HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-05-16, Page 26Page 26 Times-Advocate, May 16, 1979 No burning local issues
Expect close race in Lambton-Middlesex
Liberal incumbent Larry
Condon says that there are
no local issues and no
problems in his riding of
Lambton-Middlesex. Condon
says that unemployment is
not a problem in this area
and there are plenty of jobs
available for those who are
willing to drop their stan
“You have to take a
realistic attitude, go to
another area until the one
you want opens up. You have
to improvise,” Condon says.
On the national scene,
though, Condon sees several
issues. He says that as he’s
been campaigning the
question he has been asked
most by his constituents is
about the Conservative
mortgage interest deal. He
says that along with the
people, he is worried about
where the extra money will
come from.
Leadership is another
important issue. Condon
says that Trudeau makes a
good prime minister
Larry Condon
* Sprayed in place Urethane *Blown Insulations
• Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs • New & Older Homes
It.It. 5 Mitchell 519-348-9376
Canada, and now he is well-
known and respected around
the world.
On the energy question
Condon says the Liberals
realize that Canada has to
grow. He says that self-
sufficiency for Canada is
now in sight — perhaps by
Condon has several pet
peeves he would like to
examine if he is re-elected.
He would like to see
Valuation Day brought up to
date from 1971. He wants the
capital gains tax examined,
because he says it is not
being handled realistically.
The price of a farm has
changed too much for the
1971 V-Day to be realistic, he
Condon also says he has
been fighting for two years to
help with benefits for
volunteer firemen, He would
like to see the amount of tax
deduction a volunteer can
put down for his clothing
changed from $300 to $1000.
Condon says this is his
eighth election, including his
.. years as a municipal
politician. He was mayor
and councillor in Strathroy .
some of his campaign signs
is just another example of
government interference
and “rights of an individual
being trampled.”
Fraleigh’s official agent,
John Eberhard, received
complaints from an election
official in Ottawa about
some of Fraleigh’s signs. It
is an offence to post cam
paign literature that does
not carry the name of the
printer or publisher.
Fraleigh says that the signs
in question were erected by
volunteers on their own in
itiative, and probably hand
made in their own
According to Fraleigh
“We had no money for lots
of printed signs.” The sign
issue is an example of the in
fringement of freedom
expression, he says.
than sell them off to the
highest multi-national
bidder,” Reynolds says.
This would improve the
country’s economy, accor
ding to Reynolds.
The NDP candidate says
that all the local issues are
national issues. He says that
problems in medicare
should be examined — “The
NDP instigated medicare,
we’re not going to let
anybody take it away.”
Reynolds also sees
leadership as an issue. Ed
Broadbent, he says, has the
capability to deal with unity
and Quebec. Reynolds says
that many of the con
stituents are saying that we
have to get rid of Trudeau,
and they don’t see Clark as
an alternative.
Condon and Fraleigh are
having a difficult time back
ing their leaders, Reynolds
says. Broadbent has stuck to
the basic issues — “He’s
appealing to the people and
the Toronto Star as a thinker
Grant Reynold*
Auction Sale
| Thursday, May 24, 7 P.M. Sharp |
| to be held on premises lot 27, cone. 3 |
| Usborne Twp. 2 miles north of Exeter =
g and 1 mile east & north, watch for g
i signs for Lloyd Reynolds. g
Massey Harris 22 tractor with loader pulley and E
E scuffler, M.H. hay baler, New Idea corn picker, g
E (Model 10) 42' Kingwise bale elevator, Hyarein 3 E
E PTH (3 x 14), #17 New Idea manure spreader, I.H. E
E lever harrows, rubber tired wagon flat rack, 20 ft. E
E aluminum Harvest Handler elevator with ’6 h.p. e
E motor, trailer, 3 PTH snow blower, 16' steel gate, =
E iron posts, 32' ext. ladder, steel drums, round hog g
E feeders, pig crate, hydro fencer, several sheets steel =
E roofing, 750 x 17 re'tread chev. wheels, complete e
E bathroom unit, fence posts, assortment boxes bolts =
E and other small items, partial listing only. g
= Terms of sale cash, cheques with ID. Not responsible g
E for accidents day of sale. E
E Lloyd Reynolds - owner E
g 235-1917 |
g 262-5515 |
and councillor
for ten years.
Condon says
running his campaign until
the last minute. He says he’s
using the same technique
he’s used to get elected since
1964 — knocking on doors.* * *
Conservative candidate
Sid Fraleigh agrees with his
opponents that there are “no
burning local issues.”
He says that leadership is
the main topic of conversa
tion in Lambton-Middlesex.
“There’s an anti-Trudeau
ground-swell in Lambton-
Middlesex, and my bet is it’s
a lot more than just this
riding,” Fraleigh says.
He says that some people
still have reservations about
Joe Clark’s experience, but
the Tory candidate explains
to them that Clark can make
the government work in the
way it was designed.
Fraleigh says that Joe Clark
has a team behind him, he’s
not a “one-man show the
way Trudeau tried.”
Fraleigh says that Joe
Clark will reduce the
amount of government in
Canada. He says it’s Tory
policy to cut back the
amount of involvement of
government of the in
dividual’s every day life.
The Tory hopeful says that
the recent controversy
he is never
and will be
Auction Sule
Antique furniture, appliances,
glassware, etc. for the Estate of Hartley
Managhan plus additions to be held at
Richard Lobb's Barn 289 Bayfield Road,
Saturday, May 19 at 12 Noon
Washstands, dressers, trunks, eight piece walnut
dining room suite with corner china cabinet and
Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, Admiral portable
colour TV, B&W portable TV, trunks, electric sewing
machine, small fridge, small freezer, press back
rockers, odd chairs, several small tables, antique
round chair, antique buffet, pictures and frames,
odd press back chairs, blanket box, beds, oil lamp,
dishes and glassware including antique pieces, sad
irons, pots and pans etc. plus many, many items not
mentioned. lERMbCASH
Clinton, Ontario 482-7898
Auctioneer or Estate not responsible for accidents
day of sale.
5 &S^iioria^es
to be held at the Rathwell Building
Sat., May 26th at 10:30 A.M.
FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: round oak pedestal
table & 6 matching oak chairs, oak bow front china
cabinet, oak drop front desk & book case, oak side
board, 54" walnut 3 pc. bedroom suite, 2 pc. living
room suite, walnut coffee & end tables, smoked
glass coffee table, 7 pc. chrome kitchen suite, 4 pc.
oak bedroom suite, two 5 drawer chests, oak
dresser, quantity small tables, wash stand, lady's
swivel rocker, floral rocker, platform rocker, RCA
Victor TV, 2 walnut end and step tables, 2 prism
lamps, picture frames, mirrors, odd chairs, oak carv
ed chair, pole lamps, swag lamps, lawn mowers,
appliances, large and small, kitchen utensils, 8000
BTU air conditioner, and many more items of interest
too numerous to mention.
GLASS, CHINA & MISC.: Large quantity of glass &
china, pressed glass, cups & saucers.
PROPRIETRESS: Pearl Campbell.
(519) 527-1458
and a leader,” according to
The NDP candidate says
that Clark’s mortgage plan
isn’t going to do much for
low income people. The
NDP scheme is better for
low and middle income peo
ple who are contemplating
buying a home, he says.
Reynolds says he would
work to help the small
farmers if elected. The
‘small farmer hasn’t had a
fair break from the old par
ties, he says.
Reynolds, who lives on the
family farm near Brigden
and has been an employee of
Polysar for 23 years, says he
has been campaigning since
he was nominated a year
ago. Reynolds has also been
on the executive board of the
Oil, Chemical and Atomic
Workers union, and on the
Sarnia and District Labour
| Saturday, June 2 12:30 P.M. g
| for the late Lyle Worden estate in the g
e hamlet of Staff a 5 miles south of g
| Dublin. g
g Choice property, 1 ’/2 storey brick home, large gar- E
E age, just 2 doors south of Sadler's General Store. =
E 1969 chev. 4 door car, full line of choice antique fur- e
E niture, china and household effects. e
E Listing in next week's edition. g
| Percy Wright |
1 KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 g
Judge okays week's delay
in trial of six policemen
Sid Fraleigh
Free, enterprise in
private sector will be
couraged under a Conser
vative government, accor
ding to Fraleigh. Govern
ment involvement will be
cut back in such things as
Air Canada and the post of
fice. Fraleigh says the post
office is a “big joke” now.
Fraleigh operates a fami
ly farm near Forest, and has
been a member of the On
tario Pork Producing
Marketing Board and the
Canadian Pork Council. He
was on Bosanquet Township
council for four years.
* X- X-
The New Democratic Par
ty’s candidate in Lambton-
Middlesex, Grant Reynolds,
says energy and resources
are the issues in this cam
paign. Reynolds believes
that if energy is properly
managed then unemploy
ment and inflation problems
will be solved,
“We should keep and
manufacture natural
resources in Canada, rather
With “great reluctance”,
Judge Glen Marshman
agreed to a one-week delay
in the trial of six Ontario
Provincial Police officers
who have been charged with
assault over a confrontation
with picketers at the Fleck
Manufacturing strike last
The adjournment was
requested by defence lawyer
Jim Donnelly, who told
Judge Marshman in Exeter
court, Monday, that he had
not had time to prepare for
the trials, which are ex
pected to take up to three
weeks to complete.
The Goderich lawyer said
he usually takes seven to ten
days to properly prepare a
case and had not had time
last week due to his in
volvement in a bizarre
criminal case on which he
was acting.
“It fully occupied my time
and my mind,” he said,
adding that a week spent in
his preparation may end up
saving the court that much
time in the length of the
Crown Attorney Bruce
Long argued against the
delay, noting that 12 days
had been set'aside for the
trials of the six officers and
he suggested it would be
impossible to get through a
substantial part of the Crown
evidence if the delay
He argued that Donnelly
had the full brief for the past
two and a half months and
noted that many of the 83
witnesses who were present
at the Monday court had
made extensive
arrangements to be in at
tendance for the three-week
Judge Marshman noted he
had the interest of the ac
cused to uphold and said that
a well-prepared case by
defence lawyers could save
court time.
He explained he was very
aware of the inconvenience
witnesses, many of
were OPP from
the province.
trials are now
to the
scheduled to get underway
on Tuesday, May 22.
The OPP facing the
assault charges are R. W.
Willmott, E. A. Moynes, G.
L. Hine, Cpl. Hendrick, H. E.
Guyittand R. B. Cox.
The charges were laid by
picketers who were on duty
May 24 last year when riot-
equipped OPP moved in to
clear a path for a bus
carrying Fleck employees to
the Huron Park plant.
SHDHS students
in plan seminar
KIRKTON POOL REGISTRATION — Children from Kirkton and vicinity who like the watery
world registered for swimming lessons Saturday morning at Kirkton. Making sure the Pool
supervisor Tony Kyle fills out the forms correctly are Sheila and Kerrie Oke, daughter of Bob
Oke of RR 1, Kirkton. T-A photo
There’s a group of people
located on the bottom floor
of the court house in
Goderich who have a great
impact on the development
of Huron county but who few
people in the county are
aware of.
In an attempt to present a
higher profile, the Huron
County Planning depart
ment has been conducting a
series of planning
awareness seminars in con-
juction with the geography
departments of some of the
county’s secondary schools.
Recently, Cindy Fisher of
the planning department and
past and present reeves of
Hay township and Huron
county wardens Anson
McKinley and Jack Tinney
conducted a planning exer
cise with South Huron
District High School grade
11 geography students.
Fisher said the purpose of
her visit to the schools is to
compile an urban/rural ur
ban land use kit for use
throughout schools in the
As an introduction, Fisher
presented a rural land use
game compiled by the Rural
Development Outreach
Project at the University of
Fisher said the game gave
the students insight into the
planning process on a
general level with the
students applying knowledge
gained from the game to a
discussion on the secondary
plan for Hay township.
Students learned about the
background which went into
the plan’s formulation and
then broke up into groups to
discuss a suitable land use
for a designated area.
The seminar which
operated over a two week
period then heard the
proposals of the student’s
groups with McKinley and
Tinney commenting.
Fisher said in general the
proposals which ranged
from development along <
Highway 21 to the building of
a greenhouse operation
north of Exeter in the
township ‘‘were good.”
Fisher added “It was an en
joyable exercise since the
land use proposal game
offered them the chance to
practice what they had
learned in the previous two
Some time latter this
month Fisher and student
planner Bryan Tuckey of
Exeter will return to the
school to discuss Exeter’s
official plan and zoning
bylaw with grade 11 and 13
I Richard Lobb
Sat., May 19 — Fur
niture, Antiques etc. at
Richard Lobb's Barn.
Sat., May 26 — Fur
niture, Antiques etc.
Chris Lenhardt of
Richard Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
MAY 16 Variety Store Kincardine 6 p.m.
MAY 17 House Mortgage Sale Parkhill 7 p.m.
MAY 22 Property auction & equipment, Clinton
6:30 p.m.
MAY 23 Mrs. Gladys Brightrall, property, antiques,
furniture, etc. Seaforth 6:00 p.m.
MAY 24 House power sale, Parkhill 7:00 p.m.
MAY 25 Commercial building sale, Fordwich 6:30
MAY 26 Pearl Campbell
Rathwell building Seaforth
MAY 29 Property auction - 5 building lots 100 x
150' 6:30 p.m.
MAY 30 Property auction, Orangeville 6:15 p.m.
MAY 30 Kincardine Business Auction
MAY 31 Property auction - Exeter 7 p.m.
JUNE 2 Ethel Beattie, property, antiques, furniture
etc. Seaforth arena 9:00 a.m.
JUNE 6 Seaforth Auction 6 p.m.
JUNE 9 Zurich Auction
JUNE 16 Business liquidation - machine shop. Strat
ford 10:30 a.m.
(519) 527-1458 J
Clearing Auction Sale J
Friday Eveniria May 25 - 6:15 P.M.^
. *
machine, 400 day clock, 1000 day clock, old bottles, ^4.
etc. ’’
Tent 18 x 9 (like new) other camping equipment, .
golf clubs and cart, fly fishing equipment, Cockshutt
666-1967 if
of antiques, furniture and some
for Mr. Karl Schroeder, Lot 8, Concession 9,
Stephen Twp., 1st road west of Crediton, Yz mi
HOUSEHOLD: Excellent 10 pc. dining room suite,
Kenmore dishwasher, wringer washer, dresser, beds,
TV's, electric sewing machine, red maple bed and
dresser, 22 ft. freezer, 24" electric stove, polisher,
dishes, pots and pans, linens, bunk beds, desks,
lamps, rugs, aquarium and pump, B.B.Q., record
player, German stereo, star burst clock, etc.
ANTIQUES: dishes, brass fire screen, crocks, books,
Mechanics Illustrated, trunks, blanket boxes, in
cubator, cedar chest, silverware, wine barrels, ice
cream maker, Boston rocker, treadle sewing
Tent 18x9 (like new) other camping equipment
grain drill, harrows and draw bar, cult., roller, silo
pipes and head, farrowing crate, tractor chains,
J.D. bean and corn planter, P.T.O. adapter and
shield, cream separator, 40' ladder, hedge clippers,
chicken wire, fence posts, gates, snow fence, tools
i etc., etc., 7’/2 h.p. roto tiller.
TERMS: Cash Sale Night
T ”“9a.F« °n Hderton Tom Robson X" 666-0833
4*4*+4*******.* +
300 50 lb boxes
galvanized roofing
nails. $8.00 pr. box
500 Boxes
Ass'td. Nails
per 50 lb. box
50' Children's
Wire Play Pens
Reg. $59.50
Sale $29.50
500 Rolls
Chicken wire
’/a Price
1500 Aluminum Storm &
Screen Windows
painted White Double Hung $18.00 each
Any Size in stock
Your choice complete
All Prices Based on Published Retail Prices
R Follow the signs to the rear of
f 820 Cabell St. London, Ontario
Mon. to Fri. 9-5 Sat 9-3
1500 Double Hung Wood Windows
400 Slider Wood Windows
200 Slider Thermal Aluminum Windows
100 Assorted Picture Windows
200 Pieces Kitchen Cabinets
, 200 Boxes 12'' x 12" Decorator Mirror Tiles
40% off
40% off
30% off
40% off
40% off
$8.00 per box
Ceramic sinks, Ceramic Tile, Shingles, Counter Tops
at 1 P.M.
voini wiiniMi
Auction Sule
of household furnishings, antiques and
mite. items on
Wednesday, May 23, 1979 1 P.M.
251 Carling St., Exeter, Ontario for Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Frayne.
chair, odd chairs, pole and swag lamps, B&W TV,
large consol stereo AM/FM record changer, sofa
bed, end tables, 8 pc. dining room suite, china
cabinet, buffet,table, 1 arm chair and 4 side chairs,
pictures, frames, & mirrors, Frigidaire & R.C.A.
refrigerator, Moffat Fiesta stainless steel electric
range oven on top, 4 burner pullout rack, rotisserie
and storage in bottom, excellent condition. 15 cu. ft.
deep freeze, odd kitchen chairs, Raymond sewing
machine, odd dishes, pots & pans, sealers, knick-
knacks, many other items.
LAWN FURNITURE — Chairs, umbrella and table,
2 chaise lounges, stacking tables, self propelled
tractor, 3 ’/2 h.p. with cultivator, plough, & snow
blade, 1 power lawn mower, 1 electric lawn mower,
several garden & lawn tools, rnany misc. items, and
some antiques and collectables.
For further information phone
Exeter 235-1964
| Estate Auction Sale |
| Household effects and collectors items e
g for the estate of the late Mrs. Rose g
g Isabelle Turnbull, 250 Main Street, g
| Parkhill g
g Saturday, May 26th at 1:00 P.M. |
| Selling will be the entire home furnishings including =
= chesterfield and matching chair, nearly new,- up- =
E holstered rocker; coffee table, end tables china 1
| cabinet, like new; RCA 24" color television; Pole E
E lamps; swivel rockers, mirrors; radios,-walnut corner E
E china cabinet; Gerhard Heintzman piano & bench in 1
E excellent condition; 2 piece bedroom suite with triple =
E dresser & bookcase headboard bed; Vanity dresser; E
E Single bed springs & mattress like new; Bathroom E
E space saver shelf; chrome table & 4 chairs; full bed =
E springs and mattress; G.E. 4 burner electric stove E
E with self cleaning oven nearly new; Woods 18 cu. ft. E
| upright deep freezer, new; Utility table Crosley 12 1
E cu. ft. fridge; G.E. wringer washer; electric fans; =
E vacuum cleaner, electric lawn mower; jardineres; E
E flower pots,- telephone chair; card tables,- set E
E siverware,- quantity of crochet yarns and craft =
| materials; quantity of towels bedding etc.,; reading |
E lamps; ottoman; lawn chairs; luggage,- bathroom E
E scales; 100 day clock; step ladder, bathroom sink =
| with double taps and wall bracket; arm chairs; e
E coffee and end tables; kitchen utensils and small E
= electrical appliances. ==
| COLLECTORS ITEMS old fashioned writing desk; 2 1
| new hand made quilts,- ink well; pine quilt box; high e
E chair; press back chairs; quantity of player piano E
E rolls; 2 captains chairs; Singer treadle sewing E
E machine; oil lamp; Arthur Peguenaut 8 day in- 1
| stitutional clock in good working order; parts of 1
E toilet sets; arrow heads and skinning stones; hay E
| knife; wooden plane and mallet; flat irons; demi E
E John; cream separator; copper boiler; cherry =
| dresser,- e
i Terms Cash plus 7% sale tax if applicable. B| Not responsible for accidents day of sale H
I Bill Elliot, Auctioneer I
| 1294-6759 Parkhill ' |
^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiniiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiii liliiilliliillll^