HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-05-24, Page 25Damages high in area mishaps Damages were listed at $7,200 in three accidents investigated this week by ’ officers of the Ontario Provincial Police detach­ ment at Lucan. Wednesday at 5:25 p.m. a vehicle driven by Maria Bouas, London was damaged to the extent of $1,200 when it struck a pole on County road 28. Vehicles driven by Brian Payson, St. Thomas and Betty Jenkins, Arva collided Saturday at 7:10 a.m. on Count,' road 20 at Concession 6 in London township. Damages were listed at $4,000. Damages were estimated at $2,000 in a one vehicle crash Saturday at 9 p.m, on the Cameron sideroad in London township. The driver was Julia Jackson, London. W.l. News Delegates to the 76th district annual of Middlesex North Women’s Institutes in Komoka Community Centre Tuesday for the Lucan Branch were Mrs. L. Ashton, district director, Mrs. Frank Goring, secretary-treasurer and Mrs. M.H. Hodgins, The theme for the annual was “It’s the Year of The Child, Let’s Be Involved.’’ BY LARRY SNIDER Steerf This Way Radial tires should be rotated every 6,000 miles for best results. Switch fronl and rear tires (or front, rear, and Spare) on the same side. Radials should not be crossed from one side of the carlo the other. * * * If gasoline mileage is lower than it should be, look into the automatic choke, If it opens too slowly, the result ir gas waste.* * * Steering problems may be caused by misaligned or badly balanced front wheels or by bad shock absorbers. Even worn ball joints may be the cause. * * * Rough idle? you may have a dirty carburetor. Relief may be as simple as a carburetor cleaner in your gas tank. * * * The DISTRIBUTOR is the device that controls the production of high voltage electrical current and distributes it to the spark plugs in the correct firing order. That's important. In a big company it could be a vice least. * Let us specialized vocabulary of auto care for you. You could call that customer com- munications. We call it service at Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer president, at * * translate the \ I ,NO Ed I .. Phone .... ,YES □ . Name ... Address . City.../..SPUTNIKS ARE CHAMPS —- The 'A' playbtt championship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowl* ing league was won by the Sputniks. Back, left, Beulah Storey Joyce Sovereign and Irene Brown. Front, Sandra Disbar, May Murphy and Lorraine Mosurinjohn. T-A photo The 'B' playoff championship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowlingWIN 'B' PLAYOFFS — The 'B' playoff championship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowling league was won by the Clandeboye Curves. Back, left, Debbie Glavin, Leana Rollings and Pat Hodgins. Front, Jean Hodgins, Aggie Groenwegen and Florence MillsOn. T-A photo 11 rhaose from over 38 floor plans in 2-storey, split-level, split- nr ranch style with 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms. There’s no down payment and a Muttart mortgage can be repaid in 15 or 20 years. All you need is your own lot and you can bulk! your home quickly and easily from complete, simple instructions supplied. brochure. [MtMtMtMlMMiMB To: MUTTART HOMES 281 Campbell S(.t Box 2016 Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7L1 a I I I I I ■ I have my own lot .. MR Ml RM Mt MR Ml MR MR RM MR RM FAREWELL TQ PRIEST —'Students at St. Patrick's Separate School at Lucan said goodbye to father Joe McGraw this week after nearly nine years at the parish. Father McGraw is transferring to St. Edward's Church in PJnt Edward. Shown above from the left are senior staff member John Van Vanderloo, grade five teacher Marg Forrest, junior student Shawn McAdam, Father McGraw and grade eight teacher John Ziler. LA photo Seniors invited to hold meeting at Biddulph during special week * . . _ . " were pyfpnripri tn it President Mary Kooy welcomed members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups of the Lucan senior citizens club to their weekly meeting on Thursday af­ ternoon, A letter from Wallace Church news Rev. Chauncy MacKay of Ilderton Pastoral Charge and Rev. Keith Brown ex­ changed pulpits Sunday when Mr. Brown was preaching the anniversary service at Birr United Church. Rev. MacKay, speaking from John 8:2-11 asked two questions “How do we treat those in our community who make mistakes? and Do we try to take a splinter out of our neighbour’s eye while we have a log in our own?” He said we should give all our love and sympathy, as Jesus did and we would want to be treated if we made a similar mistake. May the lessons taught by this parable speak to each of us in a real way, today, said Mr. MacKay. The choir sang the anthem “The King is Coming”, with John MacDonald taking the solo part. The potted mums were* placed in loving memory of their mother, Mrs. Isobel Young, by her family. Today, Thursday at 9:45 a.m. the Prayer and Share Fellowship will meet. Women of the Community are invited. At 8:30 p.m. the Couples Club will meet at the Lucan Lanes for an evening of bowling. Saturday at 9 a.m. the annual Bible Society Walkathon will be starting off on the nine mile walk. Are you walking or sponsoring walker(s)? If not, how about getting “with it” in this effort to raise $1,300 so the Bible may be printed in a new Eskimo translation? Church organizations will bring their gifts and tell what Mission work they are supporting next Sunday in the Dedication to Mission Service. Wednesday May 30 at 8:30 p.m. come on a “Trip to Germany” in word and picture, in the C.E. Wing. Everyone is welcome. Mark June 17 on your calender when Rev. Morley Clarke from London will be the guest speaker at the Anniversary Service, with special music by the choir. McLay, principal of Bid- dulph-Lucan Public schools, was read, inviting the members to hold their meeting during Senior Citizens week, at the Lucan School, when the children will entertain. The invitation was en­ thusiastically accepted and the members will meet at the hall for transportation at 1:30 Thursday June 21. A committee was formed to look after the rummage sale and sale of home baking, Saturday, May 26, commencing at 10 a.m., as follows Alice Hodgson, Rachel Tuke, Jean Miller, Dora Thompson, Kathleen Neil, Iva Hodgins and Percy Williams. ST. PATRICK'S SPEAKERS — The winners in the recent public speaking competition at St. Patrick's Separate School are shown above. Back, left, junior winners Margaret Mitchell, Karen Lemmon and Michael Arts. Front, intermediate winners Sean Rooney, Cathy Mitchell md Ann Van Bussel. — The winners in the recent public speaking competition at St. Baking is to oe m oy urao for pricing. Contributions for either sale will be gratefully accepted. Small items are particularly needed for the Rummage Sale, dishes, books, etc. Elnora and Louis Ray craft were welcomed back from spending the winter in California. Members of “The Band’’ presented brief programs for the Lucan Co-operative Nursery School on Monday and Friday mornings which were well received with the children, Miss. Allenson and two volunteer mothers taking part. Refreshments were served to the members who took part. Birthday congratulations Ji were extended to iva Hodgins, Earl Atkinson and Murray Shoebottom all celebrating on the same day. The lunch committee Elnora and Louis Raycraft, Dora Thompson and Laura Toohey, were thanked by the President. Euchre was enjoyed by the Sunshine Group with lady’s high score going to Mildred Hirtzel; lone hands, Margaret Alan; low, Verna Dowdell; man’s high, Lloyd Elliott, lone hands, Jean Miller, playing a man’s card and low, Lon Phillips. A table of bridge was also enjoyed with Ivan Stanley taking the high score. The Busy Buddies con­ tinued their basketry. Brownies host mothers, dads Three brownies, Tarn Sullivan, Kelly Vankerkoerle and Joanne Monger welcomed fathers, mothers and guests to their banquet Thursday evening, in the United Church C.E. Rooms. Following a delicious smorgasbord supper and viewing of the many displays written for “The Inter­ national Year of the Child,“ was ready by Bernadette Crunican. Brown Owl (Sharon MacDonald) introduced Tawny Owl (Nancy Reed), Fluffy Owl (Lori Fair­ weather) and Badge Officer (Linda Froats) Testers present included Dr. Lloyd Hall, Petkeeper Badge; Jim Robertson, Neighbour Badge, Bryan Smith, Toymaker Badge; Linda Froats, Collector; Mary Vankerkoerle, Knitter; Joyce Sovereign Outdoor Adventure; Beth Cowdrey, Needleworker; Chris Isard, Writer; Iva Hodgins Craft; Beulah Hardy, singer. A program was presented by members of the pack, consisting of a skit, the speech which won an award at the Biddulph-Lucan School, a piano solo, a talk on “Lord and Lady Baden Powell” which won the participant her Golden Bar, a talk on “Brownies in England” part of this Brownie’s Golden Hand Badge, a sextet singing two numbers and gymnastics routines by a first year and a third year student. Two audience par­ ticipation readings were given by Brown Owl, Sharon MacDonald “The Magic Forest” and “Dead Man’s Gulch”. Badges were presented as well as awards, as follows: Most badges - Tabatha Froats with 11 badges since Christmas. Six with most points - Shannon Shipley, Sharon Richardson, Laurie St. Pierre, Nicole Wilson, Theresa Morkin, Tabatha Froats. Best Groomed Six - Laura Lee MacDonald, Tammy Williams, Kelly Vankerkoerle, Donna Mit­ chell, Noele DeGraw. Attendance - Kristine Finlayson, Kelly Vankerkoerle, Theresa Morkin, Jane Holden, Sherry Smith and Tabatha Froats. CWL honours priest on leaving Members of the St. Patrick’s Catholic Women’s League met in the school library Wednesday evening, with new president Helen Toonders presiding. Mass was celebrated by Father J. McGraw who was presented with a C.W.L. plate as he leaves to take up a new parish at Point Edward. An “information letter” will be drawn up and copies will be left in the Church for newcomers to the parish. Members agreed to serve lunch for the Parish dance which will be held in the Lucan Arena on June 16. The final meeting for the season will be held in the gym in the form of a Pot Luck supper on Wednesday June 6, when Joan Allen, a Missionary nurse from India will be the guest speaker. All women of the Parish are invited. A membership drive has been commenced and will continue before and after all Masses on the 27th of May and June 3rd and also at the supper. The C.W.L. is open to all women of the Parish, 16 years and over and the fee is $2.50. It was decided to operate a “food booth” at the Lucan Lions’ club fair again this year. The graduating class of St. Patrick’s School will receive plaques at the banquet which will be engraved with “The Desiderata.” Helen Toonders and Secretary Elizabeth Huys attended the Diocesan Convention on the University of Windsor Campus on May 8th and 9th at which two resolutions were passed affecting all members of the C.W.L. First to have a directive sent to all Parish Councils concerning the “Pro-Life Movement” and second to ask the Bishops to adopt an annual Day of Prayer for the “Rights of Children.” Last but not least St Patrick’s C.W.L. asks members of the community to advise Mrs. Toonders at 227-4618, of any sick or elderly persons in need of assistance, so their mem­ bers may offer help. +Roll bp your sleeve to save alife,.. A 6LOOD DONOR. Times-Advocate, May 241 1979 Page 9A Business Directory C. HARRY ROPER, DX. NORMAN L. RQDER, P.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please G. H. WARD <& PARTNERS (Chartered Accountants 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner Manager A.W. Read, C.A. J-S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone Home Telephone 238-8075 235 1734 Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensail (519) 262-5515 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET suite 200 EXETER, ONTARIO 190 WORTLEY ROAD (51») 2274455 LONDON, ONTARIO J. A. NORRIS, C.A. 673-1427 Manager. L. d. GEE, C.A S. W. HOMUTH, C.A. Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years’ experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service rKOrll oT tArtrfltNCt Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER (C -ABRIC MASTER J) --------------------------CLEANING SYSTEMS -........................... Ed Lawson LICENSED AUCTIONEER EXETER ONT. We're Just A Little ’’BID" Better For Complete Auction Service Call Bus. 235-0541 Res. 235-0266 EXETER (Formerly Huron Carpet Care) 235-1451 We clean ordinary fabrics — BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN PROBLEM FABRICS with outstanding results. UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET RENTAL MACHINES — By Appointment free delivery & pickup within 5 mi. of Exeter. DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Realty 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 By Appointment Daily Evening EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates G. RANDALL PAUL . SEE US FOR A FULL LINE OF Office Supplies 1 Furniture & ; Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or In The North End Plaza I Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAI. ACCOUNTANT THE O1.D TOWN HAM. 022 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO TEI.t 6 I 0-2nn-22UH NOM 190 MT CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan B A R R 3. Dashwood Gerald A. Webb D.C Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 CONSOLIDATED SIGN & LIGHTING SERVICES INC. CREDITON PH. 234-6721 Complete Sales, SERVICE & Leasing We carry a complete stock of signs, Nell Romphf Bookkeeping & Tax Service Inc. ■ 254 Huron Street East Exeter Bookkeeping Service available Income tax preparation far Farmers &. Business Men 235-0443 lamps and ballasts. Town and Country Heating 24 HOUR OIL BURNER SERVICE FURNACES — CLEANED & CONDITIONED INSTALLATION OF NEW MAC Combination Eurnaces WAIT SKUTTLE Power Humidifiers CALL ... DAVE CHARLTON 294-0144 HURON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 1st & 2nd mortgages arranged Box 1341, EXETER, ONT. PH: LUCKNOW 1-528- 2016 147 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE P.O. BOX 1600 1(5191236-2211 NOM 1 SO •f