HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-05-16, Page 25RENTAL
4 - 4 or 6 cylinder Vi ton
- 24 months full
maintenance lease
commencing August 1,
1979 including licence
with maximum 40,000
miles excluding in
- snow tires for winter
driving to be included.
- replacement vehicle to
be provided for*
scheduled maintenance
and repairs.
- year and model of
- rate to be charged for
miles driven over 40,-
000 miles.
- any other restrictions
applicable to the lease.
- the total monthly
charge per vehicle in
cluding Provincial
Sales Tax.
Sealed tenders clearly
marked TENDER HU1-
79 will be received by
the undersigned until
4:00 p.m., Thursday,
May 31, 1979.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
B.G. Hanly, A.M.C.T.
& Administrator
County of Huron
Court House,
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 1M2
21 For Rent ■ 22 For Sale or Rent
OFFICE SPACE for rent.
Downtown Jocation 650 ^q. ft.
Call 235-0173. 20:21:22:23c
Building , 476 Main St. Exeter.
285 sq. ft. not partitioned. Heat,
light, property taxes and parking
included. Attractive rental rates.
Coptact A.W. Read, Exeter 235-
0120 or Grand Bend 238-
8075- __________20:21:22c
3 BOX stalls. Phone 238-
2777. 20:21:22c
mixers, power trowel, etc. Form
ties stocked. For more informa
tion call M, J. Corriveau, Zurich,
236-4954 after 4 p.m, week day.?,
any time weekends.________17t
FARM HOUSE available July
1, Phone 229-6674, 19:20:21c
Retired people. 3 meals included.
$11,00 per day. Phone 482-3685.
Holiday Home. Mrs, C. Van
Damme (not a nursing home) _
PROWLER, Golden Falcon,
Lionel, Bellevue, Boler Travel
Trailers, Hardtop tent Trailers,
truck Camper and Toppers, Sth
wheels Camp-Out Rentals and
Sales, Huron St. West Stratford.
393-5938. Closed Sundays. t27c
25 Notices
CHARACTERS Wanted - Part-
time TV commercials and mo
tion pictures. No experience
necessary. Must be serious and
able to read. For appointment
call 1-433-4841.____________20c
COOPER-NDP Information
Centre for Huron-Bruce. Exeter
229-6223. Seaforth 527-1860.
Published by official agent for
Moira Couper, Bayfield.. .
26 Legal Notices
This involves the grass
cutting of the sports
fields and surrounding
area. School lawns are
not included. Tender
forms are available at
the above schools.
The lowest or any tender
not necessarily
Deadline for submission
is 12 o'clock on May 25,
R. McVean,
Plant Superintendent
R.J. Elliott D.J. Cochrane
Chairman Director
In the Estate of
Ail persons having claims
against the estate of Myrtle
Tetreau, late of the Village of
Grand Bend, County of Lamb
ton, who died on or about the
17th day of February 1979 are
required to file particulars of
same with Deane & Laughton,
Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by
the 12th day of May 1979 after
which date the estate will be dis
tributed having regard only to
those claims of which notice has
been received.
Solicitors for the executors,
Exeter, Ontario _ _
Invites applications for the following positions:
4 playground leaders for 'SPARK' in Huron Park
3 pool staff - 2 aualified Instructors
(Huron Park) - 1 qualified Life Guard - no less
than Brome Medallion
3 playground leaders - Dashwood playground
All Applicants:
- must be 16 years of age and over.
- have experience working with children.
- preferably have special skills in games, sports,
crafts or music for playgrounds.
These three projects are sponsored under the Man
power, Immigration, Young Canada Works
Program and Experience '79 through the Ministry of
Culture and Recreation along with the Stephen
Recreation Committee and the Optimists of Stephen.
Applications should be forwarded no later than
May 25th to Lynne Farquhar, Stephen
Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Huron Park, On
tario N0M 1Y0.
For information call 228-6302.
, In the Estate of
All persons having claims
against the estate of Lloyd
Edwin Ray Hey late of Crediton,
Ontario deceased, who died on
ol about the 26 day of January
1979, are hereby notified to send
in to the undersigned Personal
Representative of the said
deceased on or before the 28th
day of Mey 1979, full particulars
of their claims. Immediately
after the said date the said Per
sonal Representative will dis
tribute the assets of the said
deceased having regard only to
claims of which it shall then have
Dated at Sjratford this 24th day
of April, 1979.
1 Ontario Street, Stratford
Ontario _ _
Auction Sale
of antiques, household furnishings and
misc. items on
Saturday, May 26, 1979 1 P.M. Sharp
274 Churchill Drive, Exeter, Ontario for Mr. and
Mr». Andrew Johniton, Exeter
(in case of inclement weather, sale will be held
at Exeter Rec Centre)
hanging fixture, old crystal chandelier, round oak
table with pedestal base, three leaves and set of 5
chairs, 48" round coffee table with pedestal base,
oak parlour table, small tables, 2 wdlnut side chairs
with needlepoint seats, upholstered walnut rocking
chair excellent condition, upholstered arm chair, 2
parlour chairs, organ stool, small vanity dresser,
small walnut foot stool, round oak hall tree, 2 old
walnut dresser boxes, music box, mantle clock,
walnut tray, pair Chinese vases, antique mahogany
medicine box, two copper planters, pictures, iron
hitching post, iron swan, mirrors, and frames, brass
shell, miniatures, fireplace tools, spoon box, door
handles, several pieces of silver.
CHINA — 110 pc, dinner set (Royal Doulton)
pattern, countes;S,6 pc. toilet set, Limoge cakeplate
and saucers, Adam platter, old signed handpainted
plate, salt and pepper, Dresden dish, 12 old
apothecary bottles, goblets, press glass bowl, many
other items. ~ .CRYSTAL AND GLASS PIECES — 10 crystal
sherbets with plates, crystal celery dishes, pickle dis
hes, pedestal cakeplate, parfait glasses, Irish coffee
glasses, brandy snifters etc,, 9 pc. liqueur set, demi
ions, old goblets, several Other pieces.
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — Chesterfield, chain
ottoman, portable B&W TV, table lamps, rugs and
mats, 2 chest of drawers (gold and white), arbonte
desk, 2 headboards, 2 - 2 door refrigerators, eld
mangier ironer, kitchen stools, electric floor polisher,
dehumidifier, 20" 2 speed electric fan, pots and
pans, dishes, linens, blankets, towels, games, 3
drawer letter size filing cabinet, adding machine,
Bell & Howell slide projector and magazines, electric
slide viewer, many other items.
GARDEN EQUIPMENT — electric grass trimmer
and hedge trimmer, garden tools, hoses,
wheelbarrow, 2 pairs of planters, 2 bird baths, gar
den statue, electric barbecue and tools, umbrella
with table and stand, garden chairs, Crpquet set, in
door fluorescent seed starter equipment, garden
books, 2 electric motors, saw horses, ladders, sump
pump, pinch bars, 8 sheets of panelling, Several bats
of insulation, snow scoop, snow tires, several cans of
cement paint, TV aerial, Other misc, items.
Norm whiting, Auctioneer
For Further Information Call
Exeter 235-1964
LADIES TAKE TO LINKS This past week saw the start of the golfing season for the ladies league at the Exeter Golf and Coun
try Club. While M. J, Chanyi starts a putttowardsthe hole, Betty DeBlock, Louise Giffin and Rena McLean look on. T-A photo
Lady Foresters meet
Several baptised at Granton
At St. Thomas Anglican
Church Rev. Mary Mills was
assisted by guest minister
Dr, Albert Johnson of New
York City who is attending
the Anglican Consultative
Council of the World, being
held at Huron College,
Dr. Johnson spoke on the
"Gospel, the Kingdom of
God”. The Great Chapter of
the Perth Deanery is being
held at St. Paul’s Anglican
Church, Kirkton, Tuesday
evening, May 29.
At the United Church Rev.
Elwood Morden conducted
the Family and Mother’s
Day worship and officiated
at the sacrament of baptism
when Susan Patricia Bryan,
daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Jeffery Bryan; Jason
Andrew Hardie, son of Mr. &
Mrs. Cliford Hardie; Ben
jamin Gilbert Kop, son of
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Kop;
MacKenzie Ryan Kenneth
Lambourn, son of Mr. & Mrs.
Kenneth Lambourn and Jill
Eleanor Muir, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Muir
were baptized.
Rev. Morden chose the
title “All in the Family” for
his sermon saying, “A
Christian Home is where all
activities centre around the
Master. What is a home, it is
not just four walls, it is the
oldest institution on earth.
Good parents are a priceless
blessing and there is no
substitute for parental
guidance, It can’t be done by
the Sunday School teacher or
the Church alone, it is the
responsibility of all. Thank
God that we are all a part of
a family.
Kirkton-Woodham Com
munity Centre, Saturday,
Keith Summers, Toronto
spent the weekend with his
parents Mr. & Mrs. Elmer
Custom Ploughing,
Cultivating, Spraying
Silo Filling, Swathing Hay or
rr 1 Grain. telephone
LUCAN 227-4323
| Clearing Auction Sale |
| Saturday, May 26th g
g to be held on property lot, cone. 5 east g
| end of Crediton ’/i mile north for g
| Jerry Acton. Tel. 234-6241. g
g TRACTORS — Fords 5000 and 4000 both units ex- g
S cellent. e
| TRUCK — 75 Ford pickup, 6 cyl. =
= CAR — 75 Mercury Marquis 2 dr. hard top. §
g 12 ft. wheel disc, 13 ft. Triple K. 10 ft. I.H. cultivator, |
E I.H. plow (4 x 14) 3 ph Detson snow blower, K.R. =
E manure spreader, gravity box, partial listing. h
H Full Edition Next Week E
E Percy Wright Auctioneers Gordon Kenny e
§ Kippen Crediton =
| 262-5515 g
Lady Foresters meet
Court Valentine Canadian
Forester’s, met at the
Mason’s Hall, Tuesday
evening. Sister Melba St.
Dennis presided, opened
Court and conducted the
Sister Sandra Hern was
chosen to represent Court
Valentine as their delegate
to the High Court convention
at the Holiday Inn, London,
July 8-11 when they will be
celebrating their Centennial.
Further arrangements were
made for the bus trip to the
Country Playhouse at
Grand Bend* ( to attend a
performance^ the “Owl and
the Pussycat” on the evening
of August 16.
All members of Court
Valentine will have tickets to
sell. Sisters Marjorie Mills
and Marjorie Morley con
ducted a penny auction for
cancer. Sister Edith
Youngson was the winner of
the Forester coffee spoon
attendance draw, and Sisters
Eileen Summers and Jean
McComb were the lunch
r Clinton Property Auction
We have been instructed to sell by
public auction valuable commercial
property and contents on
Tuesday, May 22nd
at the location of 54 King Street
at6:30 P.M.
r ^baK/trre//
Auction Sale
Consisting of property, antiques,
furniture, glass, china held at the
Rathwell Building, 77 Main Street,
Seaforth on
Wed., Evening, May 23rd
at 6:00 P.M.
Offering by public auction: a single storey 3
bedroom frame house. Livingroom with
fireplace, dining room, kitchen, den, 3 piece
bath, full basement, also single car garage.
Terms: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Subject to
ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: Early Canadian heavi
ly carved 3 pc. walnut bed with matching dresser &
washstand (tear-drop pulls), Early Canadian hall
stand w. marble top, Duncan Phyfe double pedestal
9 pc. dining room suite, 3 pc. walnut bedroom suite,
drop front mahogany clay-foot serpenting desk,
oval parlour table, walnut parlour table, walnut
what-not, rocking chairs, living room suite, tea
I wagon, walnut serving table, pine blanket box, oak
leaded glass bookcase, child's ice cream parlour
table & 2 chairs, upholstered arm chair, smoke
stand, gold Lady's chair, arm chair, brass lamp,
gilded mirrors, rug and underlay, Axminster rugs,
foot stools, 54" walnut bed, kitchen suite, pictures
and frames, odd chairs, fridge, stove, upright deep
freeze, washing machine.
ANTIQUE GLASS, CHINA & MISC.: 8 pc. pressed
gldss fruit set (Green Daisy & Button), Nippon
pieces, large quantity cut glass and crystal, pressed
glass and quantify of china pieces, silver tea Set &
approx. 20 pieces of silver, brass rail and fireside
;et, Adams set of silver, pearl handled pieces, large
Election of stamps ana approx. 100 piece collec
tion of silver and other coins. Many more other in
teresting items too numerous to mention.
PROPRIETRESS: Mrs. Gladys Brighfrdll
(519) 527-14SS
Time»-Advocate, May 16, 1979 Pag# 2S
Z) tioneeri Licensed and bonded established
X 8 years. Location 138 Main street, Ailsa
Craig. Garry Goodfellow Auctioneer. Cash
X paid for anything saleable. Complete es* Ajj
tales. Sell or consign to one of our auctions
-y held in London at the Lamplighter Inn every
two weeks. Mixed consignment auctions
held periodically in Ailsa Craig. Farm sales, K
Restates, bankruptcy stock. Complete li- X
kj quidations. Free appraisals and pick up X
^service. Member national auctioneers
association. Phone for your next auction. Xj
IJa Complete auction service 293-3444,
X Garry Goodfellow Actioneer X
ft 138MainSt. ft
v Ailsa Craig X-
Congratulations to
Margaret McGuffin who
placed first with her history
project “Churches of
Granton” and also to John
Cook who was placed first in
the “Group Display” with
Mark Scott, John also took
second place for his history
project Pioneer Tools at the
Science Fair held at Bid-
dulph Central School on
Thursday of Education Week
April 26.
Sincere sympathy is ex
tended to Mr. Earle Mid
dleton on the loss of his
brother the late Alvin
Middleton of London who
passed away at University
Hospital, Sunday, May 13.
Mr. & Mrs, John Forrest
and their daughter Mrs.
Jane Kiezyk have returned
home after spending the
winter in Arizona and New
Don Middleton, Toronto
spent the weekend with his
parents Mr. & Mrs. Earle
A number of residents
from Granton and area
attended the Canadian
Forster’s dance at the
16hp.~35 Hp.
Huron County’#
Kubota Dealer
SEAFORTH 527-0120
COMMERCIAL property consists of a 30' x 60' new
cement block building and a 30' x 50' building, all
situated on part lot 48, & 74, plan 23, lot sizes: 40' x
70' and 40' x 65'. Property to be sold at 7:30 p.m.
TERMS: certified cheque or cash for $2,000.00
down, balance in 60 days. Subject to reasonable
pgtjg tvb.TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: 1 ’h.p. up-right air com
pressor (new), air floor jack, Conas 10-10 tire
changer, Atlas 36" lathe, Red Devil pressure washer,
2 ton floor jack, Lincoln welder, acetylene torch, oil
change equipment, jacks, chain falls, Marquette
battery chargers, benches, vises, tap and die, pipe
threaaers, hand tools, air axle jack, engine jack,
snap on testing equipment, two 3 h.p. electric
motors, 2 aluminum extension ladders, quantity of
aluminum doors, hardware, fridge, upright freezer,
fire extinguishers, motor tuners and acces.
OFFICE EQUIPMENT: desks, 3M photo copier, file
cabinet, calculator, cash register, chairs.
INVENTORY: exhaust, brackets, belts, pipes and
accessories, complete windshields, wiper unit,
battery accessories, batteries, tune up centre, oils
and additives, tires, air and oil filters, and others.
(519) 527-1458
We have been instructed to sell by Public
Auction valuable property. The sale to take
place on the premises at the hour of 6:30 in
the evening of Tuesday, the 22nd day of
May 1979, the lands known as part lot 15,
concession 1 in the Village of Kippen, Coun
ty of Huron.
The Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor's
agent at the time of the sale by way of
deposit $2,000.00 by cash or by certified
cheque, on or before the 22nd day of June
1979. Adjustments are to be made as of the
date of closing. The Purchaser shall search
title at his own expense.
On the premises is said to be erected a 40'
x 60' metal clad building, consists of 5
building lots of 100' x 150'; each. Highway
location and has possibilities for commer
cial value.
Inspection of the property may be had from
5:30 in the evening on the day of sale.
Further particulars and Conditions of sale
may be had from Mr. Bruce Rathwoll (519)
(519) 527-14*8
Auction Sale
| Saturday, May 19, 1 P.M.
g to be held at 220 William St., Exeter
gChoice real estate, furniture, antiques and
| dishes, plus household effects for
g LLoyd Reynolds.
g REAL ESTATE — 1 storey brick cottage, kitchen
= built in cupboards, dining room, living room, 2
E bedrooms, 3 walk in clothes closets, 3 pc. bathroom
E with vanity, sunporch, utility room, basement, oil
= furnace, covered entrance porch, large garage with
E black top driveway, lot 150' x 50', large garden, 2
E blocks from downtown shopping centre, this proper-
= ty should be seen prior to time of auction.
E TERMS: 10% down at time of sale, balance in 30
H days sells at 3 p.m. subject to a very reasonable
5 reserve bid,
| FURNITURE & ANTIQUES — China cabinet
g writing desk combination with top mirror (Solid rare
== piece), dining table & leaves, 3 pc, bedroom suite
E commode and dresser, dresser, key hole desk (ex-
E cellent), exceptional old rocker, corner cupboard,
1 dining chairs, press back rocker, trunk, 3 press back
= chairs, cupboard, selection old picture frames, 1927
| MAYTAG WRINGER WASHER, nickle kettles, 6 gal.
E glazed crock, other crocks, chesterfield & 2 chairs, 2
§ large comfort chairs, Electrohome record player,
= day-bed, 2 radios, G.E, fridge, G.E, 24" stove,
g Zenith 21' deep freeze, Zenith electric sewing
E machine cabinet model (new), B&W TV 21" Large
E wardrobe with drawers, bird cage on stand, kitchen
= utensils, many other items.
S CHINA — Good assortment Nippon, Silesia, RS
j= Germany, hand painted, Prussia, Englis bone china
S cups & saucers, souvenir plates, mustard dish,
E Royal Albert, Queen Anne, selection 1847 Rogers
E silverware.
fl saw, 2 garden tillers, large assortment tools, mobile
E leaf catcher (like new), Coleman space heater, par-
§ tial listing only.
== TERMS; Cash Day of Sale — Cheques with Iden-
E tification
H Accidents: Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will
= be responsible for accidents or property loss,
g Lloyd Reynolds, Prop.
g Exeter 235-1917
| Percy Wright
| KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515
of Three Tractors, Large Farm
Machinery, Misc. Items
for KEN SCOTT at Lot 27, cone. 7, Fullarton
Twp., 4 miles south of Mitchell on No. 23
Highway on
al 12:00 NOON
Consisting of — Allis Chalmers 185 tractor with
cab & heater; duals sold separately; Allis Chalmers
170 tractor with cab & heater; David Brown 880
tractor with loader; Gleaner F "bean special" com
bine with cab, 13 ft. cut bar and pickup; 4 row 35
inch corn head with rasp & spike cylinder; Inter
national No. 275 fourteen foot swather with auger
table; International No. 45 eighteen foot vibra
shank cultivator with harrow attachment; Inter
national 40 plate 12 ft. disc; No. 10 International 16
run hydraulic lift seed drill; International No. 400
four row air planter; 12 Ft. Turnco packer with long
tongue; A.C. 13 ft. wheel disc; A.C. 4 row 3 pt. hitch
scuffler; Brady No. 700 seven tooth chisel plow; A.C.
semi-mounted 4x16 plow with automatic reset; Allis
Chalmers 3x14 inch plow with category one and
two hitch; Geo White 300 gal. trail type sprayer
with 23 nozzle boom and heavy pump (used one
season); Spraymotor 3 pt. hitch 100 gal. sprayer
with high pressure pump, 19 nozzle boom and at
tachments for disc; 6 inch Malco 41 ft. PJO. double
belt drive grain auger with hopper; two 250 bu.
gravity bins on heavy duty wagons (new); J.M, fer
tilizer auger and hoses; Mauer 4 row bean puller;
Innes No. 570 bean windrower; A.C. P.T.O. manure
spreader; grader blade; New Idea 7 ft. single auger
snow blower (hydraulic chute); New Holland No. 26
blower (nearly new) with some pipes and clamps;
Smalley 11 inch hammermill P.T.O. driven and 25 ft.
of pipe,- 6 sections of harrow and pole; 2 sets of four
sections of harrow and pole; 1000 gal. water tank
on wagon; 5 inch grain auger 28 ft. long with 1 H.P.
motor; New Idea 7 ft. mower; A.C. P.T.O. side rake;
18 ft. Brentford trailer with air brakes and grain
rack; P.T.O. grass seeder; 2 sets of sleighs; gas
driven water pump; portable air compressor (new);
power hack saw; drill press; Comet electric welder;
milk cans; snow fence; hydraulic cylinders; lumber
and wagon load of small items.
TRUCKS — 1966 No. 1700 International truck with
14 ft. grain body, hoist and tarp 1965 1600
International with 12 ft. rack; above trucks are
running and in good condition and will be sold as is.
NOTE — This is an outstanding offering of well kept
farm machinery. Plan to attend. Lunch counter
operated by Russeldale Hall. Proprietor and Auc
tioneer not responsible for any accidents.
Farm is sold
TERMS — Cash on day of sale. Cheques accepted
with LD.
KEN SCOTT - Prop 348-9107
FRANKLIN BlIUCK - Auctioneer
Milverton 595*8821