawyer
Jim Donnelly that they were
marching in front of the rear
access doors at the Fleck
plant in an effort to prevent a
bus carrying non-strikers
from entering the plant.
While several media
personnel testified that they
heard a policeman issue
instructions over a loud-
hailer for the demonstrators
to clear the doorway, none of
the demonstrators admitted
to hearing any such in
The case against Hine is
expected to be completed
this week and the others may
then be adjourned for some
weeks, or even months.
PLACE IN TOP 10 PERCENT — Two students from South Huron District High School placed
in the fop 10 percent of a nation wide mathematics competition sponsored by the University of
Guelph. Looking over their results with teacher Wally Webster (Centre) are Paul Wein, a grade
10 student and Paul McAuley, a student in grade 11. T-A photo
are Barb Armstrong, Joan Skinner, Kate Haines, Sheila Eawards and Susan Zachar.
A large number participated in Sunday's skatathan sponsored by the Exeter Leos club. Shown from the left
“ ‘ T>A photo
imes - Advocate
erving South Huron, North Middlesex & North Lambton Since 1873Serving South
\ • -<:-
Developer seeks $25,000
3 ’ :A’Z ' J k k ?-' ■ x".‘. ' J
Price Per Copy 25 Cents
Town gets notice of law suit
__ . . . ... r . ji. j i J i n i tho chnnninrr nonfro mnv.
The Town of Exeter has
been served notice of a law
suit being- filed against
them in the Supreme Court
of Ontario by Hawleaf
Developments Limited.
Mayor Derry Boyle told
the T-A this week that town
officials have “been in
structed to say absolutely
nothing” about the suit, but
did report that the amount
named in is $25,000.
Last month, developer order which had been placed
Gerry Sprackman of
Hawleaf advised this
newspaper he intended to
carry through with his inten
tion of filling a law suit in
response to a stop work
A HIGH RIDE — Local youngsters enjoyed rides on the elephant at Monday's Martin and
Downs Circus at Exeter community park. T-A photo
Separate board extends
French instruction classes
The Huron-Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School board approved the
extension of the French
program in 18 of its 19
schools at a meeting in
Dublin Monday night. The
19th school, Ecole Ste Marie
at Zurich is a bilingual
Beginning in September,
1980, the oral French
program will be extended to
include grades 4 and 5 in
addition to the grades 6, 7
and 8 now taught French.
The course will be taught in
20-minute periods daily,
instead of the 40-minute
periods every other day as
now taught.
The ministry of education
considers the shorter periods
every day easier for the
student to learn French than
the longer period every other
William Eckert, director
of education, said that it will
mean doubling the dumber
of teachers to eight from the
4!,£ now teaching the French
program. He said the
teachers will be travelling
more miles, increasing the
mileage each day to 244
miles, up from the 219 miles
per day now.
In answer to a question
from Trustee Vincent Young
of Goderich about funding
the increased costs, Mr,
Eckert replied that out of the
four teachers hired, funding
would cover the cost of two of
them from government
Over 1 ,OOO
attend circus
The Exeter Agricultural
Society realized a profit of
about $400 from the Martin
and DbwhS circus held at
Exeter Community park
Monday night.
Fair board president Roy
Pepper told the T-A, “Good
weather helped make the
event a great success.”
Pepper said 563 advance
tickets were sold and 485
persons purchased tickets at
the gate.
Trustee Young
that would equal
Marcy noted that
from a
ministry of education article
he had found that in grades 4
that 44 percent of the
students in public school
were taught French com
pared to 78.4 percent in
separate schools; and in
grades 5 that 55.4 percent of
the public students received
French instruction com
pared to 81.1 percent in the
separate schools.
The board amended its
policy re kindergarten
children registering for
classes. Presently before a
kindergarten pupil can be
registered and admitted to
kindergarten for the school
year, a child must attain the
age of five years on or before
the 31st day of December.
Where there are sufficient
student spaces available in
the child’s school of at
tendance, a child who attains
the age of five years after
December 31, but prior to
Please turn to page 2
on a ladies dress shop which
was planning to move into
his north end shopping cen
This stop work order was
placed on the project by
building inspector Doug
The town was informed
Friday of the law suit and
council met to determine
what action to take. They
contacted the Stratford law
firm of Mountain and
Mitchell which has handled
some town legal work in re- at the shopping centre mov-
cent years, but Boyle said on ed to another location in
Monday that the matter has
subsequently been turned
over to their insurance firm,
Frank Cowan Insurance of
While town officials are
making no comments on the
matter, or what is
represented in the $25,000
figure, Sprackman had
earlier said any suit would
seek payment for the loss of
revenue which resulted
when the prospective tenant
Hay taxes increase
by over 13 percent
Taxpayers of Hay
township will see their taxes ‘
jump 13.5 percent in a
budget approved by council
Tuesday. Accounting for 8.9
percent of the increase are
the portions for the school
systems. An increase in the
Hay general levy to help pay
for the new fire truck which
the area fire board has
purchased accounts for most
of the remaining increase.
This year’s mill rate for
residential public school
supporters increases from
149.73 mills to 169.97 mills.
The mill rate for residen
tial supporters of the
separate school system will
be 171.24 mills compared to
152.37 mills in 1978.
The commercial public
rates jumps from 170.22
mills to 193.56 mills.
Separate school sup
porters in the commercial
sector see their taxes rise
slightly more from 173.14
mills to 194.96 mills.
Mill rates for the police
village of Dashwood are as
follows: residential public,
169.69; residential separate,
170.96; commercial public,
193.24; and commercial
separate, 194.64. Dashwood
taxes are slightly lower than
the rest of the township due
to the fact they pay for their
own fire, roads and garbage
On an assessment of $8,000
township taxpayers will
hand over $1,359.76 this year
compared to $1,197.84 in
The township’s 1979
budget has been set at $552,-
724 compared to $443,900 a
year ago. The following is a
breakdown of the budget:
^general government, $76,-
118; protection to persons
and property, $39,139;
transportation services,
$246,161: environmental ser
vices, $7,650; health ser
vices, $350; social and fami
ly services, $25; recreation
and culture, $8,900 and plan
ning and development $129,-
Total revenue from
government sources and
payments in lieu of taxes is
The total revenue to be
raised by the mill rate is
$705,429 which is broken
down into the following
categories: general, $188,-
044; county, $103,292;
schools, $408,872 and
Dashwood police village $5,-
another community.
In 1978, Hawleaf also
threatened legal action
when a stop work order was
placed on another of the va
cant facilities in the shop
ping centre. The Toronto
law firm of Siegal, Fogler,
indicated the size of that
suit could be up to $500,000.
That stop work order was
subsequently lifted when the
Toronto firm argued that the
completion of the interior of
the various stores within the
plaza was covered under the
original building permit.
It was suggested that the
town was both morally and
legally obligated not to in
terfere with or obstruct
their client from completing
the development pursuant to
the valid building permit
perviously issued.
In his discussion of the
latest stop work order,
Sprackman said there was
no doubt in his mind that it
was illegal, suggesting the
action taken by council in
1978 in lifting the first stop
work order was ample proof
of that fact.
A CIRCUS MEMENTO — Jamie Van Dam took home a
balloon from the Martin, and Downs circus at Exeter Com
munity park> Monday night, T-A photo